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How to piss of ELFS! - ROGUE


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Method 1: Elfs farming a boss?, Use stealth> Merci the Healer > run! and repeat. Eventually the healer will heal him/herself and goodbye tanker :)



Method 2: High - amped player walking around? Stealth > Merci> gouge and stand next to them for a while thenn run ( 80% of them will follow you, then stealth> gouge> stand next to them then merci and run!



Method 3:



See a low -level elf who looks harmless? Stealth> Merci gouge and walk around them and then DESTROY! or let them live :)



Method 4 ( funnest one) : See an elf killing a monster and health is low? Kill the monster then gouge him or gouge him first and kill the monster then Merci the elf lolololololol



Method i lost count: Travel to the own of dinalt ( first elf town at isle 2) and just stand on the pathway till an elf comes after you, do not move, just use stealth and then follow them for a while then merci > gouge and kill :)



^ This is why i love Rogues man !

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Hahaha method 1 is the best  :lol: :lol: :lol: im bored where go? Bg, aa and kill healers  :yahoo: haha i add method 4 play in crossing and destroy partys one by one  ;D

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If ur a shaman, hit elf til hes near death, n blind them into mobs. If u see elf fighting mob, help the mob gang him n blind the elf, i think dmging an elfs gear would get em mad lol.

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