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İ have ideas for smiles...i heard this popular nowadays,some call looking back.1943197491_images(5).jpeg.84fca2ae696b35cd30e73b476ed3ffe6.jpeg735272213_images(4).jpeg.64b1e96521a839f03d5cbc381aad1edb.jpegindir.jpeg.c613cf538442bfd36efda23bc6dd8dad.jpeg


images (8).jpeg

İ found those...İ wished draw myself but no tecnology or experience.i hope u understandme and sorry for my ignorance.

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12 hours ago, crnoss said:

İ have ideas for smiles...i heard this popular nowadays,some call looking back.1943197491_images(5).jpeg.84fca2ae696b35cd30e73b476ed3ffe6.jpeg735272213_images(4).jpeg.64b1e96521a839f03d5cbc381aad1edb.jpegindir.jpeg.c613cf538442bfd36efda23bc6dd8dad.jpeg


images (8).jpeg

İ found those...İ wished draw myself but no tecnology or experience.i hope u understandme and sorry for my ignorance.


I'm pretty sure AIGRIND would have to pay a lot because of "Copyright" , you can't just use material from other artists.

And considering the game does not have an "anime style" i am not sure it would fit the game , but maybe.

I love Anime Art and would love to have some HxH smiles , i doubt it tho :/

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