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Posts posted by EpicNinja098
yea but 2-H swords, axes, and maces are stronger than their one handed counterparts, so they would rlly be even stronger and unfair to those that cant use 2-H weapons
phone got wet ill re-download the game in fourth block and play a while :pardon:i dont see u ingame that much now
Face Story
in Tavern
:rofl: ill edit it soon dont have time right now working on research paper
thats lame i use chat way to much to be randomly quieted
:lol: :rofl:awww yes.. almost forgot :facepalm:
we wouldnt have this issue if there was 1 on 1
Face Story
in Tavern
4-4 last shot-midshot- flashback(two days ago)
It was a bitter cold day of Janurary. :dirol: was feeling his bowl with cereal(fruit loops :blush: ) thinking about wheither or not to skip work that day. On his way to put the milk back(the one with the red top :blush: ) he noticed a moving van outside :shok: . his first thought was his best friend ;D ,who nvr stopped smilling, was actually moving away like he always joked about, but he noticed that it was parked outside the old jenkin's manor(anyone know where i ripped that off of) not ;D house so :dirol: felt :fool: . while studing what they had in the van he saw O:-) and knew instantly he had to talk(and possibibly date) her. Suddenly his alarm went off which meant he was late leaving the house, so he wnet to close the door when he noticed he had droped the milk and it had splattered all over himself. On his way to go change he had decided to skip(to go "meet" O:-) ) but when he got to her assumbed house the van was gone and so was O:-) . Seeing this he went and knocked on the door, and when no one answered he opend the door and found the place empty so he decided to check all of the rooms. after checking all the rooms he decided it was just his imagination. on the way out he a staircase leading to the secong floor, which was odd bc the house wasnt big enough to have an attic let alone a room. on his way to investigate everything wentdark. when h reached for his flash light he realized it wasnt there neither was the rest of his body. then slowly a light began to creep from out of the darkness until he could feel his body but see nothing but a misty-greyish color. then O:-) appeared from behind the fog and said"u are to b my champion and when the time comes u will know what to do" when he tried to ask what she meant he was back on the stairs with no recalling of the vision(but he remembers it in flash back) on his way back home hears a swish and spins around to see O:-) cheering "you made the shot you made the shot".
today i lost my battleaxe :shout:
so i went and kicked an elves @$$ :aggressive:
he asked for help :sorry:
then got beat with a belt :'(
cried to his mom :cray:
got strapped to a bomb :shok:
he only had five hours :wacko:
wound up six feet under sum flowers O:-)
my bad meant symbian(head was in the clouds :fool: )i stopped playing on ios i now play on computer when i get a chance have played in a while though :cray:
if u want OP clas get a ranger i dont hvae one though i have a barb and blade dancer(both tanks)
Face Story
in Tavern
Fourth chapter
on their way back from the bar :diablo: reappeared but with 8) , :dirol: 's older brother.turns out 8) and :diablo: were very angry at :dirol: for going out with O:-) . 8) bc he was jealous(bc he's single)and :diablo: bc O:-) is his daughter. :dirol: sees this and makes a bet saying "if u can beat me at hoops i will stop seeing O:-) best of five wins" . :diablo: went first and go 3-5 then 8) got 4-5 and :dirol: got.........to be continued
i stopped playing on ios i now play on computer when i get a chance have played in a while though :cray:
:shok: :shok: :shok: :shok:
is warspear availble on kindle fire?
:blush: devs its a good idea
Face Story
in Tavern
3rd chapter
after the :aggressive: O:-) was :bad: for weeks. :dirol: saw this and confronted :diablo: . :diablo: said :dirol: was :crazy: . :dirol: was :shok: then :aggressive: :diablo: to the ground. :diablo: could only :'( bc he lost. :dirol: demand he be free with O:-) and fix O:-) face from their :aggressive: . O:-) felt immensely :blush: after the :aggressive: so O:-) and :dirol: went to have a :drinks: .
:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:kinda off topic though...im off for 3 days and we are talkin about flying birds?! and chenoble?!?!? can we just let the russians and their upsidown birds in pieace. think of the poor bird how does it go to the toilet?
prices really depend on who ur selling or buying from/ either they will be stingy or generous who knows :nea:
ud know what'd be funny. if like five lvl 10's take down a pvprange in cave(since hes so pro he can just 0n3 5h0t 360 qu1ck 5c0p3 them) :rofl:I Now find myself revenge killing noobs ( gankers, jumpers ) in pvp cave now :facepalm:
Many low lvls are now either.. attacking without signals, jumping in on pvp fights, using pots or just plain jumping people with their friends.
I Have found myself killing these players who do any of this to me.. i kill them on sight in pvp cave for half hour or hunt them right up to their respawn point.
Rules need to be re-established.
FYI people.. if a rouge gouges you ( or anything alike ) and walk away leaving you with 100hp of health. Dont run back to them and kill them. They were doing you a favor and saving you that walk :facepalm:
pro is playing black ops with a python only while lvl 50 prestige has a famas and win with the python(with no mods thank u) :dirol:Why you think yourself so big? the real pro player must never die, never lose with balanced class, have all best equips and never make a mistake. you make one every post you write, i guess it's time to stop talking like that.
PS: Didn't find any change in ranger's defense, if you find, rogues will find too since they use same gears.
:rofl:Hes more angry than grumpy..
get bored and help me kill druid "please" :rofl: real talk though i need to kill that &*$%#$!*%$ druid :drinks:When im bored i just go to first island and as ppl if they want some help ;D
there should be a way to lvl up how well u use certian armor and weapons like on skyrim :blush:
snorlax why u change avatar :blush: wtf :shok:
Well-Tried Baton Looks/Design
in Technical Support
for rare weapon it looks like u could get that at lvl three or start with it
btw this should be in suggestions