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[2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1


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Dear friends!


The 15th anniversary of the confrontation between the forces of the Sentinels and the Legion is approaching! Over all these years, the rivalry between the Alliances and their incessant struggle for leadership has inevitably changed the amazing and diverse world created by the White Wanderer. Now, Arinar is on the verge of epochal events, and every warrior is capable of changing the course of history! On the eve of the upcoming trials, the sages are revealing new powers to the defenders of Arinar, enclosed in a tree of class talents. It's time to find out what secrets of power are hidden in the continuation of the tree!


Basic talents


The continuation of the talent tree will differ depending on the role of the class. In addition to bringing talents with new mechanics in the continuation of the tree, full study of all incoming talents will allow you to unlock access to three talent branches that are unique to each class (talent branches will be discussed in more details below). Moreover, some basic talents will be part of the talent branches and will be located uniquely for each branch of each class.


Damage dealing

Classes: Ranger, Blade Dancer, Seeker, Mage, Warlock, Reaper, Rogue, Hunter, Chieftain, Beastmaster


Нанесение урона_EN.jpg



Classes: Paladin, Warden, Death Knight, Barbarian




Hybrid tanking 

Classes: Templar, Charmer


Подветка гибридных Танков_EN.jpg



Classes: Priest, Necromancer, Shaman, Druid




Offensive talents


запал ненависти.png Fuse of Hatred

Increases the amount of aggression generated by the character when dealing damage by 5 \ 10%.

исст хищ 1.png Predator's Rage: Rank I

Increases the character's damage against Normal, Strong and Elite class monsters by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

исст хищ 2.png Predator's Rage: Rank II

Increases the character's damage against mini-bosses, bosses and raid bosses by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

непрерыв пробив.png Continuous Penetration

Increases the penetration of character skills that deal periodic damage by 0.25 \ 0.5 \ 0.75%.

мгновен пробив.png Instant Penetration

Increases the penetration of character skills that deal instant damage by 0.25 \ 0.5 \ 0.75%.

крит урон 1.png Critical damage: Rank I

Increases the character's “Critical Damage Strength” parameter by 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25 \ 1.5%.

крит урон 1.png Critical damage: Rank II

Increases the character's “Critical Damage Strength” parameter by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25 \ 1.5 \ 1.75%.

контролируемое ослабл.png Controlled Weakening

Increases the duration of negative effects, except for control effects, which are applied by the character to monsters by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

контрол подчинение.png Controlled Obedience

Increases the duration of control effects, which are applied by the character to monsters by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

разбитое укрепл.png Broken Fortification

Each successful character's basic attack inflicts the “Broken Fortification” debuff on the enemy for 7 sec. The effect reduces the monster's physical and magical defense by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

возвыш пробив.png Increased Penetration

Increases the character's maximum “Penetration” parameter by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

возвышен свирепость.png Increased Ferocity

Increases the character's maximum “Ferocity” parameter by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

проверка на прочность.png Strength Test

Increases the character's damage against monsters with a level of health above 70% of the maximum by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

добивание.png Killing Blows

Increases the character's damage against monsters with health below 30% of the maximum by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

крит удар.png Critical Hit: Rank III

Increases the character’s “Critical Hit” parameter by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25%.

точн 3.png Accuracy: Rank III

Increases the character’s “Accuracy” parameter by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25%.

скорость атаки 3.png Attack Speed: Rank III

Increases the "Attack Speed" parameter for the character by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25 \ 1.5%.

пробив спос 3.png Penetration: Rank III

Increases the "Penetration" parameter of the character by 0.75 \ 1%.

перезарядка 3.png Skills Cooldown: Rank III

Increases the "Skills Cooldown" parameter for the character by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25 \ 1.5%.

сил атака 3.png Power Attack: Rank III

Increases character’s physical and magical power by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25%.


Defensive talents


хищн выдержан 1.png Predatory Restraint: Rank I

Reduces incoming damage to the character from the skills of Normal, Strong and Elite class monsters by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

хищн выдержан 2.png Predatory Restraint: Rank II

Reduces incoming damage to the character from the skills of mini-bosses, bosses and raid-bosses by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

природ упр.png Natural Stubbornness

Reduces the duration of negative effects, with the exception of control effects applied to the character, by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

природ сопротив.png Natural Resistance

Reduces the duration of control effects, applied to the character by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

соучастие.png Complicity

Increases the duration of buffs from skills applied to the character by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

блокирование 2.png Blocking: Rank I

Increases the character's "Block" parameter by 0.25 \ 0.5 \ 0.75%.

блокирование 2.png Blocking: Rank II

Increases the character's "Block" parameter by 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1%.

парирование 2.png Parry: Rank I

Increases the character's “Parry” parameter by 0.25 \ 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1%.

парирование 2.png Parry: Rank II

Increases the character's “Parry” parameter by 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25%.

подавление нрава.png Temper Suppression

Each character's successful auto-attack against a monster inflicts the “Temper Suppression” debuff on it for 7 sec. The effect reduces the monster's physical and magical power by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

сопротивление.png Resistance: Rank I

Increases the character's “Resistance” parameter by 0.25 \ 0.5 \ 0.75%.

сопротивление.png Resistance: Rank II

Increases the character's “Resistance” parameter by 0.5 \ 0.75 \ 1%.

неприм нападение.png Inconspicuous Attack

Reduces the amount of aggression generated by characters when dealing any damage by 5 \ 10%.

непримет исцелен.png Inconspicuous Healing

Reduces the amount of aggression generated by the character when healing with skills by 5 \ 10%.

самооборона.png Self-Defense

Increases the character's physical defense in combat with monsters by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

возвыш блокиров.png Increased Blocking

Increases the character's maximum allowed “Block” parameter by 0.5 \ 1%.

возвыш париров.png Increased Parry

Increases the character's maximum “Parry” parameter by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

возвышен устойч.png Increased Resilience

Increases the character's maximum “Resilience” parameter by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

возвыш уклон.png Increased Evasion

Increases the maximum value of the character's "Dodge" parameter by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

втор дыхание.png Second wind

Restores 1 \ 2 \ 3% of the character's maximum health every 7 sec. if the character's health drops below 50% of the maximum health.

воспрянуть духом.png Revive the Spirit

Restores 2 \ 4 \ 6% of the maximum energy to the character every 7 sec. if the character's energy level drops below 50% of the maximum.

сила исцелен.png The power of healing 

Increases healing power from character skills by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

выносл 3.png Stamina: Rank III

Increases maximum health of the character by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25 \ 1.5%.

уклонение 3.png Evasion: Rank III

Increases the “Dodge” parameter for a character by 0.75 \ 1 \ 1.25%.

надёжность.png Solidity: Rank III

Increases the character's "Solidity" parameter by 0.75 \ 1%.

мудрость 3.png Wisdom: Rank III

Increases maximum character energy by 1.5 \ 2 \ 2.5 \ 3%.

реген энерг 2.png Energy regeneration: Rank II

Increases the character's “Energy Regeneration” parameter by 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 pts.

реген здоровья.png Health Regeneration: Rank II 

Increases the character's “Health Regeneration” parameter by 6 \ 9 \ 12 \ 15 pts.




благосл звезды.png Stellar Blessing

Character receives an additional skill development point.


Talent branches


Talent branches are special sections within the talent tree that enhance certain class abilities. By choosing and developing one of the three available talent branches, you can not only strengthen your character and make it more effective in various game areas, but also adapt it to your chosen play style.


The study of talent branches becomes available as soon as all incoming talents are studied. You can activate one of the branches in the dialog box that appears after clicking on the branch icon. After confirmation of activation, the descending talents of the selected branch become available for research. At the same time, you can study and develop only one of the three talent branches, and you can change the talent branches in the inactive branch dialog box.




When changing the branch, all the talents learned in the deactivated branch will become inactive, but the progress of the learned talents will remain. In addition, to change the branch you will need a certain amount of knowledge. The specific cost of changing a branch is calculated depending on the cost of all the studied talents in the activated branch. The current status and condition of the branch will be indicated by the color indication of the frames of the icons of the branch and talents.


избранные.png Chosen 


паладин.png Paladin


воздаяние.png Branch “Retribution”

Paladins of “Retribution” branch are both a reliable support for their allies and a fighting force that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies.





Lesser talents


небес свет.png Heavenly Light+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

призыв харада.png Harad's Call+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 8%.

очищение.png Purifying+

Increases the gain of the strength of the periodic damage from the character's magic damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

солн печать.png Sun Seal+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 8%.


Key Class Talents


неугас свеча.png Inextinguishable candle

The "Light Aura" skill additionally restores health to the character and all party members every 2 sec. at a rate of 8% of the healing received by any member of the group under the effect during this time.

воздая верой.png Faith reward

All character skills that deal damage have a 15% chance to additionally inflict the "Faith reward" debuff on the enemy for 8 sec. The effect deals magic damage equal to 20% of the character's magic power every 2 sec. The maximum number of effects from the talent on a single target is 5.


святой воин.png Branch “Holy Warrior”

Seeing the shine of the armor of the “Holy Warrior” Paladin, any enemy realizes that he is facing a dangerous opponent. Raising his banner, the Paladin proudly resists any onslaught.





Lesser talents


молитва палад.png Paladin's Prayer+

Increases skill healing strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

отталк удар.png Repellent Strike+

Increases the effect duration of the skill by 0.5 sec.

очищение.png Purifying+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

внутрен силы.png Inner Forces+

Increases skill effect strength by 0.2%.


