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  1. Bonjour Dear Developers and Readers of the forum, I’ve gathered you all here today from your busy schedules to look at the master of control, a class forgotten by time and updates, The Warlock Rebalance is around the corner along with the snow update in December. I've been a warlock main for a while now and based on the current game meta, here's what I think should change for warlocks. We're going to keep this very simple: 1. The current skill description 2. The current problem 3. Suggested change(s) 4. How it will solve the problem. Life Drain Pool of Darkness Fear Blood Tribute Dark Seal A common nightmare – Associated Key talent Grimoire Stone Body: Fading: Dark alchemy Hellfire Shadow Pact Videos pending, will be updated if there is interest in the topic from readers / Developers. Please keep in mind that these suggestions are standalone ideas and not meant to be implemented all together. Few / some promising ideas or part of an idea can be used. These are just my ideas after playing the warlock in the current meta. @developers. Let me know what you guys think. I understand that most of the dev team is Russian, but I'd be grateful if you could use the translator to have a look at the suggestions. @Dia Thadarat @Horimiya @Shimarin @Holmes @Hedfuc @Ramona @Robin Thanks & Regards,
  2. Commentary: Rebalance is around the corner and as of today, rogue is the only class that can be replaced with any class and still be more useful. This is precisely why this class is dead for 4-6 years. If we take into account that the purpose of rogue is to be an assassin agile class, it does horrible at that. For as long as i can remember rogue has been getting changes mainly in talents but the core issue is in its basic and expert skills. They are. Just. Outdated. No longer the talents can suffice to improve this class. The more updates it receives in its talents and not skills, the bigger the gap between the newbies and long term players will be. Even the talents and branches are extremely underwhelming for rogue. Lets take a look at the class issues and skills which needs to be reworked: -Kick in the back: No idea what a skill that reduce accuracy and only can be casted on 1 person doing in 2024 lol. This isn't 2014, game has shifted to group play style so this skill being casted to 1 person is outdated as hell and literally anyone and anything can collect good accuracy nowadays. Suggestion #1: now it immobilize enemy in place and block its skill use for couple secs. Suggestion #2: skill now throws a smoke bomb in the area making anyone that makes contact with it decrease their accuracy + phy dmg/mgc dmg by ?%. -Dodge skill: this is rogue basic defense skill it increases his dodge chance and lasts for 8-10 secs. Again, in 2024 this is very weak due to most people and mobs able to collect accuracy very easily which defeats purpose od dodge. Suggestion: increase duration to 12 secs, and raise dodge chance. Best scenario with dodge stat is to make cap raise to 80% because of how easily people can achieve accuracy nowadays. -Stealth: the dmg increase buff from this skill is not very practical, its tedious having to waste 3 secs constantly going invisible for some small buff in dmg that any other dmg class have by default. That 3 secs trying to go invisible and attack alone is enough to make u dead just while youre busy activating this buff. Suggestion: add another buff under stealth like walking speed or resistance to compensate for it. Expert skills: Absolute reflexes: this skill gives guaranteed dodges against dmg but it doesn't protect against dot dmg. Making rogue vulnerable since this is basically the only guaranteed defensive skill. Furthermore the 4sec cooldown is too long and is enough for any class to destroy u while this skill in cooldown. What ends up happening in that 4 secs cd is u get 2 shots of 2.5k dmg and youre down to 2k hp then dot dmgs from crowd for example in 5x5 eventually finishes you off and u have no protection against that, no resist skills against stuns nor walking speed to get away. Suggestions: skill now dodges DOT dmg and skill cd is decreased from 4sec to 2.5 secs. Now rogue actually has solid defense to counter and comeback from a losing scenario instead of being a punching bag. Ricochet: this skill without talent, is the worst aoe dmg skill in the game. It needs to work with poisonous skill and increase its dmg a bit. Illusive jump: this skill makes u charge and jump at enemy but rogue has practically 0 defense. Making u not fit to use this most of the time. Add stun to this skill and remove stun from flurry. And instead of needing a target to jump, make this target-free jump to increase rogue's mobility in the game. Trickiest technique: rogue has probably the worst heal skill in the game nowadays. Not only 15% heal from this is low but to even heal that, you need to cast poison on enemy which is another skill, and it CANT miss AND this skill itself CANT miss EITHER lol and thats to receive 15% heal... even lifesteal can heal more than that. Suggestion: buff heal to 25% and make it not needing 2 freaking skills to heal a measly 15%. Poisonous blades: The poison dot from this should give enemy some reduced movement speed, it will help catch running enemies. For branches, i dont want to flood this with Suggestions but seriously its been suggested many times in forums that all 3 rogue branches are offensive based, Atleast rework one of them to have defensive features... anyone can see that every other class has atleast 1 pvp/defensive branch except for rogue having 3 offensive branches which only 1 of them really is useful.
