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Warspear Online 11.4 - Branches


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    In the 11.4 update, we will get 3 different Talent Tree branches for each class, effectivelly creating "subclasses" for them.


    If you read the Preview post and got confused about which role will fit each branch, i will explain them.


NOTE: This is not absolute truth, it's just a review based on my analysis.



1979075809_.png.2534f8c2e3b027505e0a2f8fbf9031ed.png.ee13f53eec10ad1b41c3e6c35f4d80a8.png Chosen


image.png.b2263dced48af14d7d193eed68d1ec6c.png Paladin


image.png.30c4b030075b603814d0b52a6f5ab271.png Retribution - Healer/Magical Damage

Paladins of “Retribution” branch are both a reliable support for their allies and a fighting force that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies.


святой воин.png Holy Warrior - Tank/Physical Damage

Seeing the shine of the armor of the “Holy Warrior” Paladin, any enemy realizes that he is facing a dangerous opponent. Raising his banner, the Paladin proudly resists any onslaught.


оплот веры.png Bastion of Faith - Tank/Support

Steadfastly enduring the burden of frontline battles, Paladins of the “Bastion of Faith” branch will not abandon a weakened ally and become a reliable cover for him.



маг.png Mage


пиромантия.png Pyromancy - Magical Damage

By mastering the power of fire, “Pyromancy” Mages have become an unstoppable offensive force capable of crushing anyone


тайная магия.png Secret Magic - PvP

Mages of the “Secret Magic” branch change reality to achieve their goals. Entering into battle with them, you should not believe your eyes.


геомантия.png Geomancy - Balanced Offense and Defense

Possessing a wide range of skills, the Mages of the “Geomancy” branch are universal combat units capable of both increasing their offensive potential and strengthening their defense.



жрец.png Priest


служ свету.png Serving the Light - Support (Debuff Remover)

Saving the lives of comrades is the main and only goal of the Priests of the “Service the Light” branch. Warriors who sacrifice themselves in battle can always be sure that the righteous light will illuminate their path forward.


инквизиция.png Inquisition - Magical Damage

Righteous punishment with burning light will overtake the enemy, which will stand in the way of the Priests of the “Inquisition” branch.


священн гнев.png Sacred Fury - Magical Damage/Support (Additional Damage)

In addition to helping the wounded, “Sacred Fury” Priests are able to enchant the blades of their brothers-in-arms with the withering power of righteous anger.



искатель.png Seeker


стал смерч.png Steel Storm - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

Like unstoppable wind flows, a flurry of cleaving blows from Seekers of the “Steel Storm” branch falls upon the enemy.


беспощадность.png Ruthlessness - Physical Damage (Bleeding)

When fighting “Ruthless” Seekers, you need to be careful, otherwise you will get mortal wounds before you understand anything.


правед ярость.png Righteous Fury - Balanced Offense and Defense

Seekers of the “Righteous Fury” specialization have high combat potential and excellent defense even when close to death.



храмовник.png Templar


твердыня веры.png Stronghold of FaithPhysical Damage/Tank

Templars of the “Stronghold of Faith” specialization are not only able to survive in the harshest corners of Arinar, but also to repel the enemy.


хранитель клятвы.png Keeper of Oaths - Support

Experienced warriors say that they are alive only thanks to the Templars of the “Keeper of Oaths” specialization. They are able to heal even the most terrible wounds without losing combat effectiveness.


тактик.png TacticianMass PvP

Templars of the “Tactician” specialization provide an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield, with skillful control of space and gravity.




перворожд.png Firstborn


раз клинок.png Blade Dancer


танц по ветру.png Dancer on the Wind - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

Like the claws of a wild beast, “Dancer on the Wind” Blade Dancers slashes through the armor and flesh of enemies in a ceaseless dance.


безуд натиск НОВАЯ.png Unrestrained Onslaught - Physical Damage (Skills)

The Blade Dancers of the “Unrestrained Onslaught” specialization cut through the enemy formation with perfected maneuvers, not allowing the enemy to come to their senses. The assault power of forest warriors is almost impossible to stop.


проворство пера.png Featherlike Agility - PvP

The reflexes of the Blade Dancers of the “Featherlike Agility” specialization trained over the years, made it possible to notice danger, and the skill of wielding blades to avoid it at any distance.



рейнджер.png Ranger


виртуоз канон.png Masterful Cannonade - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

“Masterful Cannonade” Rangers' movements are so smooth and precise that their lightning-fast shots leave enemies with no choice but to die.


массивный обстрел.png Massive Bombardment - Physical Damage (Skills)

Rangers of the “Massive Bombardment” specialization rely on high-tech weapons in combat that can shoot far and quickly, dealing massive damage to enemies.


аномал неулов.png Anomalous Elusiveness - PvP

Unthinkable agility is in the hands of Rangers of the “Anomalous Elusiveness” specialization. The enemy does not really have time to aim and strike, as the agile elf is already standing behind him.



