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That user @Sai Chandra had reported was indeed a scammer :) A few days ago I have recieved the very same personal message in my inbox here on the forum, from the very same user. She claimed she was from the game and I was asked to contact a valid email adress (I checked the validity of it). From the beginning I was suspicious, but my curiosity was way bigger just to ignore the message (I am a human, okay?). I have an email adress for all the spam stuff I don't want to litter my actual adress with, so I decided to sacrifice it just to find out what was going on. I contacted the adress (no personal info whatsoever, I am not stupid) and a day later I recieved a heartbreaking letter of a Sudan girl being in a very hard situation. (You will find the full text here, it's not the same but quite similar). I have heard of this scam before so I inmediately deleted the email without answering it and have deleted my email account, too, just in case (had too many spam on it anyways). The message I got on the forum was deleted since then by this user (was banned anyways), so I cannot attach a screenshot. But this further proves my point. NEVER ever provide any personal information to these emails. Feel free to play scambaiting if you'd like to, it is fun, but DO NOT give any real info. Also, if you recieve such messages here on forum, just report the user. Peace out! Ben
Good morning to all, my account Nikhili got scammed, it was not because of account trading but become of phone thought to exchange my cell phone with my friend who too plays warspear with me, we exchanged our cell phone like about 3-4 months back but unfortunately he broke up my phone and i was left with no phone from last 3-4 months... when few days ago my cell phone came back from repair... i downloaded warspear and thought to play my druid but to the dismay i couldnt log in,, i tried hard for few time but couldnt sigin then i though ti should use warspear email forget helpdesk and chage via email..but that showed that this account doesnt exist i was shocked....i thought for a while and checked in the druid by logging a new account and got shocked what i saw it was my druid online,,how can it be when i was not playing it ... i made this druid at 2013 :'( and worked very hard on it.. eventhough i am a student i use to play everytime i use to get free.... then i tried to figure out who it was and i understood it was my friend ,,,but he constantly refused ...GM i bought miracle coins befoer in this acc via my sms payment before...pls recover that account :'( pls gm pls ... if its not possible please ban that account.. i cant see my 4 years hardwork gone in someone else hand.. i will admit it as my fate but i cant see him playing with it ... i am ready to give all details i remeber... thank you i hope u quickly take steps ,, thanks you
So, years ago i was left in charge of guild ( Oblivious ), the one who made it is Skitzer ( haven't seen him online for ages ). For past years i was rarely online, since i don't play this game any more, anyways when i was online another guy that i knew for years asked me for guild leader. He's known as LordBasil ( known for sharing his Acc info with other people ), he told me that he don't share his info anymore. Apparently i was stupid enough to believe him and try guess what, he got scammed along with the guild. I don't try to blame anyone for my stupidity trusting the guy that i knew for years, i just saying that if you want to join that guild you should know how it ended up where it is right now. Any proof? Yes i will add picture from 2014. ( 2014-01-17 ).
Hi guys as we know there are people being scammed and sharing accounts, I guess it must be bind to a phone or some limited devices, or login, sign up system must be improved just like if someone needs to login for that they need to verify something like picture codes ... That will kick out all bots and will reduce cases of scam?
Discussion Thread for the list. simply quote the person who suspected to spam and bring him here. Edit: Somehow, This Topic was in US First. Then Legion locked it because it seems to not fit US-Sapphire forum section, And then this topic got moved here. This Topic is actually only for US. To Report a scammer from another server, go post it there, or start an own scammer topic as EU-Emerald did.
- 15 replies
Note: If you got scammed, you were not careful enough. Bad luck bro. This topic does wont contain acc traders, as it is forbidden. Maybe i am going to make a topic about all known acc traders/scammers. Also, i suggest that you make a ticket for support if you got scammed, because that is the first thing you should do. Post your names like this [scam Name] [Confirmed/Not Confirmed][Proven/Not Proven] [Description on how he scammed, and other useful info.] Example: Rdmscem [Confirmed][Proven] I traded 20 set signs for a rare costume, and he ignored me after the 15th set. People on World Chat complained about him too. Notsureiflie [Not Confirmed][Not proven] He scammed 100k off me during a costume trade with "11111" trick (Yes. This is allowed.) Rules: The scammer is [Confirmed] if other players also are complaining about him. A scammer is automaticly confirmed if he is proven. Also, you should refer to some people who can tell you if he really is a scammer (But you dont have to.) The scammer is [Proven] if there is a screenshot (No ss = not proven). The screenshot has to be posted, also in a spoiler, or as attachment. The screenshot must clearly show he is scamming. Videos are even better. Dont use (too) vulgar or unclear words. The description is a must. The post is invalid if there is no description. The [Proven] parameter is not valid if there is not screenshot posted. The value of the scam must exceed 5k. No acc scammers. Things to think about: One is suspicious for lying when the scammer isnt confirmed, or none is named to ask if he is a scammer. Same with [Not Proven] Generally, be aware that sss can get faked. Please be aware that people might post a not guilty person, just to ruin his name. These persons are to be cursed to death and to be an eternal scam victim ^^ How to not do it Scemrdm [confmt][prvm] he scem meh 1set tix ban this shit scammer fekin twat (no ss) (I think its obvious) Or Accscem [Confirmed][Proven] He scammed my acc Breakrules, lvl 24 pala. Ihaterulez, imaidiot and traderacc got scammed too. (Acc scamming is not point of this post) This is a pure list. The discussions about them has been moved to another topic TO DISCUSS ABOUT PEOPLE WHO GOT POSTED HERE, GO TO THIS THREAD Edit: Somehow, This Topic was in US First. Then Legion locked it because it seems to not fit US-Sapphire forum section, And then this topic got moved here. This Topic is actually only for US. To Report a scammer from another server, go post it there, or start an own scammer topic as EU-Emerald did. I got a request for mods. If someone is posting something that doesnt belong into the rules, i wish you to delete the post.
How should i say this. My friend got scammed. What should be done to the scammer? Will the scammer be Banned? Is it okay for me to post here the name of the scammer? and the one scammed? The plot is. My friend, agreed to trade a costume with exchange for an account. After the trading. My friend used the account, then after sometime my friend has not gained access to the traded account. Well. my friend and the scammer somehow chatted, LOL to say, the culprit admit he really did scammed my friend. He even said to report him then my friend would be the one be banned. Help please. I'm just helping my friend here too. ~TY~
I do this only for a test if he scam me. And what he do he scammed me. But i recorded it Look Youtube :