  3. I've recently shared my ideas about fixing rogues basic and expert skills since this class core issue really is in its skills. But Today I'll also share suggestions to improve the 3 key main talents for rogue which I'm positive any long term rogue user will agree with me on these. Thirst for muder: Suggestion: The character skills and auto attacks deal 30% more dmg on enemies with health less than 50%. Commentary: the crit dmg from this talent is pointless since rogue already achieves max crit already. not to mention it doesn't work on pvp players. And having requirement that the enemy has to have 20% hp to trigger a crit is just pointless since often u aren't even in that situation to begin with. Health less than 50% is more understandable and can be triggered easier that way. And the idea to give 30% more phy dmg than crit is much more ideal to make this talent help rogue not only in pve but pvp scenario aswell. Tirelessness: Suggestion 1: Absolute reflexes cooldown is now reduced by 1.5 secs. And the buff now lingers for 1.2 sec instead of 0.7 sec. Suggestion 2: when character is under Absolute reflexes buff, everytime he gets a guaranteed dodge, he will heal 4% of maximum health with a chance equal to dodge % but no more than 12%. This effect can only occur once every 15 secs. Commentary: I speak for probably all players not just rogue users when i say -5% accuracy from attacks from this main key talent is arguably worst talent in the game lol. Instead make it buff Absolute reflexes passive to become a more solid defensive skill for rogue. Either one of my suggestions would help rogue's defensive ability to be greater than it is now. I will skip tornado of blades talent since that talent is ok, the only suggestion for that is to make poisonous blades skill work with that talent, so that each time an enemy hit its also affected by poison.
  4. Hi, I'll keep adding skill suggestions when I have time. Let me know what you think. Bloody tribute current skill: Applies the "Blood tribute" debuff to the opponent for (6 / 8 /10 / 12) sec. Every time a character loses any amount of energy, (10 / 15/ 20/ 25) % of this energy is borrowed from the enemy under the effect. For each unit of energy restored by the skill, the character's health in the amount of (2 / 3/ 4 / 5) % of the character's magical power will be restored. Cd: 18s Usage range: 5y Suggested Rework: **Every time the character loses any amount of energy, (50/ 60 / 70 / 80) % of this energy is borrowed from the enemies in combat with the warlock. For each unit of energy restored by the skill, the character's health in the amount of (0.5/ 1/ 1.5 / 2) % of the character's magical power will be restored. Maximum target limit in pvp = 2 enemies.** Cd: Passive skill Warlocks commentary: Bloody tribute was useless. It's function was to drain mana & heal which didn't work. Skill mechanism has been reworked to give warlocks mana drain options & heal. Can adjust numbers as needed. Importance to the mechanism. @Nolan @Holmes @Hedfuc Please have a look ty. Will keep updating more.
  5. This will most likely be my last post here, It just seems useless to further say anything about rogue as rebalance just showed alot of issues have not been addressed. For a class that has been complained about pretty much the most, people had much higher expectations in terms of buffs/reworks Just gonna talk about main buffs and the problems they didnt fix as rebalance is still going: 1st. Absolute reflexes: decent addition to rogue's survivability, basically mage barrier but with dodges. However the numbers are slightly off. You are able to gurantee dodge 1 hit and that dodge lasts 0.7 sec after that, there is a 4 sec cd, that is enough for rogue to be finished. the issue is 0.7 sec is not enough to dodge significant amount of dmg as rogue doesn't have any dmg reduction skill or shield to help with it, so after dodging, needs to atleast stay for 1.5sec and its talent increase that duration by 0.5 sec. 2. Tirelessness talent: the worst rework I've ever layed my eyes on. It's one of the main 3 talents for rogue and needs so much grind to get -5 accuracy on enemy's hits lol Absolutely a joke. -5 accuracy makes literally no difference as anyone can put 1-2 accuracy enchants in gears and that talent is useless. Even if they dont, -5 accuracy wont make much difference and for a talent thats suppose to be a main talent, this is a good way to give a trailer to starter rogues that this class isn't worth it. The previous talent was useless and you had 1 whole year only to replace it with another useless talent. Needs immediate change to 10% dmg reduction or raising that accuracy decrease to -15%. These two are my most concerns about the rebalance. Furthermore alot of issues remains about rogue that you have again neglected and will send rogue into another year of being behind such as: -Dodge skill is still stuck at 10 secs when it needs to be 15 secs. This was in every suggestion post but wasn't fixed -kick in the back skill is just outdated now and needs another debuff power to it like dmg reduction debuff or perhaps make it that it increases dodge duration if dodge is active. Atleast it will fix dodge duration being short and make kick useful again. -Poison skill animation is still ridiculously long and people said to decrease animation time yet remains a problem -Rogues heal being 15% makes no sense, as lifesteal gives you more heal, its just useless, you can literally test how weak that heal is. Increase to 20-25% heal atleast Those are my main thoughts on the rebalance and issues that still remains with rogue. I thought to share them here while rebalance is still in progress. Otherwise if no any additional fixes would be made, this will be my last post here and will slowly stop playing the game and supporting it financially. I do wish the game the best and to be more vocal and transparent in the future when it comes to these rebalances as people are leaving more and more due to the lack of response from concerns and cold shoulder
  6. Hello devs, fellow rogues. Rebalance is a month away and with that, I'm gonna discuss what rogue class actually needs and highlight its weak points so far. -Since the start of the game, Rogue was famous for "dodging" and "doing massive dmg". However along the years, this class has without a doubt went downhill and stopped living to its potential especially in the "dodge" aspect. Having got the most discussions out of every class on the official server on discord. It's clear people are NOT happy with rogue So how do you fix this class? Major weak point to this class: ● Survivability *Dodge skill: Increase duration of skill back to 15 secs. *Kick in the back (rework): the skill now throws a smoke bomb in nearby area that decrease accu by 35% and atk speed by 15% to up to 3 enemies. At 4/4 *Absolute reflexes (needs urgent fix): Idea 1: Skill now doesn't give atk speed or dodge buff instead it gives guaranteed dodge stacks each successful dodges. Each 2 successful dodges = 1 guaranteed dodge stack. 3 stacks max every 6 secs. Idea 2: Skill now reduce dmg by 5% each successful dodge but no more than 20% dmg reduction. After hitting 20% it lasts for 5 secs and reset the buff. Other skills: *Extermination skill (optional): increase atk speed buffs for swords and daggers by 2%, and cd by 5% for axes. Or just let it give flat 20% atk speed and 20cd to any wep type. *Poisonous blades: Decrease animation time (for the love of god) skill now deal dot dmg and heal 4% of player hp each successful auto or skill dmg, no more than 20%. (Means trickiest skill no longer heals player) Talents *Thirst for murder: the skill now additionally increase the rage by 10% when enemy's hp is lower than 50%. *Shadow veil (stealth talent) the skill now doesn't keep dmg buff and instead increase resistance parameter to 10% for 3 secs after character leaves stealth. Lastly, i would like to shed light that 3 of rogues branches are about dmg, would you please rework 1 of them to be survivability one. For example a key branch talent would be called: *Absolute resistance: the rogue class is able to remove 1 debuff each 4 successful dodges. The 5th dodge also removes 1 additional control. (Kinda like rangers talent). To summarize: rogue lacks in survivability aspect mostly. Increase dodge duration to 15 secs, rework Absolute reflex to be a solid defensive skill, rework kick in the back to be a aoe skill, let rogue have some sort of resistance to controls and a better quicker heal from poisonous and rework/buff few talents. That is it- This is exactly how you make rogue viable in today's warspear, players have been dying to see this class rise again, its quite embarrassing that it has been in the forgotten land for so long, it's almost like a bug in the game that hasn't been fixed lol Thank you all for reading- share your thoughts below
  7. Introduction Hi there, I'm Solo, a PvE Shaman from EU-Emerald. I've been playing Shaman for years and I have tried almost everything about the class. Now that the snow rebalance is coming close, I would like to point a few facts about the Shaman that could be changed without making any gamebreaking buffs or nerfs. The stats for the Shaman skills were taken from @Ancient One's Shaman Guide which I highly recommend checking out: https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/318942-venks-ultimate-shaman-guide-v1120/ 1)Changing the "Ancestors' Hand" Expert skill This skill has only one purpose, pulling people out of danger, but it has some massive flaws. The first being the low shield that it provides, and the second that if the enemy is impared by any skill, the pull will not work and using Shamanic Cleansing on them first and then waiting to pull is just not reliable and in 80% of the situations the ally would just die. The first thing we see is that you get punished for even leveling this skill in the first place by the energy cost, even though in 100% of the cases, you will not be leveling this skill because Shaman has a lot more important skills. So, how would I change this skill? I would change it in a few steps: With this change, I think this expert skill would actually see some more usability ingame. 