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[2023.09.04] Test Phase II: Changelog


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Thank you for your feedback and for being a part of the testing process! Your thoughts and ideas on the upcoming update have been invaluable, and we've made some changes based on your insights:


избранные.png Chosen


 паладин.png Paladin


прилив сил.png Power Surge

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 2%)

  •  Healing rate changed to every 5 sec (was every 3 sec)

маг.png Mage


сила стихий.png Elemental Power

  • Duration of Fire Synthesis, Nature Synthesis, and Arcane Synthesis changed to 12 sec (was 8 sec)

  • Duration of Elemental Power changed to 16 sec (was 14 sec)


жрец.png Priest


слово боли.png Painful Word

  • Range of critical damage increase on auto-attacks and skill attacks changed to 9-18% (was 8-16%)

  • Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


искатель.png Seeker


сияние клинка.png Blade's Glow

  • Bonus damage on the next critical auto-attack or skill attack changed to 6% (was 3%)

  • Maximum bonus damage on the next critical auto-attack or skill attack changed to 18% (was 9%)

  • Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


доспехи харада.png Harad's Armor

  • The reduced duration of non-control harmful effects on the character for every 5% of remaining health changed to 0.75% (was 1%)

  •  The reduced duration of control effects on the character for every 5% of remaining health changed to 0.75% (was 1%)


храмовник.png Templar


возложить руки.png Hand of Light

  • Cooldown reduction of every 3 class skill used changed to 40% (was 55%)

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would reduce the cooldown in the wrong order

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would reduce the cooldown of non-class skills


рассек исповедь.png Cleaving Confession

  • Talent's effect now increases skill damage by 1.5% instead of increasing Attack Speed

  • Duration of Cleaving Confession changed to 18 sec (was 10 sec)

  • Fixed a bug where the talent's effect would only apply from auto attacks


AD_4nXceIuzFuLP3T0MfQW_o46wv7el4NHJXECK2 Light's Vengeance

  • Fixed missing animation on enemies during stun

  • Fixed a bug where the talent's Stun wouldn't trigger the effect of Harad’s Teachings


перворожд.png Firstborn


раз клинок.png Blade Dancer


умелый воин.png Warrior's Craft

  • Duration of Warrior's Craft changed to 4 sec (was 3 sec)


кровав неистов.png Blood Fury

  • Duration of Blood Fury changed to 12 sec (was 10 sec)


исцел фехтов.png Healing Parry

  • Application interval for Parry Master changed to every 5 sec(was every 4 sec)


рейнджер.png Ranger


сверхп тетива.png Reinforced String

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would not work properly. The critical damage bonus from instant damage skills is now constant, and the target's health only affects the chance of the talent occurring

  • Occurrence chance for every 10% of the target's remaining health changed to 2% (was 1%)

  •  Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


порхай как.png Butterfly Dance

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 3%)

  • Healing rate changed to once per 2 sec (was once per 3 sec)

  • Duration of Butterfly Dance changed to 14 sec (was 12 sec)

  • Physical Power bonus changed to 1.5% (was 0.5%)

  • Maximum Physical Power bonus changed to 4.5% (was 4%)


друид.png Druid


адепт леса.png Forest Favor

  • Critical damage bonus from attacks of the character and party members for every 10% of the party's total Penetration increased to 1% (was 0.5%)

  • Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


изумруд чеш.png Emerald Scales

  • Talent occurrence interval changed to once every 5 sec (was once every 6 sec)


страж.png Warden


закован в броню.png Armorclad

  • Damage reduction against the next auto-attack or instant damage skill changed to 9% (was 7%)


под эгидой солн.png Solar Protection

  • Number of resistances to harmful effects required for the talent's effect to occur changed to 3 (was 4)

  • Duration of Solar Protection changed to 12 sec (was 8 sec)


зверолов.png Beast Slayer

  • Critical damage bonus against Elite monsters for every 10% of the target's missing health changed to 3.5% (was 2%)

  • Critical damage bonus against Mini-Bosses for every 10% of the target's missing health changed to 3.2% (was 1.6%)

  • Critical damage bonus against Bosses for every 10% of the target's missing health changed to 2.8% (was 1.2%)

  • Critical damage bonus against Raid Bosses for every 10% of the target's missing health changed to 2.5% (was 0.8%)

  • Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


ловчий.png Beastmaster


рык хищника.png Predator's Roar

  • Critical Hit Strength bonus changed to 6% (was 4%)

  • Maximum Critical Hit Strength bonus changed to 18% (was 20%)



горные кланы.png Mountain Clans


варвар.png Barbarian


заклят враг.png Nemesis

  • Bonus damage against monsters changed to 10% (was 15%)

