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The blacklist must be also here. There are several noobs in game, who must be punished.

Example: player_name(FB/MC) [reason]

So if you know any bad player then write it here. I will be updating the blacklist.




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Everyone have his own blacklist.. No point to write it here. Personally i have just one elf team in blacklist. (some ppl know who they are)

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The blacklist must be also here. There are several noobs in game, who must be punished.

Example: Today while doing daily quest I was disturbed by Freakz. He stolen my item cargo 2 times while I was killing puma.

So if you know any bad player then write it here. I will be updating the blacklist.





Yes, like some greedy people who attack people near bosses, irony for you write this
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I remember when I was at rank 3 Inferius stole my loot while killing puma 2 times. In that time I was collecting yellow flower. I choose to keep quite because still noob at that time  :facepalm:

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like awwww?  :crazy:


Awww can't loot boss alone, forget who strike first?

he is doing that in revenge to you after your team killed them with kratt and moons didn't get update to quest because died.

also Yesterday your team hunting element in MC land, so kill awwww barb when he is doing quest,  so yes, he now disturb your boss hunt.

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He first started this on lake elemental :P after we fought with you in kratt and yesterday again he attacked us on granite boss. but this is normal because elves and Highlanders are the enemies ;]

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For some reason I can't read this without seeing a picture in my head of a child that's complaining to his mother about a mean man who stole his lollipop.

Stop worrying about such things. It happened to me numerous times. Tell him in game or do the same when you get the opportunity. Remember, such people will eventually ask for help, and then... >:D

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We killed you because you killed our boss. Helping enemy clan was big mistake...

And Slay here is like all bru and indo in TibiaME. Who played it knows what i mean.


And this topic is created to show who shouldn't get help in game. But you started war here...

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We killed you because you killed our boss. Helping enemy clan was big mistake...

And Slay here is like all bru and indo in TibiaME. Who played it knows what i mean.


We know,  you killed us because your greedy for loot and frustrated we killed for quest, what's new? atleast you write true motives.

Some Elfs / MC with a brain don't actually give a crap about being enemies, some think outside the "Attack mentality " and are friends.

Any idiot can attack someone, but to hold back or make alliances to achieve same goal is true control.

Attacking on quest is different from fun mass war, it's sneaky rat move.


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Hoahmmm... Such a baby boy... Cry loud... So everyone knows... Wat a shame makin a post like this... Make ur private server n no one will disturb u

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We know,  you killed us because your greedy for loot and frustrated we killed for quest, what's new? atleast you write true motives.

Some Elfs / MC with a brain don't actually give a crap about being enemies, some think outside the "Attack mentality " and are friends.

Any idiot can attack someone, but to hold back or make alliances to achieve same goal is true control.

Attacking on quest is different from fun mass war, it's sneaky rat move.


well said sulla i play both and nevr will attack elf or human unless provoked ok nooooooooooooooooooooooobs  :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
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elves should stick together .. do not fight with your team .. one of the main themes of this game is a war between MC and FB :P

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Stop it guys! Its just a game and now from pvp we dont have nothing to gain:) personaly i dont aprove pvp on quests. First me and my friends pvped mc but now we all ok. Better help each others till arena will be functionaly:) thats my oppinion ;)

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We killed you because you killed our boss. Helping enemy clan was big mistake...

And Slay here is like all bru and indo in TibiaME. Who played it knows what i mean.


And this topic is created to show who shouldn't get help in game. But you started war here...


For your information that I am NOT a TibiaME player.

I dont like that cute game. And why you mention about nationality, is that bothering you?


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...and the Award for the Most annoying elf goes to Pinoy.. mate you`re a jerk.. killed me 3 times in a row while I was alone on a quest..  :nea:  either you are a kid with complexes or you just love to be annoying, don`t you?

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add to list

-Aks  :facepalm: [multiple stealing]

-Indonesiak [multiple stealing]

-Bycakir (MC) [killed katherine on quest, disturbed on quest]

-Legolassz (MC) [try kill katherine, disturbed on quest]


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Attacking while we were blocking berenger guards, instead of blocking to help the elf team kill guards, they atk mc.. double fail.

werent even enough mc to kill berenger, so i was blocking for scourage team.






