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Theres a problem with bows on legion side.

Here's a suggestion to Solve


Bows get turned into rondels

Xbows into swords


All bow skins turned into 1H skin Here's some



Lv13 Bow With Bloody Reapers Skin. +1 the bow would lose all Emchant and come out as +0 Acute Falchion With Rippers Skin.


Doom Crossbow with ice Skin >>> Doom blade with ice dagger


Ice Crossbow >> ice Dagger


Illusion bow >> illusion Sword


Inferno bow>> Rippers dagger


Would cost 20k per bow or xbow and to make

It fair as if elfs would want to use would be kept in nadir and t1 Ayivondil

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heys Turtle!


Happy to see you asking and suggesting once again! But I think that you might read this before, but anyways I will put it here for anyone after you. :)


Q: Why did I get a bow from a monster, besides I'm playing for mountain clans/undead?

A: It's impotant to understad that we have common drop system for both alliances, so if we remove bow and crossbow from drop, they won't also available for elfs/human to get.

Take care and good luck! :)

Edited by Bugs Bunny
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  • 1 month later...

Agreed!! I hope someday this problem will be solve because everyone knows specially game developers that legion side can't use cbow or longbow, unless future update MCs can use bow. Its up to the devs, thank you and good luck ws

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Not necesarily 1h or 1h skin or whatever, but generally random... Makes more sense

Edited by MCocktail
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  • 2 months later...

No you forgot my point and if its common drop then make it a useful common drop dont screw us. @bugsbunny

You dont understand cus ur not a mc ur a lv11 m8 stay that way




Bump. Lets see some new fire on this bow Debate

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yeah im guessing its very anboying. You spam tt hero all day and get a lords bow :D. both sides have the same mechanic they would have to redesign it. i dont think it will happen.

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uh no remodeling just a new dealer. you mustve read incorrectly and any weapon would just generate it randomly noty id like to know what i get so skins are useful as well dont want to exch a rare bow skin and get a illusion sword that would be gay as duck. 


they need to add anything but blackmarkets stupid cus chance ull lose ur bows if im not mistaken

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

ya agree, make it balance please between this two side. elf drop bow/xbow especially the rare they will get bunch of golds and congrats on world chat but when mc got bow/xbow = troll by whole legion

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They need a neutral Dealer, like in Warcraft. Put it in Ayvondil or Nadir, or any other neutral town.


That way MC can sell Bow/X-Bows to Elves, sure MC's lose out on the weapon type, but we can drain the elves of their gold!

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Theres a problem with bows on legion side.

Here's a suggestion to Solve


Bows get turned into rondels

Xbows into swords


All bow skins turned into 1H skin Here's some



Lv13 Bow With Bloody Reapers Skin. +1 the bow would lose all Emchant and come out as +0 Acute Falchion With Rippers Skin.


Doom Crossbow with ice Skin >>> Doom blade with ice dagger


Ice Crossbow >> ice Dagger


Illusion bow >> illusion Sword


Inferno bow>> Rippers dagger


Would cost 20k per bow or xbow and to make

It fair as if elfs would want to use would be kept in nadir and t1 Ayivondil




I swear i had something similar in mind :)


people could trade the bow to a staff or 2h with an npc.


come on NPC you know how unfair this is for Mountain clan and forsaken???


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  • 2 weeks later...

if a paladin has more than 50-60iq he will not use two handed swords,axes or maces. They cant be sold on elf bcz no paladin uses them bcz they are only phsical dmg. They are shit drops as much as bows for mc. What about this??

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