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  1. So, unfortunately, this has recently happened in the US server-Sapphire. It happened to the Deep Impact guild under the leadership of Deeznutsss. He was kind enough to allow a lower level player (Necrofilia) to join. It seems like the player Necrofilia only joined the guild for the sole purpose of stealing everything from the guild vault once he reached a high enough level to be promoted. The only thing that remained was the gold, which has a daily cap of 50g per day, so couldn’t be emptied all at once. I am a current member under the name of Meriska-a level 15 character. I had a few items I was saving for when I hit level 18, that were generously gifted to me by friends that were stolen. The entire guild vault had been emptied. It’s rather disappointing and disheartening that there are players who are willing to sabotage years worth of hard work and time and effort put into a guild’s vault. I made a point of taking screenshots of everything as well as some chat by the guilty player. The consensus seems to be that the developers of this game don’t care enough about the players to punish cheaters and scammers or to make amends to the players affected. I don’t mind the swearing, but I do care about the injustice that happened. This is a form of cheating and unbalances the gameplay for everyone. This issue really needs to be addressed and amends made. Please, Aigrind, prove them wrong and help your player base.
  2. Ban my account. Don't care. The developers are literally ******** for the fact they refuse to stop the rigging of arena, specifically 5v5, every top guild does it. It's impossible for anyone who isn't a member to gain imperials, and even then it's highly unlikely unless you get lucky and join a party or they need a slave body to use. 1 person versus 9 others whom are all together? That's ridiculous. But you don't care as long as you get money right? **100s of players** report those who share accounts, multibox, bot, and every other cheating way yet NOTHING is done about it. Even when proof is provided, "we will check the information" and nothing happens. Doesn't matter what amp you are. Full +10, 70 fights, 6 wins by luckily getting matches on their "win party"? Yeah. That's totally "balanced". Just another way to rob people of their money. No wonder your old company under a different name was shut down. You won't be getting a penny from me ever again. Speak up if you've dealt with it too. Otherwise it will just continue to be ignored. Or they'll attempt to silence you for speaking the truth. 😁 Even taking a partner with yields same 2v8 results. literally planned and organized Why was 5v5 closed for so long just to have the same results as before? "Lose party" Already decided? Never ban anyone? Ironic.
  3. Isnt it unfair to give the costume only to people who have a pc ? Why isnt there a android costume ? (I have the steam costume but i think its unfair that the phone users dont get anything)
  4. Hi guys, I love daggers and i use them, i think that the skills in rogue, bd, ranger and hunter should be based in atk speed, because axes/xbow will always do more dmg, because they all have same dps (without count bonus speed in weapon), you can use math to prove what im saying. I can afford axes, but i want to use daggers, because they are faster. I dont want to do less dmg than a guy with same equipment and amp but axes instead dagger, i hate this, the same goes for a guy using bow. This is unfair.
  5. Hi everyone! So the recent update with the new maps and new items in the AP shop, and the previous Arena-related update really helped keeping Arena alive. Especially remarkable is the matchmaking and rating system that we've seen couple of months ago. They tried to fix the issue with cheating by making organised win-lose parties, and thus winning an Arena season, and they introduced that match-making system. Which gave me a feeling that they actually wanted that this cheating ends. But here is the bad news, people figured out a new way to cheat their way into winning the season. The match making system wouldn't match 2 groups if one group seemed dominant on the other. By making the spams between the 2 groups a one lose one win spam, they succeeded with "tricking" the system. Now here is the problem: People who win the season are purely planned from the beginning. It goes something like: "Hey, I'll take this season 3v3, and you take the next" and "we agreed that you take 2v2 and I take 5v5 and the next season otherwise" and in weird cases "hey why you block me? I thought I win this season". And this is not fine... It feels like all I need to win is register my name in the winning list and wait for my season, and of course, have gold and friends to help me win and lose to them. It might not seem as bad if you ignore the fact that most of the times you'd see them planned parties in Arena, and you, as a random guy demanding, would have no chance to win, and that's even if you actually get matched. Arena is at the moment is a place for planned spams, otherwise you can't get matched, you can't even demand, you know you'll lose. A big example is 5v5, Idk how it is in other servers, but in US, it is very inactive and only planned win lose parties are there. So what's the solution? If devs wanna end this, they gotta do something. Let's discuss in the comments (devs/mods are absolutely welcome) and I will start by suggesting the following: Remove pre-planned parties in Arena once and for all. So you can't demand Arena while in party. "Action is not available in party". I don't know if it was discussed before, but didn't see any topic about it (At least not like this dedicated one). Now, of course like we all know, every time there is a suggestion/complain, there must be some arguments with it so it is not considered whining, so let's begin. -Advantages: 1- Matchmaking system can't be "tricked". You can't plan who is with you and who is against you. Which results in advantage #2. 2- The winners would actually deserve their reward, they'd work hard for it, because they'd actually fight, and then deserve this significant reward they get, that they're getting now for almost nothing. 3- because of #1, people will be more encouraged to demand, because they always have a chance to win = less inactivity in Arena. 