  • Minimum bonus damage against monsters changed to 3% (was 8%)


зубоскал.png Grim Resolve

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 2%)

  • Healing rate changed to once per 2 sec (was once per 3 sec)


разбойник.png Rogue


быстр убийство.png Quick Kill

  • Critical damage bonus against monsters changed to 24% (was 25%)

  • Minimum critical damage bonus against monsters changed to 6% (was 5%)

  • Critical damage bonus reduction for each subsequent critical strike on the same monster changed to 6% (was 5%)

  • Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly


жаль как пч.png Bee Sting

  • Damage interval changed to once per 2 sec (was once per 3 sec)


шаман.png Shaman


ярость небес.png Heaven's Fury

  •  Party's total Skill Cooldown requirement to receive a 0.5% bonus to Physical and Magic Power changed to 35% (was 40%)


путь прароди.png Path of the Ancestors

  • Party's total missing health requirement to double the talent's bonus changed to less than 50% (was less than 40%)


охотник.png Hunter


бей первым.png First Strike

  • Damage bonus on auto-attacks and instant damage skills for every 10% of the target's remaining health changed to 0.8% (was 1%)



проклятые.png Forsaken


рыцарь смерти.png Death Knight



исцел ихор.png Healing Ichor

  • Healing done with a 20% chance changed to 15% of damage taken (was 10%)

  • Bonus occurrence chance for every 5% of remaining health changed to 1.5% (was 2%)


ответ тьмы.png Dark Retaliation

  • Fixed a bug where the talent's effect would occur on targets immune to control and non-control harmful effects


некромант.png Necromancer


безжал истребл.png Ruthless Extermination

  • Critical damage bonus against monsters changed to 15% (was 20%)


мертв воля.png Dead Will

  • Healing done changed to 5% of maximum health (was 3%)

  • Healing rate bonus scaling with the party's total health missing health changed to 0.5 sec (was 0.2 sec)

  • Party's total missing health requirement to receive the healing rate bonus changed to every 20% (was every 25%)


заклинатель.png Charmer



спустить с поводка.png Unleash the Beast

  • Movement speed bonus for summoned monsters changed to 16% (was 12%)


преданно до конца.png Unwavering Devotion

  • Duration of Unwavering Devotion changed to 16 sec (was 10 sec) 


жнец.png Reaper


кровав баня.png Bloodbath

  • Damage bonus for each subsequent auto-attack or instant damage skill changed to 1.5% (was 1%)

See you at the test!

The Warspear Online Team

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12 minutes ago, Shimarin said:
  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 2%)

  • Healing rate changed to every 5 sec (was every 3 sec)

Is the target to heal same 8 targets ? Why always sentinel classes get extra heal targets .

Beastmaster tree heal was 9 targets for kinda long time which was lowered to 6 targets . 


Now pala healing 8 targets .


Will it change or still be kept 8 target's heal 


Edited by vegeta
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3 минуты назад, vegeta сказал:

Is the target to heal same 8 targets ?

8 targets, yes, this part has been left unchanged 

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37 minutes ago, Shimarin said:

исцел ихор.png Healing Ichor

  • Healing done with a 20% chance changed to 15% of damage taken (was 10%)

  • Bonus occurrence chance for every 5% of remaining health changed to 1.5% (was 2%)

Even if you make a small buff like Talend is very good, you do not neglect to nerf it.  In order for the talent to work, you must take certain damage. If it's going to take damage, then cast it on the defense so that it works. Or have it restore health when it attacks.  Or set it to work when block and parry so that it works.  As it is now, it's complete garbage.

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7 minutes ago, Joy Boy Abunda disse:

Seriously no rework on this passive? Lot of us complain about this effect... Still no eyes and ear? Devs seriously?


Nobody liked it but they think it's good for some reason

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3 minutes ago, Joy Boy Abunda said:

Seriously no rework on this passive? Lot of us complain about this effect... Still no eyes and ear? Devs seriously?


Bro this for cd faster for skill and reduction mana from skill think this good some thing but we not have skill good like shield or something protect us for can use cd on skill fast just dodge but It doesn't work now Because if Iwas with dodge 60%.all time on rogue this It won't protect him. 

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Please rework this for rogue, its really not that helpful for rogue, it just lets it spam skills. Rogue is lacking healing and defense or some distract ability not reduced mana cost and cd. So many are complaining about this yet no answers


@Shimarin @Holmes @Dr Strange

Edited by Shax
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You are giving PaLa an AOE heal talent which heals 8 people. 

While BM can heal 6 and improve their defense?

