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Everything posted by Mangekyou

  1. Seriously? Do not tell me!! He up there said that my argument is not valid, so I went to the playstore And I commented on my opinion, I was sent to the forum, then I came to the forum to give my opinion on the skill Which in my view totally favors the legion side, and the answer I get from moderators is that they will exclude my topic because it does not contain valid arguments . Congratulations to you perfect organization, you know how to listen to the players too much, the answers are 10/10 anyway My opinion was given, you delete it here I post it on the playstore and that's it
  2. I'm just trying to get you to look at a skill that doesn't do what it should do.But if you give me the contact of the leaders of the company I guarantee that I stop talking to their pawns In an x1 it's a lot I confess, but in a gvg this is nothing, let's admit it I don't want to force change I want you to look and say: wow, we really need a nerf! Not necessarily now but in the future we’ll fix it, or give me a valid argument that you’re Balanced.
  3. friend, seeker can't pull just because he has stum everywhere, before pulling he is stunned and killed The healing of both is instantaneous, not equal to that of the shaman who heals every 3 seconds Are 3 my son, and the onslaught lasts what? 3 seconds? Let's compare, barbarian lasts 12 seconds cacique lasts 6-10 seconds (since for each dbuff removed it increases by 1 second) The reason is simple: in the Portuguese forum you do not listen, I go to Google, there are only bot answering Then I come to the official forum to see if I get an answer, you pretend to be innocent Pretend you don't see it, and another one I do understand everything you say is okay
  4. Our controls let you use basic attack, healing potions, some let you use skill, while your control is infinite and won't let us click Seeker +15% Penetration + 20% Critical Shaman -25% penetration/Critical / accuracy.bd + 20% damage on basic attack; chief -50% dmg and speed ... Omg Debuffs are bigger than buffs Oh, I am scared! So are you administrators going to close my topic for telling the truth? I went to Google you sent me to the forum.if you don’t want to hear I go back to the playstore and put 1 star saying you don’t want to hear the players . Let's see who loses the most, you or me No, it's just reality
  5. In return, you have thousands of negative effects, it's ridiculous, shaman applying dbuff Every 3 seconds Redemption you use one every 20 seconds + or-
  6. The difference is simple, in a gvg you have shaman healing a lot in the area, barbarian reducing damage, chief reducing damage, shaman reducing various parameters of attacks, this makes the warlock to be Immortal ._. um é ensinado se você destruir completamente o feiticeiro, você também pode usar um bladedancer que é capaz de correr através dele sem qualquer problema, o paladino pode simplesmente pular além dele (mas pode ser difícil, é melhor usar um bladedancer pois ele também é capaz de lidar grande dano em pouco tempo) você pod Explain to me how to get to a warlock, if before it has 10000 stuns in the area, Bd has 3 resist, We received about 10 per second, Agora tells me, how to get to it and kill it, not to mention the effects Damage reduction, penetration, speed, accuracy, etc. 5 Stunned players, putting 20 warlock you have practically infinite stum of just one class
  7. In a gvg seeker barely pulls a random player, do you want him to pull warlock? Which is positioned behind? You want time we want to balance the power level on both sides
  8. Mage? magician has 1 ennobling every 30 seconds that only works on 1 person and lasts 6 seconds, let's have common sense and assume that it is wrong Our area control is hand-to-hand and it is currently impossible to get close to the legionaries Since it has a lot of control and in area
  9. We will give you time, when you give us a Balance , a Adjustment in all Factions, after all the administrators receive it for that, right? So why don't you leave redemption in one area for a second too, balance the game Does the redemption apply an immunity buff, if Mecham, will you be supporting the "legionaries" forever?
  10. I'm talking about her staying 12 seconds in the area, silencing continuously and reducing the Magic defense of all targets within 80%.30 seconds of cooldown is a low cooldown for a skill that lasts for 12 seconds.Is there any way out of the effect area? has! But in a gvg it becomes almost impossible Thanks to the huge amount of control and damage received.
  11. Templar moves away, and stuns for 1.5 seconds, has a silence that picks up in an area 2 meters from the character and cannot select, let's see the warlock, basic stum for 6 continuous seconds, silence and Magic defense reduction by 80% for 12 continuous seconds.I know you can leave the area, but in a large-scale event (70x70 for example) there is no way to move, then there are 2 options or reduce the time of these stuns or fix the redemption ability So that she can remove
  12. I think the legion side has a very strong combo.while the warlock controls enemies, the shaman heals and the chief deals great area damage.Since the control of the warlock is the greatest control in the game area, the shaman's cure is the greatest cure in the game area.And the chief having a lot of defense, in addition to the other classes that apply various negative effects, so the legion side is very benefited in relation to gvgs.A possible balance is to reduce the control time of the warlock, make the totem of different shamans unable to heal the same target, and reduce the chief’s defense a little, because after all he already has absurd damage, still having defense is too much
  13. In my opinion, some skills need to be changed, such as the "weakness zone * which reduces the" Magic defense "parameter by 80% on 4/4.Of course, this is not the only skill that needs to change, there are many other skills that end up giving a huge advantage to the classes
  14. leave your opinion on the current "balance" of the game, we will understand both sides, legion and sentry
  15. Я хотел бы знать, когда вы сбалансируете игру, потому что, если это займет слишком много времени, я перестану играть и вернусь, когда вы сбалансируете
  16. Em troca diferente dessas classes que geralmente usam esquiva para se defender ele tem um aparo que basicamente ninguém usa...e esse tópico é sobre o totem do xamã não de bd
  17. This ends up giving a huge advantage to the "legion side"
  18. was to remove, and if I moved I would end up acquiring the debuff again
  19. The priest's "redemption" ability has a bug where it does not remove debuffs from the abilities "dark circle" and "weakness zone" of the class warlock,Since it was to remove any negative effects
  20. Então meu amigo sinto dizer, mas é você que não sabe jogar, pq eu vi vários x1 de xamã e nunca vi um cair tão facilmente
  21. Lógico que é, esquivar é uma forma de tankar amigo, do mesmo jeito que bloqueio e aparo
  22. Bate 2k,okay mas de que adianta se existe rogue que esquiva 3 a cada 4 ataques, cacique que faz 2k virar 200, bárbaro que faz 2k virar 100, xamã curando 1k+ na cura básica acumulando até 2, com isso não adianta nada ter dano, e ele só entrar qd bate em manequim
  23. Realmente, existem classes como rogue por exemplo que graças a esquiva tanka muito e causam mto dmg, tipo cacique né com aquele couro, precisa de um equilíbrio
  24. Bárbaro tem dano , uma defesa q faz penetração ser inútil , um dano absurdo pra um tank , o maior enobrecimento do jogo e bd tem oq? O tendão que se vc resistir quebra ele no meio, 3 resistir que da pra remover aplicando efeitos negativos, pfvr né, vms encarar a realidade
  25. ele tem provocar mas não tem nenhuma skill defensiva (alem de um escudinho), ja tanks em geral tem alguma skill defensiva ( como a pele de pedra e o último desejo)
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