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My opinion and suggestions about some classes


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Ok I will say I think, this classes are strongers, and other no.
Templar: this guy have 4 control effects, can use cloth armor and that increases cd, so they can perma control enemy, and they have excesive damage stats like ilegal technique that makes 270% of physical damage and stun you for 4 secs at 4/4 and with good cd can make it many times in a fight, (MORE THAN CHIEFTAIN). Ahh and other thing I missed, vortisex skill is very very broken, I don't know why skill says that have a maximum of 6 players if always get that he can, I think this skill need be nerfed or just make stun 1 time, for wars is the best defensive and broken skill that i saw before, rogues or any body to body attack can't do nothing.


Ranger: This guy does a lot of damage, and not only that, I think the blessing skill is broken, it does a lot of damage, with much % for do.


Necromancer: This guy is good for pve, and isn't a lie that in pvp is very bad, skills like red serpent (basic) and nightmares (basic) and fear (expert) isn't good, because if inflict damage debuff can be destroyed.

Blade Dancer: This guy, like all mc side say, need nerf, this guy have "low cd base" in their control and buff skills, they can use heavy armor, blades, and have shield, rush (stun, and resist all when rushing), Spirit of resistance is 3 stacks for 16 secs at 4/4 and with good cd because they have speed and cd skill, they can get cd recharge by 20 or 22 secs (BROKEN), they has sap (can put "Reaction Relic"), they has basic stun skill (inflict much damage and don't permit move an use skills), they has "Power of Blades" increases their autoattacks by 40% at 4/4 (with accesories and weapons can get much more), and they can use lvl32 heavy armor, so reduce damage received and increases their hp, and if hp is 50% of maximum they remove debuffs, what you guys want? They become inmortal? I hear of one friend that said blade dancer should have a skill that permits him heal, like rogue one or seeker one, and he said 45% of maximum hp....... ¡¡¡¿¿¿REALLY???!!! rogue can heal 30% of max hp and rogue is already a bad class, and want blade dancer become "best class" (sarcasm is really broken) and be inmortals? they make many stuns lol, he told me too a rogue without books, with 1200 damage winned a blade dancer of best guild of server full +10 with greatness and 10 books.... Like I said before... ¡¡¡¿¿¿REALLY???!!! Do you think I am stupid?


Chieftain (the class I play): I know too much about this class, and like a good player I know the errors, this class has too much physic damage but magical damage isn't, I see many people that say chieftain kill a party using magical damage, this is lie, chieftain magic skills low %, I can say for pvp they can do low damage with magical (why? well chieftain depends on crits, that's why chieftain op just for it, eagle eye 60% of magical damage, now let's see, enemy has 50% resilience, and chieftain has 50% fero and 700 magical damage, 700*0.6=420 that is the damage they do, now calcule with resilience (50%) 420*0.5=210, resilience decreases enemy crit stat and crit damage, so having 50% resi u never will do one crit) here is where I want to see people saying chieftain is unfair... they use cloth armor so low damage reduction (people: ahh but they has Rugged Hide and decreases many damage!!, true, I think is good skill for him why? we don't have any stun skill guys), chieftain don't have stun skill just trashing that duration is low secs, Resist skill is good because resist all that receibe and increases their seconds if before applying remove debuffs (example: skill 4/4, remove 4 debuff and duration is 6 secs, if remove debuff duration is increased, so if u have 4 debuffs and use skill, skill duration increases to 10 secs, I think not bad but like i say, blade dancer is broken too many secs and low cd).


Death Knight: This guy need buff defensive skills for be more tanker and no depend on vamp for tank, because if he goes mermen dungeon he needs a healer 100%, not like barb, my barb can do mermen dungeon without healer and full damagers), and skills of stun need increase base cd because they can perma stun u easely with some cd stat.


Paladin: This guy have op shield that need be nerfed, he heals him a lot with low cd with their cd stat, they have a skill that don't permit move or do anything, and with lvl32 armor they can increase hp stat a lot + shield skill is impossible to die.

Charmer: yeah im doing one of this class, I know this make many damage with dogs and can be 3 in 1 (damager, tank, healer), I think this need a few of nerf on dogs, like just can spawn 4 dogs as max, because this class isn't good at anything, that's why people use dogs on this, if they become healer is unfair, because hp skill that increases crit and crit healing using on allies effect gived is 50%, being tank is good because use magical heal and what? they don't have any skill for decrease damage, I know of a friend that can get 14k def with expert skills, and 17k with relic but just if enemy resist, of all, is like a death knight can't be good tank, so if nerf some part of dog, please buff part of tank and heal please.


Rogue: This guy need much buffs urgent, and need decrease their damage of the skill of trow knife it make a lot of damage have low cd base, but of all this guy need any resist skill and any aoe decrease accuracy like templar one, if this class is a stealer or a dodger, why it isn't in 2-3-4-5-6vs1?

Druid: this guy, as I said in other classes, need increase base cd stun and buff skills, because they can perma stun you and make much damage too.

Well this is I think of some class of the game, I really you guys consider my ideas because is broken some class please

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