Key Class Talents


сосредот гнева.png Anger concentration

Now the maximum number of player targets and monster targets of the “Harad's Banner” skill is 1. Now the Banner deals physical damage depending on the character’s physical strength and is more likely to attack the same target as the character. Skill damage increased by 15%.

освящ латы.png Sanctified armor

Increases the character's maximum health by 1% for every 600 pts. of physical protection.


оплот веры.png Branch “Bastion of Faith”

Steadfastly enduring the burden of frontline battles, Paladins of the “Bastion of Faith” branch will not abandon a weakened ally and become a reliable cover for him.





Lesser talents


небес свет.png Heavenly Light+

Increases the skill power gain from the character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

солн печать.png Sun Seal+

Increases the healing power of the skill by 2%.

знамя харада.png Harad's Banner+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

защита света.png Light Defense+

Increases skill effect strength by 4%.


Key Class Talents


несломл духа.png Unbroken Spirit

The skill "Inner Forces" additionally increases the "Block" parameter by 5% and by 0.5%, depending on the missing health.

заступничество.png Intercession

Restores health to the character and an ally, primarily party members, within 5 yards equal to 100% of the character's magic power when blocking or parrying an attack, but no more than once every 1 sec.


маг.png Mage


пиромантия.png Branch “Pyromancy”

By mastering the power of fire, “Pyromancy” Mages have become an unstoppable offensive force capable of crushing anyone.





Lesser talents


огнен шар.png Fire Ball+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

яростн пламя.png Roaring Flame+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

аура огня.png Aura of Fire+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

пламенеющая земля.png Blazing Ground+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2%.


Key class talents


магмовая глыба.png Magma block

The “Frostbolt” skill now applies the “Incineration” debuff to the enemy instead of “Icing”. This effect reduces “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 35%. The skill now deals 15% increased damage against enemies affected by the “Blazing Ground” skill.

пироманьяк.png Pyromaniac

“Fire Ball”, “Blazing Ground”, “Roaring Flame”, “Aura of Fire”, and “Frostbolt” skills deal 50% increased critical damage and a guaranteed critical strike against targets at or above 90% health.


тайная магия.png Branch “Secret Magic”

Mages of the “Secret Magic” branch change reality to achieve their goals. Entering into battle with them, you should not believe your eyes.





Lesser talents


эфир барьер.png Ethereal Barrier+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.1 sec.

искаж времени.png Time Warp+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

облагораж.png Ennoblement+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.1 \ 0.2 \ 0.4 sec.

иллюзор цепи.png Illusory Chains+

Increases skill knockback range by 1 yard.


Key class talents


аккумуляция.png Accumulation

When using the “Time Warp” skill, it applies the effect of the “Ethereal Barrier” skill to the character. The duration of the action and its strength depend on the level of development of the skill "Ethereal Barrier".

манипул простран.png Space manipulation

Apply the “Space Manipulation” buff on the character for 12 sec. when using “Time Warp”, “Illusory Chains”, “Ethereal Barrier”, “Dragon Eye”, “Ennoblement”, and “Magic Ban”. The effect increases the character's magical power by 6%. Every 3 sec. bonus to magic power is increased by 2%, up to a maximum of 18%. Getting the effect again refreshes its duration.


геомантия.png Branch “Geomancy”

Possessing a wide range of skills, the Mages of the “Geomancy” branch are universal combat units capable of both increasing their offensive potential and strengthening their defense.





Lesser talents


солнеч броня.png Sun Armor+

Increases skill effect strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

камен осколки.png Shattered Stone+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 7%.

ледян стрела.png Frostbolt+

Increases skill effect strength by 5%.

огнен шар.png Fire Ball+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.


Key class talents


рунич валун.png Runic Boulder

The skill "Fire Ball" additionally inflicts the negative effect "Blunt Wounds" on the enemy for 16 sec. The effect reduces movement speed by 8% and physical and magical defense by 5%. When an enemy gains 3 stacks, the effects are combined into one powerful “Open Fracture” debuff for 16 sec. The effect reduces movement speed by 40% and physical and magical defense by 20%. An opponent affected by the “Open Fracture” effect cannot receive the “Blunt Wounds” effect.

магия природ.png The magic of nature

When using “Overload”, “Frostbolt”, “Fire Ball”, “Shattered Stone”, “Sun Armor” skills, the character will randomly gain the “Rose Lethality” buff, the “Sakura Flexibility” buff, or the “Lily's Innocence” buff by 12 sec. The “Lethality of the Rose” effect increases the damage of instant damage skills by 10%. The “Sakura Flexibility” increases “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 18%. The “Lily's Innocence” buff increases maximum health by 8%. Getting the effect again refreshes its duration.


жрец.png Priest 


служ свету.png Branch “Serving the Light”

Saving the lives of comrades is the main and only goal of the Priests of the “Service the Light” branch. Warriors who sacrifice themselves in battle can always be sure that the righteous light will illuminate their path forward.





Lesser talents


целит прикосн.png Healing Touch+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

искупление.png Redemption+

Increases the amount of debuffs the skill removes from the character and allies by 1.

кара света.png Punishment of the Light+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec.

слезы харада.png Harad’s Tears+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 7.5%.


Key class talents


исповедь.png Confession

“Valor Aura” skill additionally removes a debuff from one party member every 5 sec. The effect's trigger frequency is reduced by 0.5 seconds. for each member of the group with the effect of the skill.

успеть до закат.png Make it Before Sundown

Increases the "Skill Cooldown" parameter by 15% and by another 1% for each 10% of the missing health of the maximum health of each of the party members who are in the same location with the character.


инквизиция.png Branch “Inquisition”

Righteous punishment with burning light will overtake the enemy, which will stand in the way of the Priests of the “Inquisition” branch.





Lesser talents


слезы харада.png Harad’s Tears+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

расплата.png Payback+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 10%.

помощь богов.png Gods' Help+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Critical Damage” parameter by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

мистич метка.png Mystic Mark+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 9%.


Key class talents


эгида греха.png Aegis of Sin

Now the skill "Mystic Mark" does not reduce the physical and magical defense of the target, but additionally deals damage when the effect is applied. Skill damage reduced by 25%.

упоение светом.png Drunk with Light

Increases the damage of all instant damage skills by 15%. Apply the “Drunk with Light” buff on the character for 14 sec. when an enemy dodges an auto-attack or a skill attack that deals instant damage. The effect increases the "Accuracy" parameter by 12%.


священн гнев.png Branch “Sacred Fury” 

In addition to helping the wounded, “Sacred Fury” Priests are able to enchant the blades of their brothers-in-arms with the withering power of righteous anger.





Lesser talents


слезы харада.png Harad’s Tears+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

аура доблести.png Valor Aura+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

перемирие.png Armistice+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

кара света.png Punishment of the Light+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 8%.


Key class talents


наказ болью.png Punishment by Pain

While affected by “Valor Aura” skill, all party members have a 30% chance to deal an additional 20% of the character's magical strength when attacking or using an Instant Damage skill.

вознесение.png Uplift

Increases the character's magical strength by 15% for 6 sec., after which the bonus to magical strength decreases by 1.5% every 2 sec. When the bonus to magical strength reaches 0%, the maximum bonus is applied. The frequency of reduction of the bonus is reduced by the "Skill Cooldown" parameter.


искатель.png Seeker


стал смерч.png Branch “Steel Storm”

Like unstoppable wind flows, a flurry of cleaving blows from Seekers of the “Steel Storm” branch falls upon the enemy.





Lesser talents


ожесточение.png Exacerbation+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Strength” parameter by 1%.

воодушевл.png Inspiration+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

солнеч мощь.png Sun Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Damage” parameter by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

внутр ярость.png Inner Rage+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.


Key class talents


рассек сталь.png Steel Slicer

The “Inspiration” skill additionally allows an auto-attack with a 10% chance to deal 15% more damage and ignore the enemy's physical and magical defense.

боев потенц.png Battle potential

Every 6 non-critical auto-attack deals double damage. The number of noncritical attacks for double damage is reduced by 1 per active permanent skill, up to a maximum of 3.


беспощадность.png Branch “Ruthlessness”

When fighting “Ruthless” Seekers, you need to be careful, otherwise you will get mortal wounds before you understand anything.





Lesser talents


ожесточение.png Exacerbation+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical strength by 2%.

опасн удар.png Dangerous Blow+

Increases the gain of periodic damage from the skill from a character's physical damage by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

дробящий удар.png Splitting Blow+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

жажда крови.png Bloodthirst+

Increases skill healing strength by 2%.


Key class talents


алый клинок.png Scarlet Blade

With a 20% chance the “Exacerbation” skill additionally applies the “Bleeding” debuff to the enemy for 8 sec. when auto-attacking or attacking with a skill that deals instant damage. The effect deals physical damage equal to 15% of the character's physical strength every 2 sec. The maximum number of effects from the talent on a single target is 5.

омовение кровью.png Blood Ablution

Reduces the duration of the DOT-damage effects from “Dangerous Blow”, “Splitting Blow”, and the “Scarlet Blade” talent by 25%, and increases the frequency of damage dealt by 40%.


правед ярость.png Branch “Righteous Fury”

Seekers of the “Righteous Fury” specialization have high combat potential and excellent defense even when close to death.





Lesser talents


внутр ярость.png Inner Rage+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

щит харада.png Harad's Shield+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces incoming damage against a character by 0.5%.

