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  1. whatson


    Alguem ai sabe me dizer o que são as habilidades do lacaio rato branco ??
  2. Olá! Sou um jogador que adora questionar algumas coisas que podem ser aprimoradas nesse RPG, jogo desde 2014 e uma coisa que realmente salvou o Warspear Online foi uma atualização de novas classes (Charmer e Hunter na época). Os jogadores que não tem experiência ou que são realmente leigos a respeito desse jogo não sabem da existência de um fórum ou de sua utilidade para aprimoramento de nossas experiências, mas eu confio nenhum potencial de um bom feedback que pode engendrar em uma ótima surpresa a todos caso alcance os nossos queridos desenvolvedores, ou seja, quanto mais compartilharmos de nossos gostos, criatividades, indignações, mais rápido teremos soluções para torna-lo melhor ... Como foi no caso dos Magos que realmente estavam bem desbalanceados ao meu ver (não quero entrar nesse tópico estou apenas expondo minha opinião e do fato ocorrido, utilizando o mesmo como exemplo ok?), mas isso requer COMPROMETIMENTO, então vou tentar ir até o final pelo menos. Habilidade: "Agilidade do Caçador": Agora falando realmente do tópico acima, todos sabem que essa habilidade veio junto do pacote de Hunter Iniciante, desde o início do teste do servidor onde alguns jogadores tinham acesso como novas classes e podiam testar suas habilidades, notou- se o seguinte pensamento dos jogadores: "Ah ele tem um MESMA habilidade do Ladino", e isso é um FATO ... Ele realmente apresenta algumas características marcantes, é só observar seu KIT: Dano explosivo, Atordoamento, Envenenamento, ESQUIVA e a única inovadora para todos nós e que realmente é a ESSÊNCIA de um caçador: "Postura de Combate", que pra quem não conhece pelo nome, é a nossa querida habilidade ilimitada que aumentam os parâmetros de DMG e CRITICO (até nossa mana esvair-se). .. Está bem? (Aposto que vai aparecer aqueles aspirantes falando " AH MAS ELE USA ARCO E BESTA! NÃO TEM NADA A VER " ANTES QUE FALEM ISSO EU JÁ QUERO RESSALTAR QUE VOU USAR ESSE MESMO PONTO PRA QUESTIONAR OS DESENVOLVEDORES A RESPEITO DESSA HABILIDADE. Certo, meus queridos amigos! Então o ponto em que quero chegar é! POR QUE TER UMA HABILIDADE DE ESQUIVA JUSTAMENTE PARA UM HUNTER? ALGUÉM QUE TEM COMO FUNÇÃO E BENEFICIO ESTAR LONGE DE UM ALVO PARA CAUSAR SEU TÃO PRECIOSO DANO? ("Espero que pensem: O CARA TEM TODA RAZÃO É ALGO INÚTIL E QUE REALMENTE É INDIFERENTE). Quero mandar uma observação aos desenvolvedores e, aos administradores uma reflexão: Sei que vocês tentam incluir novas habilidades e que não sejam tão fortes ao ponto de dominar o jogo com a classe, mas estão balanceando a mesma tentando incluir Habilidades não muito úteis, dessa forma , deixando os mesmos com algumas desvantagens colossais ... (Não sei se ler mas por desencargo de consciência já atribuída aqui mesmo assim). Apenas observem o lado dos sentinelas e comecem a contagem das habilidades de proteção deles tem lá ... Seeker tem Escudo de Harad que absorve o dano e contra-atacando com uma força atualizada por 12 segundos, ele tem quase a mesma função do ladino e pode ficar furtivo, além de todas as suas outras habilidades de especialidades focarem em parâmetros de penetração, hemorragia, dano por segundo, crítico etc ... Nenhum Legionário, Então que tal inovarem ainda mais? Já que atualmente ESQUIVA é um parâmetro indiferente para nosso Caçador ... Por que não atualizar essa habilidade e inovar do lado legionário de um escudo parecido que absorve o ataque e aumenta o parâmetro de: DANO POR SEGUNDO / CRÍTICO? Não seria algo razoável? Totalmente viável e que tornaria uma classe tão boa quanto um Ranger que obtém solar prole facilmente vocês não acham? Ou Uma Habilidade de furtividade, afinal se é mais fácil vocês imitarem habilidades que já existem como o próprio ruim KIT de um Ladino coloquem algo mais marcante (brincadeira! Hahaha) não seria algo tão tão, afinal ele estaria fazendo jus ao nome caçador e sua história: "Caçadores passam a maior parte da vida em florestas densas nas montanhas, aperfeiçoando suas artes marciais ... Preferem não se envolver em combates CORPO A CORPO". Ou deixem desse jeito, ignorem o fato que essa habilidade não serve pra nada e fiquem na paz ... Agradeço a todos que tiveram a paciência de ler até aqui e toda nossa comunidade do jogo.
