Peony 2028 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Warriors! All of Arinar holds their breaths for the new underwater adventures that await all valiant heroes on the V sector of Ayvondil. The 8.4 update will unlock the most dangerous Dungeon of the Mermen, a new castle, unique armour, a powerful underwater raid-boss Orcinus, as well as new expert skills for all classes! Are you ready to learn all of the V sector’s secrets? Then let’s dive right in! Guild cup event “Trials of the Mermen” As you remember, the event consists of 2 stages and in each you will have to overcome the opponent selected for you by the system. The basic information and mechanics of the upcoming guild games is available in the developers’ diaries published before, so that you could devise proper fighting tactics. But aside from that, you will need to delve deep into its history, to uncover all mysteries of the guild games for your alliance. Lobby In order to participate the guild games, you will need to get to the Mermen Temple, to gather the guild in its lobby. There you can enjoy your time in the PvP locations and test your strength while awaiting the real battle. Keep in mind that you will not be able to enter the Temple after the first stage if no players from your guild registered it. So come ahead of time and don’t delay! First stage “Symbol of Celebration” Throughout all their history, mermen have competed for the right to enter the Mermen’s Sanctuary. The first contest is meant to discern the most agile of the contestants — you need to take hold of the Mermen’s Regalia. The participants strive to outrun each other, find the Regalia and put it atop the pedestal of their guild. Each regalia delivered into your camp and each defeated enemy increase the chances of your guild to triumph over the opponent! But you should be on your guard, this confrontation can only have one winner. Gather all your strength to capture the regalia of the Mermen and don’t let the opponent take it from you! Winners of the first stage are automatically taken to the camp for the next stage where, by the way, cooldown of all active skills will reset and even if you used those before, you will be able to do so again, to replenish your ranks before meeting the new opponent. On the map you will be able to see the possible location for a regalia not captured by either guild, but as soon as a player takes the crown, the situation will change: their opponent will no longer be able to see the position of the desired trophy. In the event of the crown being lost, its position will be displayed on the map again. Additionally, if the regalia belongs to your guild, you will still be able to see its position. Also keep in mind that the player with the crown will not be able to use even the consumables that replenish their strength. So try to keep the carrier of the regalia far away from harm until they bring it to the pedestal. Second stage “Proclamation of Valor” The second contest will determine the most valiant and well-knit teams — those that are worthy of entering the Sanctuary. The goal of the trial is to destroy the opponent’s banner, but it won't be that easy. Each banner is enchanted to be connected to three magical pylons that will not let you touch it. Destroy the pylons, then the enchantment will fall off, but remember that the opponents will be doing the very same thing! You can immediately begin the assault, but remember that the pylons for attack will only open after 40 seconds from the start of the stage. Use that time to develop defenses around your own towers and correctly start your attack on the enemy. The event will be held 2 times a week, so it is very important to prepare well to successfully complete both stages and receive the “Mermen’s Blessing” buff that will give you temporary access to the main mystery of the V sector — the dedicated dungeon “Sanctuary of the Mermen”. Dungeon “Sanctuary of the Mermen” Winning the guild games will be a necessary requirement to enter this dungeon. And this test is well justified — the Sanctuary will give you a completely unbelievable adventure, full of riddles and dangers, that will not be easy to survive. Making your way through the blockages of the destroyed temple, searching of the treasury, you will have to delve into the mysteries of the Sanctuary. And that could be some surprising plot twists, so be ready for absolutely anything! There were days when the underwater cities and temples could rival any land capitals with their beauty. At the apex of their power, Mermen have built a magnificent Sanctuary — the tangible manifestation of the might of their nation. It is said that the halls of this temple contain all treasures that could even be on land or underwater. But the days of glory turned to a decline and the Sanctuary was emptied. Now, its grandeur can only be seen by someone who passes through the depths not only of water, but of time itself... To remind you, the Dungeon only has one mythical difficulty level and monsters inside will definitely not let any weak or fearful warriors anywhere near the treasure. Display all your potential and strength to make it out there alive! In reward for completing this dungeon you will be able to get unique armour that contains ancient Mermen magic inside. Gathering a full set will unlock unique skills that will grant exceptional power, unattainable by anyone else in all of Arinar. Set skills Crushing Will (Cloth armor) Increases the character's Critical Hit parameter by 2%, value of critical damage and critical healing from the character's skills by 3% for 45 seconds each time you apply any skill to an ally or opponent. Maximum number of buffs: 10. Every time critical damage or healing is in use, it additionally increases the