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Posts posted by PvpRange

  1. Me preferring on Swords Only..Not Thought about axes yet :)


    "I prefer swords" Would of been the correct way to write that sentence.  I can tell your foreign because all foreign people say,  "Me walked me dog today "  instead of "I walked my dog today" .


    No offense just trying to help you understand your mistake.  Does anyone know why foreign people say "me"  instead of "I"?

  2. They would get arena gear by..... OMG... winning matches. Do people actually save up arena points to buy gear by losing? I surely hope not.


    I very much doubt that is a bigger problem then what I am talking about.


    If anything I would say ending arena points for losses would help poor people. As it is now only the super rich players have a chance at tournament seasons. It is not about skills at all... which a poor person can have, its about massive amounts of tickets and pots.. which a poor person can not have.


    Actually...  I bought Pvpshamans full 19 arena set from all loses at naked arena LoL  :lol:


    I used glad pots, it was quite fast. 



    But I'd have to vote no. Seems like your being selfish just like Kernlabba was. He could beat almost everyone in 2x2, the poor players need a chance and need to have fun too.

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