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[2021.03.11] Warspear Online Update 9.3: Preview. Part I


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Estan limitando las mejoras de los priest pero no de necro no de los shamanes los priest se van a quedar atras ya es dificil matar a los dmg ahora va a ser mucho mas 

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4 hours ago, Peony said:





Os primeiros sinais da primavera já estão aparecendo em Arinar, e eles sugerem nada mais do que a próxima atualização do Warspear Online 9.3! Publicaremos informações detalhadas sobre o que acontecerá na Ilha Blissful muito em breve, na segunda parte do anúncio, e agora iremos falar sobre as mudanças nas habilidades que serão incluídas na nova versão do jogo.


Além de trabalhar constantemente em atualizações e inovações, gastamos grande parte de nossos esforços na melhoria do conteúdo, expandindo e alterando a mecânica existente. Ao mesmo tempo, construir um equilíbrio no jogo é uma das tarefas mais difíceis. No entanto, nossa equipe está tentando, passo a passo, chegar mais perto de um equilíbrio de forças exemplar para que o jogo seja divertido para todos. E agora estamos prontos para apresentar uma nova lista de edições importantes e necessárias. Então, enquanto os preparativos para o feriado da primavera estão em andamento na Ilha Blissful, você tem a oportunidade de estudar cuidadosamente as informações sobre as mudanças que entrarão no jogo com a versão 9.3.


Após testar a atualização, alguns recursos podem estar sujeitos a alterações.






потустороннее благословение.png Bênção de outro mundo:

  • Agora a habilidade aumenta a saúde e energia máximas do personagem, bem como o parâmetro “Bloquear”, se um escudo estiver equipado, ou o poder de dano crítico e cura se um cajado estiver equipado, por 15-20-25-30 segundos . Ao usá-lo em um aliado, tanto o personagem quanto o aliado recebem uma parte do efeito.

потусторонний огонь.png Fogo sobrenatural:

  • Aumentada a chance de aplicar o efeito negativo “Atordoar” nos inimigos: de 35-40-45-55% para 45-50-55-65%.

демонический пакт.png Pacto Demoníaco (costumava ser Manipulação de Energia):

  • Retrabalho completo da habilidade: agora a habilidade aumenta a duração dos monstros convocados pelas habilidades "Call" e "Chaos 'Help", em 30-40-50-60% e diminui o dano recebido por eles em 15-20-30- 35% para a duração da habilidade. Habilidade com consumo constante de energia.

Мастерство призывателя.png Habilidade de invocador:

  • Retrabalho completo da habilidade: agora a habilidade faz com que todos os monstros no local, convocados pela habilidade "Call '' ataquem o alvo escolhido e também aumenta o dano de seu próximo auto-ataque em 15-20-30-40% e permite que causar dano aos inimigos em um raio de 1-1-2-2 jardas. Número máximo de alvos do jogador - 2-3-4-5 dependendo do nível de desenvolvimento de habilidade. Não há limitação no número de alvos de monstro. 

вызов.png Chamar:

  • Agora, o animal de estimação herda parâmetros como "Fúria das profundezas", "Solidez", "Resistência".

Помощь хаоса.png Ajuda do Caos:

  • Agora, o animal de estimação herda parâmetros como "Fúria das profundezas", "Solidez", "Resistência".

Подстрекательство.png Puxando:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 15000-25000-40000-70000 para 15000-35000-70000-150000.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


Uma característica distintiva desta classe são os pets convocados, mas nem sempre é possível usá-los totalmente em batalha por uma série de razões. As mudanças nas habilidades apresentadas devem simplificar a implementação do build e melhorar sua eficiência. Além disso, não estamos esquecendo da segunda construção popular - o rodízio com bastão, que também recebeu uma série de melhorias.




Вытягивание жизни.png Exaustão de vida:

  • Agora a habilidade pode ser evitada ou bloqueada apenas no momento da aplicação do efeito no alvo.

Теневая сфера.png Shadow Sphere:

  • Agora, a quantidade de dano depende da quantidade máxima de energia do personagem, não sua quantidade atual. Ao usar a habilidade, o personagem restaura 10-14-16-20% de sua energia.

гримуар.png Grimoire:

  • Agora, durante o efeito da habilidade, a quantidade de saúde restaurada pelo personagem, ao usar a habilidade “Exaustão de Vida” por 50-100-150-250%.

темная печать.png Dark Seal:

  • Movido o efeito de restauração de bônus de saúde por "Life Exhaust" movido para a habilidade "Grimoire".
  • Além disso, reduz o dano que o alvo causa ao feiticeiro em 10-15-20-25% se estiver sob o efeito de silêncio da habilidade "Hex".

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


A alta dependência do nível de energia atual deu à classe inconvenientes significativos na implementação de habilidades de ataque chave. As alterações apresentadas têm como objetivo facilitar a vida dos jogadores. Além disso, as habilidades de especialista impopulares foram retrabalhadas, o que deve aumentar a relevância de várias construções e táticas no campo de batalha. 


Cavaleiro da morte


Выдох мрака.png Exalação da escuridão:

  • Agora a habilidade não desaparece se o ataque não for bem sucedido.

Нити тьмы.png Threads of Darkness:

  • Tempo de recarga reduzido de 22 para 18 segundos.

провокация.png Provocação:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 7500-12500-20000-25000-30000, para 7500-15000-25000-45000-75000.

Зов смерти.png Death Call:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 10000-20000-40000-80000, para 15000-35000-80000-140000.

ураган стали.png Furacão de aço:

  • Agora, a quantidade e o tipo de dano dependem do poder físico ou mágico predominante do personagem.

насыщение.png Saturação:

  • Agora, se o nível de saúde atual do personagem está abaixo de 15-25-40-50%, a habilidade não custa saúde para ser usada.

Проклятие рыцаря.png Maldição do cavaleiro:

  • Reduziu a quantidade de dano causado ao longo do tempo.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


A construção mágica da classe está ganhando popularidade, mas depende muito de uma habilidade especialista chave. Reduzimos o potencial excessivamente alto dessa habilidade, mas redistribuímos seu poder para outras coisas. Isso adicionará variabilidade à construção mágica.




темная сила.png Dark Power:

  • Aumentou o buff para poder físico e mágico: de 5-7-10-15%, para 9-12-15-18%.





огненный шар.png Bola fogo:

  • Maior chance de afetar o alvo com “Fear”.

ледяная стрела.png Frostbolt:

  • O efeito impressionante foi movido para a habilidade "Blinding Fire".

