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[2016.09.13] Update Warspear Online 6.1 Preview


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Warriors of Arinar!

The Warspear Online 6.1 update will be available next week and will bring new expert skills, significant changes in already existing ones, an improved aggression system, new dynamic events, as well as several further major changes. We'll cover some of them right now, but the information on the most interesting of these will only be available with the update.

New expert skills

The new delivery of expert skills is all about buffs and debuffs. All of them are active and are very useful in current gaming conditions. Exact numbers and even names will be provided after testing but there is already much to discuss.

Protection of light. Increases physical and magical defense of all members of the group for a certain percentage during a certain time period. As the skill is upgraded, its effectiveness and duration increase.

Ennoblement. Dismisses all negative effects including control effects and allows to ignore them for a certain period of time. As the skill is upgraded, its duration increases.

Exacting burden. Slowly decreases enemy speed for a certain percentage for 5 seconds. After using Armistice on slowed down enemy units, the enemy will be stunned for some time. As the skill is upgraded, its effectiveness and stun duration increase.

Bow kick. Ranger hits the target with a melee attack, stunning it. With the skill upgrading, stun duration and inflicted damage increase. The damage also depends on the physical stregth and level of the character.

Healing barrier. Creates a magical barrier around a character or ally that consumes certain amount of damage and restores the same amount of health. As the skill is upgraded, its effectiveness and duration increase.
Blade Dancer
Hurricane of thrusts. Increases attack and cooldown speed for a certain percentage during a certain time period. With the skill upgrading, its effectiveness and duration increase.

Barbarian’s nature. Barbarian ignores debuffs and effects of control for some time. As the skill is upgraded, its duration increases.

Earth Strength. Increases the amount of health of a character or ally for a certain percentage during a particular time period. With the skill upgrading, its effectiveness and duration increase.

Subtle thrust. Rogue hits the enemy dealing physical damage and decreasing the enemy defense for a certain percentage during a particular time period. With the skill upgrading, its effectiveness, duration and the inflicted damage increase. The damage also depends on the physical stregth and level of the character.

Death Knight
Aura of hatred. Increases physical and magical damage of the Death Knight and his defense against physical and magical attacks for some time. As the skill is upgraded, its effectiveness and duration increase.

Withering. Decreases enemy’s movement speed for a certain amount of time. Using the Pool of Darkness on a slowed down enemy also stuns him for some time. As the skill is upgraded, its effectiveness and duration, as well as stun duration, increase.

Dark force. Increases the magical and physical damage inflicted by the group for a certain percentage during a particular time period. With the skill upgrading, its effectiveness and duration increase.
Information for new players. Access to expert skills opens when you reach level 18. You can buy desired skillbooks in the Libraries of Arinar.
mage_skill.png  warlock_skill.png  druid_skill.png

The aggression system

The existing mechanics have been completely altered. The way in which skills worked previously was the following: you use a skill, it gives a certain amount of aggression plus the aggression from the damage from the tank. After the skill effect expires, the aggression is removed as well. It’s all different now.

All damage inflicted on an enemy during the skill effect will get a so-called “agro-bonus”. For example, a tank renders 1000 damage, but a mob receives 3000 aggression. After the effect finishes, this aggression will only partially disappear. To draw the boss away, tank teammates will have to inflict more damage than the tank alone with the skill bonus.
It will allow tanks to make themselves the highest-priority target of enemy attacks, as long as the effect works and not to lose the enemies right after the effect has finished. The system works the same with single and non-single aggression skills.

Despite the fact that effectiveness of tanks in terms of keeping the mobs attention has increased, other players are still able to distract them from a tank. That's why it is necessary to keep an eye on how much damage and healing they provide. Yes, that's right. According to new mechanics, active healers may also make themselves the target of boss attacks.

There is one more interesting feature, aggression decline. If you fight a boss within a party and at some point stop attacking him or healing your teammates, after some time your aggression will fall to zero. Technically, you'll be out of a fight, thus being able to use items that are unavailable during a fight, as well as changing equipment, etc., even if the rest of the party continues fighting.

This is it for now. More news about the upcoming update will be available on the day of release.

Good luck to everyone and see you in the game!

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Earth Strength. Increases the amount of health of a character or ally for a certain percentage during a particular time period. With the skill upgrading, its effectiveness and duration increase.


more life? for die slower? we need STUN ...arghh !!!!!!!!!  :facepalm:  #frustrated

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hahaha finally  mage paladin priest recive a nice power expecially mage :spiteful: 


Gm you ll give us  free oblivion books :blush:  ? 

Edited by Erta06
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Nd one more thing , we have only 5 slots for expert book , already full but where we have to use another expert ? Nd we have more experts pens book , physical nd mdef expert books where we have to use them? ... I hope so u ppl could do it (Increased expert slots)

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Shouldn't the warlock skill reduce attack speed and increase skill cooldown too? To make more sense? ^_^ one can only hope! Lmfao I wish

Edited by boiz
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Nd one more thing , we have only 5 slots for expert book , already full but where we have to use another expert ? Nd we have more experts pens book , physical nd mdef expert books where we have to use them? ... I hope so u ppl could do it (Increased expert slots)

Find your own skill build :P
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Nd one more thing , we have only 5 slots for expert book , already full but where we have to use another expert ? Nd we have more experts pens book , physical nd mdef expert books where we have to use them? ... I hope so u ppl could do it (Increased expert slots)


You have to pick and replace less useful skills. Maybe something will change in the future though


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