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The Secrets of Magic - (Emeny, EU-Emerald)

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Magic in this world has gone through many changes. One might still remember the times where magic casters had to settle on specific elements to increase their power. When Berengar’s Tower was successfully explored by the Sentinel and the Legion, they were able to uncover further secrets behind moon, astral, sun and dark magic that allowed casters to combine all elements into pure magic. Thus granting them the ability to focus on increasing the frequency in their spells as they were able to use any element to boost their magic power. The major side effect that caused the elements of spells to also be pure magic, allowing magic resistances to be effective against everything, is often ignored…

Let’s also recall when only the most basic spells were readily available, five of them and no more. Could you imagine that today?

But the fewest, if any, will remember when enchanted wands were the spellcasting weapon of choice. Much quicker to draw and cast spells with, their usefulness thrived in short fights. Prolonged use of these wands in a short timeframe demanded higher mental exertion from the user. No wonder this age produced many insane magicians…

Ultimately the staff ended up being far more popular, being easier to handle and allowing the widespread exercise of magic as the pressure on the user was lifted.


I read all of this one day while visiting the old archives at the School of Magic, where I also found a glass casket containing one of the aforementioned wands inside.

For as long as living people could remember, staves were the magic weapon of choice. But I always felt really curious about the past.

Unfortunately as I was trespassing I had to leave the room as the librarian would be coming soon, so I could not attempt to open the glass casket.

The portal combination that lead to the old archives changed every day, as is tradition. That time I got lucky, but even though the odds were against me, I felt the need to investigate again. 


It was only a few days before a voice in my head made itself noticeable.. it felt my intent to return to the old archives and it was starting to fill my head with possible portal combinations and, as expected, it was only a matter of a week before one of them worked.


I opened the portal at a time where I knew all professors and guards were not around and entered the old archives. I immediately walked closer to the glass casket and found it slowly opening by itself, which urged me to touch the wand inside and…

It snapped in two pieces instantly… and I felt a breeze of…wind? 

Almost simultaneously I heard a very faint “Thank you”. Confused, I quickly went to the same section as last time to try to learn more.


By using a spell that looked for the word “voice” in the books I found it.

Apparently there were rumors that during the creation of an ancient wand it trapped the magical essence of a spirit that was present in the area. The catalysts built inside the wands made said spirit remnants mostly unable to think on their own and put them at the mercy of the wand’s owner. Sometimes these spirits would still have a voice and mind, which made the wand substantially more dangerous, both for friend and foe.

While for staffs the new advancements in the creation of catalysts and the bigger size compared to wands made it nigh impossible for any opposition from the spirits, while also trapping up to a dozen spirits which would often hinder each other’s attempts at resistance. This is in part the reason for the differences between wand and staff.


As a lowly student there’s not much I could do, I just hoped said spirits don’t actually suffer and I certainly wouldn’t give up on magic because of this, but I did feel the need to write down this experience.

There are probably many more secrets of magic to discover, but that was beyond my current abilities.

What did I do next? I went to my Magizoology class, but not without first taking the remains of the broken wand with me, I still felt a strange connection to it…and if I ever have money issues, I heard merchants would be happy to buy this item.




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