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Posts posted by Fawlks

  1. Shield? Need a high amp everything in order to be effective with shield. Shield is for pro, need high amp, combo understanding (important), and a shit load of experience playing arena... solo.



    ::)  If not that then stick to 2hand.


    Pro =/= rich some times ;)
  2. Deathknight has even a longer range skill: pull. The kiter will be a fried chicken.


    Ye, but when u pull a range class, he just blind/root dk, and threads have a BIG coldown, when root/blind hv a small one

    Insult me as much as u wish , if you r saying true things.


    You  talked about Dark , and well , he was tallking shit about Hassn after he ampled him for free... so , how can you say he never asked anything?


    It was funny to read.


    And so , think twice before saying stuff like " he never ask anything to hassn (nit like u do)... lmao!

    .You even dont know me dude!


    p.s. Hassn asked me to join AoA long time before i left ABC , and him why he wanted me in AoA ;)


    If u want to insult me , keep going  stranger , i don't care ! :D

    Have a nice day!


    U dont know read? He talked before know Hassn. And Hassn talked with Dark first, saying he was good and wanted Dark in AoA, also amped him just to go and win some arenas with Dark. If u dont like how Hassn make friends, go talk with him, instead of talking shit about people u dont know.

    thats stupid


    Stupid is ppl like u begging for friendly and "dogging" with them
  4. Clean your mounth before talk to me , and as i said to Nia , make sure of wat r u talking about before talk/write.


    Well, u can insult other people for an reason u dont even know about, but nobody can insult u back just cause u can buy coins?
  5. For you , " rich" ( buying some m.coins doesn't mean a person is rich) and "poor" people can't be togather or it means automatically dog ?


    Some of you guys in general gave me cancer calling some of my guildmates "dogs" just becouse they are in party whit Hassn/Spanish/Gexg/Me.


    Everybody is free to do what them want , the only compulsory thing is do everyday daily quests.


    Funny u say it, before u left Abc to join Hassn again u was calling people ,who just talked with Hassn, dogs, like my friend Darkarc who never asked anything for Hassn (not like u do).

    Now idk why Hassn invited u and now u saying bullshit about rich/poor ppl

  6. Whar? Its a story of a day in a monster lifes, not all Warspear story. If u didnt have creativity to creat a story, dont cntrl+c and cntrl+v other other to get more lines...

    And this "snake head" is a male or female?

    " Medusa knew I would

    need something more than his hair bla bla bla" what? U would need? What a shit story... Better u rewrite it

  7. Опубликованное фото

    Hello, my name is Alexander Corvinus, i am a Death Dealer, also knew as a Vampire.

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    My father, Earl Shtrug, is our lord, and i respect him a lot. However, he cant even know my relationship with my lover, Selena.

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    Cause she's family and mine are enemies. So, we decided keep our love hidden.

    One night, in my way to find my love, i found something smelling well, and yes, it was blood, fresh blood.

    I ran fastest as possible to that delicious taste, and it was there! In midle of the bridge.  A cup full of blood!

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    Didnt i know, it was a humans trap, when i tryed drink it, 4 vampire hunters came fast, and atacked me!

    I was almost giving up the fight, when i remembered my love, Selena, and she gave me strong enought to atack back and run away from there.


    I just reach home when i knew, by a friend, that Selena's father was planning marry him with one of his lords, sir Lucio.

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    I couldnt believe it, my sweet love was promissed to marru with other, i couldnt allow it!


    In that same night i talked with Selena and we decided left our lifes in name of our love.

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    Then, we rode my horse, Phaton of the Night, and went in search of a new life...


    Finished, comments ^^

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