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GM for Emerald Server


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I wonder if can You make 2-3 Game Master accounts in emerald? Those special accounts can be used to organize some events. Account (Client)should have server chat, warp, disconnect, ban abilites. Tell me what You think about.

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Yea i agree this thing for sapphire too. We need someone ingame who could help us fastly. I mean these GMs should be able to clean the game direclty (exspecial trade chat). Shouls be able to mute person and organize events.

All games have. We need them.


And by the way, i write this here, there shouldnt be the ability to make character with the names of moderators/admins .. cuz i have a char (never used) on vn called mioco, and im holdingit cuz someone could use it for scam other players.


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