2) Totally reworking the "Power of the Earth" Expert skill This Expert skill was useful before as a good way to instantly get some Health back and be more tankier with the Health Increase. But, in today's meta, this skill has almost to no use. In PvE it does almost nothing at 1/4 and there are better skills to max that would help out more than this. In PvP, that is the same case. In 99% of the scenarios, maxing Shamanic Cleansing is always better than maxing this expert because the Shamanic Cleansing gives more effective Health thus making it easier to survive. The skill on paper looks good, but in gameplay, it's awful. The duration isnt that long, since every 2 seconds it reduces the health it added and the healing and health increase isn't that noticeable or game changing. The skill is so outdated that after playing Shaman for years, I haven't even bought this expert skill and I probably wont until it gets changed. So, how would I change this skill? I would rework the skill completely and give Shaman something that it actually deserves. A bit more reliable damage and a friend. I would change this Expert to be similar to Druids "Elemental Support" and it would spawn an Elk which would have these stats: 3) Changing the Heal Totem Heal totem is one of the most powerful arsenal in Shamans kit when it comes to healing. But, like everything in this world, it's not perfect. Heal Totem suffers from one thing and it's not success. It's the fact, that after casting it, it takes 3 seconds for the first tick to heal which is in my opinion way too long and usually leads to people dying before the first tick even activates. So, how would I change this skill? To make this skill more reliable, but still keeping it balanced, I would do the following: With this change, the Heal Totem would stay at the same power, but just a little more reliable. 4) Changing the Visual of the "Tribe Ritual" Expert skill The last, but not the least important change of them all; returning the old "Tribe Ritual" Expert skill animation. The old animation was perfect for the skill, when you saw it, you knew someone got buffed with it. This "new" animation is just a "Relic of Agility" animation slapped on top of the Expert skill and called it a day. Me, and some other shamans would like to see the spinning book return to the game once again, especially now with the "Shamanic Generosity" Talent which casts "Tribe Ritual" on every single party member in the radius. The next 2 GIFs were taken from a fellow Shaman's forum post @Marchielo in which he also wanted the return of the old animation. (https://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?/topic/432176-please-bring-back-the-old-tribal-ritual-visually/) The "new" animation we have currently: The animation every Shaman player wants back (and updated visually a bit to fit in newer designs): 5) Conclusion Shaman might be one of the more powerful classes for MC side, but it is still not a match to the exceeding amount of healing added to the game with every update. So with these changes, I think Shaman and the MC side would have a better chance at fighting and surviving. Thank you for your time, and stay PvE.
  8. Rogue is the most useless class as of now. there is no reason anyone should use this class. Never gets picked for gvgs, has no purpose or uniqueness to it anymore due to other classes just being MUCH better No idea who these developers are but you guys have abandoned this class truly. What in the world is a melee class doing in 2023 warspear with no basic defense skill? If in the next rebalance rogue doesn't get buffed massively, pretty much consider everyone will quit this class. Already 90% have quit the game or just moved classes lol Suggestions: (please pay attention to these suggestions as they are what all rogues would like to see happen:) *Dodge skill: buff: increase duration to 15-20 secs. No idea why it is 10 secs now as dodge is not even a stable defense skill. 10 secs is way too low. *Kick in the back: (rework) the skill becomes some smoke bomb the rogue throws away and it creates a smoke effect, lowering all who comes in touch with smoke accu by 35% and pene by 15%. Why is this skill so outdated? It should not be a melee skill! The game has moved from solo play to more group like activity, so make this skill ranged aoe. *Stealth: (rework): Either increase movement speed when stealth active or add some resistance to char when leaving effect. *Absolute reflexes: Buff: Skill no longer buffs atk speed or dodge, instead it lowers all incoming dmg by 5% for 4 stacks each time rogue dodges. Once 20% dmg redu is reached it stays for 8 secs and reset. This is absolutely one of the most useless skills on warspear for rogue. Rogue can reach max dodge without it! FIX IT