ослепляющий огонь.png Fogo Cegante:

  • Agora, se durante o efeito da habilidade, o alvo é atingido com a habilidade “Frostbolt”, eles são adicionalmente afetados com o efeito negativo “Stun” por 2,5-3-3,5-4 segundos.
  • Agora a habilidade pode causar dano crítico.



воодушевление.png Inspiração:

  • Agora, a animação só é reproduzida após o uso, mover-se entre os locais não aciona mais a reprodução.

солнечная мощь.png Energia solar:

  • Reduziu o dano recebido durante o efeito da habilidade: de 30-25-20-10% para 25-20-15-5%.
  • Reduziu o dano de ataques críticos: de 10-15-20-25%, para 8-13-17-20%.

притяжение.png Atração:

  • Agora a habilidade pode aplicar o alvo com o efeito de silêncio com uma chance de 10-21-28-35%.

истощающий удар.png Golpe Exaustivo:

  • A mecânica da habilidade foi alterada: agora, em vez de reduzir a velocidade de recarga da habilidade, a habilidade atordoa o alvo em 1,5-2-2,5-3 segundos.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


Uma das poucas classes do jogo que não possui habilidades de controle completas em seu arsenal, o que torna muito difícil lidar com o dano. Mudando isso!




убеждение.png Persuasão:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 7500-12500-20000-25000-30000, para 7500-15000-25000-45000-75000.

иллюминация.png Iluminação:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 10000-20000-40000-80000, para 15000-35000-80000-140000.

призыв харада.png Chamado de Harad:

  • Aumentou a chance de monstros atordoantes: de 45-55-65-75%, para 75-85-95-100%. A chance de atordoar os jogadores continua a mesma.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


O paladino se sente bem em batalhas com outros jogadores, mas devido ao alto valor de resistência dos monstros, algumas habilidades se tornam inúteis e não podem ser usadas em ambas as situações. As seguintes alterações devem melhorar isso.




неуловимая угроза.png Ameaça evasiva:

  • Agora a habilidade tem um limite de perda de saúde após o qual o efeito desaparece: 50-60-70-80% do máximo de saúde do alvo.

искупление.png Redenção:

  • Agora é limitado pelo número de alvos do jogador: 5-6-7-8.

помощь богов.png Assistência de Deus:

  • Não tira mais os jogadores da invisibilidade.

мистическая метка.png Marca Mística:

  • Redução do tempo de resfriamento da habilidade de 7 para 5 segundos.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


Esta classe permaneceu quase a última classe em cujo arsenal existem habilidades sem limite de eficácia, razão pela qual em algumas situações de jogo o padre era muito forte.




Обратный поток.png Fluxo reverso:

  • Agora, os alvos afetados pela imobilização são ignorados.

Частица жизни.png Partícula da Vida:

  • Agora, o animal de estimação herda parâmetros como "Fúria das profundezas", "Solidez", "Resistência".

Солнечное клеймо.png Com a marca da Sun:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 12.000-22.000-45.000-85.000, para 15.000-35.000-80000-140000.

Clãs da montanha




Отравленная стрела.png Flecha envenenada:

  • Mudou a fórmula de dano. O inimigo recebe dano físico de 35-50-60-70-80% do poder físico do personagem a cada 3 segundos.
  • Alterado o custo de uso da habilidade: de 18-20-22-24-26 para 14-16-18-20-22.

метка охотника.png Marca do Caçador:

  • Agora, em vez de diminuir a defesa inimiga, a marca aumenta o dano recebido pelo oponente em 2-3-4-5% por 10-14-18-22 segundos, quando é atacado pelo caçador. Vários efeitos podem ser aplicados a um oponente.

горные инстинкты.png Instintos da montanha:

  • Agora, além da velocidade de ataque do personagem, o parâmetro “Penetração” aumenta em 4-5-6-8% por 15-18-22-26 segundos.

стрела молчания.png Flecha do Silêncio:

  • Agora a habilidade não pode ser bloqueada ou evitada.

стрела замешательства.png Flecha de confusão:

  • Agora a habilidade não pode ser bloqueada ou evitada.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


O aumento do intervalo de ataque para arcos e bestas afetou significativamente o potencial de ataque da classe, neste sentido, melhoramos as habilidades do caçador para lidar com danos, bem como revisamos o trabalho de habilidades de controle.




вспышка молнии.png Explosão de relâmpago:

  • A habilidade não aumenta mais a chance de esquiva do alvo.

щит молний.png Escudo de Raios:

  • A mecânica da habilidade foi alterada: agora, aplicar escudo de relâmpago não remove mais outras habilidades de escudo ou vice-versa.
  • A habilidade agora é capaz de lidar com danos críticos.

огненный тотем.png Totem de fogo:

  • A mecânica da habilidade foi alterada: agora um alvo pode ser escolhido não apenas com um ataque automático, mas também com a habilidade "Ball Lightning". Além disso, com vários totens, agora é possível aplicar o alvo com até 5 efeitos que causam dano periódico, mas ao mesmo tempo um xamã pode aplicar apenas um desses efeitos.

ритуал племени.png Ritual da Tribo:

  • A habilidade não reduz mais o tempo de espera da habilidade, agora ela aumenta a velocidade de ataque em 10-13-16-20% e o poder de dano crítico em 12-14-16-18%. 

энергетическое поле.png Campo de energia:

  • Agora a habilidade também aumenta o parâmetro "Skills Cooldown" em 15-20-25-30%.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


O xamã realmente carecia de potencial de suporte. Mudamos as principais habilidades de buffing em favor de estatísticas ofensivas fortes. Isso deve ajudar a classe a chegar ao mesmo nível de utilidade ao lado do necromante e reduzir a diferença entre os buffs de ataque dos Guardiões e as alianças da Legião. 




насмешка.png Provocação:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 7500-12500-20000-25000-30000, para 7500-15000-25000-45000-75000.

боевой клич.png Grito de guerra:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 10000-20000-40000-80000, para 15000-35000-80000-140000.

Por conta própria


рикошет.png Ricochete:

  • Aumentou o raio de ricochete entre os alvos: de 2-2-2-2 jardas para 3-3-4-4 jardas.

Стальной шквал.png Flurry of Steel:

  • Aumentou a quantidade de dano: de 40-55-70-90% do poder físico do personagem, para 85-110-135-190%.
  • Aumento da chance de atordoamento: de 20-25-30-35%, para 35-45-60-80%.
  • Aumento do tempo de espera da habilidade de 4 para 12 segundos.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


Algumas das habilidades do Rogue não podiam se orgulhar de alta eficiência em comparação com outras. As mudanças apresentadas devem melhorar a situação e possibilitar a escolha de diferentes habilidades, e não jogar apenas com builds geralmente aceitos.




