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Paladins are fair and balanced


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1 hour ago, vavavi said:

Every class should be able to tank entire guilds while passively healing 8 ppl non stop


That's right. I see nothing unusual in this video. 

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2 hours ago, Sintem said:

What's wrong?

Nothing. Just a pala tanking entire guilds while also being the best aoe cc class on elf side, on top of having a completely passive, non magic build requiring, 7x7 8 person aoe heal talent and a strong heal redistribution talent for their party, all of which is boosted by their permanent heal buffing aura, making them the best aoe healer in the game aswell. Only thing it's not the best at is aoe damage, but even there they have supportive damage buffs that spread to everyone (prayer/banner).


Compare it to rangers for example. Rangers do single target damage. Thats it.

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This means that the paladin fulfills its role as a tank and group support, nothing out of the ordinary.

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1 hour ago, Reindeerr said:

Hey! I'm in the video :artist:you throw seal 4/4 on pala bloop still heals full. Fun! :sk21_2:

I saw many debuffs on him, no Dark Seals at all. In fact when I saw dark seal, he was already dead.. You can see it for a split-second at the end.

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2 hours ago, Sigma said:

This means that the paladin fulfills its role as a tank and group support, nothing out of the ordinary.


More than fulfilling a role, I might say his dedication to his job is remarkable. I would just want to point out one thing:



Developer's Note: Death Knight has become one of the most durable tanks in the game, sometimes performing too well in certain scenarios.


For this reason, DKs got nerfed in their defensive skill. I would pay to hear their commentary right now for this matter, ngl. I suppose it's about periods: before we had DKs, then Barbs... Now Paladins. The difference is the ammount of strenght gained: we could rarely be both immortal and useful at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, Gladiator said:

I saw many debuffs on him, no Dark Seals at all. In fact when I saw dark seal, he was already dead.. You can see it for a split-second at the end.

Let's not forget that palas talent heal even ignores apathy relic. A well rounded class overall

4 hours ago, Sigma said:

This means that the paladin fulfills its role as a tank and group support, nothing out of the ordinary.

They also fill the role of being the main aoe cc source at elf. Also that support comes without actually having to have a support build, you can run full damage gears and still get all that heal, magic isn't required.

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6 hours ago, vavavi said:

Nothing. Just a pala tanking entire guilds while also being the best aoe cc class on elf side, on top of having a completely passive, non magic build requiring, 7x7 8 person aoe heal talent and a strong heal redistribution talent for their party,

I assume Thor is using right (tank) branch in this video, a Paladin with the left branch (Aura heal talent) would not be tanky enough to solo-tank a couple of damage dealers, let alone "entire guilds".


1 hour ago, vavavi said:

Let's not forget that palas talent heal even ignores apathy relic.

I remember someone said something along the lines of: It would be broken if this 1 relic cancelled out every healing possibility. And that's very true.


1 hour ago, vavavi said:

Also that support comes without actually having to have a support build, you can run full damage gears and still get all that heal, magic isn't required.

This is definitely an issue. In fact, I'll have a dedicated topic about it soon


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3 hours ago, Gladiator said:

I remember someone said something along the lines of: It would be broken if this 1 relic cancelled out every healing possibility. And that's very true. 


Having a 15% chance to cancel all heals on a single target on a few selected skills for 6 seconds isn't broken. It's not like it's something that's spammable to multiple targets consistently. It's much more broken that for some reason palas heal is the one exception to it.

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2 hours ago, vavavi said:

It's much more broken that for some reason palas heal is the one exception to it.

It's not though. I'm pretty sure all talent healings are not blocked by apathy.

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5 hours ago, Gladiator said:

It's not though. I'm pretty sure all talent healings are not blocked by apathy.

It is. It's the only counter against palas at the moment and it doesn't even work. It's just absurd that one class can be the best tank, the best aoe cc and the best aoe healer all at the same time.


At the very least the talent should require having magic and be limited to party only. That way it would be in line with other similiar talents.

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This is a joke and will be fixed by rebalance 100% if not earlier. Pala are healing 100-400k in arena and even a party can’t even kill. Even pala 0 books not even super amped are strong. In fact the heal now to the party is more of a joke, i joined arena on my new upcoming char who has low pvp gear. It was even semi durable to full greatness char opponent when it clearly should be nuked in 1 -2 hits.
Why did all these people cry about barbs when pala is 10x tankier and makes the whole party hard. There’s so many videos pictures etc it’s only a matter of time, Mcs In russian forum are even complaining and again all servers are being dominated by elf. 

Fix this Joke lol. Not even a debate.


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On 1/29/2025 at 4:04 PM, vavavi said:

They also fill the role of being the main aoe cc source at elf. Also that support comes without actually having to have a support build, you can run full damage gears and still get all that heal, magic isn't required.

Well, although I haven't played for a long time, I know that the paladin support package is very high for a tank class and this is also because there hasn't been a rebalance for almahad talents yet.


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