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Posts posted by Xmelliodas

  1. 36 minutes ago, Vinagre said:

    Here is the problem about mobility!
    Now we have:

    The seeker who can walk faster
    The mage who can jump
    The paladin who can jump
    The blade dancer who can rush
    The rogue who can jump on target
    The barbarian who can jump on target

    Pay attention, we have 4 classes with mobility mechanics on the Sentinel side, and all those 4 do not require a target to gain Square meters of advantage when moving to an objective.
    On the Legion side we have 2 classes who do need to get a target to move forward.

    So during Guild vs Guild games if it's required to reach a point faster, even with the 30 seconds skill lock on the mermens trials, during the whole match, the Sentinel side will have a big advantage getting someone there first, always!

    There is no way if you have to walk 200 Squares into a line any class from legion be there faster than a seeker/mage/blade dancer/paladin! this is the problem, they will reach the position first, even if they get wiped as many from the legion, they will be able to reach the objective, fight again faster! this is not fair!!!! Legion do need more mobility just as Sentinels have!

    The lock skills at the start of mermens trial if very fair but it do not solve the imbalance we have when someone can revive and get back into battle faster then the other side!!!! 
    Please take a note into that!!!

    Vdd ,o lado sentinela tem uma grande vantagem em mobilodade

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