magic power of the character by 30% for 10 sec. The buff is triggered no more than 1 time in 15 seconds. Skill with constant energy consumption. Sneer of Fate (Cloth armor) Turns an enemy into a helpless monster for 8 sec. Enemy cannot attack or apply skills, damage on target removes the effect. During the effect, reduces the enemy's physical and magic defense to zero. If debuff is ignored, it summons the monster to the enemy by 10 sec. The monster deals magic damage to the enemy in the amount of 40% of the amount of the enemy’s physical and magical strength, but no more than 3000 units. Irreversible Anger (Lightweight armor) Increases the character's Accuracy and Penetration parameters by 2% for 30 seconds for each successful auto attack against the enemy. Maximum number of buffs: 10. Every fifth auto attack of the character additionally deals critical damage when in combat. Skill with constant energy consumption. Deadly Illusion (Lightweight armor) Creates three copies of the character for 15 seconds. The copies deal physical damage to the enemy in the amount of 30% of the physical strength of the character. When the damage is done, the copy disappears and deals 150% damage to the attacker, but no more than 5000 units. Thirst for Life (Heavy armor) Increases the maximum character health by 3%, reduces any incoming damage dealt to the character by monsters by 3% and by players - by 2% for 30 seconds every time the character is attacked. Maximum number of buffs: 10. Additionally removes one debuff from the character, including the control effect, every 5 seconds when the current health of the character is reduced to 50% of the maximum. Skill with constant energy consumption. Ancestors' Power (Heavy armor) Turns the character into a monster for 15 sec. While the effect is active, maximum health of the character increases by 50% numerical value of the physical and magical defense - by 80%, Attack Strength parameter - by 80% and Resistance parameter - 50%. Character cannot apply skills. New expert skills Underwater depths conceal not only new opportunities, but also new powers for your heroes. In update 8.4 every class will get a new unique skill that will help in future battles. Also keep in mind that a new expert skill slot for achievements will be added and the amount of Badges of Glory necessary to unlock each slot will be changed as well. Forsaken Death Knight Knight's Curse Applies the Kiss of Death debuff to the opponent for some time. This effect increases any incoming damage dealt to the enemy. When the effect expires, a cursed zone is formed near the enemy for a some time. All the opponents in the zone receive periodic magical damage. Charmer Summoner Skill Makes all monsters on the location that were summoned by the Call skill attack the selected target and increases their life time. If the enemy is under the effect of the Goading skill, it increases the incoming damage to the enemy from the attacking summoned monsters for the duration of this effect. Necromancer Dead Soldier Places the totem in the specified area for some time. If there is a dead monster or player within a few yards of the totem, the totem will every few seconds summon a skeleton for some time, which deals magical damage to the enemy, or a skeleton warrior with a chance equal to the value of the Critical Hit parameter of the character that deals increased magical damage to the enemy. One skeleton is summoned for each killed monster or player. Warlock Zone of Weakness Creates a zone of weakness in the specified area for some time. The zone reduces the numerical value of magical protection and blocks the ability to use skills for all opponents in the zone. Chosen Mage Magic Ban Applies the Time Absorption debuff to the opponent for some time. This effect removes from the opponent several buffs that were received from the skills and shortens the duration of all new skill buffs. Priest Punishment of the Light A magical attack that deals damage to the target and all the opponents within a yard of the target when successfully attacking it, and that with a certain chance prevents opponents from using skills for some time. Seeker Attack Instinct Each character's auto attack deals additional physical damage to all opponents within a yard of the target for some time. Paladin Inner Forces Increases the skill recharge rate and the Block parameter for the character when the current health level is reduced to a certain percentage of the maximum. Mountain Clans Barbarian Berserker Power Increases the Penetration parameter, as well as the attack speed if equipped with a one-handed weapon, and the physical power of the character if equipped with a two-handed weapon, for some time. During the effect, any incoming damage dealt to the character increases and the maximum amount of health decreases. Rogue Trickiest Technique A blow that deals physical damage to the enemy and a negative "Stun" effect with a certain chance for some time. If the enemy is under the effect of the "Poisonous Blades" skill, the skill deals increased damage to the enemy and restores a certain percentage of the character's maximum health. Shaman Shamanic Cleansing Reduces any incoming damage dealt to the character or an ally for some time and removes all debuffs from the target, including control effects. Hunter Forester's Trap Places a trap that is invisible to opponents in the specified area for some time. The trap deals physical damage to the target and all the opponents within a one-yard radius of the target, and with a certain chance applies the Stun debuff to them for some time. Firstborn Blade Dancer Spirit of Resistance Applies several Resistance buffs to the character for some time. Each effect allows you to ignore the debuff received by the