Поддержка стаи.png Suporte do Pacote:

  • Aumento da duração base do efeito de “Resistência”: de 2-2-3-4, para 3-3-4-5 секунд.





опутывание корнями.png Raízes emaranhadas:

  • Se a habilidade for resistida, a animação raiz no alvo não será mais reproduzida.

смерч.png Tornado:

  • Mudou a mecânica da habilidade: agora, em vez de reduzir a velocidade de resfriamento da habilidade, a habilidade agora reduz a velocidade de movimento do alvo em 15-30-40-50%.

тайная связь.png Link secreto:

  • Retrabalho completo da habilidade: agora a habilidade aplica um efeito positivo “Link Secreto” no personagem ou um membro do grupo em uma sequência no raio de 2-2-3-3 jardas do alvo por 20 segundos. O efeito restaura a saúde em 60-70-80-100% do poder mágico do personagem e aumenta o parâmetro “Penetração” em 4-6-8-10%. O efeito de restauração da saúde é reduzido com cada alvo subsequente em 10%, e o parâmetro “Penetração” - em 2%. Número máximo de alvos - 2-3-4-5.

сила воды.png Poder da Água:

  • A mecânica da habilidade foi alterada: agora cada habilidade que recebeu dano pode ser atordoada com a habilidade "Lightning Bolt".
  • Aumentou o dano da habilidade em 3 e 4 níveis de desenvolvimento.

карающие корни.png Raízes punitivas:

  • Se a habilidade for resistida, a animação raiz no alvo não será mais reproduzida.
  • Aumentou o dano da habilidade em 3 e 4 níveis de desenvolvimento.

поддержка стихии.png Suporte Elemental:

  • Agora, o animal de estimação herda parâmetros como "Fúria das profundezas", "Solidez", "Resistência".
  • Agora, os monstros convocados atacam os alvos afetados do "Enxame de Insetos" com mais iniciativa.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


O druida passou por momentos difíceis devido à falta de capacidade de suporte adequada. As melhorias resultantes devem ajudar a turma a se recuperar e começar a se sentir mais confiante.


Blade Dancer


подрезать сухожилие.png Isquiotibiais:

  • A aplicação de sangramento não pode mais ser evitada.

стремительный бросок.png Correr:

  • Aumentou a chance de atordoamento de monstros para 100% em todos os níveis de desenvolvimento da habilidade.
  • A resistência concedida por esta habilidade agora tem uma prioridade menor do que o efeito da habilidade "Espírito de Resistência".
  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 10000-20000-40000-80000, para 15000-35000-80000-140000.

магическое преобразование.png Transformação mágica:

  • Aumentou a durabilidade do escudo em todos os níveis de desenvolvimento da habilidade.

контратака.png Contra ataque:

  • Aumento da duração da habilidade: de 4-5-6-7 segundos para 8-10-12-14 segundos.
  • Reduziu o dano da habilidade: de 40-50-60-75%, para 25-32-36-40%.

Дух сопротивления.png Espírito de Resistência:

  • A resistência concedida por esta habilidade agora tem uma prioridade maior do que o efeito da habilidade "Rush".

агрессия.png Agressão:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 7500-12500-20000-25000-30000, para 7500-15000-25000-45000-75000.

O comentário dos desenvolvedores:


Ignorar o controle é um ponto forte desta classe e, em alguns lugares, até demais. Agora será necessário escolher com cuidado o momento do ataque.




волна агрессии.png Onda de agressão:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 7500-12500-20000-25000-30000, para 7500-15000-25000-45000-75000.

шокирующий удар.png Golpe chocante:

  • Aumento da duração do efeito “Stun”: de 2-2,5-3-3,5-4, para 3-3,5-4-4,5-5 segundos.

гнев стража.png Fúria do Guarda:

  • Aumentou o número de pontos de agressão recebidos: de 10000-20000-40000-80000, para 15000-35000-80000-140000.

фортификация.png Fortificação:

  • Aumentou a quantidade de redução de danos: de 6-12-18-25%, para 10-18-25-30%.

бросок щита.png Lançamento do escudo:

  • Aumentou a chance de atordoamento: de 25-35-45-55%, para 30-45-60-75%.

защита стража.png Proteção do Guarda:

  • Agora, o personagem do jogador recebe apenas 80-70-60-50% do dano redirecionado.


Gostaríamos também de chamar sua atenção para algumas mudanças que são relevantes para várias classes ao mesmo tempo e fornecer algumas explicações dos desenvolvedores sobre elas.


Sobre a agressão:

Com o tempo, classes com especialização em lidar com danos multiplicaram seu potencial de combate, por isso decidiu-se aumentar os valores de agressão nas habilidades dos tanques, para que eles possam cumprir com mais facilidade seu papel, principalmente em batalhas com múltiplos alvos.


Sobre as aulas de apoio:

Além da cura, as classes de suporte devem fornecer bônus úteis ao grupo, portanto, as mudanças atuais têm como objetivo melhorar essas habilidades. Além disso, vai fechar a lacuna entre o "potencial de buffing" dos Guardians e Legion quando se trata de chefes mundiais.


Então, é isso, mas no início da próxima semana você pode esperar notícias da Ilha Blissful !!


Vejo você no jogo!



Vocês não cansam de nerfar o bruxo não? , Fala sério bruxo já é a pior classe damage e ainda não tem defesa nenhuma só de andar pelo mapa aivondyl os bruxo ja morre pros mob,vcs melhoro classes q nem precisavam e estragaram mais ainda o bruxo

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56 minutes ago, Bounce said:

Sure. But it's not written for "x characters" or "characters in the group". It's says "ALL". Not mention to warlock's zone of weakness = No limits

Heal totem u can test n see 5 people 4 ticks it heal . Warlock zone was 8 people limit I think . And weakness totem I attach pic here


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5 hours ago, Peony said:

 Otherworldly Blessing:

  • Now the skill increases the maximum health and energy of the character, as well as the “Block” parameter, if a shield is equipped, or the power critical damage and healing if a staff is equipped, for 15-20-25-30 seconds. Upon using it on an ally, both the character and the ally receive a part of the effect.

When will the templar have something similar to make it ok with staffs?

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warspear has been changing its game dynamics for a long time, and today we can say that the focus is on GVG events and with that there are classes that due to lack of skill improvements are getting at a disadvantage, for example: rogue. 

