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TAP TAP; FXX SFXX; Sound of people marching become louder and louder each moment. This noise broke the good early sleep of Khazh Maar.
A gaurd rushing came and said 'My lord,enemy is coming to steal your weapons'.
Khazh Maar: 'Steal My weapons!!!,For that they must kill me which is impossible' and laughed 'Ha ha ha' which echoed all over the abbsy.
Khazh Maar ordered  'KILL THEM ALL'.

However, Khazh Maar seems relax;and smiled by himself;Knowing that he can’t be killed till he is inside the circle ;the ultimate barried,which was marked,blessed,enchated by anciet spells by the Mighty Lord Kuzmitch himself.'THE CREATOR.'
He was so confident that he thinks himself  immortal,he underestimated the enemy's abilty and strategy for wining battle from early days of warspear.

The old Parasite;who hold the knowledge of entire abbsy and knew humans abilty and strenght for long time since the era of astral labyrinth, from his close interaction with them, Laughed 'He He He'. at Khazh Maar.
Knowing that he has only few mins of live left.

"If want to live,go back to your sleep";Parasite advised Khazh Maar.
“Shut up',u puny insect”Khazh Shouted back.

Khazh Maar was provoked by the humans and falled for their trap.He charged,leaving the circle at the human with anger and forgot about the Kuzmitch saying “U are immortal! but till u stay inside this circle".

Suddenly he realized that he is not in the circle,but it was too late to undo his mistake.Khazh Maar made his final groan which echoed in entire abbssy. trembling the ground before turning into dust.


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