4- More people will have a chance to win a season. If devs do that, they could eventually add more rewarding spots, top 10? It will be harder indeed to get there, that's why it makes sense that more people could be rewarded. top 3 as the current #1, #4 and 5 as the current #2 and 3, #6-10 as the current #4 and 5. #1 could also rewarded with something bigger as 2 and 3 for sure. I have problem with that, but at least people who got there deserve it. 5- From devs point of view, it is more profitable, since it would take more to win.* -Disadvantages: 1- Sadly for the people who are used to getting easy season wins, they will work harder now. * You'd argue against that to be more Pay-to-win. And that it would take too much gold/mcoins to win a reward, well, that's the case now, but it takes 0 effort in winning fights. I'd rather see people winning pay more and deserve the prize. Remember the strength of those gears that people win. You'd also argue against it to be more time consuming (No-life), well, still better than getting such a huge advantage for, as I said, 0 effort in winning fights. But if you still think it'd be too much work for the gears, then check this out. To balance everything out: With this no pre-made party system, more people could be rewarded, since it is now harder. Moreover, the top 10 people will not be related to each other, as it is now. It wouldn't make sense to have 10 people rewarded now because the top 10 maybe even 100 are all involved in planned pre-made lose-win parties. But since the top 10 would be completely unrelated (Each one spammed on his own), top 10 could be rewarded. In addition to that, devs could make the seasons shorter from 2 to 1 month maybe or 6 weeks. Again, gives more chances to more people, and less work. But at least some work, unlike now. FAQ: Questions that nobody asked, but I'll answer anyway. Q: The winners will be those who paid and spammed the most, or what do you think? A: Not necessarily, winning a lot against real people should be also taken into consideration. Also that's just the case now, so what's your point? Q: What happens to people who already won all armor parts or some parts, and just need one or two pieces to complete the set, do you think it's fair now? A: If he can get the rest, then he's a good Arena player and he deserved it ;) Q: A big aspect in the game is playing with guild and friends, how can guildmates and friends play arena together now? A: Good question. They could still demand together and possibly match each other in the same team or the other. I know it is a sad thing, but cheaters winning is really sadder. Q: Why not just keep everything as it is now? A: Seriously dude, after everything I said? Arena will be more fun without pre-made parties, and rewarding will be fair and to the people who deserved. Q: I think you'd have a different opinion if you won some armors. A: What if I told you, I'd think of going if this idea is taken into consideration, or cheating is stopped somehow. That's the Gladiator's way, after all, fight and win fair. It is more than easy to get a reward now, you just need time. Not even much gold by the way, because it will pay off if you buy items in the AP shop and resell for gold. But I didn't go for a rank because it is ridiculous, and I'm against this fun-ruining system. How is that a question anyway? So that was it for me, thank you for stopping by to read my longass topic once again. Let's discuss this, opinions and suggestions are welcome. And devs' thoughts on the whole issue of cheating and how to solve are surely appreciated.
  6. Since i found no adequate area to put this in lets go recently the new update regarding the random chaos invasion was released and with the update came many changes of which includes skill fixes and what not that were extremely good on a pvp and arena scale but from....personal....constant t4 camp death experiences.....ive come to the conclusion that elves ..to be specific ...druids mages and paladins have gained a somewhat upper hand due to their ranged aoe now by this time you'd have already put that trigger finger on your keyboards trying to counter me with facts like lock has a aoe move set thats op af. OK, Lets count (keep in mind ranged aoe = aoe moves that have a 5x5 range / usable from a distance) lock = darkcircle and pool dk = ..... (only surrounding the dk = inability to use in war because of the impossibility of reaching mid group) death call (low magic dmg still not talked about by devs necro = acid rain (only 3x3 space but i can let you people use as an excuse) panic = requires mid map aka same condition as dk and hence unable to use sham = (again..pos lock only 3x3 not supposed to be on list) rogue = ricochet (does not hit all, single time use) barb = (roar is not lock or dot and even with restricted entity , so of the list) skill bypass, which reduces a lower amount of time than mage no 5x5 aoe or effective stuns. locks. reasonable ones to put in = darkcircle pool acid rain stunbypass now elfs druid = song (5x5) and ground roots bd = rush (no fixed entities gz devs...smartasses) ranger = arrow rain paladin = harads call, banner , illumination (no restriction wtf) mages = chains meteor stunbypass blazing ground timewarp blinding fire (no ...restrictions) priests = harads tears (no..restrictions) 14 aoe skills ...ranged/5x5/no restrictions I gave proof on post, I've given reason, formal reply from an admin appreciated with a reason or a incoming fix. + have this ss as an icing (elves had t4 for 20mins approx) dont give us a deaf ear this time and to add,,this is not a pvp we're taling about...a basic fundamental of the game that has it in the name of the game itself 'war'spear
  7. I think its really stupid this game encourages new players to join elf and sentinel classes there's already too many and then on top of that u the gm play as elfs so u give them all the good skills and mountain clans and forsaken the shitty skills and ELF's can use all weapons and MCs can't use bows or cbows at least make a way that we can trade with them or a class that can use bows and cbows look at what I get a lvl 21 cbow from Halloween event and a lot of rare skins for bows and cbow and its useless on this side of the war
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