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The most trusted people you ever met in emerald.


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i think the best way is to get know someone in person. after long time lvling side by side or questing / boss hunting trust and friendship are what u see behind the name. u have to find by urself. (by the way, never trust those who say "u can trust me")

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mercuriall most trustworthy and helpful,

pm airlia for chainless quest

pm okosharr for transfer items

pm marzanna for free gold

pm spanish for tips on class builds

(pm sange for anything else)

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who cares wat u saw in my post  :unknw:  :wacko:


the players who want free money :crazy:

ok here os my list :friends: :

Tsja,Xjaybo,knox,bestgiirl,Timekat, any player on my friends list :)

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Today was happened something that make me to think better when i say "i trust"...Mdea..the "famous old player",loosed arena against me,many times.We was friends..or at least,i was looking at him like a friend..Well,you know what he said after?"Whore!!I will make wolfsy easy to hate you"!!!What's this??Me and wolfsy we doing transfers with hundreds k gold..hundreds signs..or what we have to transfer...The point is:Not all ppl who are playing sins long time are all honestly persons..I just saw Wolfsy have a "old friend" undercover...Me personal i have only 2 ppl in who itrust100%:wolfsy and Revendark...And i don't need more...Chrystall.

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Today was happened something that make me to think better when i say "i trust"...Mdea..the "famous old player",loosed arena against me,many times.We was friends..or at least,i was looking at him like a friend..Well,you know what he said after?"♥♥♥♥♥!!I will make wolfsy easy to hate you"!!!What's this??Me and wolfsy we doing transfers with hundreds k gold..hundreds signs..or what we have to transfer...The point is:Not all ppl who are playing sins long time are all honestly persons..I just saw Wolfsy have a "old friend" undercover...Me personal i have only 2 ppl in who itrust100%:wolfsy and Revendark...And i don't need more...Chrystall.


you are In my list to sweetie  :blush:
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the most trusted are the players u know irl


Not necessarily, I remember a friend of mine told me that his uncle hacked his runescape account because of all the gold he had, his uncle stole like 113m from him, but he managed to get it back.



Back to topic, you cant always trust those you know in real life. :good:  (okay im not from eu emerald, but i just wanted to share this)

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That's a funny story.  "give me back my gold or i'm gonna tell my dad to kick ur butt like when you were younger".  :aggressive: . Did he say how he got his gold back?

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Loveable,Uzun,Umuut,Knox,Wolfsy,hellheal,Spanish,Brownwolf,lordyasir,Viivii,Ginis,Merc,Warlunatic,Darkr,Juo...oh,really many more!


Whats that there the last! :D (sounds my name  :cray: :cray: :cray: :cray: :cray: )
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I am 100% Trusty old player.


But be aware there are people pretending to be me as. Wolfsyy, Wolfsly, Wolfly.


But as long it spelled Wolfsy you can always trust me.


Wolfsy - lvl 20 Ranger - EU Emerald

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hey all iam here 8) now lets every buddy  look my list :clapping:


and many ppl :drinks:

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i think im trustable. coze i never helped someone about transfering sth. I have mad internet (same as me :P) n i think connection lost with game when im on transfer someone's items :blush:  (btw my characters are writing at my signature. i dont have another character.)

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awww ty sweety  :give_rose:


here are the people i trust;


my love of course  :blush: ( Umuut, Uzun ), Vanityx, Metaldevil, Nalia,

Ginis, Malekxloka, Ginlalsama, Honoured and many more  :good:



I'm not your love  :cray: :cray:



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I'm not your love  :cray: :cray:




hahahahahahahaha  :lol:


u r my sweety  :give_rose:


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hahahahahahahaha  :lol:


u r my sweety  :give_rose:







[move]Vani O:-) bit.ch[/move]

[move]ur a  :spiteful: bad man [/move]

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you can always trust me as well  ;D



i hate scammers and would prefer the benefit of friends than scamming someone out of some signs anyways, i would get bored on warspear if no one trusted me.



i got your back  :good:



McSaken faithful

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