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Ban rules



I previously published a post but I didn't express myself well. I've been playing for 5 days and I've been banned for no reason. Is it a problem if I played when I could from the PC otherwise I played from the phone?? I'm not here to complain but since I haven't committed any infraction, I only have 1 account, I'm new and I haven't offended/argued with anyone, I wonder what the problem is

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Not receiving a response I would at least like to know if I can create a new account, I know I have a clear conscience and that at most there was a misunderstanding

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Good Day! 


I already have answered you in this matter. Unfortunately, we have no physical mean to help you with this issue on the forum. The Support Team people are the only ones in charge to help you with the issue. 


This is all I can say you, alas. 



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On 1/24/2025 at 4:04 PM, Minokiller said:

I previously published a post but I didn't express myself well. I've been playing for 5 days and I've been banned for no reason. Is it a problem if I played when I could from the PC otherwise I played from the phone?? I'm not here to complain but since I haven't committed any infraction, I only have 1 account, I'm new and I haven't offended/argued with anyone, I wonder what the problem is

Wait for support teams response and don’t send another ticket or it could take longer. You are allowed to switch between phone and computer with your account so it’s not that. You’re allowed to have 2 accounts also so wouldn’t be a bad idea to at least make another char because at high level a lot have 2 accounts. This is something you’ll do if you stick with the game anyway (most likely) i recommend it being a different class though. If you get a response and main gets unbanned then you can switch back and forth. 


Good luck 

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23 hours ago, Newworldorder said:

Aspetta la risposta del team di supporto e non inviare un altro ticket o potrebbe volerci più tempo. Ti è consentito passare dal telefono al computer con il tuo account, quindi non è così. Ti è consentito avere anche 2 account, quindi non sarebbe una cattiva idea creare almeno un altro personaggio perché ad alto livello molti hanno 2 account. Questa è una cosa che farai se rimani comunque nel gioco (molto probabilmente), ma ti consiglio di usare una classe diversa. Se ricevi una risposta e il personaggio principale viene sbloccato, puoi passare da un personaggio all'altro. 


Buona fortuna 

Why is better antoher class? 

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