Ladino today has only 1 damage skill in an area that is the ricochet, which by the way is very slow when using, because you have to choose 1 target and in the gvg event you don't even have time to use it, my suggestion would be that this skill instead of you choosing 1 target, you could actually choose the area and whoever was there would take damage from the ricochet dagger, because all other classes that have area damage, their skills work like this.

 If the focus of the game is shifting to gvg the skills have to follow ..


Edited by Higgings
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back afther some thinking on evrything

4 hours ago, Peony said:

насыщение.png Saturation:

  • Now if the current health level of the character is below 15-25-40-50%, the skill does not cost health to use.

what about make it no health cost for all levels?

4 hours ago, Peony said:

демонический пакт.png Demonic Pact (used to be Energy Manipulation):

  • Full rework of the skill: now the skill increases the duration of the monsters summoned by skills "Call" and "Chaos’ Help",  by 30-40-50-60% and lowers damage received by them by 15-20-30-35% for the duration of the skill. Skill with a constant energy consumption.


4 hours ago, Peony said:

Мастерство призывателя.png Summoner Skill:

  • Full rework of the skill: now the skill makes all monsters on the location, summoned by the skill "Call'' attack the chosen target and also increases the damage of their next autoattack by 15-20-30-40% and allows it to deal damage to enemies in the radius of 1-1-2-2 yards. Maximum number of player targets — 2-3-4-5 depending on the skill development level. There is no limitation on the number of monster targets. 

this is something intersting since it gives a charmer some sort of way to deal aoe damage and to make thier summons live more... still need to see how it runs in the tests


4 hours ago, Peony said:

ритуал племени.png Tribe's Ritual:

  • The skill no longer reduces the skill cooldown time, now it increases attack speed by 10-13-16-20% and critical damage power by 12-14-16-18%. 

энергетическое поле.png Energy Field:

  • Now the skill also increases the "Skills Cooldown" parameter by 15-20-25-30%

this is going to make the shaman something amazing in parties with an amazing potential if pulled of right, i like it

4 hours ago, Peony said:

метка охотника.png Hunter’s Mark:

  • Now instead of lowering the enemy defense, the mark increases the damage received by the opponent by 2-3-4-5% for 10-14-18-22 seconds, when they’re attacked by the hunter. Several effects can be applied to one opponent.

горные инстинкты.png Mountain Instincts:

  • Now in addition to attack speed of the character increases the “Penetration” parameter by 4-5-6-8% for 15-18-22-26 seconds.

this is very interesting, i see that there can be more potential that makes the effectively stronger aiganist bosses and garant the whole party an huge help on killing it, in a different way than the warlock, i like it

4 hours ago, Peony said:

шокирующий удар.png Shocking Blow:

  • Increased the duration of the “Stun” effect: from 2-2,5-3-3,5-4, to 3-3,5-4-4,5-5 seconds.


4 hours ago, Peony said:

Теневая сфера.png Shadow Sphere:

  • Now the amount of damage depends on the maximum amount of energy of the character, not its current amount. Upon using the skill, the character restores 10-14-16-20% of their energy.

гримуар.png Grimoire:

  • Now, during the effect of the skill, the amount of health restored by the character, when using the skill "Life Exhaust" by 50-100-150-250%.

really nice


4 hours ago, Peony said:

потустороннее благословение.png Otherworldly Blessing:

  • Now the skill increases the maximum health and energy of the character, as well as the “Block” parameter, if a shield is equipped, or the power critical damage and healing if a staff is equipped, for 15-20-25-30 seconds. Upon using it on an ally, both the character and the ally receive a part of the effect.

will need to wait the stats of it in the test server

4 hours ago, Peony said:

The developers’ commentary:


This class remained almost the last class in whose arsenal there are skills without a limit of effectiveness, which is why in some game situations the priest was too strong.

i can see where but for redemption maybe dont? even if it would make it able to free armies in a second from stuns or aoe negative effects?

i've never been able to see the priests in action propely so idk

5 hours ago, Peony said:

защита стража.png Guard’s Protection:

  • Now the player character receives only 80-70-60-50% of the redirected damage.

well that was an big flaw, now it can work poprely


is it possible that we will see at 100%rate the stun chance also other chance based stun skills on monsters? or have it increased?


the updated makes obvious that the legion will get way more party power potential/reliant (thing wich can make the gamplay way better) for dungeons and such, also giving more hope to shamans and necromancers to sneak in just to buff hard the party and increase the numbers, same for druid and priest, but i think the sentinel's supports may still have some issues sneaking in parties, but surely less, wich is better than nothing


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5 hours ago, Peony said:

Secret Link:

  • Full rework of the skill: now the skill applies a positive effect “Secret Link” on the character or a group member in a sequence in the radius of 2-2-3-3 yards of the target for 20 seconds. The effect restores health in the amont of 60-70-80-100% of the character’s magical power and increases the “Penetration” parameter by 4-6-8-10%. The health restoration effect is reduced with each subsequent target by 10%, and the “Penetration” parameter — by 2%. Maximum number of targets - 2-3-4-5.

What does this mean exactly? if my druid has 800 dmg it heal 1 time 800 then -10% for each next heal?



ps. what is this kind of sorcery!  censoring

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Edited by REAPER
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Ranger is already buffed a lot that can not be buffed more. Rangers have increase damage, dodge, area skill, 5-6 stun skill, ranged!! character. I ask what else you want but nerf. 


But dear developers I wonder that why Bladedancer don't get nerf about dealing high damage because with the buffs of other classes and rare books, they can attack 2000+ auto with %70 speed, guild %15 books %17(%10+%7), skill %15, + mage or priest buffs they have high speed like the speed classes "hunter",  "ranger" , "rogue" , " seeker". they are already heavy and resist class. With %40 auto attack parameter they are called "broken" and immortal with the help of paladins because you can not stun them, and they rush to you and few hits on you(You can not expect for everyone to have distortion book. There must be other solutions as well to be able to fight with that class.) It's ashame when any class attacks them 800-900 while they do 1.4k damage(Talking about full +10).


Also the relic which gives %30 speed if its blocked,dodged,parried is too annoying because normally only some classes can make high speed and its their advantage, but with that relic others can equal the situation.


About chieftains they need some stun skills or i suggest to that meteor skill now become available to stun enemies if they have stun parameter. They can be too tanky thats right but they can not deal damage without some stun skill since they can not reach to the enemy


About rangers %25 accu is too much because in term of PvP they r able to reach 50 accuarcy easily and rogues' dodge style no more works on them. 


About rogues, like seeker has crit dmg skill, i suggest rogues for crit dmg skill aswell or some dmg boost. Stealth for increase damage is for only 1 time but ranger has %20 dmg boost, seeker has shield which gives some percent of damage(dont remember the amount), hunter has damage boost aswell and even bladedancer's %40 auto can be count as dmg boost. I suggest exterminition gives some percent of damage.