исчезновение.png Disappearance+

Increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from a skill by 0.5 sec.

рассекание.png Splitting+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.


Key class talents


поддержка харада.png Harad's Support

Increases the duration of the effect from the “Harad's Shield” skill, which reduces incoming damage against the character, by 1 sec. when the character receives a negative effect, but no more than 4 sec.

внутр гармон.png Inner Harmony

With a chance equal to the percentage of missing health from the maximum, reduces the energy cost of using the skill by 100% and applies the “Inner Harmony” buff to the character for 8 sec. Getting an effect again increases its power and refreshes its duration. This effect increases the “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 5% to a maximum of 30%.


храмовник.png Templar


твердыня веры.png Branch “Stronghold of faith”

Templars of the “Stronghold of Faith” specialization are not only able to survive in the harshest corners of Arinar, but also to repel the enemy.





Lesser talents


вихрь покаян.png Whirlwind of Repentance+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

учения харада.png Harad's Teachings+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 5%.

запрещ прием.png Sucker Punch+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

сила небес.png Heaven's Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Block” parameter by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.


Key class talents


неистов заступ.png Furious Protector

Now the damage of the monster summoned by the "Particle of Life" skill is calculated from the physical strength of the character, and the range of its attack is increased by 2 yards. Instant skill damage reduced by 50%.

небесн наковальня.png Heavenly Anvil

Increases the character's “Accuracy” parameter by 60% of the character's “Block” parameter. When you block any attack, apply the “Sky anvil” buff to your character for 12 sec. This effect increases the “Block” parameter by 1.5%. Getting the effect again increases its power to a maximum of 7.5% and refreshes its duration.


хранитель клятвы.png Branch “Keeper of Oaths”

Experienced warriors say that they are alive only thanks to the Templars of the “Keeper of Oaths” specialization. They are able to heal even the most terrible wounds without losing combat effectiveness.





Lesser talents


порицание.png Blame+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

боев поддержка.png Combat Support+

Increases skill effect strength by 25%.

учения харада.png Harad's Teachings+

Increases skill healing power by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

сила небес.png Heaven's Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.


Key class talents


мудрость преодол.png Wisdom of overcoming

Now the healing from the skill "Harad's Teachings" works even if the "Stun" effect was ignored.

божест замысел.png Divine Intent

The character is afflicted with the “Divine Intent” buff for 8 sec. when using any skill. This effect increases the “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 12%. Reapplying an effect increases its power to a maximum of 40% and refreshes its duration.


тактик.png Branch “Tactician”

Templars of the “Tactician” specialization provide an unparalleled advantage on the battlefield, with skillful control of space and gravity.





Lesser talents


статуя божест.png Deity Statue+

Increases the amount of damage taken by the statue placed by the skill by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

мантра исцел.png Mantra of Healing+

Increases skill effect strength by 0.5%.

касание истины.png Touch of Truth+

Increases the duration of the effect from a skill by  0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.7 sec.

обрат поток.png Reverse Flow+

Increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from a skill by 0.2 sec.


Key class talents


инверсия силы.png Force Inversion

Now the effect of the skill "Reverse Flow" moves enemies to the center of the vortex zone. Periodicity of skill trigger increased by 15%.

освящен поступь.png Blessed Step

When the character is moved by a skill, or when a character moves an enemy with a skill, or an enemy moves a character with a skill, the character gains the “Illuminated Step” buff for 10 sec. Getting an effect again increases its power and refreshes its duration. This effect increases healing received by 3% to a maximum of 15% and “Penetration” parameter by 2% to a maximum of 10%.


перворожд.png Firstborn


раз клинок.png Blade Dancer


танц по ветру.png Branch “Dancer on the Wind”

Like the claws of a wild beast, “Dancer on the Wind” Blade Dancers slashes through the armor and flesh of enemies in a ceaseless dance.



Blade Dancer_1.jpg


Lesser talents


просветление.png Enlightenment+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

ураган ударов.png Strike Hurricane+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

мощь клинков.png Blades' Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Strength” parameter by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5% for each equipped dagger.

тавро клинка.png Mark of the Blade+

Increases skill healing power by 0.5%.


Key class talents


заостр лезвия.png Sharpened Blades

The "Strike Hurricane" skill additionally increases the parameters "Critical Hit" by 6% and "Critical Damage" by 15%.

танец клинка.png Blade Dance

Increases the critical damage of an auto-attack by the value of “Attack Strength” parameter at a chance equal to the value of the “Critical Hit” parameter. The effect does not trigger more than once every 2 attacks.


безуд натиск НОВАЯ.png Branch “Unrestrained Onslaught”

The Blade Dancers of the “Unrestrained Onslaught” specialization cut through the enemy formation with perfected maneuvers, not allowing the enemy to come to their senses. The assault power of forest warriors is almost impossible to stop.



Blade Dancer_2.jpg


Lesser talents


молниен удар.png Flash Strike+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 8%.

просветление.png Enlightenment+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

лезвие вихря.png Vortex Blade+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

мощь клинков.png Blades' Power+

Increases the strength of the effect of the skill that increases the character's physical strength for each one-handed sword and one-handed axe equipped by 1.25%.


Key class talents


молниен рассеч.png Lightning Slice

The “Sonic Boom” skill applies an additional “Bleeding” effect to enemies. “Bleeding” effect duration reduced by 3 sec.

удар напор.png Strike Onslaught

Each skill on cooldown increases skill damage by 2.5% for each one-handed sword or one-handed axe equipped, but not more than 20%.


проворство пера.png Branch “Featherlike Agility”

The reflexes of the Blade Dancers of the “Featherlike Agility” specialization trained over the years, made it possible to notice danger, and the skill of wielding blades to avoid it at any distance.



Blade Dancer_3.jpg


Lesser talents


дух сопротив.png Spirit of Resistance+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5 sec.

стремит бросок.png Rush+

Increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from a skill by 0.4 sec.

парирование БД.png Parry+

Increases skill effect strength by 1%.

звуков удар.png Sonic Boom+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


подавл слабости.png Weakness Supression

With a 10% chance for each negative effect on the character, but not more than 50%, the effect of the “Spirit of Resistance” skill will not be removed from the character when ignoring control effects.

виртуоз.png Virtuoso

Reduces damage taken from ranged basic attacks and ranged instant damage attacks by 40% with a chance equal to “Parry” parameter.


рейнджер.png Ranger


виртуоз канон.png Branch “Masterful Cannonade”

“Masterful Cannonade” Rangers' movements are so smooth and precise that their lightning-fast shots leave enemies with no choice but to die.





Lesser talents


благосл рейнджера.png Ranger's Blessing+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2 sec.

озлоблен.png Bitterness+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 0.4%.

прицел стрельба.png Point Shooting+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical strength by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

пронзающ гнев.png Piercing anger+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Damage” parameter by 0.75%.


Key class talents


гибкая тетива.png Flexible Bowstring

The “Ranger's Blessing” skill now only triggers on auto-attacks, and the chance to deal additional damage is increased to 100%. Skill damage reduced by 70% and increased by the value of the "Attack Strength" parameter.

острокон штурм.png Spearhead Onslaught

Apply to the character the “Peaked assault” buff on a successful auto-attack. The effect persists on the character for 12 sec. after leaving the combat. This effect increases “Attack Strength” parameter by 2% on each successful auto-attack, up to a maximum of 20%.

When using “Powerful Shot”, “Fire Arrows”, “Hail of Arrows”, “Bow Strike”, or “Vengeful Shot”, the effect is removed.


массивный обстрел.png Branch “Massive Bombardment”

Rangers of the “Massive Bombardment” specialization rely on high-tech weapons in combat that can shoot far and quickly, dealing massive damage to enemies.





Lesser talents


мощный выстрел.png Powerful Shot+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

град стрел.png Hail of Arrows+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 7.5%.

прицел стрельба.png Point Shooting+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical strength by 2%.

мстител выстрел.png Vengeful Shot+

Increases the gain of periodic damage from the skill from a character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


в яблочко.png Bullseye

Increases the damage of “Powerful Shot” skill by 3% for every 10% of the target's current health from maximum.

тяж артил.png Heavy Artillery

Reduces “Attack Speed” parameter by 50%, but in return increases “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 1.5% for each percentage of “Attack Speed” parameter lost. For every 5% “Attack speed” parameter lost, skill damage is increased by 3%.


аномал неулов.png Branch “Anomalous Elusiveness”

Unthinkable agility is in the hands of Rangers of the “Anomalous Elusiveness” specialization. The enemy does not really have time to aim and strike, as the agile elf is already standing behind him.





Lesser talents


уклонение Рея.png Evasion+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5 sec.

озлоблен.png Bitterness+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Dodge” parameter by 0.4%.

дезориент выстрел.png Scatter Shot+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

благосл рейнджера.png Ranger's Blessing+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2 sec.


Key class talents


быстр реакц.png Quick Reaction

The effect of the "Evasion" skill additionally applies the "Quick Reaction" buff to the character after the character takes damage from 5 successful auto-attacks or attacks with skills, that deal instant damage. If the character's health level is below 50% of the maximum, then the number of attacks to apply the effect is reduced by 2.

детоксикац.png Detoxication

Removes 1 negative effect from the character, except for control effects, when dodging any 4 enemy attacks. If the character's health level is below 50% of the maximum, then it removes a negative effect, including the control effect. Control effects are removed in priority. The effect does not trigger more than once every 4 sec.