How is anyone supposed to win that in a war if the entire side is healing constantly full HP. 

These “testing” stages aren’t used to make improvements. 

AOE heals in GVG, WAR, RAIDS is broken. 

This game has favored the Sentinal side for far too long, 

Many people have been asking BD nerf for years, it constantly gets buffed and heal skills with its damage and shield. 

How many more players you gonna lose?

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4 hours ago, Shimarin said:

жаль как пч.png Bee Sting


Something is wrong with this talent for rogue, its not triggering healing from rage effect when an enemy dies with the dmg while u have rage, could you forward this for fix  @Shimarin

Edited by Shax
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1 hour ago, Newworldorder said:

You are giving PaLa an AOE heal talent which heals 8 people. 

While BM can heal 6 and improve their defense?

How is anyone supposed to win that in a war if the entire side is healing constantly full HP. 


Druids,beastmasters, and now paladins...



Do we had a chance to win  before?

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1 hour ago, Shax said:

жаль как пч.png Bee Sting

The dmg from this is low and the 2 sec delay makes it even more insignificant, make it able to crit to help rogue's dmg in pve. 

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1 hour ago, Newworldorder said:

You are giving PaLa an AOE heal talent which heals 8 people. 

While BM can heal 6 and improve their defense?

How is anyone supposed to win that in a war if the entire side is healing constantly full HP. 


20 minutes ago, Theweasel said:

Druids,beastmasters, and now paladins...



Do we had a chance to win  before?

Oh hell yeah!! Paladin heals people 4% of their HP every 5 seconds. This will change the course of the game forever and elf will be unkillable!! Sucks to be an MC player, if only Necromancers got a similar talent and Shamans had AoE heal like BM :((((((((

Edited by Gladiator
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10 minutes ago, Gladiator disse:

Oh hell yeah!! Paladin heals people 4% of their HP every 5 seconds. This will change the course of the game forever and elf will be unkillable!! Sucks to be an MC player, if only Necromancers got a similar talent and Shamans had AoE heal like BM :((((((((

in fact the shamans' healing is stronger than that of BMs:pingo1sad:

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1 minute ago, Salazam said:

in fact the shamans' healing is stronger than that of BMs:pingo1sad:

Necro's talent is also stronger but shhhh, let them complain :kawaii:

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5 horas atrás, Shimarin disse:


храмовник.png Templar


возложить руки.png Hand of Light

  • Cooldown reduction of every 3 class skill used changed to 40% (was 55%)

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would reduce the cooldown in the wrong order

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would reduce the cooldown of non-class skills


рассек исповедь.png Cleaving Confession

  • Talent's effect now increases skill damage by 1.5% instead of increasing Attack Speed

  • Duration of Cleaving Confession changed to 18 sec (was 10 sec)

  • Fixed a bug where the talent's effect would only apply from auto attacks


AD_4nXceIuzFuLP3T0MfQW_o46wv7el4NHJXECK2 Light's Vengeance

  • Fixed missing animation on enemies during stun

  • Fixed a bug where the talent's Stun wouldn't trigger the effect of Harad’s Teachings



- everybody hates templar 


Почему Templar всегда получает худшие ослабления и изменения? в плане перезарядки навыков. Все навыки тамплиеров требуют много маны и имеют длительное время восстановления, но когда они создают интересный талант, они снижают шанс класса превратить его во что-то играбельное на 15%. Потому что класс очень слабый в начале игры, очень слабый в середине игры, только в конце игры он становится адекватным, но всё равно непривлекательным для других игроков. Помимо того, что новый игрок требует вложений, он предпочитает создавать лидера или призывателя вместо храмовника, которых, кстати, очень мало на сервере именно из-за их набора, который стоит много маны и высокий переменный ток



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53 minutes ago, Gladiator said:

if only Necromancers got a similar talent

Compare necro to Pala in gvg clash or raid clash . Necro dies easily meanwhile pala hard to die . 

Both different class. 1 has less survival kit compared to the other. 

Edited by vegeta
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4 minutes ago, vegeta said:

Compare necro to Pala in gvg clash or raid clash . Necro dies easily meanwhile pala hard to die . 

Both different class. 1 has less survival kit compared to the other. 

Ok would you apply the same logic to Mage vs Chieftain, and Druid(Tornado) vs DK(Death Call)? :pig1gy:

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15 minutes ago, Gladiator said:

would you apply the same logic to Mage vs Chieftain, and Druid(Tornado) vs DK(Death Call)? :pig1gy:

Right now wat mage got in this update not many saw that . But i have seen in arena it's effect.

Much tanky n ignore damage . Barrier + new talent op.