character, including the control effect. If any debuff is ignored, one Resistance buff is removed. Druid Patronage of the Forest Applies the Patronage buff to the character or an ally for some time. The effect absorbs any incoming damage dealt to the target if the damage value is greater than the current health, and restores health to a certain percentage of the target's maximum health if the current health level is less than a certain percentage of the maximum. Warden Stealing Power Reduces the physical and magical power of the enemy and increases the Attack Strength parameter of the character for some time. Ranger Vengeful Shot A shot that deals physical damage to the target and applies the Bleeding debuff to all the opponents one by one within a few yards of the target for some time. Opponents receive periodic physical damage. Additionally applies the Stun debuff to the target for some time if it is under the effect of the Hunter's Cage skill. Castle “Sea Turtle” The long-anticipated castle of the V sector finally opens its gates and the bouncer of the Fort is already awaiting the first guild that will become the owner of the “Sea Turtle". As usual, the inner courtyard will have the Castle Steward and Architect, with whose help you can gain the most powerful buffs and unique goods during development and rebuilding of the castle. The resources for development the Castle will be the Ideal essence of the abyss and Sea turtle symbol, that you can find on the territory of the Ship Graveyard. Guardians of the Abyss fiercely keep the Spheres that contain the resources you need. Additionally, Symbols will drop from the bosses of the “Sea Tramps’ Lair” on all levels. Everlasting Journey Allows all members of the guild to visit the selected dungeon "Lair of the Sea Tramps" for free. Effect duration: 2 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Spotless Reputation Increases the number of reputation points received by guild members with the Albatross Pirates and Thunderbird Pirates factions by 30%. Effect duration: 2 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Reverence of Mermen Increases the number of reputation points received by guild members with the Mermen of the Depths faction by 30%. Effect duration: 2 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Important Knowledge Increases the amount of experience guild members get for completing tasks in the Ship Graveyard by 50%. Effect duration: 3 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Exceptional Attack Increases the attacking skill power of all guild members by 15%. Effect duration: 3 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Exceptional Healing Increases the healing skill power of all guild members by 30%. Effect duration: 3 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 1. Offense Instinct Increases the main attack stats (Critical hit, Accuracy, Attack speed, Penetration and Skills cooldown) by 1% and the physical and magic power by 1.5% of all guild members. Duration: 2 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 5. Defense Instinct Increases the main defense stats (Dodge, Parry, Block) by 1% and the physical and magic defense by 2% of all guild members. Duration: 2 hours. Maximum number of buffs: 5. In addition to the unique buffs that you will get access when you own Castle, you can also construct special buildings that will produce special items: Workshop - production of scrolls of immortality, power and invincibility. Laboratory - production of potions and elixirs with unique bonuses. Tower of Magic - production of group relics. Raid boss Orcinus Your aptitude underwater has improved, so now you will be able to hunt this ancient monster that lives in a dreadful cave and only rarely crawls outside. So paint the water red with blood so that the smell of prey lures the beast out of its lair. The dark depths are inhabited by all kinds of monsters, but you probably would not find anyone scarier than Orcinus. Some say that this eerie creature is a relic of the primeval times, when the continents and islands were deserted and only the sea dwellers were making some attempts at crawling out to the land. But can a monster, even such a large one, live for so long? Only Orcinus knows and it doesn’t tell. Orcinus possesses special magic of the underwater world bound to its scale, which means that killing it will be maximally difficult. First try to get rid of its scales and then of the ghosts that restore its power back until you destroy every phantom. Then beating the main monster will be within your power! Daily quests for the bosses of the Ship Graveyard Don’t forget about the monsters that you could have already faced underwater. Especially since you will now receive daily quests to kill the Old Inker, Drowned Admiral, and Levadis Bloody bosses. This way you can significantly increase the amount of Pirate doubloons in your pockets, earn an additional Mermen of the Depths reputation, and replenish your gold reserves. In addition, for your courage and bravery you will also receive a random reward, where rare treasures can always be hidden! Movement across the V sector Despite the dangerous reefs and tricky routes, the pirates are ready ot help you with moving across the Ship Graveyard’s islands for a nominal fee! With the update 8.4 you will be able to travel between the islands of the V sector with Pirate Doubloons, if you need to save time or if wading through the waters becomes too difficult of a trial for you. Directly from the port of your Alliance, the pilot will take you to your choice of the Waterstorm Island, Lonely Island, Madness Island, Doom Island or Turtle Fort. Additional hotkeys panel In update 8.4 a panel for skills and items will be added, so you could react quickly