друид.png Druid


щедрость леса.png Branch “Forest Generosity”

The elders of the Elven forests have strengthened the bonds of their people with the forests of Melvendil, deeply worshiping the power that dwells there. It was the Druids of the “Forest Generosity” specialization who had the honor of passing this power on to their brothers.





Lesser talents


целеб роса.png Healing Dew+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

живит поток.png Invigorating Stream+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases “Skill Cooldown” parameter on character and allies by 2%.

покровит леса.png Patronage of the Forest+

Increases skill healing strength by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

лечеб барьер.png Healing Barrier+

Increases skill effect strength by 6%.


Key class talents


озарение.png Insight

Now the effect of the skill "Secret Link" does not restore health, and its duration is reduced by 6 sec. Now the bonus to the parameter "Penetration" does not decrease with each subsequent target.

мириады леса.png Myriads of the Forest

Increases the physical and magical power of all party members by 1.5% for every 2 active buffs applied by the character on the party members.


разгнев источн.png Branch “Angered Spring”

Elven waters can both heal deadly diseases and be a formidable weapon in the hands of “Angered Spring” Druids.





Lesser talents


поддержка стихии.png Elemental Support+

Increases the skill power of the character's magical strength by 5%.

молния.png Lightning Blot+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

опутыв корнями.png Entangling Roots+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

рой насеком.png Insect Swarm+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


гнев стихии.png Elemental Fury

The skill "Forest Song" no longer applies the "Sleep" debuff to enemies. Instead, it increases the “Attack Speed” parameter by 20% for 15 sec. from monsters summoned by the “Elemental Support” skill and the “Water Spirit” talent.

дух воды.png Water Spirit

Every 18 sec. summons the “Water Spirit” monster near the character. The monster's health is equal to 65% of the character's health. The monster's damage is equal to 120% of the character's magical strength. The monster follows the character and attacks the same target as the character. The maximum number of monsters in the location at the same time is 1.


разреж небеса.png Branch “Discharged sky”

Heaven is capable of both taking life away with raging hurricanes, and giving it away, washing the dry earth with moisture. Druids of the “Discharged Sky” specialization rule both states of the untamed firmament.





Lesser talents


сила воды.png Power of Water+

Increases the duration of the “Water Curse” effect from the skill by 0.7 sec.

карающие корни.png Punitive Roots+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

живит поток.png Invigorating Stream+

Increases skill healing strength by 2%.

целеб роса.png Healing Dew+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


раскат грома.png Thunder Roar

The “Lightning Bolt” skill additionally hits 3 enemies within 2 yards. Skill damage reduced by 30%.

источн жизни.png Life Source

Apply the “Life Source” buff on the character for 12 sec. when restoring health to a character or group members from skills. The effect increases “Critical Strike” parameter by 1%, up to a maximum of 15%, and “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 2%, up to a maximum of 30%, each time the character or party members are healed from skills. Critical healing increases parameters twice. Whenever health is restored to the character or party members from skills, the duration of the effect is updated.


страж.png Warden


необузд воля.png Branch “Unbridled Will”

Wardens of the “Unbridled Will” specialization are ordered to move only forward, steadfastly take the blow and protect their brothers even under the threat of death.





Lesser talents


фортификац.png Fortification+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

мастер блока.png Block Master+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

защита стража.png Warden's Protection+

Reduces the amount of damage a character takes from a skill by 10%.

бросок щита.png Shield Throw+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec.


Key class talents


воля к жизни.png Will to Live

Increases the effect strength of the “Fortification” skill by 4% for every 5% of missing health from the maximum.

неудержимость.png Relentlessness

Increases "Resistance" parameter by 3% for every 10% of your maximum missing health when a shield is equipped. If the shield is equipped and the level of health is less than 50% of the maximum, then the character will ignore the receipt of every 5 negative effects.


секира хранит.png Branch “Guardian's Axe”

Wardens of the "Guardian's Axe" specialization have chosen the path of brute force, making it clear to the enemy that the elven measurement is easily replaced by a violent frenzy.





Lesser talents


мощн удар.png Powerful Blow+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

фортификац.png Fortification+

Increases skill effect strength by 3%.

кража силы.png Stealing Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.

мощ выпад.png Powerful Lunge+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 8%.


Key class talents


слияние атаки.png Merged Attack

Allows you to use the “Powerful Blow” skill without cooldown with a 30% chance on a successful auto-attack, but no more than once every 2 sec. Skill damage increased by 20%.

резонир техник.png Resonating Technique

Every 5 sec. the character gains the “Resonating Technique” buff. The effect increases the character's physical strength by 25% until the next auto-attack, or attack with an instant damage skill. The maximum number of effects is 2. For every 3 sec. while in combat, the frequency of receiving the effect is reduced by 0.5 sec., but no more than 3 sec.


опаление гневом.png Branch “Scorching Fury”

What is the wrath of the forests of Melvendil will learn elven enemies when faced with the Wardens of the specialization "Scorching Fury".





Lesser talents


наказание.png Punishment+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

гнев стража.png Guard's Fury+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces the physical and magical strength of enemies by 3%.

мастер блока.png Block Master+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

волна агресс.png Wave of Aggression+

Increases skill healing strength by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.


Key class talents


стягивание.png Constriction

The skill "Guard's Fury" additionally moves enemies to a random point within a radius of 1 yard from the character and applies the negative effect "Roots" on them for 3 sec. The effect prevents movement.

боев лечен.png Combat Healing

Every 2 sec. deals physical damage to 3 enemies within 4 yards of the character in the amount of 25% of the health restored during this time from skills and the "Vampirism" parameter, but no more than 15% of the character's maximum health.


ловчий.png Beastmaster


единство хранит.png Branch “Guardian Unity”

The spiritual balance between the elves and the forests of Melvendil was embodied in the harmony between the Beastmaster and the Moon, opening up new facets of the mastery of the “Unity of the Guardians" specialization.





Lesser talents


приказ к атаке.png Order to Attack+

Increases the effect of the skill that increases the physical strength of the Moon monster by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

врачевание.png Healing+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3%.

благосл луны.png Blessing of the Moon+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

душ связь.png Soul Connection+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces incoming damage against a character by 0.1 \ 0.2 \ 0.3%.


Key class talents


саблезубость.png Sabertooth

Now the skill "Animal Rampage" additionally restores health to the Moon monster. Health recovery from the skill is reduced by 40%.

гармония силы.png Harmonious Power

Increases base physical strength by 2% and base magical strength by 3% for each cloth armor equipped. Increases basic magical strength by 2% and basic physical strength by 3% for each light armor equipped.


двуединый раж.png Branch “Dual Rage”

Not all Beastmasters use magic in battles with enemies, some of them are used to relying solely on brute force. The Beastmasters of “Dual Rage” specializations have devoted much of their time to melee battles and beast training, turning claws and blades into deadly weapons.





Lesser talents


пробужд зверя.png Beast Awakening+

Increases the amount of physical strength of the monster, based on the character's physical strength by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

зверин буйство.png Animal Rampage+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases Moon monster “Attack Speed” parameter by 2%.

приказ к атаке.png Order to Attack+

Increases the effect of the skill that increases the physical strength of the Moon monster by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

благосл луны.png Blessing of the Moon+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Critical Strike” parameter by 2%.


Key class talents


смерт ловкость.png Deadly Dexterity

The “Double Concentration” skill now increases “Attack Speed” parameter instead of “Skill Cooldown” parameter. The number of increased parameter has been reduced by 60%.

симбиоз.png Symbiosis

Apply the “Symbiosis” buff on your character for 8 sec. when the Moon monster makes a successful auto-attack. While affected, the character's next auto-attack deals additional damage equal to 10% of the damage of the auto-attack that applied the effect. Apply the “Symbiosis” buff on Moon monster for 8 sec. when the character makes a successful auto-attack. While affected, the Moon monster's next auto-attack deals additional damage equal to 10% of the attack that applied the effect. The amount of aggression generated by the Moon monster has been reduced by 40%.


воодушевл леса НОВАЯ.png Branch “Forest inspiration”

Incredible secrets are hidden in the most ordinary inhabitants of the forests. Thus, through the lotus flower under the moonlight and the flapping of the butterfly's wings, the most ancient wisdom is transmitted by the Beastmasters of the “Forest inspiration” specialization.



Beastmaster_3 (1).jpg


Lesser talents


врачевание.png Healing+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

близость к природе.png Proximity to Nature+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2%.

лунн свет.png Moonlight+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

пробужд зверя.png Beast Awakening+

Increases the amount of physical power of the monster, based on the character's magical power by 3%.


Key class talents


величие лотоса.png Grandeur of the Lotus

If the skill "Beast Awakening" is active, then the effect of the "Aura of the Forest" skill is additionally applied to the character. Skill damage reduced by 20%.

искусность исцелен.png Healing Mastery

Apply the “Healing Mastery” buff for an extended duration when restoring 800 pts of health from skills. The effect increases incoming healing by 2%, up to a maximum of 30%, and maximum health by 1%, up to a maximum of 15%, while restoring 800 pts of health from skills. When restoring 800 pts of health from skills, the duration of the effect is refreshed.


горные кланы.png Mountain Clans


варвар.png Barbarian


оборона.png Branch “Defense”

Barbarians of the "Defense" branch have increased even more steel layers on their uniforms, which are able to more confidently hold back the onslaught of opponents and take a hit on themselves.





