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 come here to inform you brs ve suffering racism players in serving I-emerald, we are being called "black monkeys br" and being insulted by some players as "danggerous and fasismos" I wonder until when?

all day danggerous offends me I have photo proving he talking racist words against me and my friends brs in the regulation of the game said it could ban the offending account, so waiting answer .. remember gms most of the players of this game are br
this is already the fourth time I've been posting about this, please note that the dunggerous one of publications once again insulted me now made for all GMS see that action is taken? Where are the rules?
danggerous bd lv 22 serv eu-emerald
fasismos ranger lv 24 serv eu-emerald

brs racismo2.jpg


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This is gonna hurt: racism has become a part of this world and there is no way to eliminate it. If all the racists are dead, there is yet another thing to be called racist. sorry, man :(

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 remember gms most of the players of this game are br


that's not true.

Also "Ignore" function is not just a decoration, it's kinda useful tool to avoid such situations.

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