  3. this topic has been inspired by an already existing topic, created by the member @Gladiator. His topic can be found here As many know, Death Knights are the characters representing the Tank Class of the Forsaken's faction. Many discussed theories stroke this class, making it look like one of the best classes in the game, and in many aspects, this class is very strong and suitable for many scenarios, PvP and 1vs1 on top of that. In fact, on the recent balancement, we can state with no regrets that Death Knighs have received a very incredible buff. This, however, might have led this class to be neglected in other scenarios, where, if another tank is able to do one thing, most of dks, in order to do that same thing, must either be very high amped or at least have a very good party at their disposal (or tons of pots). The aim of this topic is to prove how Death Knights have been kinda neglected in terms of balancements, or more properly, how they are a step behind the other tanks. In order to give a sort of... order... to every idea, I will divide its skills in "Good", "Show Love" and "Why...?" Categories. I will just drop Basic skills, because I'm aware that these have indeed been taken into account in one of the recent updates, and many of them are supported by very good relics, which would make of me an Hypocrite, should I say the opposite. Good ▪︎Death Call: Buffed in terms of damage, strikes many opponents at once, very high aggression given. Nothing to say about this skill ▪︎Secret Reserves: necessarily adjusted (and extremely overrated...). Very good for a HP regen build. Nothing to say about this skill ▪︎Aura of Hatred: the best skills this class has got: it is able to buff every aspect of the class and the only one which makes it really worth levelling it to max. Nothing to say about this skill. ▪︎Sharp Shadow: Good skill all in all but the combo with saturation is pretty useless for 2 reasons: 1. This skill is definitely not studied for PvE, while Saturation is not (or was not) studied for PvP 2. People rarely use Saturation and magic damage at all. Don't forget that we have got way more capable classes when it comes to deal magic damage, and they do it definitely better than how a Death Knight could ever do in its entire existence. Show Love ▪︎ Steel Hurricane: For a long time, this skill has been neglected and actually nerfed in terms of hit-able targets. Pretty fine, but no Death Knight whose brain is not yet rotten would give it a single point, just to see this skill hit as much as your base damage (skill at 3/4). This skill needs a buff, and since the meta of this class mainly relies on Life Steal, a very intriguing attribute might be giving this skill a bonus of +20%* of hps restored through Life Steal, in case this skill is levelled at a minimum of 3. If not this, give this skill a reason to be actually studied ▪︎Blood Protection: Ok... ok, I know what you're thinking and I admit that I might sound really provocative here, but seriously, a tank can't act as a tank for 8 seconds only. In order to be decent, this skill must be necessarily maxed, and it's quite funny that a Shaman has got our same skill with the addition to be able to Cure every negative status of the character... Every other class has got an utility on even having one skill at 1/4; that's not the case of this skill and to every skill belonging to Death Knight in general, but this is another topic. ▪︎Blow of the silence: One character only it's not enough anymore... my apologies, but I must say that when a glitch occured, according to which dk was able to multi mute many targets at once, I was going to max this skill because it would have been extremely useful in many situations. We are on a timeline where if you mute one, the other backs up, but this is only when we speak of this class; other classes can be extremely dangerous vs many players at once. In my opinion, give this skill the possibility to mute more targets at once, should it hit more targets at once. The higher the lv, the more players it can mute. That being said, on 1vs1 though remains a very strong skill. Why...? ▪︎Knight's Curse: might I know why a Warlock's skill has been given to a Death Knight? I mean, seriously, why a tank class should make a target more suscettibile to attacks, instead of, maybe, debuffing it with a Sap alike skill or turning it to a totally new defensive skill? I would suggest one thing only though: if you want to make this class use more magic damage on its build, give it a skill which restores him health through the use of magic damage (it will change the meta of this character but this will make magic damage useful); this skill could be the case. It's easy to run away from it, as an enemy player, hence, give this skill a 2nd effect which allows the Death Knight to Heal itself while standing on the flames. Too high Cooldown for a unnecessary skill, otherwise. ▪︎Saturation: Too high HP price for a skill which lasts too short, not even enough to get your HP back from the cost spent. A Death Knight bases its whole existence on this skill, exactly like a healer on its healing abilities. Make this skill worth to be used, and Imma give a suggestion: Permanent activity (Energy expense on Time) and increases by a certain percentage your life steal parameter. Easy and useful. Conclusions As showed, the 50% or so of its skills have been left alone for severals years, becoming undoubtedly outdated for the new contents that have already come in game. This class deserves love, and I'm hoping for more changes in this sense. I thank you for your time gifted to me, and I bid you a nice day. *These numbers have been taken randomly, and the whole post itself has been written in a provocative way, but it was intended so that people could actually realize that this class is not that strong how it seems. I welcome people here and ask them to write their opinion, whether they are dks users or not - it doesn't really matter. Your opinion, if supported by ideas and basis in general, is more than welcome and appreciated. Thank you again for reading this.
