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Collection Album


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Id like to propose the idea of adding a collection album to the game. It would be a new button in the menu somewhere under *character* or something.


The album would then be divided into - skins, costumes, trophies, equipment. The album would have a full list of items for each category,

but only collected ones can be previewed on the your character, lets say costumes or armor. 😛


Costumes and Skins are self-explanatory, they would be added to your album once you have them in your bag, same applies to all other equipable items.


Trophies - items that drop from critters, this is just an eh idea.


equipment - everything from rings to bows to helmets etc. This section would be again divided into every kind of gear.


For those who like to collect items this would be an awesome feature in my opinion, and I would be really happy to see it implemented into the game.

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