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[2015.11.30] Update Warspear Online 5.3 Warrior's Path. Preview


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Why does ppl cry about priest skill ? It's like infection and infection is good


Dk skill I think it's another version of barb heal skill just passive


Pala shaman rouge mage are the only unique ones

And warlock and bd same skill just weaker version for locks

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Anyone who calls dk skill op doesn't know how regen works when in agro.

(it halves when in agro)

And def increase will not be significant.

I swear some people don't read the skill properly.

Whats the Max health regeneration on heavy class atm ?


+ combine it with saturation + this new passive hm :)?

Surely mecha is able to help us out with screens


Surely doesnt sounds op at all xD

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О навыке "Тайные резервы"


Я в замешательстве от нового навыка Рыцаря Смерти. Вроде бы нечто подобное нам уже пытались дать под видом Насыщения. Раньше нажал на иконку насыщения и увеличился реген. Но так как прирост регена был мал, полноценным хилом этот навык не являлся, а еще и резался в 2 раза при нахождении в бою, то его и заменили на вампиризм. Особого применения Насыщение до сих пор не нашло и не качается никогда и никем кроме знатных ПвЕшников.


Теперь же мы видим очень похожий "доведенный до ума" скилл. Опишу последовательно, что происходит в случае работы этого Пассивного навыка:

1) Когда наше ХП опускается до морских глубин, а для моего ДК это 600/3600ХП, скилл включается.

2) Мы получаем увеличение регена до 200/200/700/900 при моих 100 базовых, которое, напоминаю, режется в бою в два раза. Это не точно, но в принципе понятно.

3) Мы увеличиваем нашу броню на 1/?/?/10%. Да, как я понял, именно проценты увеличиваются, а не числа. У меня было 39%физы, стало 49%физы. Было 49%физы, стало 59%.

4) Баф держится ровно на три тика регенерации.


А теперь, внимание, вопрос. Нет, даже лавина вопросов! Кто будет качать этот скилл? Кто посмеет отказаться от вампиризма для ПвЕ (чисто мой случай) или великолепного сочетания Удар безмолвия + Острая тень? Черт возьми, зачем же разработчики уже второй раз дают мне снова старый, не понравившийся скилл? Какая польза от него будет в ПвП? Тут я отвечу - только против магических классов. Пока они вас доковыряют вас до 600 хп, вы отрегените себе еще 1200, и так по кругу, пока маг не устанет и не ливнет. Какая польза в ПвЕ или ПвП, если навык активируется при 600/3600ХП - мобы в новой зоне Айва разберут вас на запчасти, а игроки и добьют вам эти 600ХП без всяких проблем.


И главный вопрос: Так зачем же нужен этот скилл и что он такого улучшает в нашем заниженном от приближения ко дну Рыцаре Смерти?

Its x2 regen

In other words same as initial saturation

In other words..thanks devs

LOVE your sense of balance.

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More damage power to Blade Dancer (supposedly tank), more Stun to Druid...


Gives Death Knight's dark shield to Barbarian in the form of a passive skill. 


Old saturation throw back at Death Knight again, now passively and activating when your hp reaches "you are dead" levels. 


Update for the lolz. 


Be back again next year. (Shaman healing totem is a good one tho)





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well nabnecro fk you man. Necro should be nerf their stuns. only 1 lvl out of 5. it takes to 5 sec or more. More importantly Necro is just like Warlock,with fear someshit. Yes i agree that druid have the stun skill root with damage, However to counter rogue.. druid should have more stun cause rogue are seriously over dmg with just poison, the jump skill and the common skill that rogue use invisible.


Rogue should be deceasing their dmg.  


creator : Well dont get mad about it, look at the bright side. Barb have 2 times stun plus with health regen. its way more op than BD. So its fking balance noob. No offence its true and strong. Plus Rogue have the high dmg too compare to BD lol Dont get me wrong that the fact.


necro has stun 5secs at lvl 1 :D haha what a dumb bastard :D hv u even played a necro before ? srsly if u dont hv 3-5lvl nightmare its ducking useless + plus any AoE or DMG EFFECT on enemy from u/mobs/allies will break ur sleep .. srsly druid has like 4 stuns and u still can atk during the stun %) wtf dude plus their sleep .. bd also can stun and atk u .. pala same .. necro hv 1 dmg skill others all debuff which will break ur own sleep if u are not using it with caution.. CMon wtf its kinda bs isnt it ?? ... rogue hv same dmg as bd even lower but u r just dumb .. bd using tank items .. rogue light armor with dmg stuff thats the difference lol ... about barbs hahaha plzz dont talk about this failure stun even at max lvl :D barb is not a pala dude :D u are a non-sense talking bullshit :D

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Everything is great! If you remove the menu bar and add 2 spaces for super serious skills. The menu would be opened by clicking on the name of the character would be more comfortable and the players because we need space for more skills. Thank

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And def increase will not be significant.


