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Beware scammers


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Hey guys again someone got scammed I hope you can ban this guy cuz im getting sick of these players My friend would pay140k for a druid they arranged a deal he would pay half the money than get the char and then pay the rest you can see it in the screenshot he sweared he would give the char..  I hope you can catch this pathetic noob and ban him for breaking the rules. And for the rest of you guys beware of this noobs who cant get their own money.  >:D >:D


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first of all, selling or trading and last but nit the least buying account is illegal which is against the eula rules



I know thats one of the reasons this guy should get banned :bad:

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Your friend should be banned too.


That day, the day when people understand that trading accounts is against the rules, I will dance, yes, I will dance all day. But sadly, that day will never come, and I will have to sit here, waiting for something that will never come....forever.

-Delta's mega deep poem about trading accs  :crazy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

when dealing with a transaction of illegal activity, nothing can be done on both sides in terms of security



you either pay for an account, and get it banned



or pay for an account, and get scammed



otherwise, if you paid for an account and actually got it, it will be banned anyway since that is illegal

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