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Aigrind benefits mcs



I come through this and other show my outrage about the company that is always trying to improve the game, but actually improves the game for MC faction only.


Many complain of things about the game, the aigrind goes and does change and it ends up benefiting the mcs. It all started because elfs are in quantity and many people began to play elfs and mcs as were the grotesque minority, needed strengthening and for that, aigrind began to stir in skills which eventually influencing change next to some players.


The company needs to understand that there are two sides of the coin and the two need to be heard. I always see Mcs complaining of elfs, but expecífico a single class, bladedancers. Already the elfs have complete processing of view of mcs and therefore claim all or almost all vocations.


Aigrind, it's already ugly, it is ridiculous. Stop thinking only of capital for the company and better fair play!



Edited by Lionzi
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It's just so funny when people say the other side is op.

Would be nice if you were more specific - now it's a little hard to guess what exactly you're asking by just saying that the devs made the too weak MCs too strong.


(Remember all those "devs are favoring elfos every update" threads a while back?)

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I Agree Bds Counterstrike Is still main source of blade dancers strength espiacally with Ferocity at its back.... Shaman egh i think heal Totem should heal a -1 less on each other and the heal itself be lowered. but earthqauke radius increased that skill Sucks.

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I Agree Bds Counterstrike Is still main source of blade dancers strength espiacally with Ferocity at its back.... Shaman egh i think heal Totem should heal a -1 less on each other and the heal itself be lowered. but earthqauke radius increased that skill Sucks.

Increase tornado radius as well then :D

But the radius of both is good as it is at the moment

Edited by Julie
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Healing totem**, counter strike**, blades of power**, forest song**, paladin banner, absolute reflex, stone skin**, dark circle, nightmare, sharp shadow, elusive thread.


**-> Very much required

Edited by mailliwdxb
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blades of power



It is bugged, you know, it shouldn't increase skill's damage which is what it is doing now.

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Beginner character bd, now all elf make only +10 bd because they know it is unfair and don't make more, nice one developer, you have successfully turned PvP into a joke with counterstrike killing everyone. All pvps disturbed by bds skill interrupting us during area attacks. Is this what you call balance ? Ridiculous

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Beginner character bd, now all elf make only +10 bd because they know it is unfair and don't make more, nice one developer, you have successfully turned PvP into a joke with counterstrike killing everyone. All pvps disturbed by bds skill interrupting us during area attacks. Is this what you call balance ? Ridiculous

Game is not PvP based though. Dunno how many times I have said that sentence already, but apparently it gets never old O:-)

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Game is not PvP based though. Dunno how many times I have said that sentence already, but apparently it gets never old O:-)

It really is PvP based, i don't know what game you are playing are you sure its warspear? 0.o

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Some people confuse PvP with 1v1. Half of the game is PvP based, but maybe yes, it is not based on 1v1

And BD, Counterattack namely, is OP in PvP. They said it will get nerfed tho, so yeah.

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MC have many usefull skills in war/large scale war, while elf's skills only good at small scale battle.

Devs need to rebalance skills in war.


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For our troubles I request that R0land has to bake a large plate of brownies and mail them to the players.

Snowman pls
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Healing totem**, counter strike**, blades of power**, forest song**, paladin banner, absolute reflex, stone skin**, dark circle, nightmare, sharp shadow, elusive thread.


**-> Very much required

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I never noticed mcs getting benefits.

Even if there's an update about

skills, elves get a good portion of

strenght too.


BD can devastate any mc, at the same amp

etc, which is good because mcs would

totally win the upper hand faction-wise.

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