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kuzmitch hasnt added anything valuable to shop, just because some kids get boners over a new skin or costume and must get them on day 1 of update doesnt even >imply in the slightest that the developers are forcing you to buy anything

Signs and arena ticket's, still exist..

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lmao troll got trolled  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 
3 years later its still bragworthy to kill a +0 ranger afk ;D


Signs and arena ticket's, still exist..



and whos to say they are valuable? they are 2-3k gold at most. which can be made in half an hour...



apparently to alot of players this is babies first mmo, due to the large number of platforms the game's available on. this aint no action game



just because you want to use hundreds of signs for best weapon possible for your internet ego doesnt >imply its needed to play the game



farm gold, buy some signs with the free gold you farmed, get +5 - +7 weapon.



anyone who complains you can only amp with money is ignorant, for god sakes go do those free MC surveys or something. you dont need to have +10 to have fun in this game. everything can be obtained for free. everything



whos to say you even need signs or tickets? can you not finish a quest without a sign?



thats like saying you wont go to the grocery store in an inexpensive car because its cooler to spend $50 in gas riding a Hummer to the store.



either way you get the job done, with games nowadays being "fast" and having "easy learning curves/tutorials" it comes to be expected most players would want everything given to them with minimal effort. but the second they notice... (hey, i gotta farm for hours to make enough gold to amp my weapon) they rage about the game being pay to play. (not pay to win, people are legit arguing the game cant be played without money, which is not true)



this generation is used to everything being spoon fed to them, and with "yolo swag 420blazeit" kids playing this game, youre bound to expect most if not all of them refuse to work for anything, and instead either complain or spend money then say they are better than anyone who didnt spend money

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Tell me i am not the only one who saw an update of 666kb......



Illuminati or satanism  :shok: :shout:



Is this a coincidence or not a coincidence? :spiteful:

Be fair with us. :spiteful:

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and whos to say they are valuable? they are 2-3k gold at most. which can be made in half an hour...


farm gold, buy some signs with the free gold you farmed, get +5 - +7 weapon.

Should of made it more clearer, signs and arena ticket's are put into the player market by "miracle shop" , whether your +5 or +7 or +10, you will need signs in the end to reach them, that's why 99% of player's including yourself use them, with gold or mc, originally almost all signs are bought from the shop, same goes for arena ticket's, so when you say



kuzmitch hasnt added anything valuable to shop,



he has, because 99% of player's use them, even the "No MC coin buyers" who pay with gold.



not talking about the rest of the random crap that you wrote about +10 angry kids for some reason, it's general fact that people need signs to obtain any amp level, low or high, thus making them valuable to everybody, there's a reason people don't stay +0 with there weapons, and use signs to obtain +5-7 average atleast, not complaining as don't really have a problem amping anymore, quite cheap in UK, but to say there not valuable is LoL..


repair scroll's also count as valuable, which are obtained mainly from..


accesory set. that was the theme :bad:

ya, they suck.

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daily chests give signs, as do guild tournaments (which can be gotten for free if youre in a clique  ;) ) both of which arent obtained from the shop


dont need signs for anything, just because 99% people amp doesnt mean you cant beat any quest with +0s



we did it in 2011  :crazy:

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my bd  :dirol: :dirol:

Sorry to say,but its made by the database.If you had it in the game,then it would be very impressive,REACH fOR THE BEST :yahoo:

No offense ;)

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pvprange #1 pro player


cant even beat a priest same level with less amp


his excuse for loosing you ask?


"fight my ranger noob"

ya im sure getting your ass beat by a lv14 priest would make you want to flaunt your +10 lv24 ranger  :crazy::crazy:



one day i wish to spend as much as you and be pro  :cray:




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pvprange #1 pro player


cant even beat a priest same level with less amp


his excuse for loosing you ask?


"fight my ranger noob"

ya im sure getting your ass beat by a lv14 priest would make you want to flaunt your +10 lv24 ranger  :crazy: :crazy:



one day i wish to spend as much as you and be pro  :cray:

we has afk or his partner lol or you edited it
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best farmer's  ;D



ty bro was our first time there & we killed it 2 ppl only  ;D , when u came from nowhere we were surprised & happy & make us remember the old & good times at eye with u my dear friend. :drinks:



If ever there will be another lab i hope we will be togheter in farm, even we re opposite faction.



Skynete #1 mage in sapphire & i think also in all game servers  ::)

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