IMMEDIATELY. It should be its main defense mechanism instead it gives such useless buffs for such low duration. *Poisonous blades: (rework) The skill now engulfs rogue with a poison shield for 10 secs and any dmg he does will be accompanied with poison damage over time. While the skill is in effect and combined with trick skill, it heals 25% of character hp even if trick skill gets dodged, parried etc. So basically buff the heal from 15% to 25% and let poison be applied to all targets from ricochet skill. Summary: Rogue has been lacking in having a stable reliable defense skill, while also being useless in group activities. So devs need to compensate the class in those aspects respectively otherwise just remove the class as it no longer has any purpose or any charm to it. Goodluck devs, this year is probably rogue's last plea of hope @Dr Strange @Nolan
  9. Increase effect or change debuff effect from "curse of the plague" the actual effect is not relevant to the class. I mean, decreasing accuracy as if we using defensive stats like parry or dodge, and decreasing cooldown when the max is 200% xD.. and is not even a good amount, both accuracy and cooldown reduced by 25% at 4/4. Only thing that saves the skill of being a waste of gold is the talent " cunning of the beast" Clans help: change the effect critical hit, to critical damage strength. Critial hit chance stops being relevant when you buy the "cat reflexes" skill. Spiritual purification : instead of recovers mana, applies a debuff to enemy, this debuff increase the mana consumption of the enemy skills by 20%-30%-40%-50%. (just an suggestion, if y'all considers that recovering mana is better, im fine) Frenzy: make it deals stun effect without needing a freaking mana burning combo. Thats all
  10. It has really good damage but some skills need a Revision. Delayed death: make it trigger the debuff only after the initial skill effect ends, increase debuff time to 9 seconds, and dot damage from debuff each 3 seconds. Unwavering will : give an single initial effect, (like it happens when turning demon form) Chains of the underworld : make it work as aoe 3x3 without needing demon form. In demon form add up an damage increase debuff (like chieftain talent from thrashing) Revenge : increase damage reflection parameter by 20%-30%-40%-50% Otherworldy boost: makes it deals DoT or instant damage without needing demon form, in demon form add up any other effect idc Black mark: rework it as a defensive skill, or a increasing parameters skill, this skill is useless anyway, cant think any better option for this.
  11. Rebalance coming soon, and devs looking for ideas. I don't really know if it's really worth it, but here they are Rework/ fix ideas. Skill "absolute reflexes" : add up damage reduction in the amount of 40%/50%/60%/70% of the current dodge amount. 2nd idea of "absolute reflexes" Leave it as it was before (asked for this many times) Talent "thirst of murder" : now it adds "piercing attack" in the amount of 20% or 25% Talent "elusiveness" allow to reuse elusive jump skill without cooldown, the second use reduce dmg of the skill by 70%. Skill "dodging " : decrease cooldown to 25 sec and increase duration of the skill by 15 sec. Skill "kick in the back" : increase effect from 45% to 50%, aditional decrease attack speed. Skill "poisonous blades": now all attacks under "poisonous blades" buff deals poisoning debuff, decrease time buff from 14 seconds to 10 seconds, increase damage from 30%-35%-40%-50%, to 45%-50%-55%-60%, increase poisoning debuff from 6 to 8 seconds. Skill "stealth" : aditional increase movement speed by 15%-20%-25%-30%-35% if character health amount is reduced to 50%. Skill "ricochet" : now all aditional targets from the skill are also affected by poisoning blades.
  12. Can we get this back please? Rogue Absolute Reflexes (passive) Every few seconds, a rogue gets a chance to evade an attack. Maximum number of effects - 3. Rogues popularity died after this skill was reworked as it is now... It is also an OG class, and was Mercilessly overshadowed by newest classes.. Also everything is about mass fights, so rogues playing as outcasts.. I know they given an talent for ricochet But it is more like they just Strengthen the only "aoe" damage that rogues has, not because they needed, but for rogues owners finally stop crying 😂 I wanna also suggest to take a look on this talents ***tirelessness*** -- I can't find a useful function for this ***thirst of murder*** -- critical feature ***elimination*** -- more critical features No idea why rogues need more "critical chance" on everything lol U can just reach easily 50% of critical chance limit and that more than enough.
  13. This is not a post for me to point out what's wrong, but for you, Death Knight player, to do it. Say what you think that could improve/change in your own class. Remember that some changes to the class started with player suggestions, like Saturation not spending HP anymore or a buff to Secret Reserves.
