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dk best melee atm

Better be able to 2 hit ranger or druid, pulls cd is long. After that skill dk is cake without experts. Edited by vavavi
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Better be able to 2 hit ranger or druid, pulls cd is long. After that skill dk is cake without experts.

Dk/barb overpowers rangers, dk 50% shield is op af
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As if anyone needs skill at level 14. Just make a high amp ranger or druid and run vs everything

I just noticed this a few days ago,but rogue can run in arena and after a few sec it's stealth is able to use =O so you can do the same on rogue :D

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I just noticed this a few days ago,but rogue can run in arena and after a few sec it's stealth is able to use =O so you can do the same on rogue :D

That will work fine against bd barb dk, rangers can trap healers will always heal and you will hardly have 1v1 plus any class can kite rogue in lower level because they don't have jump, or any skill that works from distance, or dot skills. :P
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Well,I can't do any of those things cuz my gouge is 1/5,but for those who spend their skill points in gouge its possible to annoy others running and waiting for their stealth skill.

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Well,I can't do any of those things cuz my gouge is 1/5,but for those who spend their skill points in gouge its possible to annoy others running and waiting for their stealth skill.

Try to get close to a caster in order to use gouge and u are dead

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7 minutes ago, kimkaa said:

Nice shaman:cat4: Is arena 14 still active there? On US it's no more. Almost all oldies quit. Well, there are some newcomers but it is still basically dead. 


Not dead here, but fights became rare or when you find one, there are newbies/unexpert players. The few times i found op players I had a lot of fun. Couldn't care if they used Pots/Cards or whatever more, or If i lost, as long as they kept demanding, I was happy xd. This is basically what's going on now in EU.


Tavern was the place i loved a lot in events, but unfortunatly it became kinda empty now. Arena 2x2 is the category more demanded atm. 3x3 is more rare, but it's pure fun when it comes :biggrin:. In my opinion it is time to re-open the 3x3 normal category. Many will demand, but I guess the plan for devs is making players to get a full arena set in 1 season. Maybe they may change rewards places ( for example, an arena ring + equipment in seals 3x3 and 3x3 normal, or a cape + equipment in 5x5 arena and amulet in arena 2x2. All available in a season. ) 


And thank you for the compliment :pin3:



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3 hours ago, Madz101 said:

:pin2:Gantrakon lvl14 EU ranger


There is a lvl14 ranger from “Germanys” guild in eu.. Not sure of her name, probably the one youre referring to, if so then yeah I tots agree. 

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