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Posts posted by Fawlks

  1. Dont listen to him. He troll guy  ::)


    It a hopefull topic  ;D


    No, its not.

    All class have strategies, hes just saying he loves firstborn and hate mountain clan.

    All classes have negatives and positives points.


    Priest and Necro - realy almost same, but necro its good just for farm lab

  2. ANSWER: its really simple if u look at the enchants and not at the dmg  ;) u see dmg/sec r same for dagger or sword but swords r meant for pvping a melee not a ranged attacker.. cuz swords has parry and u cant parry vs ranged attackers  :give_rose: so u will gain 1 enchant in using dagers which is critic or att speed depends which dager therefor parry bad vs ranged attackers and daggers r better cuz ull deal same dmg/sec + bonus.  :drinks: 2xdaggers


    Until he heal all ur damage and kill u...

    Ps: not all swords have parry

  3. anyway cant change skills why?

    poison effect can apeal without deadly or mayby if poison eff works only when u use poison XD nah that be op XD


    Why op? Druid have it on bees.

    I think necros will still be underused and underpower...

    Just see how many necros have now...





    U know diference on mc and forsaken?  :yahoo:
  4. pls dont tell me you just said priests beat and priests OP against priests :facepalm: even with new mana.consume most necros i face DO reach0 mana with if you word powers cuz they noobs who just smash the skill buttons when they see the fire :facepalm: but after that with 1 nightmare their mana reach almost 50%.while my mana regen disabled till nightnare ends cuz mist necris has 36-33 mana regen lol :facepalm:

    while the smart necros who knows what mana burn does they have immortale mana which beat me to 0 mana with them have +50% mana :facepalm:

    im not saying necros are not underpowered cuz of new mana consume but they are NOT against priests they still gods of mana to priests so im just saying it wont be fair to make a necro skill target a priest skill only which isnt OP against necro maybe it reduce mana use by 30% so it reduce the skill consume by 30% NOT the word effect so the 30% mana consume of word power stays 30% :drinks:


    Im not saying priests are op, im saying necros are up (underpower), i just mencioned priests to dont reduce too much mana cost to overuse it to priest skill, to this skill still work.


    U've played with priest. Try now witu necro and u will see what im talking about.


    And necros just have +3 points on regen mana, what means +1 on fight.

  5. i like the low mana cosume part though it may fair the necros

    but reduce priest word effect is just..... not good

    i mean first you cant make a skill with an effect just towards a spacefic enemy skill also word power is one of the easiest skills to avoid in game just dont smash the skill keys when you see the fire


    Its not to reduce priest word effect, its to reduce mana cost of other skills, to solve problem criticed on this topic: forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=80234.0. Cause its unbalanced against all other suport classes. Necro is the weakest class on pvp, u know necros dont have chance against priests or other range classes now. If u count forsaken population, 45% is dk, 45% warlock and 10% necros!

  6. My sugest is to change a skill of Necromancer, Deathly Eye, which isnt change nothing to necro's build, and solve other 2 problems: his unbalance against priests and high mana usage.


    My idea is a new skill, i may call it Dark Aura (yes, like paladin's Light Aura), this skill would be like Light Aura, but istead of improve heal, decreases mana cost of Necro and his alys on his party.


    To dont useless priest's Word Power, it would decrease just 50% of Word Power's increase of mana cost. Ie: If Word Power increase 50% of mana cost, Dark Aura would decrease 25% of mana cost.


    With this those classes will be more competives among them. And when i saw a necro as my partner on arena i wouldnt cry anymore :D

  7. but merc+stealth now almost have same dmg against blessing+power shot if both hhave same dmg

    also rogues can have +30% dodge and that is alot lol if they max the dodge skill


    Rangers can have high dodge too.



    If rogue given longer stealth be wont hit him even 1. Recently in 5x5 It came down to 1x1 bd vs rogue where as bd full hp and rogue half hp and mana almost over, yet he killed him with that so called 'double' defense, simply gauge and stealth. Rogues already have enough potential, and melee can never beat ranged, if he starts kiting.You complain about ranger? Face a druid he will not let you stealth at all; warlock, nothing to say :facepalm:; shamans, mage, necro, priest. Think of the meelee who got only defense as main power and yet most have 0 resistence to dark sun and moon ( don't tell me 5% matters).


    1. Mana almost over and he used gouge+stealth? =O


    2. But druid/shaman/necro/priest have lighting clothes, and they dont have high critic/dodge like rogue/ranger

  8. This is unfair, why shaman and warlock have AOE stun and damage, why druid not? Please give druid mega stun to all enemy with 5x5 radius, and make earthquake caused with no damage, with stun only. Only firstborn has no AOE skills, at least make ranger can put multi trap with 3x normal size of trap. This is really unfair we elves always got stunned and die. Since BD has no shield equipment, so please make BD can do 10xDOT hamstring for balance that barbar can drain 50% HP in 1 charge. I think you are half-hearted to weaken Mc cuz they are still OP OP OP OP like pvprange said.


    Ye, make Death Knight with a spear strike that hit 3x3, hiting 50% of enemy hp and healing 50% of it (25%) dk's hp to get balanced to druids too  :drinks:
  9. you cant admit that rangers trap is only usefull when ranger is smart tactical and rogue is ultra dumpass for falling in it and you also cant answer me a real answer cuz you just know im right

    so post fancy jokes wont help you :facepalm:


    No, if u dont fall in trap or fall and gouge, then u atack him and he use trap again and run, so u run back, dont make nothing, or run for him falling in trap, anyway he will atack u...
  10. 1. Its too easy to a ranger kill a warlock, 2 rangers kill him in a second.

    2. Some arena maps its hard kill a warlok, but others u just need wait warlock uses circle than atack.

    3. Shaman is hard to kill, but druid is hard too. Shaman have 1 blind skill and 1 no-movement skill, rangers/magicians/dks still can atack him. Remember druid heal/hit more

    4. This 0 damage on rogue its a bug --'


  11. ;D LOL...


    its just...

    B: HI


    A: HI


    B: BR?




    B: :(


    A: ??


    B:Plz can u give me 300 gold for repair?


    A: ok (exchange)


    next day....




    Looool =P realy true, some times i find one and:


    Me: Hey man, need help in kratt?


    Me: Heeey....

    A: Br?

    Me: --'


    For money askers:

    When i was newb, i asked for a repair one time to a guy, now we are friend who hunt together \o/ and i help him with gold

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