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Posts posted by Ungeziefer

  1. Na verdade eu já conhecia esse site, mas nunca tinha comprado por ele. Muito boa a sua iniciativa de compartilhar essa informação aqui no fórum, pena que muitos jogadores br's não leiam o mesmo.  :cray:



    Ps: Esse é o segundo post seu que eu vejo você tentando ajudar outros players, então +1 Kharma é mais que merecido.  :drinks:

  2. No shit bro, Don't act like such a pop star, That is called persuading, they are persuading you to go to MC and then that's it, bye bye bieber fever, maybe they go One Direction fever.

    But seriously, don't act like a pop star, I experienced the same thing when I made my rogue, everyone gave me presents and told me to stay MC etc etc.

    But anyways, if you are going to move to MC, please don't act like a smart ass kid saying shit like " Calm down, it's just a game "

    Hmmm where was that Racist topic you cried about then Warlunatic  and Alonso started making you cry even worse than when Zac Effron got his ear pierced :lol:


    Welcome to Mountain Clan,

                Bieber hair


  3. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:  Villiamo got sphere, maybe this was lvl 18 weapon  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

    Опубликованное фото


    Oh! I see who was the sneaky one stealing Blue Eye.  :facepalm:
  4. well....when u make "hitler" in this game,i dont think its against the rule(i know 2 yet,devs dont care,so i think its ok) ,but in a jew game it wouldnt be ok...but in this case: allah is not a players enemy or whatever,its just the name of a god of 1 religion in this game,where many religions exist.so as long as nobody insult their god i dont see any problem.


    You're right about Warspear rules, but just a muslim knows what it's an offensive thing for his religion. Let's respect each other dudes.  :good:
  5. i have ss of where i do all dmg and my partner dc...and the opponents cant do 1 hit on us lol....nothing new...happens every 5th fight with me :facepalm:


    But you are a ranger, you aren't an OP BD.  :blush:
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