  14. This is a big list of suggestions that I put together from previous ones that I made, adding other new suggestions that I would like the game team to take into account in the next big balance around the time of the snow event. Since this list is very long, all these suggestions are not for a single update all of them, well here begins the list: BUFFS: Wolf's Alacrity The movement slow now applied to the enemy after hitting them has now been replaced by a chance to stun for a time being 15 \ 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 %, based on skill level and lasting about 1,5 \ 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5. Thrashing Now has a 10 \ 20 \ 30 \ 40 \ 50 % chance to silence the enemy for 4 seconds. Bestial Wrath Additionally, if you carry a two-handed weapon, it will increase critical damage in 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 11 %, and if you carry 1-handed weapons it will increase the attack strength parameter in 2,5 \ 5 \ 7,5 \ 10 %. 1-handed weapon skill effect: 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 % attack speed and 2,5 \ 5 \ 7,5 \ 10 % enhanced force attack. Skill effect for carrying two-handed weapon: 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 11 % penetration and 5 \ 7 \ 9 \ 11 % critical damage. Spiritual Purification Now the number of positive effects removed is 2 \ 3 \ 3 \ 4. Clans' Help Penetration increase is now 4 \ 5 \ 6 \ 7 %. Swooping Army Now takes the character's physical strength to deal 15 \ 20 \ 25 \ 30 % damage and the magical force in a 35 \ 40 \ 45 \ 50 %.(the type of damage the ability deals will depend on the dominant damage) Rugged Hide Additionally you now get a 6 \ 10 \ 14 \ 18 % increase in healing effect and can increase by 0,25 % for every 2,5 \ 2 \ 1,5 \ 1 % health lost. Rework: Plague Poison Hits a target, dealing magic damage based on the character's magic power by 90 \ 105 \ 120 \ 135 % and poisoning all enemies around the target that received the hit, dealing damage per second based of magic power 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 % for 8 seconds. Plague Infections Increased the damage area: from 3х3, to 5х5 , increases poison damage by 10 %. Other Rework: Spread of the plague Deals area damage around the character dealing magic damage to all enemies hit, according to magic damage 100 \ 120 \ 140 \ 160 % and reducing the accuracy and recharge of enemies' spells by 9 \ 13 \ 17 \ 22 % for 4 \ 6 \ 9 \ 13 seconds. Beastly Cunning Allows the character to be moved to the indicated area with a range of 5 yards, dealing damage based on the skill's level and applying its debuff, with an additional 20 % damage increase. New Skills: Fierce Impacts The character's next 2 \ 3 \ 3 \ 4 auto hits will deal area damage based on the character's physical strength in a 3x3 area, damage is 30 \ 45 \ 60 \ 75 % of the character's strength, the effect lasts on the character for 6 \ 7 \ 8 \ 9 seconds (the main target also receives the damage in an area). Fury of the Wolves Hits the enemy doing a combined damage of both character damages according to a 90 \ 100 \ 110 \ 120 % of the physical power of the character and 60 \ 70 \ 80 \ 90 % of the character's magical strength, also stuns the target for about 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 seconds (damage type depends on character's dominant damage).
  15. Currently the necromancer was nerfed in many of his most useful abilities both in arenas and in guild battles, i make this list so that if it could be taken into account in the next great rebalancing of classes in the Christmas event. BUFFS: Deathly Eye Replaced poisoning with a stun when receiving Poison Spittle after being affected by 2 charges of Deathly Eye, stun lasting 2 \ 2,5 \ 3 \ 3,5 \ 4 seconds Nightmares Now for every second affected by the ability it burns your mana per second by 5 \ 9 \ 13 \ 17 \ 22 and when the effect ends or it is interrupted the enemy will receive less effects from the healing effects, 20 \ 25 \ 30 \ 35 \ 40 % for 6 seconds. Fateful Connection Single target control abilities can now be passed on to other enemies affected by fateful connection, with a probability of 24 \ 28 \ 32 \ 36 %. Dark Power In addition to increasing the damage, now improves group offensive attributes by 5 \ 10 \ 15 \ 20 % (all attributes except ferocity). Acid Rain If dark power is active the acid rain will heal all players in the selected area, the life recovered is the same percentage of damage from the ability, the number of allies affected by the skill level is 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 . Poisonous Shield No longer regenerates health when affected by acid rain on a target. Now reduces damage taken by the affected target by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 25 %. Dead Soldier Skeletons summoned will now for the first 8 seconds if destroyed, release a plague in a 3x3 area that deals magic damage to all nearby enemies based on the character's magic strength in a range, dealing 80 \ 100 \ 120 \ 140 % of damage to the character's magic power. Mental Pit Now for each negative effect the target receives while under the effect of mental pit, the total duration will be increased by an additional 1 second. NEW SKILLS: Cursed Blow Buffs the necromancer or an ally, increasing their penetration and accuracy by 5 \ 8 \ 11 \ 14 % for a few seconds 12 \ 18 \ 24 \ 30 , power and duration increases with skill level. Graveyard Reduces the effectiveness of healing and movement speed to those who are in the area, reduced healing efficiency by 15 \ 25 \ 35 \ 50 % and the speed of movement in a 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 35 %, the ability has a duration of 6 \ 8 \10 \ 12 seconds. Additionally, if once the area is stepped on, the effect will remain on the enemy for about 4 seconds.