Also it might sound crazy but some relics are not trigger because you can not use in the battle like relic of captivity(Can be used on only in stealth skill). I suggest a big change that we can use stealth,combat stance any situation we are in. Of course if we got bleed before it will just work for trigger relics. The reason I want this is because while some classes can not trigger some relics well, other classes can do it easily. Relics have big importance in term of pvp so.


I hope it will interest you. Have fun. 😀



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the changes take place gradually, I understand that everyone wants his class to be the strongest, but let's be realistic, we got a finger so let's not throw ourselves at once, the changes are going in the right direction, I'm happy for charmer changes and energy manipulation change (skill was useless). Replacements as much as possible, ps. please do not write anything about the ranger buff because the amount of damage it can deal is huge and it is one of the stronger characters, the new skill is also strong, let's not exaggerate. Gj devz 

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3 hours ago, Angelxgod said:

Nice skill update, but about rogue there are little thing that will help rogue players ! 


In pvp rogue are scary but in PVE we have some problems but there only 1 problem need to solve, the" Frenzy" Skill that give accu and crit, on PVE i made m'y rogue on auto attack and its worthly but when im reach the 70% attack speed and im using the" frenzy" this slow my attack and so lose fews sec to continue attack and this every 10 sec +- that hurt rogue PVE... 


So my idea would be to consume energy like seeker/mage/warden/ranger/hunter/warlock skills of mana comsuption !


Its would be insane, i know some people will not agree my idea but for sure it will help many rogue player and rogue will be finally good as pve even if they have not aoe (strong ) skill


Disclaimer: rogue for now are good in PVE so it will be just be something more appropriate for pve attack speed rogue! ( and it will open a new gate to rogue build) 

Rogues are already able to reach max stats with 32 level items. The problem is about CRIT DMG. please add crit dmg or dmg boost to rogues.

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32 minutes ago, Buuuu said:

Heal totem u can test n see 5 people 4 ticks it heal . Warlock zone was 8 people limit I think . And weakness totem I attach pic here


That’s not my argument..... the point is heal totem does heal 1500+ per tic on castle buff and you kinda made yourself look retarded posting that. The target limit is 6 but no arena mode has more than 5 players per team. And that’s not even the argument I made about weakness totem.. I said the totem needs a cd nerf or nerf the range of the totem.. you never pay attention to the important parts. Like I said that totem can last 24/7 and it’s absurd to have it decrease 25% pene/accu/and critical hit. That’s a whole party in 5v5 with 0% pene. It definitely needs a nerf. Even if you resist 1 debuff the other rebuffs will still be in effect and it applies the debuff every 3 second. Make a valuable argument next time before puttin your 2 cents in.

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3 hours ago, Bruno Rodrigues said:


nice joke. Since almost in every servers elfs are dominating? OK xD



4 hours ago, putang said:

Agree 100% nerf bd and shamans and game will be balanced 90% better




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1 hour ago, KingEricc said:

There is no gap between the debuff even if you resist it once it applies again after 3 seconds stop acting stupid buu. We all know the range on that totem is 5 yards so running from it while being attacked/stunned is nearly impossible. Shamans need nerf on heal totem and weakness totem no doubt. It’s coming

Its 3 yards Not 5 yards and check the video urself if u see gap or not between debuffs. Gather info bout the skill bfre u whine bout it . N weekness totem is 10% 14 % 18% 25% reduction at 1 2 3 4 . How many shamans make it 4/4 n sacrifice points from other skills in the whole server u can try ask . U will 2 or 3 people maybe including me :D. 


Warspear Online

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●As a charmer we lack the damage of other classes, and removing the +80% damage buff to charmer dogs that we used to get from [Summoner Skill Book] is horrible. Considering other classes like Seeker can deal upwards of 5,000 damage with basic attacks etc. The removal of the +80% damage buff that lasted for the duration of the Summoner skill if combined with Goad, hurts the Charmer greatly! Because that new 40% damage increase only applies to "The Minions NEXT autoattack" which means only one hit of that skill will be buffed with extra damage,  as opposed to the previous damage buff which had an long duration. 


●Removing the duration of Charmer minions from Summoner skill, then splitting it off into another reworked skill [Demonic Pact(used to be Energy Manipulation)] , that has constant ENERGY CONSUMPTION is horrible for Charmer because we spend too much energy activating skills and constantly run out of energy! It be different if we could use a relic like "Relic of Energy Stability" on an expert skill. But expert skills can't use relics!  And the fact that you split what the Summoner Skill does into two different skills, RUINS the charmer dog build, because we don't have enough skill points to max out Summoner + Demonic Pact + Eye of Darkness + Chaos Help !

We need the minion duration and damage buffs to be integrated on a single skill, NOT two separate ones!


Thank you for reading. I hope this makes sense, and you realize what delicate balance we Charmers have to deal with.

Edited by Strahd
Spelling errors. :)
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1 hour ago, Kobrahno Warspear said:

Cadê o buff defensivo do dk? Mano, o importante e a defesa, nerfaram a maldição do cavaleiro 😴

Dk tem que ter aparo e block, pode ter 14k de defesa se n tiver aparo e block continuará noob. Ja vi dk +5 tanka tech de boa mitoco e heroico. Mas tmb ja vi dk+9 fazer a pt toda lá morrer kkkkkkkkk

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32 minutes ago, Buuuu said:

Heal totem u can test n see 5 people 4 ticks it heal . Warlock zone was 8 people limit I think . And weakness totem I attach pic here


Okay, whatever. First, I think shaman deserve a good skill for doing other things like dungeons, I agree (shaman got a upgrated version of priest's god assistance). But those totems skills are broken, mainly in GvGs/War/Castle. We didn't asking for nerf, we are asking for equality. Redemption just give ONE heal and remove some debuffs in a small area (and now, with players limit). Multiple heals plus castle pots and several debuffs - critical/accuracy/penetration decrease are unfair (None caster on sentinels can do something similar). It's simple.

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22 minutes ago, REAPER said:

ps. what is this kind of sorcery!  censoring

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There there. It's just a filter. This way we can keep the forum more clean. 😉

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22 minutes ago, REAPER said:

What does this mean exactly? if my druid has 800 dmg it heal 1 time 800 then -10% for each next heal?

Heals you only once, for 100% of your dmg. Heals also one person next to you for 90% and so on.

Pene buff lasts for 20sec, which also gives different amount of pene for each pt member.