Lesser talents


рёв.png Roar+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces the enemy's magic power by 6%.

боевой клич.png Warcry+

Increases the strength of the skill's buff effect by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

послед желание.png Last Wish+

Reduces the cooldown of the skill's effect by 12 sec.

варвар сущность.png Barbarian Nature+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.


Key class talents


укрепление.png Consolidation

The "Taunt" skill additionally applies the "Fortify" buff to the character for 10 sec. The effect increases the "Block" parameter by 4% if a shield is equipped or the "Parry" parameter by 6% if another weapon is equipped.

прочн пластины.png Strong plates

Increases the character's maximum health by 3% and reduces incoming damage to the character by 1,5% for each heavy armor equipped.


берсерк.png Branch “Berserk”

When looking at Barbarians of the “Berserk” branch, you can only see bloodthirsty eyes and the gleam of a huge ax.You will not envy those who will meet with this fury in battle.





Lesser talents


сильн удар.png Strong Blow+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

сила берсерка.png Berserker Power+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

рубящ удар.png Chop+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

варвар сущность.png Barbarian Nature+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.


Key class talents


казнь.png Execution

Increases additional damage from the “Defeat” skill against targets with the “Bleeding” effect by 5% per effect, up to a maximum of 20%. Guaranteed to inflict a critical hit with a skill if the target has 4 or more “Bleeding” effects, it is impossible to dodge, parry, or block the strike.

кровопуск.png Bloodletting

Basic attacks and skills that deal instant damage have a 25% chance to inflict an additional Bleeding debuff on the enemy for 8 seconds. The effect deals physical damage equal to 20% of the character's physical strength every 2 seconds. The maximum number of effects from the talent on a single target is 4.


подкрепл.png Branch “Reinforcement”

The “Reinforcement” Barbarian is ready to fight side by side with his brothers in arms, covering them with his shield. And the piercing battle cry will sow panic in the heart of any enemy.





Lesser talents


рёв.png Roar+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

удар щитом.png Shield Strike+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

ярост крик.png Scream of Fury+

Increases the debuff effect of a skill by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

камен кожа.png Stone Skin+

Increases skill effect strength by 7%.


Key class talents


деморализа.png Demoralization

The duration of the effect of the “Scream of Fury” skill is increased by 15%. The effect of the “Scream of Fury” skill additionally extends the duration of current debuffs on the enemy by 15%.

бастион.png Bastion

Gives the character and all party members within 5 yards of the character the “Bastion” buff. The effect reduces all incoming damage by 20% with a chance equal to the character's “Block” parameter.


разбойник.png Rogue


универсальность.png Branch “Versatility”

Rogues of the “Versatility” branch are able to be effective in any combat, using both basic attacks and deadly skills. It is the competent combination of all means of attack that allows you not to leave a chance to the enemy.





Lesser talents


неулов прыжок.png Elusive Jump+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

стальной шквал.png Flurry of Steel+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 7%.

взбешенность.png Frenzy+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Hit” parameter by 2%.

истреблен.png Extermination+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 0.3 \ 0.65 \ 1% for each one-handed sword equipped.


Key class talents


осколок лезв.png Blade Shard

“Flurry of Steel” skill additionally hits an additional target within 4 yards. Damage and duration of the “Stun” debuff reduced by 40%.

эхо клинка.png Blade echo

On a successful auto-attack apply a “Blade Echo” buff to the character for 8 sec. This effect increases the damage of skills that deal instant damage, by 10%. Using a skill that deals instant damage will remove the effects. The maximum number of effects is 2.


смертоносн.png Branch “Lethality”

Enemies will face a relentless onslaught of fast attacks as they encounter “Lethality” Rogues on the battlefield. Few can resist a flurry of such dangerous blows.





Lesser talents


истреблен.png Extermination+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter for each dagger equipped by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

взбешенность.png Frenzy+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Damage” parameter by 3%.

абсол рефлексы.png Absolute Reflexes+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 2.5%.

незаметность.png Stealth+

Increases skill effect strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.


Key class talents


жестокость.png Cruelty

The "Frenzy" skill additionally increases the "Attack Strength" parameter by 12%.

двойная угроза.png Double threat

Noncritical auto-attacks have a 25% chance to deal double damage. The effect does not occur more than once every 2 sec.


ликвидац.png Branch “Liquidation”

Destroy the enemy quickly - the main task of the "Liquidation" branch. Combinations of the most powerful skills allow to inflict colossal damage to any enemy in a few seconds.





Lesser talents


безжалост атака.png Merciless Strike+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 8%.

увертыв.png Dodging+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

рикошет.png Ricochet+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 5%.

незаметность.png Stealth+

Increases skill effect strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.


Key class talents


устранение.png Elimination

The character is guaranteed to deal a critical hit when attacked while under the effect of the “Stealth” skill.

серия приемов.png Series of tricks

Each use of an instant damage skill increases the damage of the next instant damage skill by 5%, up to a maximum of 20%. Using an instant damage skill with the maximum bonus or using any other skill resets the effect.


шаман.png Shaman


духовн покров.png Branch “Spiritual Patronage”

As the eldest ancestor, the Shaman of the "Spiritual patronage" branch is obliged to protect his brothers and pass on the secrets of amplifying magic to the next generation.





Lesser talents


ритуал племени.png Tribe's Ritual+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Critical Damage” parameter by 3%.

дух лечения.png Healing Spirit+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

щит молний.png Lightning Shield+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

энергет поле.png Energy Field+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases “Skill Cooldown” to the character and allies, by 3%.


Key class talents


щедрость прарод.png Ancestral generosity

The effect of the “Tribe's Ritual” skill is additionally applied to all party members within a radius of 7 yards around the target. Skill effect strength reduced by 30%.

оберег предков.png Ancestral Charm

Apply the positive effect "Ancestral Charm" on the character and all members of the group who are in the same location with the character. The effect absorbs any damage if its value is greater than the current health, and restores health equal to 100% of the character’s magic power. The effect does not apply more than once every 60 sec. The frequency of application of the effect is reduced by the "Skill Cooldown" parameter. If the character dies, the effect is removed from all party members.


гнев небес.png Branch “Fury of the Skies”

For thousands of years, the magicians of the clans took away all the sorrow and pain from the warriors, which no longer have a place in their hearts. Offenders will be struck with deafening thunder and lightning, feeling all the hatred of the Shamans of the “Fury of the Skies” branch.





Lesser talents


ритуал племени.png Tribe's Ritual+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Attack Speed” parameter by 2%.

шаров молния.png Ball Lightning+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

щит молний.png Lightning Shield+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 6%.

землетрясен.png Earthquake+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.


Key class talents


наэлектризов.png Electrifiсation

The "Ball Lightning" skill additionally applies the "Electrification" debuff to the enemy for 9 sec. The effect has a 15% chance to inflict magic damage equal to 30% of the character's magic power to the enemy when the enemy performs an auto-attack or uses an offensive skill. The effect does not occur more than once every 3 sec. Reapply the skill on the affected target will increase the chance to trigger the effect by 15%, up to a maximum of 45%.

хранитель бури.png Storm keeper

When using any skill, apply the “Storm keeper” buff to the character for 12 sec. Getting the effect again increases its strength and duration. This effect increases the “Attack Speed” parameter by 3% to a maximum of 18%.


оккультизм.png Branch “Occultism”

The secret rites of “Occultism” Shamans have unlocked an ancient power that can cast spells on enemies and heal entire squads of allies.





Lesser talents


тотем бессилия.png Totem of Weakness+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces enemy “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

вспышка молнии.png Lightning Blast+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec.

шаман очищен.png Shamanic Cleansing+

Increases skill effect strength by 5%.

дух лечения.png Healing Spirit+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


гробовая тишина.png Silence of the Grave

When an enemy is within the area of the “Totem of Weakness” skill effect for 7 sec., the negative effect "Mute" is additionally applied to him, until he leaves the area of the skill effect.

обряд исцеления.png Healing rite

Increases the power of healing by 8% for each party member who is in the same location with the character, with a level of health less than 60% of the maximum.


охотник.png Hunter


искусн стрельба.png Branch “Skillful Shooting”

There is no hiding from the attacks of Hunters of the “Skillful Shooting” branch - they always reach the target. Even the strongest armor will be broken, because with each new attack, the Hunter hits the most vulnerable places more accurately.





Lesser talents


боев стойка.png Combat Stance+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical strength by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

горн инстин.png Mountain Instincts+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” by 2%.

метка охотн.png Hunters Mark+

Increases skill effect power by 0.5%.

проворство охотн.png Hunter's Agility+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5 sec.


Key class talents


снайп подгот.png Sniper training

Now the skill "Hunters Mark" imposes a negative effect on the enemy only during auto-attacks, and critical auto-attacks apply two effects at once. The effect now increases the damage taken from the character's basic attacks. The maximum number of effects is 8.

абсол точность.png Absolute Accuracy

Decreases the "Accuracy" character’s parameter by 40%. The character's auto-attacks cannot be dodged.


самоход артилл.png Branch “Self-propelled Artillery”

The improved design of ranged weapons allows Hunters of the “Self-Propelled artillery” branch to continuously bombard enemies with powerful attacks, without letting them take a breath.





Lesser talents


смерт выстрел.png Fatal Shot+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

стрела следоп.png Pathfinder's Arrow+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 8%.

отравл стрела.png Poisoned Arrow+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

благосл гор.png Blessing of the Mountains+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces any incoming damage against a character by 1.5%.


