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Hunter's skills Range


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all of hunter's stun skills range is 4yards or less making the hunter being outranged when it comes to stuns by almost all classes including melee classes, as well as having "sapping shot" one of hunter's key skills for PvP and PvE at 4yards range making the hunter takes extra damage, waste time trying to close the gap towards their target or even resulting in them dying in mass fights because they tried to use one of their skills which is unnatural considering hunter is supposed to be a ranged class capitalizing on attacking from afar to win their matchups 


1.png.e6a750aaded3b26f7b31e93554de6903.png 11.png.c3abd608a3726dc8039034ce779492de.png 

111.png.b6bd954ea8677e8c0b4f3004ba425e39.png  1.1.png.cd4c9839f1efce314b2706475fbf6c75.png


thus I wanna suggest the increase in hunter's stuns and sapping shot skills to 123123.png.66ebe34c189206de3f839c7fda45b76a.png  5 yards so they can have equal opportunity as other ranged classes and not getting themselves killed because they tried to use one of their skills from afar considering how fragile and easy to kill hunters are in current meta 

Thank you :hello:

Edited by Abi
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