друид.png Druid


щедрость леса.png Forest Generosity - Healer/Support (Buffs)

The elders of the Elven forests have strengthened the bonds of their people with the forests of Melvendil, deeply worshiping the power that dwells there. It was the Druids of the “Forest Generosity” specialization who had the honor of passing this power on to their brothers.


разгнев источн.png Angered Spring - Summoner (Magical)

Elven waters can both heal deadly diseases and be a formidable weapon in the hands of “Angered Spring” Druids.


разреж небеса.png Discharged Sky - Healer/Magical Damage*

Heaven is capable of both taking life away with raging hurricanes, and giving it away, washing the dry earth with moisture. Druids of the “Discharged Sky” specialization rule both states of the untamed firmament.


*You could also think of it as PvP, due to the buff to Punitive Roots, Power of Water and "AoE" Lighting Bolt.



страж.png Warden


необузд воля.png Unbridled Will - PvP

Wardens of the “Unbridled Will” specialization are ordered to move only forward, steadfastly take the blow and protect their brothers even under the threat of death.


секира хранит.png Guardian's Axe - Physical Damage

Wardens of the "Guardian's Axe" specialization have chosen the path of brute force, making it clear to the enemy that the elven measurement is easily replaced by a violent frenzy.


опаление гневом.png Scorching Fury - Tank/Offense

What is the wrath of the forests of Melvendil will learn elven enemies when faced with the Wardens of the specialization "Scorching Fury".



ловчий.png Beastmaster


единство хранит.png Guardian UnitySummoner (Hybrid)

The spiritual balance between the elves and the forests of Melvendil was embodied in the harmony between the Beastmaster and the Moon, opening up new facets of the mastery of the “Unity of the Guardians" specialization.


двуединый раж.png Dual RageSummoner (Physical)

Not all Beastmasters use magic in battles with enemies, some of them are used to relying solely on brute force. The Beastmasters of “Dual Rage” specializations have devoted much of their time to melee battles and beast training, turning claws and blades into deadly weapons.


воодушевл леса НОВАЯ.png Forest InspirationMagical Damage

Incredible secrets are hidden in the most ordinary inhabitants of the forests. Thus, through the lotus flower under the moonlight and the flapping of the butterfly's wings, the most ancient wisdom is transmitted by the Beastmasters of the “Forest Inspiration” specialization.




горные кланы.png Mountain Clan


варвар.png Barbarian


оборона.png Defense - Tank

Barbarians of the "Defense" branch have increased even more steel layers on their uniforms, which are able to more confidently hold back the onslaught of opponents and take a hit on themselves.



берсерк.png Berserk - Damage

When looking at Barbarians of the “Berserk” branch, you can only see bloodthirsty eyes and the gleam of a huge ax.You will not envy those who will meet with this fury in battle.



подкрепл.png Reinforcement - PvP

The “Reinforcement” Barbarian is ready to fight side by side with his brothers in arms, covering them with his shield. And the piercing battle cry will sow panic in the heart of any enemy.



разбойник.png Rogue


универсальность.png Versatility - Physical Damage

Rogues of the “Versatility” branch are able to be effective in any combat, using both basic attacks and deadly skills. It is the competent combination of all means of attack that allows you not to leave a chance to the enemy.


смертоносн.png Lethality - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

Enemies will face a relentless onslaught of fast attacks as they encounter “Lethality” Rogues on the battlefield. Few can resist a flurry of such dangerous blows.


ликвидац.png Liquidation - Physical Damage (Skills)

Destroy the enemy quickly - the main task of the "Liquidation" branch. Combinations of the most powerful skills allow to inflict colossal damage to any enemy in a few seconds.



шаман.png Shaman


духовн покров.png Spiritual Patronage - Support

As the eldest ancestor, the Shaman of the "Spiritual Patronage" branch is obliged to protect his brothers and pass on the secrets of amplifying magic to the next generation.


гнев небес.png Fury of the Skies - Magical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

For thousands of years, the magicians of the clans took away all the sorrow and pain from the warriors, which no longer have a place in their hearts. Offenders will be struck with deafening thunder and lightning, feeling all the hatred of the Shamans of the “Fury of the Skies” branch.



оккультизм.png Occultism - Mass PvP

The secret rites of “Occultism” Shamans have unlocked an ancient power that can cast spells on enemies and heal entire squads of allies.



охотник.png Hunter


искусн стрельба.png Skillful Shooting - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

There is no hiding from the attacks of Hunters of the “Skillful Shooting” branch - they always reach the target. Even the strongest armor will be broken, because with each new attack, the Hunter hits the most vulnerable places more accurately.


самоход артилл.png Self-propelled Artillery - Physical Damage (Skills)

The improved design of ranged weapons allows Hunters of the “Self-Propelled artillery” branch to continuously bombard enemies with powerful attacks, without letting them take a breath.