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  • 2 weeks later...

-Lump [when completed quest shadows of berengar did not help the rest of the team]

-Pilott  [when completed quest shadows of berengar did not help the rest of the team]

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Haha I remeber that noob when I was rank 4. He always run in fight 1vs1 or fight with npc


btw I add Jakeblack (FB), he tried to steal heaven stone when I was fighting with griffin

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BLACKLIST:Freakz(FB) [multiple stealing]

Speedrulez(FB) [disturbing Mirage quest and insulting]Pinoy(FB) [killing MC player on quest]Aks(FB) [multiple stealing]Cheguarva(FB) [disturbing MC in berengar's guards quest]Toad(FB) [disturbing MC in berengar's guards quest]Nigra(FB) [disturbing MC in berengar's guards quest]Indonesiak(FB) [multiple stealing]Jakeblack(FB) [multiple stealing]Lump(FB) [when completed quest shadows of berengar did not help the rest of the team]Pilott(FB) [when completed quest shadows of berengar did not help the rest of the team]Arip(MC) [when completed quest shadows of berengar did not help the rest of the team]Bycakir(MC) [killing, disturbing FB player on quest]Legolassz(MC) [disturbing FB player on quest]


Most from asia. Ain't that irony?


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First sulla I still have that game and love the pic two I don't mind endurance fights one on one but your party pissed me off when you were myth ganging up on me , i still don't bother humans unless attacked first and I make sure to tell others to stop if unprovoked attack on humans.


I have a list of alts that started killing then camping elves.


I like pvp but still follow treaty if want start a party war pm me or slay we can set it up so its fun and not a pissed off fest.

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yes i did hit first and i'm sorry for this i have mistaken you with another guy. i hope you wont bear me a grudge :). i assure you that no one from our party will attack you again.

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elendin [MC] attacks the elves doing daily quests, and he is proud of that.. he told me about this.. :fool:

on screenshots part of our conversation, and confirmation that zjemcie is elendin :diablo: but we can see that he was admitted to this  ::)

conversation in Polish language so inferius will understand  ;)


previously talked more about it;]


a little not exact translation but it should be enough


ekler: I do not remember

zjemcie:under those villages, I attacking only single elves

Siwers:under villages?

zjemcie:and if there is a group of elves I escape

zjemcie:side of the elves

Siwers:they do dialy..

Siwers:and you attack them..


zjemcie:I'll tell you something

zjemcie:rather write

zjemcie:everyone but everyone deserves to die elf

zjemcie:you too hehe

Siwers:neighed .. attack on the daily quests ..

Siwers:We helping you and you do such a thing

zjemcie:elves killing me in respawn

Siwers:what's your nickname?

zjemcie:the nadir did not take spawn statue





Elendin:Help your elf

Sivers:zjemcie is your character ?











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No problem at all was just pissed your party did that. I have let you guys have sat it with those who attacked elves just stood there told them to stop attacking and watched the carnage as they recruited more like idiots when attacked unprovoked.


Eledin doesn't when he sees me alone he tried attack solo and with party before, didn't work



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why some noobs just dont undestand, i got killed in a boss while helping enemy, after that i started hunting humans and now i m at the black list, because it i just hate noobs at all, i will be hunted but i will kill every human i can kill  :diablo: . Also, put elfkiller in black list, such noobs have to be hunted  :facepalm:

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why some noobs just dont undestand, i got killed in a boss while helping enemy, after that i started hunting humans and now i m at the black list, because it i just hate noobs at all, i will be hunted but i will kill every human i can kill  :diablo: . Also, put elfkiller in black list, such noobs have to be hunted  :facepalm:


1. where you with toad's group?

2. what MC killed you at boss.

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You killed my buddy: Krylancelo and Elfezz.

What they did wrong to you?

Or what your goal by did that?

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Elfezz attack us at Gridaur awile back with komodo from peace area they striked when we start combat boss, and killed my rouge sulla at Nadir yesterday, so he diserve it.

kyrlancelo i dont think he attacks us at all, why marcin Опубликованное фото

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I think they ran into each other @ elemental and Elfezz was with them so Marcin killed him.. on which they attacked him.. at least this is what I heard.. wasn`t there...

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