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MC's Pve players are being destroyed by these elf's from China


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Almost every free time, these players would come to the MC DG entrance to kill people. They have a complete set of books and perfect PvP equipment. We can't even change into PvP equipment to deal with such supermen. It takes quite a lot of people to deal with these few individuals because the advanced PvP players will log off after the event. After these people came to the DG entrance again last time, the MC players also occupied the ELF DG entrance out of anger. I believe both sides' PVE players are very sad. In fact, it's all because of these few Chinese ELF players. No one else is this bored. I'm not against training camp duels. I just don't want to deprive some players of their only chance to make money. As far as I know, no other server is like this. I hope someone can solve this problem.


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I think this is absolutely fun to battle and block etc, but there are PVE players and certain players who only play during events. Especially in a low populated server one-2 party can not let the other spam for hours. I believe the entrance to dg should be friendly zone. 

Possibly making these friendly zones or putting the Mc and Elf dungeon far from each other. I was actually going to make a topic on this. Some of these players only chance of getting strong is getting drops and they can be denied that just by a few people. 

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What motivates these players to repeatedly target others at the MC DG entrance? Is it purely for fun, or are there specific rewards they're seeking?


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