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The Battle for Territory

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Character's name: Stillron

Server: EU-Emerald


Lorn held Ben's hand tight. A cold wind was blowing. A wind of death. As a skilled shaman, she could recognise the signs: a terrible war was coming, as bloody and violent as the legendary War of the Spear. During the seven years of war there had been many battles, but this one was going to be different. This time they wouldn’t fight for glory, they would fight for the life of every person in the clan. If they lost this battle then they also lost their territories, the lands that fed their people, their homes. Ben smiled at her reassuringly. 
“You haven’t completed your training yet, it’s too dangerous”, she told him.
“I have to fight, I can't stand by as the Sentinels take our lands. Besides, if I do get hurt, I know you'll save me. You're the best healer I've ever met”.
A knight walked past them. A shiver ran down their spines. His armour was black and his face emotionless. 
“He's one of them, isn't he?”, asked Ben.
“Yes, he's a death knight”. 
“That's the most heartless thing anyone could ever do. Taking a soul away from its resting place. I would rather die a million times than live for a second as that creature. I can't believe our faction is allowing this”. 
“It's those necromancers, they're poisoning everyone's mind”. 
“Have you seen their magic? It's not like yours, it's corrupted. No good can come of it”. 
A horn was blown. The enemies were coming. Death was coming. 
Lorn was looking for something to say to talk Ben out of it, but as soon as their eyes met she knew that no words could change his mind. All she could do was watch over him. 
The commanders were screaming instructions. “DEFEND. STAND YOUR GROUND”, they screamed at the top of their lungs. 
The soldiers, mostly barbarians, marched to meet the enemies at the border. Where were their new allies, the Forsaken? As much as it pained her to admit it, they needed their help. In all the chaos Lorn lost sight of Ben. Arrows started falling from the sky and in front of them was the biggest army they had ever seen. Screams of pain, courage and fear filled the wintery air. Lorn was casting powerful spells to hit enemies and heal allies, but at the same time her eyes were constantly looking for Ben. Suddenly she saw three arrows coming towards her. She raised her staff but she was exhausted: the bolt of lightning she summoned only stopped one and she couldn't cast fast enough to stop the other two. Her past life and the future she had imagined with Ben flashed in front of her eyes: she knew death was coming. Suddenly a shield appeared in front of her and stopped the arrow from hitting her. Someone had saved her, it was Ben! She opened her eyes but her relief soon turned into despair as she saw that the third arrow had hit her lover's heart. She started casting a healing spell at once, using all of her remaining energy in a vain attempt to save him, but there was no more life in his eyes. She didn't even have the strength to scream: exhausted, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. 
She woke up hours later. She looked around the battlefield: the snow that covered it was red as the blood that was shed that day. Her hands looked for Ben's body but it wasn't there, someone had taken him from her, again. She got up and started running towards the camp. There she saw Ben's body, a necromancer was standing over it whispering something. 
“Stop!”, she screamed, horrified, but it was too late. Ben's body stood up and faced her. His blue eyes had turned black and his warm smile was replaced by a cold stare. She looked around and saw that they were doing the same thing to every soldier, they were resurrecting them, using their bodies as hosts of darkness. She finally understood: that's why the Forsaken disappeared right before the battle and didn't fight alongside the Mountain Clans, they wanted as many of them as possible to die so that they could turn them into death knights. 
“We had to do this”, said a stony-faced necromancer. “We were never going to win, the forces of the Sentinels and the Mountain Clans are equal. We had to eliminate your weaknesses, to replace love with hatred, in order to turn the scale in our favor. With this new undead army we can finally take over Irselnort and end the War”. 
Lorn's heart was beating fast, a million thoughts were going through her mind, among them Ben's last words. She couldn't let his body be used like that, she had to lay it to rest, that's what he would have wanted. She felt so sad and desperate, but above all she felt rage. The ground started shaking and the snow turned into rain. A deafening bolt of lightning hit Ben's body, which fell to the ground at once. The earthquake stopped and Lorn kneeled down to caress Ben's face. His eyes were blue again but his skin was cold and his heart completely still. She looked at the necromancer wrathfully and spoke: “Now that you have discovered how to cheat death, the War will never end. You have doomed the inhabitants of this island to an eternity of pain and fighting. You are responsible for the blood that was shed today as well as the blood that will be shed in countless future battles for territory. One day all of Arinar will know what you did today. As they march to meet their fate, waving bloody banners, scared of losing their lives and even more of losing their souls, they shall stop to curse you for robbing them of their future as you have robbed me of mine”. 
Then she picked Ben's body up, holding it tight in her arms as she turned around and walked away to lay it to rest far away from that cursed land. No one tried to stop her, no one could. It is told that she returned to the snowy mountains of Godgorrath, patiently waiting for the day when she'll make good on her promise. 

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21 hours ago, Drakoknight said:

This.. is a good but dark story


Thanks! And yes, it is pretty dark 😄


9 hours ago, TheCaster said:

Wow. Exquisite. 
I can imagine this being a short animation trailer for warspear. 


Thank you! 

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On 7/23/2020 at 8:53 AM, Stillron said:

Stop!”, she screamed, horrified, but it was too late. Ben's body stood up and faced her. His blue eyes had turned black and his warm smile was replaced by a cold stare. She looked around and saw that they were doing the same thing to every soldier, they were resurrecting them, using their bodies as hosts of darkness. She finally understood: that's why the Forsaken disappeared right before the battle and didn't fight alongside the Mountain Clans, they wanted as many of them as possible to die so that they could turn them into death knights. 

Warspear Creepypasta

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