  16. First of all I want say the new rebalance is good, but not for chieftain type "HYBRID", we getting nerf with this: Dual Wield Specialization Added a 30% reduction in magical damage from a weapon in the left hand. With this we getting a nerf, I know about elfs saying we are very stronger in damage killing their partys in t4 and t3 quests, but this is totally using pvp set even they not, I am freeplayer and since this character was released I play it, I think this nerf of "30% reduction in magical damage from a weapon in the left hand." Is totally bad! is very hard to get much magical damage, this update is just for rich people that can amp +10, my chieftain at the moment have 850 magical damage with guild, ring greatness, cape craft lvl30 and lvl32 amulet horror %, and I calculed after update of game i just will have 700 of magical damage, now look in aspect "PVP"... PVP ASPECT The chieftain in this aspect just work using physical damage because in aspect "PVE" we are stronger for criticals, then eagle is 60% of magical damage, imagine I have 700 magical damage 60% is 420 dealing magical damage, now count that 420 with -45% for resilience of enemy, it is 231 magical damage now count defense of enemy... Normally is -45% with penetration of 15% we got reduction of 30%, then (231 - 30%)= 162 of magical damage dealed, ok I will count ferocity +45% of damage dealed then is (162 + 45%= 239), we can see with this a chieftain can deal 239 magical damage with eagle eye per tick.... Do you think this fair? now let's see this "30% reduction in magical damage from a weapon in the left hand." ¡SO BEAUTIFUL! PVE ASPECT The chieftain in this aspect is so good... Why I say this? well, I delicately armed each armor of my chieftain to try to achieve as much as possible and to serve with my relics, and well it is so good, critical hits are going good and strongers by the critical damage of the guild and well, I just can say we are good damagers because criticals hits but in aspect "PVP" I can't say it for the resilience.... Here's the other problem... Change of magical power in two-handed maces and spears For all two-handed maces and spears the value of magic power was increased by ~18% This new mechanism is good... but.... I still thinking on the same thing that I told before, we got nerfed in the aspect magical damage of 2 weapons of 1handed mace so this is one thing for make we don't become angry? For be good damagers in this class being magicals, ¿Are we obliged to use spears and 2handed maces? So ¿Can't we be hybrids? ¿Is this serious? SKILLS REWORKS Rugged Hide Reduced the skill’s duration: from 6 \ 8 \ 10 \ 12 seconds, to 6 \ 8 \ 9 \ 10 seconds. Is necessary to reduce the duration of skill? We are already weak class and for tears of sentinnels we are being nerfed? Even them have shields of long duration and much reduction damage and they don't think on their nerf? Frenzy Reduced the skill’s damage: from 40 \ 45 \ 45 \ 50 % of physical power to 40 \ 40 \ 45 \ 45 % of physical power. The skill will now additionally apply the “Stun” effect to the target for 2 \ 3 \ 3 \ 4 seconds if it’s under the effect of the “Thrashing” skill. Im totally agree with this rework, I don't think -5% of physical is bad, anyway it does a lot of damage, and I like the new stun skill, it is so good but here I come again... before I was talking about hybrid class nerf, you guys just buffing chieftain in the aspect pvp but being physical, not magical, with rework of "30% reduction in magical damage from a weapon in the left hand." we are already more destroyed because we become low damage being hybrids for this reason many that likes magical need become full magical and stop being hybrids, so they are losing the new rework of stun for long time and the people that likes full physical damage but still was hybrids they become full physicals with this update and they become weaks in pve because don't have area damage? Is this nerf will be granted for next update I just think I won't play anymore, it really hurts me, I am a freeplay because in my country I can't buy miracle coins so I get all with effort and I have 10 months saving a lot of things and making my chief stronger, then I finally built my chieftain for be stronger and we get nerf? So you telling that I have 10 months of my life threw to the trash just because sentinnels are crying all the time? And sorry I don't want touch this topic of sentinnels but ¡is the true! all the time we get any buff or we are strongers than sentinnels ¡they just cry for all! I really think this things I told is bad get fix because is very unfair for freeplayers, you guys making this very very good game become to game type "pay to win"? No bro... I no want this for a good game... Greetings and I really hope fix this as soon as possible...