Druid tornado slow down;  damage and stun from skill  and the skill can be cast from 8 yards or so.

Druid has one of the best Survival kit in the game. Use tornado from behind and never die .

U have see the raid fights I shudnt tell u how it goes . U know druid have edge .

Dk deathcall = just stun no damage no slowdown 

Meanwhile dk has to walk n the cast range isn't  same it's just around the dk.

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Comparing heals and defense skills of both sides. Sentinels certainly wins that category. As in druid dont have the similar skill as necro now. Now pala got the same heal mechanics. Then you have shamans totem x BMs tree (One big difference, BMs cant die in tree mode, can they?) As for chief vs mage, remind me which one is ranged class and with better defense and control skills than chief? Plus in raid wars… how do you compare tornado vs death call? You can barely move during those and you Death Calls range is way smaller? 

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2 hours ago, Shax said:

The dmg from this is low and the 2 sec delay makes it even more insignificant, make it able to crit to help rogue's dmg in pve. 

I think is a bit better now, 2 sec, isnt a big thing but it will helps. And indeed it should crit too.


Btw, we cant expect anymore from "blade potential" apparently russian ppl think it is good as it is now. :interesting:

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2 hours ago, vegeta said:

Right now wat mage got in this update not many saw that . But i have seen in arena it's effect.

Much tanky n ignore damage . Barrier + new talent op.

Druid tornado slow down;  damage and stun from skill  and the skill can be cast from 8 yards or so.

Druid has one of the best Survival kit in the game. Use tornado from behind and never die .

U have see the raid fights I shudnt tell u how it goes . U know druid have edge .

Dk deathcall = just stun no damage no slowdown 

Meanwhile dk has to walk n the cast range isn't  same it's just around the dk.

it’s absolutely ridiculous 

BM AOE and buff skill = super tanky and heals all hard to kill

Pala AOe= pala hard to kill they will be able to heal all without dying it doesn’t matter 4% every 5 seconds that adds up and pala

has high hp and it’s 8 people. this is a joke 

Druid tornado is a joke, it’s nothing more than a joke and the sentinels are sitting here laughing about it.

Bd damage and now heal is a joke 

No wonder sentinels are more active and thriving in Nearly every server. 


Warspear was extremely unfair and bias before, not this is to the extreme. Not going to waste my time and money on this game. They’ve killed it because they apparently play or played elf, there’s no real data they are collecting. I’d like to see them try legion side 


Keep having it the easy way @every elf char/ sentinel on this post that is comparing mc APE to elf and let’s not forget about elf shields- absurd 

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12 minutes ago, Newworldorder said:

No wonder sentinels are more active and thriving in Nearly every server



Doesn't seem too one-sided.

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9 minutes ago, Gladiator said:



Doesn't seem too one-sided.

i’m soooooooo glad you shared this :)

US sapphire elves dominate the server in population and performance- but don’t need war (we both know this)


RU amber has low elf population (this is the only server)


That makes it 6-1


We both know some of these elves on us don’t try because of “barbs” and because they don’t need the war buff am i wrong?


Cooked numbers 

6-1 elves 

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2 hours ago, Theweasel said:

I think is a bit better now, 2 sec, isnt a big thing but it will helps. And indeed it should crit too.


Btw, we cant expect anymore from "blade potential" apparently russian ppl think it is good as it is now. :interesting:

If they make it crit in pve while letting it react with rage meaning can heal if someone got killed with it then it will be totally worth it. 


For the blade potential... that one is fine, u can spam more skills but i dont see that helping much outside of 1v1, it's a wasted opportunity couldve been a better talent like more defense, or more dmg but oh well. 

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8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

прилив сил.png Power Surge

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 2%)

  •  Healing rate changed to every 5 sec (was every 3 sec)

thats a buff... wtf why ?? It is alrdy one of the strongest talents lol


8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

сила стихий.png Elemental Power

  • Duration of Fire Synthesis, Nature Synthesis, and Arcane Synthesis changed to 12 sec (was 8 sec)

  • Duration of Elemental Power changed to 16 sec (was 14 sec)

nice, makes more sense


8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

умелый воин.png Warrior's Craft

  • Duration of Warrior's Craft changed to 4 sec (was 3 sec)

very short duration still, if stunned or smth all the stacks are lost


8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

исцел фехтов.png Healing Parry

  • Application interval for Parry Master changed to every 5 seconds (was every 4 seconds)

still need more nerf, or changes imo. This talent enables toxic synergies against melee users (talent + high parry + counter + mark + vamp... killing ennemy by standing afk...)

