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Plot Quests...



" in order to begin questing in Ayvondil, you need to complete all plot quests in *(sp) Iselsnort."


-Ok does this include swamp ?  dumb question it doesn't say Swamps I know but left behind sucks..

-Also what about Chainless league boss quest line?


I can't find anyone in-game who knows or willing to answer..

I cant find anything searching.


All my quest left are blue. The only quests I haven't done any astral/chainless/tower and several swamp.

It stinks not being able to enjoy Ayvondil, and seeing people already lvl 21/22*

But ill pay my due  I just need to know what the hell I have to do its so damn vague

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9 answers to this question

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You need to finish all yellow quests in all areas (include swamps) to get main plot quests in Ayvondil.


Big wrong, the answer is as "Kaan5268" said, mainly:


You must finish all yellow(which means lab quests aren't needed because they're blue) quests in "Irselnort - The Ash Coast" especially tower quests/cl(even you can't do tower quests without doing cl 1st and irselnort quests).


Good luck!

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I just love how the announcements said that ppl need to finish heroic dungeon to goto Ayvrondil yet most ppl who have not finkshed heroic ask why they dont get the Ayvrondil quests

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I'm fully aware heroic tower needs to be completed. I did swamps to unlock tower quests this afternoon.


My main unanswered question ( yes I know your supposed to complete all yellow quests) is what about chainless (killing bosses on elf side) league? I know its yellow, but I was hopping it wasn't required.


I just needed to get confirmation from you guys. I don't have any lvl20's just two 18s so I lack your...experience, I don't know all the quest chains, I never did swamps neither. I was hoping someone did heroic but not CL and was able to quest ayvondil.


And I asked about swamps earlier because I didn't know if it was part of Iselnort*(sp?) but its done so its irrelevant now. It does need to be done to unlock tower quests.



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You don't need to do ALL swamp yellow quests, just the 3~4 ones you get after six shadows. Then you unlock tower quests, and to enter tower you need chainless, then yo do all tower quests and you'll be able to get Ayvondill quests.

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Damn I did all the yellow in the swamp  :facepalm:


Right now I have chainless and gatekeepers casket in astral, got that from outside tower.


I have no idea how to go about chainless it just seems such a daunting quest    :crazy:



Thank you daeron for clarifying my conundrum  :drinks:

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Damn I did all the yellow in the swamp  :facepalm:


Right now I have chainless and gatekeepers casket in astral, got that from outside tower.


I have no idea how to go about chainless it just seems such a daunting quest    :crazy:



Thank you daeron for clarifying my conundrum  :drinks:



If you already have the gatekeeper quest, you are already set. Just complete that quest and the ones after that inside the tower.

Once you have done easy > normal > hard > heroic, the same npc will give yet another quest which will lead back to helg in t5. Speak to helg 2x and go to t1 and speak to the harbor master... it's all Ayvondil from there.

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