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Sugestions for PvE Rogue

Thiago Ribeiro

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I would like to make some suggestions for the Rogue class.
1- Frenzy:
Frenzy is one of the most useless skills in the class today, along with Flurry of Steel and Sinister Attack (despite changes in the last update). I would like to ask for the skill to become an aura skill (such as the Hunter's Combat Stance, Explorer's Exacerbation). The reason is that all other classes that are naturally damage have an aura skill, and Frenzy is not being a very interesting skill for the rogue's pve. So, why not combine the useful with the pleasant? This change would improve the state of the class in pve (which is not very nice) and would bring a utility to a skill that is not very useful.
2- Ricochet
The meta pve of the game is very much aimed at classes with area control. Guild events, GvGs and Dungeons are increasingly having groups of larger enemies. And it is no secret that, of the classes that are naturally damaging, rogues have the worst damage skill in the area, which is Ricochet. I would like to ask them to improve the skill in some way, increasing base damage or adding some new mechanics to it (such as the Poison Blade + Ricochet combo).

Anyway, these are my suggestions. The class has had its performance overshadowed by the other classes of the Legion and I think this will make him stronger. 

PS: Sorry for my bad english 😛

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