Key class talents


двойн выгода.png Double Profit

Increases the strength of the “Sapping Shot” skill based on the character's physical strength by the value of the “Skill Cooldown” parameter.

непрекращ залп.png Endless Salvo

Increases “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 6% for each skill on cooldown.


дух предков НОВАЯ.png Branch “Spirit of ancestors”

For their long-standing adherence to the traditions of the ancient ancestors of the Mountain clans, warriors are rewarded with wisdom. Hunters of the "Spirit of ancestors" branch are capable of using ritual magic that purifies their body and suppresses the will to live in their enemies.





Lesser talents


оглуш выстрел.png Stunning Shot+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

ошеломит выстрел.png Sapping Shot+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

стрела молчан.png Arrow of Silence+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.7 sec.

благосл гор.png Blessing of the Mountains+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Dodge” parameter by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


подавление.png Suppression

Increases the duration of all debuffs, including DOT-effects, from character skills by 25% when used on an enemy under the effect of “Arrow of Silence”.

самоочищение.png Self-cleaning

With a 25% chance removes 1 debuff from the character when dodging an attack, but no more than once every 4 sec.


вождь.png Chieftain


крысиная орда.png Branch “Rat Horde”

It took a lot of training to tame such cunning creatures. Now the Chieftains of the "Rat Horde" branch are able to unleash a ferocious fanged malice on enemies.





Lesser talents


волчья прыть.png Wolf’s Alacrity+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

кошач рефлекс.png Cat Reflexes+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Hit” parameter by 2%.

помощь кланов.png Clans' Help+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

остервен.png Frenzy+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.


Key class talents


разъяренность.png Enragement

The “Bestial Wrath” skill now increases “Attack Speed” and “Penetration” parameters regardless of the weapon equipped.

резонирую удар.png Resonating hits

After 2 successful auto-attacks apply the “Resonating Hits” buff for 8 seconds. The effect increases physical and magical power by 15% until the next auto-attack or the use of “Blow of the Spirits”, “Bear's Stamina”, “Curse of the Plague”, “Swooping Army”, “Frenzy”, or “Wolf’s Alacrity”.


естество орла.png Branch “Eagle's Nature”

Like eagles soaring overhead, the “Eagle's Nature” Chieftains inspire hopelessness in the hearts of enemies. You can’t hide from them and you just have to wait until the red veil obscures your eyes.





Lesser talents


кошач рефлекс.png Cat Reflexes+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Accuracy” parameter by 2%.

медвеж вынос.png Bear's Stamina+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

взгляд орла.png Eagle's Eye+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

прочн шкура.png Rugged Hide+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces any incoming damage to a target based on the target's missing health by 0.1%.


Key class talents


кровав дождь.png Bloody rain

The “Eagle's Eye” skill inflicts the “Bleeding” debuff on all enemies on first damage. Each time a character deals damage with a skill and does not apply the “Bleeding” effect, the chance of applying the “Bleeding” effect increases by 20%. Applying the "Bleeding" effect resets the bonus.

консонанс.png Consonance

Base physical strength is increased by 14% of basic magical strength. Base magical power is increased by 10% of basic physical power.


ловк пумы.png Branch “Puma Agility”

Even looking into the void, the enemy will always find the eyes of a predator there. Not fangs and claws, but the tip of the weapon will be the main danger to the enemy, which has become a target for the Chieftains of the “Puma agility” branch.





Lesser talents


удар духов.png Blow of the Spirits+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

медвеж вынос.png Bear's Stamina+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 6%.

взбучка.png Thrashing+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.6 sec.

пикир войско.png Swooping Army+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


возгоран.png Ignition

The “Swooping Army” skill has a 30% chance to additionally apply the “Burning” debuff to affected enemies for 12 sec. The effect deals magic damage equal to 25% of the character's magic power every 3 sec.

неуловим когтей.png Elusiveness of the claws

Apply the “Elusiveness of the claws” buff to the character in combat. This effect increases the “Skill Cooldown” parameter by 5% every 4 sec., up to a maximum of 40%. The effect persists for 12 sec. after leaving the combat.


проклятые.png Forsaken


рыцарь смерти.png Death Knight


лик смерти.png Branch “Death face”

Death Knights of the “Death face” branch have one single order - to burn to the ground all opponents of the Legion with a dark flame.



Death Knight_1.jpg


Lesser talents


 прокл рыцар.png Knight's Curse+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1.5 \ 3 \ 4.5%.

ураган стали.png Steel Hurricane+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 9%.

аура ненависти.png Aura of Hatred+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical and magical power by 2%.

выдох мрака.png Exhalation of Darkness+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.


Key class talents


эхо проклят ДК.png Damned Echo

Increases the duration of the effect of “Knight's Curse” skill by 12 sec. Now, during the effect, near the enemy every 3 sec. creates a cursed area for 3 sec. When the “Kiss of Death” effect ends prematurely, a zone is formed near the enemy with the duration remaining from the effect.

крещен тьмой.png Baptism of darkness

Increases the character's basic magical strength by 25% of the character's basic physical power.


незыблем тьмы.png Branch “Dark Fortitude”

Death knights of the "Dark Fortitude" branch are able to confidently hold back the onslaught of the enemy - the real advanced power of the dark forces.



Death Knight_2.jpg


Lesser talents


защита крови.png Blood Protection+

Increases skill effect strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

остр тень.png Sharp Shadow+

Increases skill healing strength by 2%.

тайные резервы.png Secret Reserves+

Increases skill healing strength by 10 \ 20 \ 30%.

аура ненависти.pngAura of Hatred+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's physical and magical defense by 1.5%, and the effect of a skill that increases character's "Accuracy" parameter by 1.5%.


Key class talents


темная опека.png Dark guardianship

Increases the duration of the buff effect from “Blood Protection” skill by 20%. Now, when using a skill on an ally, the character also receives the effect of the skill with 50% reduced strength.

воспол силы ДК.png Strength replenishment

Increases “Health Regeneration” parameter by 40% and speed of health regeneration by 150% when a shield is equipped.


вампир сущн.png Branch “Vampire Essence”

Death Knights of the “Vampiric Essence” branch gained power in absorbing the life force of the enemy. These warriors of the Legion are ready to arrange a bloody feast time after time.



Death Knight_3.jpg


Lesser talents


насыщение.png Saturation+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

ураган стали.png Steel Hurricane+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 7% and from character's magic damage by 9%.

шип смерти.png Thorn of Death+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

удар безмол.png Blow of the Silence+

Increases the strength of the skill's buff effect by 2%.


Key class talents


жертв договор ДК.png Sacrificial contract

Increases the power of the effect from the “Saturation” skill by 5% for every 5% of the missing health from the maximum.

запах крови ДК.png Blood smell

With a chance equal to the value of the "Critical Hit" parameter, the healing from the "Vampirism" parameter has a chance to become critical. When health is restored from the "Vampirism" parameter, the character gains the "Blood smell" buff for 12 sec. This effect increases the “Critical Hit” parameter by 1.5% for every 3% of maximum health recovered from the "Vampirism" parameter. The maximum bonus to the "Critical Hit" parameter is 15%.


чернокнижник.png Warlock


оккульт чары.png Branch “Occult Spell”

Countless rites and offerings to the dark forces opened up a new round of black magic for the Warlocks of the “Occult Spell” branch.





Lesser talents


стрела мрака.png Arrow of Darkness+
Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

теневая сфера.png Shadow Sphere+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 10%.

лужа мрака.png Pool of Darkness+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

гримуар.png Grimoire+

Increases the skill effect that increases incoming damage against an enemy by 1.5%.


Key class talents


кисл поступь.png Acid step

Reduces the base damage of “Pool of Darkness” skill by 35%. Now the damage of the skill increases depending on the maximum amount of energy of the character.

темная алхимия.png Dark alchemy

Increases the bonus from enchanting a cloak, helmet, and armor with a “Crystal of Wisdom” by 12 levels.


неизбежн тьмы.png Branch “Inevitability of Darkness”

Above the heads of the Warlocks of the “Inevitable of Darkness” branch, the darkness thickens with renewed power, plunging the hearts of enemies into the inevitability of death.





Lesser talents


темный круг.png Dark Circle+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

порча.png Hex+

Increases the duration of the “Mute” skill's effect by 0.2 \ 0.4 \ 0.6 sec.

увядание.png Fading+

Increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from a skill by 0.5 sec.

камен тело.png Stone Body+

Increases skill effect strength by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.


Key class talents


общий кошмар.png Overall nightmare

Additionally applies the effect of the “Dark Circle” skill to a random enemy within 5 yards with 40% reduced power.

неотврат гибели.png Inevitability of death

All character skills that impose negative effects ignore 35% of the opponent's "Resistance" parameter.


двуликая скверна.png Branch “Two-Faced Filth”

Warlocks of the "Two-Faced Filth" branch have fully mastered the power of chaos and learned how to use it both against enemies and for the benefit of the Legion army.





Lesser talents


темный круг.png Dark Circle+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.

лужа мрака.png Pool of Darkness+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

вытягив жизни.png Draining Life+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

кровав дань.png Bloody Tribute+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 0.5%.


Key class talents


пламя преиспод.png Hellfire

Reduced the effect of “Zone of Weakness” skill by 30%. The zone of weakness now deals magic damage equal to 25% of the character's magic power every 2 sec. The limit of PvE-targets is 14.