  4. Forsaken Mirror Applies the Forsaken Mirror effect to the Warlock for some seconds.Any negative effect applied to the warlock is also applied to the enemy.If the enemy resist to the Forsaken Mirror the warlock will also resist resist to the next negative effect.🤔 Also thought about if too op "also resist to the next negative effect" maybe replacing this to a DoT.
  5. Hi,today i found something interesting in my saturation skill. My full hp 7,4k when i use saturation skill it Will cost 10% hp (740) but when my hp drop to 2k hp the skill still cost me 740 hp to activating it. You can see the skill descriptions it say "CURRENT HEALTH" it should be 200 hp cost when my hp at 2k. Pls explain or do something
  6. TRANSFORMAR EM VIDA TIPO: PASSIVO Quando o Warlock recebe dano ele transforma parte desse dano em pontos de vida(ativação ocorre durante o primeiro dano no qual o Warlock recebe). duração15s recarga: 9s Dêem dicas ou melhorias para deixar essa skill mais funcional
  7. If you have a suggestion of a skill rework (don't matter if you play with the class or not), say it here!
  8. Smoke Bomb Throw a smoke bomb, blinding enemies in a 3x3 area, decreasing their accuracy, silencing for 1 second and removing Rogue's "In Combat" status, allowing it to use Invisibility. If you think it is a bad idea and unnecessary skill, look at this part:
  9. seria bom se tivesse mais slots para as habilidades, pois são muitas skill e tirando as skills seria bom ter espaço para botar algumas coisas necessarias, como pot de hp ou pot de mana, isso ajudaria muito, a pala solar labs e em missões principalmente seeker que tem pouca mp, seria bom aumentar os slots(espaços) de habilidades ativas também pq ajudaria ao lider ativar as skill de guilda quando necessário, enfim isso ajudaria de diversas formas, e também seria bom ter a opção de selecionar qual botão vc quer selecionar para aparecer skill, se quer numerico(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) ou se quer por mesclado(1,2,3,4,5,q,w,e,r,t)
  10. Hello! I want to understand what's wrong with this explorer's expert skill. At level 1, the attack increases by 10% when health reaches 30% of maximum health. In the description of the skill it says that the power of the effect and the minimum amount of life to activate the skill "INCREASE" as the skill develops. However I put this ability at the maximum level (4/4) the effect power actually increased, from 10% now it increases 40%, but the minimum amount of life to activate the ability has not increased, it remains at 30% ..., it is a bug or the skill description is wrong.
  11. Please put a visual effect on the warden's "fortification" ability, it is frustrating only that (active) skill doesn't have an effect
  12. Why after use poison shield it make acid rain delay 1s ??? Warspear_Online_2019-04-06-15-33-36.mp4
  13. Okay, first of all this aint mine, it's my brothers'. I just want to help him get it fixed. since the in-game's Bug report option is currently unavailable. As you can see the Wrath of Gladiator Skill is gone, even though he got it from the previous season he won. It was gone after the snow update. i mean after he update to 7.8 version which is Snow Boundaries 2018 Thats all, hope it gets fixed! Happy Holidays!