Where? :unknw:  Show me pls, in the skill description that you've read. 

Here, ladies and gentlemen, you can a see a creature who just throw prejudices and on top if that, he blames devs for giving a bad skill, although he didn't even see it... I don't know exactly how to call such a creature.



And I don't know those who are complaining about Bd's skill, I mean you would want to see another stun? another def buff? heal? or some AoE nuking skill? I guess a slight increase in dmg is pretty fair, but.. I really hope it is "slight" tho..


Edit: Nvm... I just saw the Screenshot's section... Oh come on devs, if this is true, dafuq?

Edited by gladiator
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Devs since you insist bd being a dps class change their armors to light only. I dont appreciate 900 dmg 10k def 20% resi bds running around with 10+ pene.


Yes, When the BD's got heavy armor they became tanks. So the real tanks should get new armor idk. And why can't a barb hold two weapons? Double long swords would work.


So a BD that wears heavy armor and has two axes is stronger and faster and has more damage than a tank. I think they should have a speed penalty for wearing heavy gear.

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First time post, others may not notice but WTF u steal all my power in war, do u limit how many targets In shaman Quake? How many in warlock circle?? How about paladin fetters..... Elf's had one count them 1 AoE stun

Now mc have 2 circle quake + any I don't know of... Where is the balance this was only worthwhile skill on paladin now useless vs 50 mc Please fix,,, limit circle quake and fetters to 10 targets lvl 1 20 lvl 2 30-3 40-4 50-5


Please 2-6 and game name Warspear,, 6 not change war but circle and quake do

Please don't ignore this is huge loss for elf's @ war

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Bad news for dks? They get a new PASSIVE skill that prevents their death and get all their mag.dmg. skills increased =-O How can u say that are bad news? :D

Coz our rivals , bd and pala getting stronger

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Yeah you better 'nvm'me.. Besides we've faced this horrible skill before as saturation, it was shit.. It changed, they gave it back in a prettier casing.

Goodluck dks when you're at 1/6th of your hp

You get 15% phy def... X2 regen.

And please do note regen halves in battle so you get normal regen in a fight.

In other words, yes i do think devs are being impartial.

Next time you call names gladiator look at all em skills and compare it to the dk one. Seems a bit crappy eh?

Yes I'm salty but i have reason prick.

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Pala skill should have given it immunity to stuns/fear for a short period of time since pala has no movement skills like bd or barbarian or a gap-closer like dk.

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Pala skill should have given it immunity to stuns/fear for a short period of time since pala has no movement skills like bd or barbarian or a gap-closer like dk.

Fetters has a huge AoE and a nice duration. You can use it to catch up with runners or the other way around.

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Does part about elusive mean its damage was lowered BY 20% or to 20% of the original? Or does it mean it can do maximum of 20% dmg to targets health and energy? And is this with maximum amount of movement during the skill, or does it stop doing damage after 20% is done?

Edited by vavavi
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Hey guys, servers are up!

Clients on our site are updated, market clients will be available after approval.


Let's get back to business.

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Hmm appartently my post didnt get approved, but there were important questions:


- Do passive skills require to be in Hotbar to use? If not: pls change it to this. With update barbarians have 9 active, 2 passive skills, so they could use 11/11 skills, while Paladin for example has 11 active skills, so could just use 9/11 skills. It would be a really big balance difference that highly favors all classes with passive skills


- Banner: Does def reduction also only apply to selected targets? If yes: How will targets get selected if more than allowed are in radius? For example: 2 player enemies and 5 monsters at banner lvl 1. Do they get randomly selected each pulse? Do player enemies get selected before monsters?


- Why do bds again get a dmg ability? They are supposed to be tanks but already have the highest dmg in game of all classes

" quote? "


well lets see soon. I stop arguing here, let the post still active and not turn into locked.

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