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[2012.10.03] «Warspear Online: Crossroads of Destiny» 3.1 released!


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yea.... it used to be a war game, now mcs and elfs are questing together in swamps like wtf, rename the game spear instead of "war"spear -_____-


peacespear :D
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common guys dont complaining to devs team about the game play... devs team have a mission to make their own goal in this shit. if you say "this is war game" then go to make war with your enemy... and dont be like farmer to collect all item that you want, even you had got all you want, then what will you do then? shitting on me? common... move your asses when someone need help or back up their shit.

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are you farmers kidding with me now? :facepalm:



Please answer this question as honestly as u can;



do you think selling a lvl 18 item for 1 million gold/ 50-100 signs is a fair price everyone could afford? :facepalm:

as bloodylipa said, one day our level cap is gonna increase, with even better items compared to lvl 18 items.

i remember before arena items/lab items were introduced lvl 13 items were OVERPRICED too. i remember one weapon could cost around 200-300k each,

:facepalm:  people did cry about this change too, when lvl 13 items decreased in value. Time passes, and must we, no need to cry about items being "worth" less than before. :facepalm:  like anyone would buy them for 100 signs anyways :facepalm: :facepalm:  prices seems more fair and more people can afford them now, JUST MOVE ON guys, Jeez seriously


Listen to this guy. He has a brain ;)
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Now if they get good equip from the quests then they wont be noob anymore now would they?


i wanna see them in farming and in pvp then, doubt theyve changed
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This is like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off randomly running around looking for their head.


Restore the unity devs, if you want this game to survive its what needs to be done.


LOL on the headless chicken.....and yeah...restore the unity....
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1.scrl reapiar now 29mc

2.Mobs increased hp

3.more harder in selecting of lvl18items

4.durality of items decreased


:crazy: :crazy: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


if its that i quit of game  :facepalm:
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I am in no way complaining about people getting gear in the game nor the market. I have farmed plenty enough and still welcome the swamp, my entire point that I don't think people are grasping is the style at which this game has changed since swamp. Before it was working together to accomplish goals and the loner had to work a little harder to get what they want. Now its just all about loners getting lucky. What makes that fun? Isn't the goal in a war/mmo game to accomplish things as a team? Sure I randomly find my clan and we help each other but for 5 minutes? Why do factions matter if enemies are working side by side and not uniting with their own faction to accomplish their goals? This is the point I'm trying to get across. I could give 2 shits less about the way the economy has crashed and the rich are getting poorer, I welcome a more even playing field but this is just chaos and one simple switch can fix it... Get rid of random teleporting... Bam fixed.

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Hydra seems harder and keeps disapearing before we get chance to kill it, is this bug or is it just this hard now?

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not bug. its harder then before and i love it. coz ppl will be upset early and back to normal life. shitting in the town and showing up their item. and if anyone ask helf to them suddenly disappear :facepalm: .

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Listen to this guy. He has a brain ;)


i am not a farmer. but i am gamer. i know in all of MMO the price of item will be up and down depend with the situation. at least i only use arena and cc item. and i never cry out about the price for sure. if i interest in that item then i would buy.

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i dont care about the reward had change or not :rofl: . i have try 10 minute and i never get out of that box. always tele in the same place :rofl: . bugs is like meat and blood in the MMO never been split out ;D

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Now only quest with 18+ exp give lv 18 itens,hydra have a ducking high health,more garbage on reward system,but,i think its better,we still have a chance,and the game can return slowy the economy

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I am a lvl 14 mage. Still 14 after new class because I was FORCED to solo. no other player would team up. im glad for it, even in swamps i can get any help :-(

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why this topic didnt get closed yet ? i think devs want to hear our comments. and they changed somethings i think it happend cause of our comments. anyway... i got many 18 items too. but really i prefer farming. because its more funny. trying tactics, running, killing they are making this game awesome. but now need to luck only. its only lame. some ppl got 18 set who couldnt go to b3 even. i think devs should remove doom weapons from noob quests atleast.

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well in my opinion thanks to all of the negative opinions the chance of good stuff has significantly dropped why would you complain? you had a chance as much as "noobs" to get the same drops and if you already had them you could sell/trade them.... who cares if the price dropped if you already had all the lv 18 gear you probably already had lots of gold for selling one item at a huge price. so overall i think you were just complaining that you were being threatened that you wouldnt be the strongest anymore.... well at least now youll have more of a challenge

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:facepalm: Hydra with 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 HP with timer  :facepalm: :facepalm:

Just cant kill it before gone with just one party + to get there need luck...3 party gees  :facepalm:

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now that hydra has 1mil, 1.5mil, and 2mil hp...

remove time limit on it

or make it drop lv 18 equips


its hard enough to get 1 pt there

if we need 3 to kill it make it worthwile... sux to go thru hell for shitty items



they design without testing it  :facepalm:  noob

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Better Hunting  :facepalm:  than do hydra qs

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no more lvl 18 dropes /? :facepalm: 

why iam unlucky  :facepalm:  new updeat i got only lvl 16 17 runi and res( no got lvl 17 drop ) for quest reward a  lvl 13 mask and noob gears lvl 18 ranger mask breakout give me wtf

and now new island 2 camp chang drop no lvl 18  17 only lvl 15 drop ? wtf ? :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:


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Not a really good news for Apple iOS users: version was rejected by the testers. The reason are changes in the rules for applications in the newly released iOS6.


Estimated date of release in App Store - 17th of October.

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