and use more items in combat! More precisely, when you click on the quick access menu it will introduce 5 additional slots for skills and items that you need most often. And pay attention to the new skill of available items, because there will be all items and skills, including guild skills, that definitely can come quite useful in combat. Active widgets of groups and characters Additionally, group and character widgets will become active. In particular, you will be able to use skills, interacting directly with the name of the ally in he group block or your own in the block of your own character. Of course a spell can only be aimed at the players that are online and on one location with you. In order to avoid any confusion, when you’ve pressed a skill, the players that are available for being targeted with it will be highlighted. At the same time, offline players will be displayed fully in grey (including the progress bar) while the names of players on other locations will be somewhat more transparent. In the game settings menu, you can always disable or re-enable this option if necessary. Displaying rewards at the entrance of a Dungeon In this update, the entrance of a Dungeon will contain all categories of rewards. If the player is ineligible for rewards, the entire block will be hidden. Scaling the interface and game In the 8.4 version of the client, you can adjust the interface for your device. That means that if the game is not quite displaying correctly, you will now be able to scale your screen to comfortably continue your adventures in Arinar. For that, just go to the screen settings menu and select the right scale that matches your device. That would be it for now, at the day of the update we will tell you more about the schedule, the conditions for participating and requirements, regarding all new additions as well as rewards. We’ll see you in the game! AIGRIND HeartsBane, lallouss, Izuru Kamukura and 2 others 3 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldeher 18 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Very cool!!! I'M FIRST darkme 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zurp 482 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 5 hours ago, Peony said: Seeker Attack Instinct Each character's auto attack deals additional physical damage to all opponents within a yard of the target for some time. Can someone explain why seeker needs this? Seeker already does more damage than any other class... I feel like bds skill should be for seeker.. Winter 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raislin 337 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Cool update but why exactly are you buffing barbs and bds again. They are already brain dead to begin with. REAPER 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaan 137 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 5 hours ago, Peony said: Blade Dancer Spirit of Resistance Applies several Resistance buffs to the character for some time. Each effect allows you to ignore the debuff received by the character, including the control effect. If any debuff is ignored, one Resistance buff is removed. Is this a joke or are you for real buffing bds again? Like.. resist rush wasnt enough? Speedom 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NReMPi 0 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 5 hours ago, Peony said: Soldier What is the maximum amount of summoned skeletons ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insentient 1 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Sem palavras simplesmente fantástico Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sai Chandra 111 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Very great update, totally loved everything . Good job developers. It was worth the wait ! 😊 Lostsignal and coldeher 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
God Emerald 93 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 6 hours ago, Peony said: Blade Dancer Spirit of Resistance Applies several Resistance buffs to the character for some time. Each effect allows you to ignore the debuff received by the character, including the control effect. If any debuff is ignored, one Resistance buff is removed. jesus lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staks 12 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Any news about skills rework for the existing ones? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Milleina 6 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) 6 hours ago, Peony said: Active widgets of groups and characters I love this. I don't need to find dying player in a crowd anymore xd Edited May 23, 2020 by Milleina REAPER 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercurry 85 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Oh damn, lots of cool stuff, good luck balancing all these new skills and armor sets well Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldravens 174 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 6 hours ago, Peony said: Necromancer Dead Soldier Places the totem in the specified area for some time. If there is a dead monster or player within a few yards of the totem, the totem will every few seconds summon a skeleton for some time, which deals magical damage to the enemy, or a skeleton warrior with a chance equal to the value of the Critical Hit parameter of the character that deals increased magical damage to the enemy. One skeleton is summoned for each killed monster or player. Im i dmger or support srsly, give us some sort of a buff or shield not dmg skill agine hello Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Higgings 1870 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 gotta say: very nice features added. The buffs for new armors are kinda op Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coldravens 174 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Just now, Higgings said: gotta say: very nice features added. The buffs for new armors are kinda op dont worry probley we will need 200 runs for 1 pic to drop Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
