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Threads duration?


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For sure duration is increased, im not sure about dmg enhancement. I would guess so, but since i was leveling and changing weapons at the time i cant give you any good answer to wheter supression effect increase or not. For the duration however it seems to increase about a second per level - my threads are lv3 and id estimate supression effect to be 2.5-3s.


Things i wish leveling threads would do


I would like for threads to increase range with level too, but i doesnt as far as i know. And always try to pull targets in a straight line to you to get max range on yout pull. Pulling diagonal and you'll lose range cause the spell has to zig-zag in the games gridsystem (cells, like kuz call them).


Lower cooldown, since devs seem to think threads deserve 30s cooldown. Which is beyond me since its far less OP compared to lets say quake or circle which has a nifty cooldown of 14s. Id like leveling threads to lower cooldown, at level 5, it could bring cooldown down to atleast 20s. Cause then a good cooldown would only be achived by people spending points on this spell and then devs could still have it 30s for people who leave it at level 1.

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  • 2 months later...

One of the most important thing for a dk to do good in arena is to use threads at the right time. I'd just want to tip about rangers. When facing ranger traps it's better to use threads then really on your eye sight. Most time traps snap you in w delay position, meaning - on your screen you are in melee range of ranger but in reality you are 1-2 squares away from him and can't reach. So use threads if you are stuck in a trap even if it looks like you can reach. Waiting for exhale stuck in a trap will kill you 2/3.

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