  14. I want to share with you this skill "bug" or use, i never saw anyone do it before.
  15. i wanna know dk all skill detail level by leve especially Blow of silence and sharp shadow anyone know about those 2 skills detail?
  16. Bom a skill do charmer de soltar lobos está bugada, porque por exemplo: eu estou x1 com um elfo, aí eu o envoco, em vez dele atacar o elfo que estou atacando ele vai atacar o outro que está ao lado, muitos andam reclamando, gostaria de saber se o game irá ajeitar isso. Não só eu como muitos querem saber.
  17. why icy relic increase critical when rage active not available for barbarian? all hero can use this except barb?
  18. Hello i believe i deserve a drop,from lower lvl bosses. Im lvl 28 and i cant farm islenort bosses to make quick gold. Im EXTREMELY TIRED OF PAYING FOR MCOIN
  19. Thoughts? I think the extra PHYS % and CRIT % is much better than the extra damage from Fatal Shot. Fatal Shot might seem better at low levels because most of us don't have proper mana regen gear yet, but as Hunters most of us will want mana regen to eventually keep Combat Stance up at ALL TIMES. Therefore I think 5/5 Combat Stance is better at higher levels, especially if you amp your weapon to a high level since the PHYS % boost will be more effective. BTW, why is the Hunter forum so inactive? Easy class?
  20. What is the best form of skill-set for a Magic dmg paladin at lvl 28? (2-handed primarely, but I'd be glad to hear if you have specific thoughts on 1-handed aswell). I am just wondering about some stuff as I am coming closer to the higher levels on my Paladin. For magic dmg Paladin do you put points in you Aura? Does the damage over time from Purifying+Fetters increase with more skill-points and magic dmg? What Expert skill do you max except for Banner. Illumination skill? I guess I'm really asking for what skill-set you guys would use for in your Magic dmg paladins and Why. Personally I am using 4 pts Puri, 4 pts Fetters, 5 pts heal, 4 pts Banner. (Lvl 23 atm, soon leveling up)
  21. Hi guys, I love daggers and i use them, i think that the skills in rogue, bd, ranger and hunter should be based in atk speed, because axes/xbow will always do more dmg, because they all have same dps (without count bonus speed in weapon), you can use math to prove what im saying. I can afford axes, but i want to use daggers, because they are faster. I dont want to do less dmg than a guy with same equipment and amp but axes instead dagger, i hate this, the same goes for a guy using bow. This is unfair.
  22. Inspired by the latest "give us more hotkeys" topic, I had an idea: In the skills menu, add a "use" button similar to the one in the guild skills screen. This way you could use the skills with a 5 min cd without them taking one of your hotkeys, or having to do some quick assigning during the 10-second window in which the arena match hasn't yet begun. As some of the skills have to be targeted, the menu should close itself after every use of any skill. This also makes it more tedious to just spam all your skills from there - a method that wouldn't even be viable in situations where attention must be paid to the surroundings like pvp and more advanced boss fights. tl;dr Menu > Character > Skills > Menu > Use skill > (if required) Target skill
  23. Hi there, Firstly, my apologies If this issue has been resolved or another topic has already been made about it, I haven't been active on forum in a while and i've recently returned to the game. i've checked for a topic on this and there doesn't seem to be one. If you apply Word Power onto an enemy with low energy and they use a skill, Word Power no longer takes the full energy cost of the skill from the enemy below zero mana. I checked all the recent announcements to see if it was listed as a skill fix/nerf, but I couldn't find it and after experimenting with the skill I realised that may not case because it would render the skill unusable against bosses and impractical against most players. Screenshots can't show this bug, but it's very easy to recreate and I can make a video if needed. Thanks
  24. Benevolent Guild is recruiting memebers.
  25. Since necromancer spend some % of their hp for healing and shield, i think necromancers need second heal skill. and here is my suggestion. Skill Name: CURSED Necromancer will put a cursed mark to target. when its active, it reduces the speed of target's movement and every attack to target will refill the attacker's hp as many as the damage made. so this is not a direct heal, but it that can heal you as many as the damage you made to the cursed target. Other support classes got their second heal skill, necromancers need it too. leave a comment please. thanks
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