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12 minutes ago, WantFairGame said:

Rogues are already able to reach max stats with 32 level items. The problem is about CRIT DMG. please add crit dmg or dmg boost to rogues.

Ye dude im agree but im on SEA-Pearl and there nobody have 32 set lol that why it would be good ahah! 

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25 minutes ago, REAPER said:

What does this mean exactly? if my druid has 800 dmg it heal 1 time 800 then -10% for each next heal?



ps. what is this kind of sorcery!  censoring

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basicaly, for each extra member under the healing will make it weaker by 10%, for example if ur alone ie will heal 800/tick, with one party member with u under the buff it will become -10% so 720, if 2 -20% so 640 for an total of 40% decrease at full party under it (wich means that the healing tick when u cast it while ur with ur whole party will be 60% instead of 100% when ur alone if you got the skill at 4/4, explained in the simpliest way possible)

and for penetration it will go from 10% only you to 4% at full party (4/4) 

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2 hours ago, Makaveli said:

Hunter have so much better skills then ranger pvE and PVP, ranger is a classe who use leather weapons and walk so slow and without a STUN ranged, the stun just works for melee class, if you say ranger is a good class and don't need to be rework, you never played in one, every att ranger is forgotten, now is the worst damage in elfs and the oldest class, none skill useful, just skills more of the same and weak stuns.

Is this a JOKE? ranger is worst class in PvP? Why don't you come EU-Emerald server and look some of them. A rogue dodges more than ranger does. It is ranged class, its the advantage. 5-6 stun skill and blind 5/5 is like 6 seconds and there is no stun so distortion not works. hmm ye still bad? LOL

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8 minutes ago, Bounce said:


Okay, whatever. First, I think shaman deserve a good skill for doing other things like dungeons, I agree (shaman got a upgrated version of priest's god assistance). But those totems skills are broken, mainly in GvGs/War/Castle. We didn't asking for nerf, we are asking for equality. Redemption just give ONE heal and remove some debuffs in a small area (and now, with players limit). Multiple heals plus castle pots and several debuffs - critical/accuracy/penetration decrease are unfair (None caster on sentinels can do something similar). It's simple.


Let's also quit the conversation about equity, because even here the elf side is in a far better situation than mc side. Elf side has got several classes which can support characters, whereas Mc side have got few classes which can buff at 360° a character. It's the situation where you can see one very powerful supporter compared to many smaller ones. 

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17 minutes ago, KingEricc said:
56 minutes ago, Buuuu said:

That's not my argument ..... the point is heal totem does heal 1500+ per tic on castle buff and you kinda made yourself look delayed posting that. The target limit is 6 but no arena mode has more than 5 players per team. And that's not even the argument I made about weakness totem .. I said the totem needs a cd nerf or nerf the range of the totem .. you never pay attention to the important parts. Like I said that totem can last 24/7 and it's absurd to have it decrease 25% pene / accu / and critical hit. That's a whole party in 5v5 with 0% penis. It definitely needs a nerf. Even if you resist 1 debuff the other rebuffs will still be in effect and it applies the debuff every 3 seconds. Make a valuable argument next time before puttin your 2 cents in.

Show me a shaman healing 1500 with heal totem per tick . And weakness totem is 3 yard range.my post was delayed coz I made video to show that there is gap + it was getting approved by mod

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3 minutes ago, Devzu said:


long time needed buffs for shaman

yes it was needed, now what do you think abt build 4/4 fire totem, 4/4 tribe and 4/4 lshield or energy field ? 


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14 minutes ago, Bounce said:

Redemption just give ONE heal and remove some debuffs in a small area (and now, with players limit). Multiple heals plus castle pots and several debuffs - critical / accuracy / penetration decrease are unfair (None caster on sentinels can do something similar). It's simple

If u compare sentinel n legion classes. There is alot of things sentinel has but same thing legion dnt have . Best example is the amount of shields in sentinel side Bd shield pala shield seeker shield priest shield vs necro shield only 1 shield for legion . Sentinel side Bd have auto damage buff seeker to legion side 0 class have auto attack buff. Druid 5 heals in 1 class and vice versa . On top of it check all server war outcome sentinel side more server win or legion side . U will Know the difference .

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1 hour ago, Denisson said:

warspear has been changing its game dynamics for a long time, and today we can say that the focus is on GVG events and with that there are classes that due to lack of skill improvements are getting at a disadvantage, for example: rogue. 

Ladino today has only 1 damage skill in an area that is the ricochet, which by the way is very slow when using, because you have to choose 1 target and in the gvg event you don't even have time to use it, my suggestion would be that this skill instead of you choosing 1 target, you could actually choose the area and whoever was there would take damage from the ricochet dagger, because all other classes that have area damage, their skills work like this.

 If the focus of the game is shifting to gvg the skills have to follow ..


ı actually liked this suggestion. Must be considered before update


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24 minutes ago, Fauv said:

Dk tem que ter aparo e block, pode ter 14k de defesa se n tiver aparo e block continuar noob. Ja vi dk +5 tanka tech de boa mitoco e heroico. Mas tmb ja vi dk + 9 fazer a pt toda morrer kkkkkkkkk

Não estamos falando só da tecnopolis mitica amigo, estamos falando da t5 e combates pvp, dk msm sendo full +10 e parâmetros (aparo, block, robustez, deff, vamp, hp) não consegue fazer nada direito na t5, morre fácil até pra mini bosses do mermem por exemplo, tem dk com 4-5 books q ñ consegue tankar os tubarões do mermem, nem o Sea mitico daí imagine o quão deve sofrer os fracos pra conseguir fazer alguma coisa, é complicado isso, a classe precisa urgentemente de um buff defensivo, que o ajude a concluir masmorras e tarefas na t5 sem morrer.

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25 minutes ago, Angelxgod said:

Ye dude im agree but im on SEA-Pearl and there nobody have 32 set lol that why it would be good ahah! 

Well the level upping stuff and dungeon stuff is easy. What am i talking about is for spring raid bosses because im sure seekers will destroy bosses and elfs will get all drops as always xD


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21 minutes ago, Higgings said:


Let's also quit the conversation about equity, because even here the elf side is in a far better situation than mc side. Elf side has got several classes which can support characters, whereas Mc side have got few classes which can buff at 360° a character. It's the situation where you can see one very powerful supporter compared to many smaller ones. 

Name an elf class that can make a +10 ranger hit less than 300 damage with support skills.... and what about rogues damage? They deal insane damage. Your definition of balanced is quite the opposite if you ask me and any other elf.