дух предков НОВАЯ.png Spirit of Ancestors - PvP

For their long-standing adherence to the traditions of the ancient ancestors of the Mountain clans, warriors are rewarded with wisdom. Hunters of the "Spirit of ancestors" branch are capable of using ritual magic that purifies their body and suppresses the will to live in their enemies.



вождь.png Chieftain


крысиная орда.png Rat Horde - Physical Damage

It took a lot of training to tame such cunning creatures. Now the Chieftains of the "Rat Horde" branch are able to unleash a ferocious fanged malice on enemies.



естество орла.png Eagle's Nature - Hybrid Damage

Like eagles soaring overhead, the “Eagle's Nature” Chieftains inspire hopelessness in the hearts of enemies. You can’t hide from them and you just have to wait until the red veil obscures your eyes.


ловк пумы.png Puma Agility - Magical Damage

Even looking into the void, the enemy will always find the eyes of a predator there. Not fangs and claws, but the tip of the weapon will be the main danger to the enemy, which has become a target for the Chieftains of the "Puma Agility" branch.



проклятые.png Forsaken


рыцарь смерти.png Death Knight


лик смерти.png Death Face - Magical Damage

Death Knights of the “Death Face” branch have one single order - to burn to the ground all opponents of the Legion with a dark flame.


незыблем тьмы.png Dark Fortitude - Tank

Death Knights of the "Dark Fortitude" branch are able to confidently hold back the onslaught of the enemy - the real advanced power of the dark forces.


вампир сущн.png Vampire Essence - Hybrid Damage/Balanced Offense and Defense (Vampirism)

Death Knights of the “Vampiric Essence” branch gained power in absorbing the life force of the enemy. These warriors of the Legion are ready to arrange a bloody feast time after time.



чернокнижник.png Warlock


оккульт чары.png Occult Spell - Magical Damage (Energy)

Countless rites and offerings to the dark forces opened up a new round of black magic for the Warlocks of the “Occult Spell” branch.


неизбежн тьмы.png Inevitability of Darkness - PvP

Above the heads of the Warlocks of the “Inevitable of Darkness” branch, the darkness thickens with renewed power, plunging the hearts of enemies into the inevitability of death.


двуликая скверна.png Two-Faced Filth - Mass PvP/Balanced Offense and Defense

Warlocks of the "Two-Faced Filth" branch have fully mastered the power of chaos and learned how to use it both against enemies and for the benefit of the Legion army.



некромант.png Necromancer


бездыхан покровит.png Breathless PatronageMagical Damage/Support (Additional Damage)

Necromancers of the "Breathless Patronage" branch have gained unprecedented magical power, which they use to increase the combat potential of the Legion's warriors.



жизнь после смерти.png Life After Death - Summoner (Magical)

The earth-shaking tread of the inanimate Legion will unquestioningly destroy all enemies, because thanks to the Necromancers of the “Life After Death” branch, the fallen enemies will certainly serve the dark forces.



ледяное сердце.png Frozen Heart - Healer/Mass PvP

Powerful “Frozen Heart” Necromancers are capable of both awakening life and stopping it. No matter how strong the will, the cold enveloping the soul will not spare anyone.



заклинатель.png Charmer


триединство.png Triforce - Summoner (Hybrid)/Balanced Offense and Defense

Demonic ties firmly bind the “Triforce” Charmer to his Dark Wolf and Night Bird subjects. Only side by side, these fiends of the underworld with their master will be able to unlock the potential of the dark magic of summoning.


свирепое полчище.png Ferocious Horde - Summoner (Physical)

“Ferocious Horde” Charmers prioritized the enraged strength of the pack of wolves, leaving behind only the gnawed remains of their fallen enemies.


исчадие тьмы.png Fiend of Darkness - Summoner (Magical)/Healer

Demonic knowledge and power over the most dangerous monsters of the underworld have opened a new path for Charmers of the "Fiend of darkness" branch. All this power will certainly be brought down on enemies.



жнец.png Reaper


демонизм.png Demonism - Physical Damage (Auto-Attacks)

The embodiment of a demonic essence is not always a complete transformation into a dangerous monster. “Demonism” Reapers draw a different kind of power from the sources of chaos, becoming no less dangerous to their enemies.


инферн голод.png Infernal Hunger - Hate Generation

The insane pursuit of victims will destroy everything in its path. After all, it is impossible for the Reapers of the “Infernal Hunger” branch to quench the thirst for hatred even with the suffering of thousands of souls.



надзор бездны.png Abyss WatchPvP

Higher demonic forces are not destined to set foot on the lands of Arinar, so they implement their plans through their adherents - Reapers of the “Abyss Watch” branch. All the forces of chaos will be directed to protect the adherents of the higher will.

Edited by Khrone
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