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ricoy the bug

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Seu nome ricoy origem desconhecida muitos, estudiosos afirmam que em jogos onlines existem certos bugs que se manifestam de forma passiva porem as vezes, bugs evoluem e passam a fazer parte do cenario este bug podemos classificar como um chefao pois, podemos eliminar lo como nossas forças, elficas ou dos aliados particularmente, nao tentaria matar lo pois ele tem muitas artimanhas malignas trazidas e copiadas de muitoa bosses de atualizaçoes diferentes ao longo da historia do jogo warspear online. Sua aparencia nao agrada muitos pois e um bug.

Edited by lucaspro
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Especially because it's in Spanish. That's weird, since this is the International forum, or am I wrong?

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No, that's not accurate. Also, because this is the International forum, you should have translated it into English before posting:)

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I don't what you are trying to say, but here's the spanish forum: http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php/forum/107-foro-espa%C3%B1ol


that is protuguese not spanish, take a bit of culture before say nothing

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that is protuguese not spanish, take a bit of culture before say nothing

Take a few more language courses before saying anything ;)

Edited by Snowman
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