сумрач пакт.png Shadow Pact

Each time you use 2 of any skills with a chance equal to the "Skill Cooldown" parameter, the character recovers 4% of maximum health and 6% of maximum energy.


некромант.png Necromancer


бездыхан покровит.png Branch “Breathless patronage”

Necromancers of the "Breathless Patronage" branch have gained unprecedented magical power, which they use to increase the combat potential of the Legion's warriors.





Lesser talents


ядовит плевок.png Poison Spittle+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

темная сила.png Dark Power+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

заражение.png Infection+

Increases the debuff effect of a skill by 2%.

ядовит щит.png Poisonous Shield+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


наслажд болью.png Pleasure in pain

Under the effect of the "Dark Power" skill, all party members have a 30% chance to deal additional magic damage when auto-attacking or attacking with a skill that deals instant damage, in the amount of 20% of the character's magic power.

освобожд сила.png Unleashed Power

Increases the character's magic power by 1.5% every 2 sec. When the bonus of magic power reaches a maximum of 15%, after 6 sec. a minimum bonus is applied. The frequency of the increase in the bonus decreases from the "Skill Cooldown” parameter.


жизнь после смерти.png Branch “Life after death”

The earth-shaking tread of the inanimate Legion will unquestioningly destroy all enemies, because thanks to the Necromancers of the “Life After Death” branch, the fallen enemies will certainly serve the dark forces.





Lesser talents


ядовит плевок.png Poison Spittle+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

мертв солдат.png Dead Soldier+

Increases the power of monsters summoned by the skill based on the character's magic power by 5%.

ментал яма.png Mental Pit+

Increases the effect of a skill that reduces the enemy's physical and magical power by 5%.

древн печать.png Ancient Seal+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.


Key class talents


повиновение нежити.png Obedience to the undead

Makes all monsters in the location, summoned by the "Dead Soldier" skill and the "Unliving Army" talent, attack the target under the effect of the "Deathly Eye" skill, and also increases their damage against this target by 15%.

неживая армия.png Lifeless army

Every 12 sec. summons a skeleton or skeleton-warrior near the character with a chance equal to the value of the "Critical Hit" parameter. Monsters follow the character and attack the same target as the character. The maximum number of monsters on the location at the same time is 3.


ледяное сердце.png Branch “Frozen heart”

Powerful “Frozen Heart” Necromancers are capable of both awakening life and stopping it. No matter how strong the will, the cold enveloping the soul will not spare anyone.





Lesser talents


древн печать.png Ancient Seal+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

роков связь.png Fateful Connection+

Increases skill effect strength by 2%.

кислот ливень.png Acid Rain+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

ядовит щит.png Poisonous Shield+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 3%.


Key class talents


синергия душ.png Soul Synergy

The skill "Ancient Seal" now additionally restores health to 2 allies within a 5 yard radius for 80% of the skill's healing. In case of a critical heal, the skill "Ancient Seal" additionally restores health to 3 allies within a 5 yard radius for 90% of the skill's healing. The additional healing is evenly distributed among the targets.

окутыв холод.png Enveloping Cold

Apply the “Enveloping Cold” debuff on all enemies within 4 yards of you and in combat with you. This effect reduces movement speed by 40% and “Attack Speed” by 25%. The maximum number of PvP-targets is 6.


заклинатель.png Charmer


триединство.png Branch “Triforce”

Demonic ties firmly bind the “Triforce” Charmer to his Dark Wolf and Night Bird subjects. Only side by side, these fiends of the underworld with their master will be able to unlock the potential of the dark magic of summoning.





Lesser talents


слабость.png Weakness+

Increases skill effect strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

знан мертвеца.png Knowledge of the Dead Man+

Increases the duration of the “Stun” effect from a skill by 0.5 sec.

демон пакт.png Demonic Pact+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the duration of monster’s life by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

око тьмы.png Eye of Darkness+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases the target's “Accuracy” parameter by 2%.


Key class talents 


высок зов.png High Call

“Summoner Skill” skill additionally applies the “High Call” buff to all monsters summoned by “Help of Chaos” skill for 18 sec. The effect increases “Attack Speed” parameter by 15% and “Penetration” parameter by 10%.

демонич узы.png Demonic ties

Reduces incoming damage to the character by 3% for each summoned monster, using the "Call" and "Help of chaos" skills, located with the character in the same location.


свирепое полчище.png Branch “Ferocious Horde”

“Ferocious Horde” Charmers prioritized the enraged strength of the pack of wolves, leaving behind only the gnawed remains of their fallen enemies.





Lesser talents


вызов.png Call+

Increases skill power from character's physical strength by 2 \ 4 \ 6%.

знан мертвеца.png Knowledge of the Dead Man+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 5%.

мастер призыват.png Summoner Skill+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases monster attack damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.

потусторон благосл.png Otherworldly Blessing+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Block” parameter by 1%.


Key class talents


нашествие своры.png Pack Invasion

Now the "Call" skill summons two monsters to the specified area, and the maximum number of monsters in the location is increased by 1. The lifetime of the summoned monsters is reduced by 40%. The maximum health of summoned monsters has been reduced by 15%.

сила стаи.png The strength of the pack

Each summoned monster with the help of the "Call" skill increases physical strength by 3% and physical and magical defense by 5% of other summoned monsters.


исчадие тьмы.png Branch “Fiend of darkness”

Demonic knowledge and power over the most dangerous monsters of the underworld have opened a new path for Charmers of the "Fiend of darkness" branch. All this power will certainly be brought down on enemies.





Lesser talents


темная призма.png Dark Prism+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.

потусторон благосл.png Otherworldly Blessing+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Critical Damage” and “Critical Healing” parameters by 2.5%. 

помощь хаоса.png Help of chaos+

Increases the duration of the monster summoned by this skill by 2 sec.

боевое лечение Закла.png Combat Healing+

Increases skill power gain from character's magical damage by 1 \ 2 \ 3%.


Key class talents


исчадие тьмы закл.png Fiend of darkness

Now the skill "Help of Chaos" summons the monster "Fiend of darkness". The monster has an attack range of 2 yards, has high damage and increased survivability.

демони знан.png Demonic Knowledge

Applies the “Demonic Knowledge” buff to the character while in combat if the staff is equipped. The effect increases the “Skill Cooldown” parameter by the amount of “Penetration” parameter.


жнец.png Reaper


демонизм.png Branch “Demonism”

The embodiment of a demonic essence is not always a complete transformation into a dangerous monster. “Demonism” Reapers draw a different kind of power from the sources of chaos, becoming no less dangerous to their enemies.





Lesser talents


снисхожд хаоса.png Indulgence of Chaos+

Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Attack Speed” parameter by 1 \ 1.5 \ 2%.


Increases the effect of a skill that increases a character's “Penetration” parameter by 1%.

приближ безум.png Approach of Madness+

Increases the amount of “Hate” generated by the skill by 1 pt.

потрошение.png Evisceration+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.


Key class talents


раздир злоба.png Rending Anger

The effect of the "Indulgence of Chaos" skill additionally increases the parameter "Critical Damage" by 20%.

частич метамор.png Partial metamorphosis

Now the skill "Demonic Appearance" does not turn the character into a demon. The skill now applies the “Partial Metamorphosis” buff to the character. The effect increases the “Attack Strength” parameter by 20%, and the character's auto-attacks under the effect have a 25% chance to deal damage twice, but no more than once every 2 sec.


инферн голод.png Branch “Infernal Hunger”

The insane pursuit of victims will destroy everything in its path. After all, it is impossible for the Reapers of the “Infernal Hunger” branch to quench the thirst for hatred even with the suffering of thousands of souls.





Lesser talents


приближ безум.png Approach of Madness+

Increases the effect of the skill that increases the amount of “Hate” accumulated by “Evisceration” skill by 1 pt.

черная метка.png Black Mark+

Increases the amount of “Hate” generated by the skill by 1 pt.

аннигиляция.png Annihilation+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 3 \ 6 \ 9%.

потрошение.png Evisceration+

Increases skill power gain from character's physical damage by 2.5 \ 5 \ 7.5%.


Key class talents


ненасытность.png Rapacity

The “Approach of Madness” skill now generates 1 point of “Hate” every 2 sec., and the duration of the "Blood Madness" buff depends on the amount of accumulated “Hate”: the more accumulated “Hate”, the longer the effect lasts. The skill accumulates an additional 3 points more “Hate”.

жажда ненависти.png Thirst for hate

The “Hate” consumption in demonic form increases by 1 pt every 8 sec. Now the “Hate”, “Evisceration”, and “Black Mark” skills allow to accumulate “Hate” in demonic form, and the “Approach of Madness” skill is available for use in demonic form.


надзор бездны.png Branch “Abyss Watch”

Higher demonic forces are not destined to set foot on the lands of Arinar, so they implement their plans through their adherents - Reapers of the “Abyss Watch” branch. All the forces of chaos will be directed to protect the adherents of the higher will.





Lesser talents


отложен смерть.png Delayed Death+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5 sec.

отмщение.png Revenge+

Increases skill effect power by 7%.

демон обличие.png Demonic Appearance+

Increases the power of healing and energy recovery from the skill by 0.5 \ 1 \ 1.5%.

длань преиспод.png Hand of the Underworld+

Increases the duration of the skill's effect by 0.5 sec.


Key class talents


тяжел приземл.png Hard landing

The "Otherworldly Boost" skill additionally applies the "Stun" effect on all affected enemies for 2 sec. The effect prevents from moving, attacking, and using skills.

