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Posts posted by koodpl

  1. w 2 tygodnie idzie ale to dla no life-ow.

    Ale jak chcesz to masz tu sposob: bijesz non stop mobki z zielona flaga np guardingi czy inne takie drop sprzedajesz do shopu oprocz tego wartego 1g bo ten mozesz sprzedawac w markecie np po 30sztuk 400-700g. Oprocz syfu dropia tez kulki ktore tez sellasz w markecie

  2. well, this game is a bit different from most mmorpgs. that feature could be abused. and the current system allows us to switch chars quick enough. just use the "remember password" feature and uncheck it when you are done playing. Seems easy enough,


    Ok but sometime u forget to disable it.

    This change character button is optional for all

    if you do not want this to use, just do not

    use. I think many ppl will be happy with this.

    I hope it takes just little time to do it and will be added soon as possible in game

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