Wonder when counter attack will be changed, to give a buff on the next attack, rather than just slapping back the ennemy in the face instantly


8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

сверхп тетива.png Reinforced String

  • Fixed a bug where the talent would not work properly. The critical damage bonus from instant damage skills is now constant, and the target's health only affects the chance of the talent occurring

  • Occurrence chance for every 10% of the target's remaining health changed to 2% (was 1%)

  •  Fixed a bug where the critical damage bonus was calculated incorrectly

buff was much needed... still don't like the skill... hate the design (very high randomness, doesn't help auto attack rangers, bad average damage increase...) would rather see smth like rogue one


8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

порхай как.png Butterfly Dance

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 3%)

  • Healing rate changed to once per 2 sec (was once per 3 sec)

  • Duration of Butterfly Dance changed to 14 sec (was 12 sec)

  • Physical Power bonus changed to 1.5% (was 0.5%)

  • Maximum Physical Power bonus changed to 4.5% (was 4%)

makes much more sense now... don't need 16 dodges to stack dmg buff.

but tbh those kind of talents will be so hard to balance... either useless or op...


And what about this shitty one ??

On 8/29/2024 at 4:59 PM, Ramona said:

marksman's precision.png Marksman's Precision
Increases the damage of skills by 0.5% for each yard between the character and the target. The bonus is doubled when a skill is used at maximum range

this is sooo bad... doesn't make sense : skills have different range, being at more than 3 yards ruins castle relics, and a dmg profile relying completely on a few big hits sucks

Tbh would much rather see on ranger that talent that rogue don't want... more cd and less mana cost would be really helpful...


On 8/29/2024 at 4:59 PM, Ramona said:

blade potential.png Blade Potential
Using an instant damage skill applies Blade Potential to the character for 8 sec, reducing the energy cost of the next class skill used by 40% and its cooldown by 20%.

give it to ranger and smth else for rogue wouldn't that be great for everyone ?



8 hours ago, Shimarin said:

мертв воля.png Dead Will

  • Healing done changed to 5% of maximum health (was 3%)

  • Healing rate bonus scaling with the party's total health missing health changed to 0.5 sec (was 0.2 sec)

  • Party's total missing health requirement to receive the healing rate bonus changed to every 20% (was every 25%)



even stronger than paladin now, why buff those aoe healing talents lol (and generally why introduce more healing and dmg reduction in the game...), seems its gonna be crazy strong




... Anyways... I gave up on pvp long ago way too costly, time consuming, and never remotely balanced...

Let's hope the pve content can still be somewhat enjoyable after that update

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34 minutes ago, Pecleb disse:

thats a buff... wtf why ?? It is alrdy one of the strongest talents lol


nice, makes more sense


very short duration still, if stunned or smth all the stacks are lost


still need more nerf, or changes imo. This talent enables toxic synergies against melee users (talent + high parry + counter + mark + vamp... killing ennemy by standing afk...)

Wonder when counter attack will be changed, to give a buff on the next attack, rather than just slapping back the ennemy in the face instantly


buff was much needed... still don't like the skill... hate the design (very high randomness, doesn't help auto attack rangers, bad average damage increase...) would rather see smth like rogue one


makes much more sense now... don't need 16 dodges to stack dmg buff.

but tbh those kind of talents will be so hard to balance... either useless or op...


And what about this shitty one ??

this is sooo bad... doesn't make sense : skills have different range, being at more than 3 yards ruins castle relics, and a dmg profile relying completely on a few big hits sucks

Tbh would much rather see on ranger that talent that rogue don't want... more cd and less mana cost would be really helpful...


give it to ranger and smth else for rogue wouldn't that be great for everyone ?





even stronger than paladin now, why buff those aoe healing talents lol (and generally why introduce more healing and dmg reduction in the game...), seems its gonna be crazy strong




... Anyways... I gave up on pvp long ago way too costly, time consuming, and never remotely balanced...

Let's hope the pve content can still be somewhat enjoyable after that update

you hit from 7 meters, you don't need CD reduction or any type of additional defense

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3 minutes ago, greyrat disse:

you hit from 7 meters, you don't need CD reduction or any type of additional defense

and deals 300% damage in one skill

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10 hours ago, Pecleb said:

прилив сил.png Power Surge

  • Healing done changed to 4% of maximum health (was 2%)

  •  Healing rate changed to every 5 sec (was every 3 sec)

 With this talent, the Paladin's third area heal talent became available.

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On 9/5/2024 at 2:37 AM, Joy Boy Abunda said:

Is this the official Blade Potential? Or you guys just want to prank us? 🤣🤣


If this is serious ill rate 8/10 from 2/10


That would be better, sadly was a joke.

the talent is still  being poor

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