23 minutes ago, Buuuu said:

Show me a shaman healing 1500 with heal totem per tick . And weakness totem is 3 yard range.my post was delayed coz I made video to show that there is gap + it was getting approved by mod

I’ve seen it plenty of times before with castle pots you’re acting slow to protect that little shaman you have 🤣 not to mention the guild you run consists of 50% shamans lmfao imagine 2 heals totems in arena on castle pot + base heal. Be real with yourself I study every classes skill I wouldn’t even be here if there wasn’t a problem. 


42 minutes ago, Buuuu said:

Its 3 yards Not 5 yards and check the video urself if u see gap or not between debuffs. Gather info bout the skill bfre u whine bout it . N weekness totem is 10% 14 % 18% 25% reduction at 1 2 3 4 . How many shamans make it 4/4 n sacrifice points from other skills in the whole server u can try ask . U will 2 or 3 people maybe including me :D. 


Warspear Online 20.75 MB · 3 downloads

And once again, There is no gap. I get the feeling you never completely highschool even in the skill description it applies the debuff every 3 seconds for 5 seconds.. where is the gap you speak of my friend? A kindergartner would be able to that simple math.

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37 minutes ago, KingEricc said:

Name an elf class that can make a +10 ranger hit less than 300 damage with support skills.



Paladin, Warden.


37 minutes ago, KingEricc said:

and what about rogues damage? They deal insane damage. Your definition of balanced is quite the opposite if you ask me and any other elf


Rogue's damage output is no higher than the damage a Ranger with the same items can deal. Or even a Seeker with the same gears, with the only exception that Seekers lack of defensive skills. My definition of balancement in this game is "impossible"; "unachievable", and that's why you'll see me arguing of how futile comparing classes is, especially totally different ones. Ask yourself why on the majority of servers Elves were the winners of the Tower Games during the Christmas Event. (War alike event - forgot the name, apologies. Ice citadel if I remember correctly). Their skills are unique, more complete, a better version than the mc side ones. High crowd control from classes supposed to support and insane healing abilities from classes supposed to tank. And you tell me that my definition (which, I repeat, I had never given so far) of balance in this game is biased...


 P.S. I haven't mentioned the comparison between BD's damage and Rogue's for obvious reasons. 

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1 hora atrás, Fauv disse:

Dk tem que ter aparo e block, pode ter 14k de defesa se n tiver aparo e block continuar noob. Ja vi dk +5 tanka tech de boa mitoco e heroico. Mas tmb ja vi dk + 9 fazer a pt toda morrer kkkkkkkkk

Sim, mas KD o buff nas New de defesa do dk? Q adianta ter aparo e def, e o dano dos Boss ainda pegar em vc, sim isso eu sei tenho bloco e aparo, mas mesmo assim quando o dano do boss pega meu hp desce na lapada, kkkkk, TEC, não tem só essas torre não jogo, se aplica q tem mermem e mar? Tem dk ae com ful block e aparo, talentos base e ainda morrendo em mermem, mano essa e a realidade agr pra dk, dk não e mais tank agr e dmg, se dk e dmg agr q diabos buffaram as news de concorda? Não faz o maior sentido, mano ridículo isso, transformar dk tank em dmg (obs: nerfaram New de dmg em área do dk) kkk

Edited by Kobrahno Warspear
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About Necro, i personally think that skeletons should inherit,at least, the percentage of Depth's Fury in order to improve their usefulness in underwater territories.

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12 hours ago, Higgings said:


Paladin, Warden.



Rogue's damage output is no higher than the damage a Ranger with the same items can deal. Or even a Seeker with the same gears, with the only exception that Seekers lack of defensive skills. My definition of balancement in this game is "impossible"; "unachievable", and that's why you'll see me arguing of how futile comparing classes is, especially totally different ones. Ask yourself why on the majority of servers Elves were the winners of the Tower Games during the Christmas Event. (War alike event - forgot the name, apologies. Ice citadel if I remember correctly). Their skills are unique, more complete, a better version than the mc side ones. High crowd control from classes supposed to support and insane healing abilities from classes supposed to tank. And you tell me that my definition (which, I repeat, I had never given so far) of balance in this game is biased...


 P.S. I haven't mentioned the comparison between BD's damage and Rogue's for obvious reasons. 

I said with support skills. The only skill that a paladin has that is supportive is sacred shield and that only absorbs a certain amount of damage. We are talking about debuff wise. Our casters don’t have nearly as much support as mc casters. I could literally name all of the debuffs mc have and name 1-2 damage debuffs elf have. I can go all day my guy 🤣


12 hours ago, Higgings said:


Paladin, Warden.



Rogue's damage output is no higher than the damage a Ranger with the same items can deal. Or even a Seeker with the same gears, with the only exception that Seekers lack of defensive skills. My definition of balancement in this game is "impossible"; "unachievable", and that's why you'll see me arguing of how futile comparing classes is, especially totally different ones. Ask yourself why on the majority of servers Elves were the winners of the Tower Games during the Christmas Event. (War alike event - forgot the name, apologies. Ice citadel if I remember correctly). Their skills are unique, more complete, a better version than the mc side ones. High crowd control from classes supposed to support and insane healing abilities from classes supposed to tank. And you tell me that my definition (which, I repeat, I had never given so far) of balance in this game is biased...


 P.S. I haven't mentioned the comparison between BD's damage and Rogue's for obvious reasons. 

And no it’s simply cuz elf is overpopulated everyone knows that🤷🏽‍♂️

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I don't know if there is any point in discussing here, the elves have a pladin who has everything, jump - there is, aggro - even 2, heal - even 2, shield - is the strongest in the game, also has aoe cc, banner, warden? almost impossible to kill him, bd? class that can have 10k deff and deal damage like rouge, use dagger and have dmg like on axes, moreover, mage, full of aoe, druid, impossible to kill on castle pot, without that also hard, and you could mention that, most elf classes have shields, good aoe, stuns, even skill class passives, 4% damage, that's not enough? it's almost an additional accessory, there is no way to compare it to 2 mana regeneration points for forsaken, elf classes are able to do everything that mc classes do, only better

times when mc had more aoe and stun are behind us a long time ago, the disparity of players between elf and mc did not arise without a reason, elves are stronger at the moment and it can be seen in every aspect of the game.

Edited by PureSex
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I was probably hoping, like most players on the English and Russian sections of the forum, to balance some classes down and buffing classes that really need it. And unfortunately, once again I can see that the developers are not looking at the players' opinions.
See you on Halloween.

Edited by Ellatrice
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7 hours ago, Peony said:

вызов.png Call:

  • Now the pet inherits such parameters as "Depths' Fury", "Solidity", "Resistance".