REAPER 111 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 God Emerald, Milleina, Speedom and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astromante 18 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 second year in which shaman gains a terrible skill, and once again the mountain clan is hampered by new abilities, while the firstborn gain another shield Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
REAPER 111 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) um i have a small question!! what lvl will the rewards from the mermain dungeon be? 32? Edited May 23, 2020 by REAPER Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RayCideN 22 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 6 hours ago, Peony said: Blade Dancer Espírito de Resistência Aplica vários buffs de resistência ao personagem por algum tempo. Cada efeito permite que você ignore o debuff recebido pelo personagem, incluindo o efeito de controle. Se qualquer debuff for ignorado, um buff de Resistência será removido Did I say I love you guys today? Lostsignal 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rorks 6 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Lamentável , novamente elfos recebendo super habilidades e buffs extremamente desanimado com o game 65% do game se concentra em humanos/elfos lamentável ...😔 Druida +1 cura ? + 1 resistir em bd ? Mago outro buff . Puts fim de jogo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_Sasukexxx_ 13 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) Imagine running out of ideas and going to a famous unmentioned trio of Blizzard games for more... lol Edited May 23, 2020 by Higgings There's no need to quote the entire topic Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diego Bugmaer 2 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 finalmente uma skill de stun a distância pro ranger Facundes 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HeartsBane 63 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 It's nice to see features I was thinking on it for so long,coming to live. As far as I see updates getting way more better compare to past years. But I think we should still work more on the skills. Giving attack strength to warden looks weird. What's next for warden become new blade dancer? Ranger get's a stun skill but it works with condition. I hope that doesn't work from melee yard cause it's enough disappointment that it works with such condition. Cause am not really fan of Hunter's Cage while it gives defence to my opponent aswell as they can still use skills while in cage. I find pointless to use it mostly times. A question tho if we will get any more expert skill slots? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tohex 0 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 #Outranewskillpracharmer TODAS NEWS SKILLS SAO BOAS MENOS A DE CHARMER, ISSO É INJUSTO Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samuel Icaro 15 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 6 hours ago, Peony said: por algum tempo 2 sec? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lore 319 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 35 minutes ago, coldravens said: Im i dmger or support srsly, give us some sort of a buff or shield not dmg skill agine hello Place it in a warzone for become a god 6 hours ago, Peony said: Barbarian Berserker Power Increases the Penetration parameter, as well as the attack speed if equipped with a one-handed weapon, and the physical power of the character if equipped with a two-handed weapon, for some time. During the effect, any incoming damage dealt to the character increases and the maximum amount of health decreases. *sad tank barb noises* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigma 366 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 I really liked the new skill of the paladin, this is what I was looking for. It remains to know the activation requirements will be 30% or 40% of the current life below that. It would not be interesting to have it 4/4 lallouss 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathcure 0 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Dead soldier for charmer :v xdxd common Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
felipesk18 1 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 N sei se algum adm vai responder mais como e que vocês decidiram as skill, skill de resistir pro bd mais dmg pra sekker e ranger mais uma skill de cura pro druid, me desculpe mas agora sim vejo que vocês n jogam o proprio jogo, se jogam acho que não tem como dizer que não estejam beneficiando só um lado . bom torço que vcs olhem melhor depois desse test que havera Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lallouss 854 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 7 hours ago, Peony said: Paladin Inner Forces Increases the skill recharge rate and the Block parameter for the character when the current health level is reduced to a certain percentage of the maximum. with great power comes great passibilities passive at last i love u devs ty so much, i waited for this 1000 years cant wait for test server to test and record everything new HeartsBane 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
