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Eagle King

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Warriors of Arinar!

 I introduce to you... my costume,


A costume which is a symbol of real power. This is a costume of an ancient king which is named as "Eagle King".

This costume is made of pure Gold, Titanium,wool of the vicuña and 101 carat Red Diamonds.

  • The crown of that costume is made of pure gold with 101 carat Red Diamond in it. 
  • Chest is made of Titanium that's why its color is bluish white, a big red diamond used in center 
  • Fancy Shoulders which is fully made of gold
  • Cape is made of golden wool of the vicuña and two red diamonds are used to hold that cape from front side right below the shoulders
  • White Skirt which is also made of wool of the vicuna
  • Red Shoes made of leather
  • Red Gloves 


I hope u like that costume:restingowl:







Eagle King 2.jpg

Eagle King 1.jpg

Edited by MrDonganker
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That one is just an Eagle and mine is Eagle king and similarity is just that both eagle and his costume is made up of metal and that one from platinum color of chest maybe same but that a new concept. 


So Chill guys :restingowl: 

Edited by MrDonganker
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40 minutes ago, MrDonganker said:

That one is just an Eagle and mine is Eagle king and similarity is just that both eagle and his costume is made up of metal and that one from platinum color of chest maybe same but that a new concept. 


So Chill guys :restingowl: 


They did not mean that. It simply looks like that you used Raezer's Costume as base to make yours, by just changing or adding few elements on it. I honestly am not sure if there is something wrong with this, so I cannot say if it is not a valid entry.

Edited by Higgings
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5 hours ago, Higgings said:


They did not mean that. It simply looks like that you used Raezer's Costume as base to make yours, by just changing or adding few elements on it. I honestly am not sure if there is something wrong with this, so I cannot say if it is not a valid entry.

Well he even somewhat copied the description I made for the costume. Even if it's valid, I think the devs can see how silly it is.

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16 minutes ago, Raezer said:

Well he even somewhat copied the description I made for the costume. Even if it's valid, I think the devs can see how silly it is.


Judging entries is a task given to devs. I am sure the most original suit will be rewarded. Believe that.

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9 hours ago, Raezer said:

Well he even somewhat copied the description I made for the costume. Even if it's valid, I think the devs can see how silly it is.

There's 26 letters in English language and many of these letters matched to ur description so according to this  every contestant in this contest copied ur description 

and ya one more thing  i think patent of English language belongs to Raezer





9 hours ago, Higgings said:

Judging entries is a task given to devs. I am sure the most original suit will be rewarded. Believe that

And Higgings all suits concepts are copied from somewhere  so chill bro :ah:




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2 hours ago, MrDonganker said:

And Higgings all suits concepts are copied from somewhere  so chill bro :ah:


My comment was general. Nothing personal with your entry, dude. 


2 hours ago, MrDonganker said:

all suits concepts are copied from somewhere


Allow me to disagree here, please. Maybe some of them have been used as example and as mean of inspiration for the creation of new suits, but "Copied" is not really the case. Or if it is, we speak about few costumes. 


Anyway, best wishes :christmasrudolf:

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Those legs have same shape and same color


Chestplate has same shape


Hands have same shape


Cape has same shape


Shoulderplates have same shape


Almost every yellow and red part dont have as accurate pixels as blue,grey and white

Edited by Jcbreff
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6 hours ago, Higgings said:

Allow me to disagree here, please. Maybe some of them have been used as example and as mean of inspiration for the creation of new suits, but "Copied" is not really the case. Or if it is, we speak about few costumes. 

He said "somewhere", and that is really true, since there is nothing new under the Sun :D

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