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Alma de Ouro / Soul of Gold


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I used the translator, sorry any mistake:forever_alone:
Soul of Gold
Long ago, there was a legend that during the battle for the castles in Ayvondil emerges a mysterious entity that wandered freely through the castles, exterminating everything and everyone who dared to cross its path.
He was an old knight who lost his life trying to defend his castle from the invaders. His thirst for struggle and effort to bring victory to the kingdom was so great that he was able to "come back to life."
The villagers called him the "soul of gold," a warrior who carried in his armor the rest of the ashes of his castle that burned thousands of years ago, and being the strongest of them all also has gold in his armor symbolizing the value of his soul that still struggles for the will to exist.
Then, every day, the strongest guilds try to invade the castles, but none returned alive, all were decimated by the knight. Even today he maintains his position as a defender, killing everyone ruthlessly.





Alma de Ouro

Há muito tempo atrás havia uma lenda que ao longo do tempo durante as batalhas por castelos em Ayvondil surgiu uma entidade misteriosa que perambulava livremente pelas terras do castelo, exterminando tudo é a todos que atrevia se a cruzar o seu caminho.
Tratava se de um antigo cavaleiro que perdeu a vida ao tentar defender a fortaleza do castelo de invasores. A sua sede por combates e empenho em trazer vitória para o reino era tão vasto que ele foi capaz de ' voltar a vida '.
Os aldeões o chamavam de 'alma de ouro ' um guerreiro que carregava na sua armadura o resto das cinzas de seu castelo que foi incendiado a milhares de anos, e por ser o mais resistente entre todos possui também ouro em sua armadura simbolizando o valor de sua alma que ainda luta por vontade de existir.
Assim se tornou cotidiano , as mais fortes guildas tentam invadir os castelos , mas nenhum retornou com vida , todos foram dizimados pelo cavaleiro. Ainda hoje ele mantem sua posição de defensor, matando todos impiedosamente.



frente.pngNamelesss Br-Tourmaline

éessepoha - Copia.png

Edited by Namelesss
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a cool suit, but
sorry for you crap, but pixel size 2x2
have time to adapt to the evening?
upper pixel size 2x2
lower pixel size 1x1
top for a computer
lower for mobile devices

Edited by AnreeNeo
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