necrotp1 47 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 OMG THOSE NEW SKILLS... Omg...where do I start... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beowullf 18 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 You must be crazy! There is no other reason. They filled the legion faction with stunning stun skills and even gave a necromancer a minion. In the meantime, what do sentinels receive? Abilities totally useless, let's start with the wizard's ability: A skill that allows you to take buffs from the enemy, but how will I at least use this ability if I'm fighting an enemy that most of the skills control? You just filled the legion with area control skills and forgot the sentries, what do we do with skills that increase our attributes against control skills? Totally unfair "are giving the legion swords and sentry sticks," how do you want there to be a fair battle? Where sentries gain ability to increase attributes and legions gain various control skills that prevent sentries from using any ability, they are totally crazy and unfair! With each update that arrives I see that the goal of the Aigrind team is to fill the legion with control skills to make a side totally appealing, more than this already! Because there is no class in the sentries that compares with those of the legion in the requirement (area control), there is nothing to do with the skill that increases: life, block, penetration, or whatever, because simply everyone will be unable to use skills . BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THE LEGION HAS THE ABILITY TO CONTROL EFFECT IN THE AREA, totally useless this update for the sentinels only strengthened one faction, the legion. Completely disappointed with this long-awaited update, but that strengthened only one side, and it will be very difficult for sentries to win something like guild battle against guild, war. This new event the legion will have full advantage, full of group control, disappointed with the skills update. Facundes and drhand 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
f4348357 12 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 7 hours ago, Peony said: Paladin Inner Forces Increases the skill recharge rate and the Block parameter for the character when the current health level is reduced to a certain percentage of the maximum. Whats mean recharge? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mercurry 85 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Just now, f4348357 said: Whats mean recharge? Faster skill cooldown I imagine. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lore 319 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 Just now, f4348357 said: Whats mean recharge? Means it will increase ur skill cooldown stat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beowullf 18 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 21 minutes ago, felipesk18 said: N sei se algum adm vai responder mais como e que vocês decidiram as skill, skill de resistir pro bd mais dmg pra sekker e ranger mais uma skill de cura pro druid, me desculpe mas agora sim vejo que vocês n jogam o proprio jogo, se jogam acho que não tem como dizer que não estejam beneficiando só um lado . bom torço que vcs olhem melhor depois desse test que havera Benefiting the sentinels? Read again friend, the legion faction has received several totally unfair group control skills, it will be very difficult in guild vs guild battles, and especially in wars. More than it already is, because it is totally difficult with that much of stun in the area and they only increase it by giving more skill in the area for the legion, too rough. drhand 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahmedic 105 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 That's amazing! 😍 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Necromaa 47 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) 7 hours ago, Peony said: During the effect, any incoming damage dealt to the character increases and the maximum amount of health decreases. 7 hours ago, Peony said: Barbarian Berserker Power Increases the Penetration parameter, as well as the attack speed if equipped with a one-handed weapon, and the physical power of the character if equipped with a two-handed weapon, for some time. During the effect, any incoming damage dealt to the character increases and the maximum amount of health decreases. The last sentence doesnt make any sense, i m sorry, why will i buy a skill which will decrease my hp and increase incoming dmg for the skill’s effect time? Kinda sounds weird... and if you all wanna push barbs to use more of 2h weapons, then u might as well reconsider about shield strike skill, a dmg skill that can only be used if one is using a shield, as always elfs get the good stuff, hah no wonder u all are running out of ideas to make a balance instead of making it a one sided game....... Edited May 23, 2020 by Necromaa drhand, Bruce Wayne and deathcure 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Erick Dias de Souza 2 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 (edited) O que adianta dar uma skill que deixa o brb mais forte se torna ele vulnerável? Única coisa que vejo é as classes sentinelas se tornando invencíveis. New skill encantador = inútil New skill bárbaro = inútil AIGRIND = debuff MC's 😝😝😝😝😝 Edited May 23, 2020 by Erick Dias de Souza Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astromante 18 Posted May 23, 2020 Share Posted May 23, 2020 7 hours ago, Peony said: Magic Ban Remove do oponente vários buffs que foram recebidos das habilidades e aplica o debuff de Absorção de Tempo ao oponente por algum tempo. Esse efeito reduz a duração de todos os novos buffs de habilidade will wizard ability remove until healing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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