демонич оберег.png Demonic Charm

When the character's health level drops below 30% of the maximum, all negative effects are removed from him, the amount of “Hate” is increased to the maximum value, and the "Demonic Appearance" skill is automatically activated. The effect can only occur once every 60 sec. While the effect is on cooldown, the negative effect "Demonic Exhaustion" is applied to the character.


Update menu “Talents”


A full screen button will now appear in the "Talents" menu, which will allow you to expand the talent tree to full screen, as well as minimize it to windowed view mode if necessary. Now the study of the talent tree will become even more comfortable!



During the test server, with your help we will once again check the correctness of the work of all talents. Based on the results of testing, additional changes may be made based on the collected data. We will be grateful for the feedback and active participation in testing!


See you!

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  • LeeLoo changed the title to [2023.05.30] Update Warspear Online 11.4. Announcement. Part 1

Okay, I am amazed. Very exciting update. Finally some great talents. One small point - perhaps make "bestial wrath" talent "enragement" as a generic update to the skill itself?

Quick question - "elusiveness of the claws", the title might need a different wording since elusiveness = high dodge ability. :ok:

Edited by TheProfessional
Extra point added from observations
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On 5/27/2023 at 7:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

устранение.png Elimination

The character is guaranteed to deal a critical hit when attacked while under the effect of the “Stealth” skill

Just one question, why ? 

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This is huge and really impressive, I wonder if this is the end of talent updates or if even more will be added. I'm also assuming it will completely replace new experts. The only other thing that I think should happen is cheaper costs for the first talent update that we got, to make it easier to catch up...the talent trees are starting to get quite overwhelming (although I like it).

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At least on paper Legion seem to have a big advantage in mass pvp related talents this time around. They are already winning all of them anyway so can't really say I'm looking forward to this.

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What’s the point of making suggestion when we can clearly see you don’t care about them. Rogue already deals enough damage on one low-mid hp target (players, 10k hp mobs, etc), and all you give to it is? More damage on one target kek. You don’t know what some classes lack of and what some shine from, yet you still buff them on their strength only, but like russians, brs, eu players already said many and many times, these aren’t the buffs that rogue needs to finally be good in the meta. Or at least it doesn’t look like that from now.

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On 5/27/2023 at 8:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

When changing the branch, all the talents learned in the deactivated branch will become inactive, but the progress of the learned talents will remain. In addition, to change the branch you will need a certain amount of knowledge. The specific cost of changing a branch is calculated depending on the cost of all the studied talents in the deactivated branch. The current status and condition of the branch will be indicated by the color indication of the frames of the icons of the branch and talents.

Having knowledge costs on changing the branches seems really bad since some classes have more "balanced" branches for both pvp and pve while some other classes would be forced to swap between branches every time they wanna do pve or pvp content.

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8 hours ago, pawned said:

Just one question, why ? 

Crit bro you know.. crit at the beginning of pvp and crit at the end of pvp with the other talent, all this just to do strictly the same damage as non crit. Lol

Edited by Axetricks
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On 5/27/2023 at 9:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

кисл поступь.png Acid step

Reduces the base damage of “Pool of Darkness” skill by 35%. Now the damage of the skill increases depending on the maximum amount of energy of the character.

Does the scaling from this follow the same numbers as sphere and arrow with cap @500 in pve and 300 in pvp?


On 5/27/2023 at 9:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

 Dark alchemy

Increases the bonus from enchanting a cloak, helmet, and armor with a “Crystal of Wisdom” by 6 levels.

Lowkey weak for a main class talent. Change please ty. Or if you're gonna do this, remove the mana cap in PvE for warlock.

Edited by TheCaster
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My expectations were high, I was expecting new mechanics, I would have liked them to do something new to the shaman's skill, Ancestors' hand, you haven't done anything to that skill in years.:hw20CATLURK:

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1 hour ago, Raislin said:

At least on paper Legion seem to have a big advantage in mass pvp related talents this time around. They are already winning all of them anyway so can't really say I'm looking forward to this.

I'm sad too they didn't give new broken talent to seeker or reviving skill without ls to BD this time

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26 minutes ago, TheCaster said:


Lowkey weak for a main class talent. Change please ty. Or if you're gonna do this, remove the mana cap in PvE for warlock.

Yeah I would say also have it do other stuff aswell. Maybe good if your enhancing items for a guild but not good for everything else. 

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Oh, wow... Interesting... Cool, cool.. Nice. Talk about a meta shift. 


On 5/27/2023 at 7:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

неугас свеча.png Inextinguishable candle

The "Light Aura" skill additionally restores health to the character and all party members every 2 sec. at a rate of 8% of the healing received by any member of the group under the effect during this time.

I'm interested to see how this will work. Will all amount of healing in the entire party be counted and every 2 seconds 8% of that healing that happened in the 2 seconds applies to all characters? If so, it can kinda get pretty juicy.

Do all healing effects get counted? Do heal multipliers affect that? Do non-skill heals get counted? Does the healing of this talent count? That would be a crazy circular bug. So many questions, can't wait to test it out in the closed testing that I'm definitely going to be a part of!

Edited by Gladiator
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10 minutes ago, Gladiator said:

Oh, wow... Interesting... Cool, cool.. Nice. Talk about a meta shift. 


I'm interested to see how this will work. Will all amount of healing in the entire party be counted and every 2 seconds 8% of that healing that happened in the 2 seconds applies to all characters? If so, it can kinda get pretty juicy.

Do all healing effects get counted? Do heal multipliers affect that? Do non-skill heals get counted? Does the healing of this talent count? That would be a crazy circular bug. So many questions, can't wait to test it out in the closed testing that I'm definitely going to be a part of!


It seems kinda obvious...:Snorlax:


...additionally restores health to the character and all party members every 2 sec. at a rate of 8% of the healing received by any member of the group under the effect during this time.


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On 5/27/2023 at 8:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

темная алхимия.png Dark alchemy

Increases the bonus from enchanting a cloak, helmet, and armor with a “Crystal of Wisdom” by 6 levels.


This talent seems very off to be the last talent for warlock for that section because this means we can get 16mana if we spend some money and try to great enchant a wisdom only for 16 mana is very low :ThumbsDown: while we already can get 150-200 mana from castle scrolls or  %40 energy augmentation potions so i will offer you guys to think that again to change into one of these:


suggestion 1 : that section seems like a full damage increase so if you guys wanna move with that you guys can just make this a passive skill to raise the maximum amounth of mana for pve to 600+ and pvp to 350+ for dark arrow and shadow sphere .. it would be great. and maybe it would give a chance to warlock to be in damage parties for raids with the right build :blush:


suggestion 2: since warlock is a glass canon this talent could have been something to give him some resistence or some dark shield bc in arena agains classes which has resistance can just walk and oneshot warlock whick is very painfull to watch :palm: and not only arena in pve too warlock can die easly with 1 crit so just maybe it could be a defencive talent. and i highly recomend this :drinks:



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14 minutes ago, TheProfessional said:


It seems kinda obvious...:Snorlax:

  Reveal hidden contents

...additionally restores health to the character and all party members every 2 sec. at a rate of 8% of the healing received by any member of the group under the effect during this time.


Healing paladin gonna be unkillable

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1 minute ago, Higgings said:

Sweet Lord. Never could I imagine such skills for DKs.

Deathknight is now gonna be either damage, Defense, or aoe damage 

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Just now, Drakoknight said:

Deathknight is now gonna be either damage, Defense, or aoe damage 


In an unique way this class needed for a long time 

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5 minutes ago, Higgings said:


In an unique way this class needed for a long time 

Yup. I imagine that Dark Fortitude would be the meta but I would love to see Vampire Essence be good aswell. 

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On 5/27/2023 at 1:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

Key class talents


мудрость преодол.png Wisdom of overcoming

Now the healing from the skill "Harad's Teachings" works even if the "Stun" effect was ignored. Skill healing reduced by 25%

Wow  maybe the mana will be an issue idk but is op

Edited by Erta06
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On 5/27/2023 at 9:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

общий кошмар.png Overall nightmare

Additionally applies the effect of the “Dark Circle” skill to a random enemy within 5 yards with 40% reduced power.

@Nolan @Holmes Correct me if I'm wrong, so if I use dark circle at 5/5 which is 5s stun with max talents , any 1 enemy within 5 yards will get stunned for 3s? 

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On 5/27/2023 at 6:08 PM, LeeLoo said:

to change the branch you will need a certain amount of knowledge.

Remove this please and thank you.

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Wow, I’m very scared by this att announcement, really REALLY scared. Additional skill point, area heals, talents that GREATLY affects multiple skills at the same time, auto remove debuffs, double dmg attack (new certain critical), auto summon minions, double summon minions, summoned minions dmg increases, buff not removed after ignoring control effects +reduced dmg taken by ranged attacks (yes, they come in the same pack), attack strength items prices going BOOM like they where worthless before, no can dodge hits (RIP rogue….oops, sorry it was already dead you just that now its buried further below), totem of weakness mute I assume it’s a kind of silence (as if it was not great enough), area silence+ reduc deff+ AOE +DOT (yes that’s 1 skill) and that’s just what got me very scared, there are other things that I think that will just keep killing the game. The new players and free players almost get no chance to shine. Lets wait for the test servers but I hope you review this carefully. (PS. Your love and appreciation for bd, mage and shaman its touching) tourmaline “xxblindxx”