Помощь хаоса.png Chaos’ Help:

  • Now the pet inherits such parameters as "Depths' Fury", "Solidity", "Resistance".


7 hours ago, Peony said:

Частица жизни.png Particle of Life:

  • Now the pet inherits such parameters as "Depths' Fury", "Solidity", "Resistance".


7 hours ago, Peony said:

поддержка стихии.png Elemental Backing:

  • Now the pet inherits such parameters as "Depths' Fury", "Solidity", "Resistance".

You see? this is how I see that you(devs) ignore the non russian suggestions, but I'll repeat, you already made the mistake of making pets a skill stop buffing them, they're very very annoying already, now you're making them deadlier than the player that casted it. And by the way, as you do it why don't do it to necromancer too (and the already have the disadvantage of needing a corpuses to summon and that means someone dying so it work) maybe creating an passive that creates corpuses stored each one able to summon only one skeleton soldier.

7 hours ago, Peony said:

гримуар.png Grimoire:

  • Now, during the effect of the skill, the amount of health restored by the character, when using the skill "Life Exhaust" by 50-100-150-250%.

темная печать.png Dark Seal:

  • Moved the effect of bonus health restoration by "Life Exhaust" moved to the "Grimoire" skill.
  • Additionally reduces the damage the target deals to the warlock by 10-15-20-25% if it is under the silence effect of the "Hex" skill.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

насыщение.png Saturation:

  • Now if the current health level of the character is below 15-25-40-50%, the skill does not cost health to use.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

мистическая метка.png Mystic Mark:

  • Reduced the time of skill cooldown from 7 seconds to 5.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

рикошет.png Ricochet:

  • Increased the radius of ricocheting between targets: from 2-2-2-2 yards, to 3-3-4-4 yards.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

Поддержка стаи.png Support of the Pack:

  • Increased the base duration of the “Resistance” effect: from 2-2-3-4, to 3-3-4-5 секунд.

Simply putting it: USELESS. These reworks wont make these skill anymore attractive then they already were (some that used and didn't will so it as much as before)

7 hours ago, Peony said:

огненный шар.png Fire Ball:

  • Increased the chance to affect the target with “Fear”.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

Отравленная стрела.png Poisoned Arrow:

  • Changed the damage formula. The enemy receives physical damage of 35-50-60-70-80% of the character’s physical power every 3 seconds.
  • Changed the cost of using the skill: from 18-20-22-24-26 to 14-16-18-20-22.


7 hours ago, Peony said:

Стальной шквал.png Flurry of Steel:

  • Increased the amount of damage: from 40-55-70-90% of the character’s physical power, to 85-110-135-190%.
  • Increased the stun chance: from 20-25-30-35%, to 35-45-60-80%.
  • Increased the cooldown time of the skill from 4 to 12 seconds.

These ones you're hear about them a lot if I understood their new mechanics (they'll be broken as hell). for example 190% dmg from a rogue its not little. Think well about this. 80% dmg per stack on a poison skill? BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!

7 hours ago, Peony said:

Blade Dancer


подрезать сухожилие.png Hamstring:

  • Applying bleeding can no longer be resisted.

стремительный бросок.png Rush:

  • Increased the stun chance of monsters to 100% on all levels of the skill’s development.
  • Resistance granted by this skill now has a lesser priority than the effect of the skill "Spirit of Resistance".
  • Increased the number of points of aggression received: from 10000-20000-40000-80000, to 15000-35000-80000-140000.

магическое преобразование.png Magic Transformation:

  • Increased the durability of the shield on all levels of the skill’s development.

контратака.png Counterattack:

  • Increased the skill duration: from 4-5-6-7 seconds to 8-10-12-14 seconds.
  • Reduced the damage of the skill: from 40-50-60-75%, to 25-32-36-40%.

Дух сопротивления.png Spirit of Resistance:

  • Resistance granted by this skill now has a greater priority than the effect of the skill "Rush".

Now... to my dear love BaDass... STOP! Did you read it well? Just to be sure, STOP! Why do you keep buffing this? I would say that for this class its only missing wings, but I'm afraid you'll see it as an idea. Tank hp and deff+ one of best burst Dmg there is(+ vamp it's almost a heal since those autoattacks go up to 2k)+ full resist (yeah...that "rework" you did wont change that, they will just have to use the hand fingers to play now, nothing against those who can't), but "nah... its not enough lets buff them a little more", see where I'm gettin here? So about suggestions, reduce drastically the spirit of resistance effect time or make it 80% or less like every other class that as this kind of skill. About counterattack the thing you should have done since the beginning, make it depend on 'received' dmg (emphasis on the 'received' assuming that yo didn't noticed it not opponent dmg but 'received' dmg). About rush either remove the stun probability for players or remove the resist effect that comes from it, it wont make it any less usefull. and by the way I don't know if you noticed but EVERYONE (even the sentinels) are complaining about the Power of blades skill so something must be happening right?


8 hours ago, Peony said:



Поддержка стаи.png Support of the Pack:

  • Increased the base duration of the “Resistance” effect: from 2-2-3-4, to 3-3-4-5 секунд.

I saw a good suggestion for this skill here and I agree, make it as the skill is active if the player receives any debuff the skill lasts longer or the opponent receive a stun (not dmg removable) or just give them some stuns, even with stuns the pvp on WS is hard enough, imagine it without any.

8 hours ago, Peony said:

Death Knight


8 hours ago, Peony said:

Проклятие рыцаря.png Knight's Curse:

  • Reduced the amount of damage dealt over time.

The developers’ commentary:


The Magic build of the class is gaining in popularity, but it relies heavily on one key expert skill. We have reduced the overly high potential of this skill, but redistributed its power to some things else. This will add variability to the magic build.

YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING WITH US! It's not possible. See what I say when I tell you dev ignores the non russian comments? DK tank is dead "nah... lets kill DK dmg as well" "...redistributed its power..." please show me where did it go, I DARE YOU! But letting the rage aside NO ONE CREATES A DK FOR DMG so show it some tank love, even charmer have more survivality as a tank than DK.


About shamans I only agree about the weakness totem nerf (on stats not duration nor cooldown). But not about the totem, the 1500 stack heal is not the skill is the castle pot and everyone of you know it that if a healer uses that any of them its very hard to kill him.

By the way nothing about that OP pala shield?

About rogue I think that you should study away to promote him for gvgs, they have no space in competitive guilds (although I think that that because pf the narrow minded players) but that is a real problem.

About ranger I agree with the devs that its good enough as it is.



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