  17. Hello everyone, There have been numerous number of thoughts and opinion posts about all the class reworks around the entire forum. I noticed that there wasn't one about locks in the international forum so I have taken it upon myself to do an in-depth analysis and provide some suggestions that could benefit the class overall. Let's get started. "Developer commentary: The Warlock had problems with energy, which in a number of game situations did not allow it to fully realize the capabilities of the class. Reducing the energy cost of some abilities, as well as increasing defensive potential and survivability, compensate for the weakening of key control skills." Warlocks are controllers with very high survivability and one of the most easiest classes to play so it was really important to introduce some of these changes. Warlock commentary: The defining skill of the warlock that displayed too much efficiency especially in mass battles. Since the resist parameter doesn't exist in game, it was important to increase the cooldown. Adding onto the fact that, the other side does not have many aoe stun skills, the developers did really well in nerfing this skill. Suggested change: I personally feel that the cooldown of 20s is too low as this would still let the warlock use the skill every 15s or so. The cooldown of this skill should be increased to 40s since it's a really powerful skill that stuns so many as compared to Templar's reverse flow, paladin fetters and other sentinel AOE stun classes. This would greatly benefit the balance on both factions. Warlock commentary: As we're all aware, one of the most powerful skills of the warlock that silenced many enemies at a time while reducing their magic def, this skill was just asking for a nerf. Since one nerf of this skill wasn't good enough, it's only right it takes a hit another time. Again, locks don't have to worry because since we're losing key skills the developers have made sure there's a subsequent increase in other skills of the lock, Suggested change: Increase the duration of the skill back to 12s. But it shouldn't be used very often by locks, since warlocks never get stunned in GvGs so increase the cooldown from 30s to 50s. Reduce magic defense reduction from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 > 2 / 3 / 4 / 5. It's only fair as zero's at the wrong place could have drastic effects. It's also important to push all enemies in the zone out of it every 2s so they don't get silenced often. Warlock commentary: The best healing skill in game upto date. To be fair increasing the numbers on this skill by 10% on both sides is a bit too much in my opinion as this skill works brilliantly alone without any combinations of other skills. It's been known to heal warlocks from low hp to full hp instantly especially in arena battles and GvGs with just 1 click of a button. I have seen bladedancers attacking locks for over 10 mins but not able to outdmg this awesome heal skill. Suggested change: Decrease the range of the skill from 4 yards to 1 yard since healing so much in arena from so far is not ideal. Make a 3 skill combination of weakness zone, grimoire and exhaust. Now, the enemy must have both (zone + grimoire) debuff at the same time to activate the extra healing effect of this skill. Warlock commentary: The best talent on the warlock skill tree that's worth every grind in knowledge. I mean who doesn't want 2.5% damage reduction that stacks to 5 buffs almost instantly without depending on grimoire? It's good that there is a max number of stacks otherwise all locks would have accumulated this talent within seconds of its use making them extremely tanky with 12.5% damage reduction. It's almost a passive skill. Suggested change: Similar to exhaust change, this talent should not activate without a 3 skill combination. Warlock commentary: One of the key skills of warlock that everyone invests skill points in due to it's massive AOE damage. But still since warlock lost a little bit of their key controls, it's only fair they get compensated by 18% in this department. In PVE, this change might increase the pool damage from 240 per tick to 2400 per tick as we all know zero's work differently for locks. Not to mention in the PVP department, the skill might change from 50 to 5000 damage per tick with this increase creating a massive imbalance. Suggested changes: This skill should not just be resisted, when more than 2 enemies are in the affected area, Harad himself descends to erase this skill and increase it's base cooldown by 12 minutes. Warlock commentary: Some conspiracy theorists say that the enemy is feared so bad that they reach Mars. Suggested changes: Everytime a warlock clicks this skill, it should drain 50k mcoins. Since it always gets interrupted now, the developers should at least make some money from the nincompoops who even try to use the skill. If the player doesn't have 50k coins, the interruption chance should be increased to 100% directly. Warlock commentary: Best life saving skill. Period. There have been rumors that staring at a lock in stone body reduces the reaction time and IQ of the enemy player behind the character to perform repetitive tasks. One of the few skills that carry over it's effect to beyond the screen. Suggested changes: Pulls all enemies in a 5x5 radius around the warlock towards it. This effect cannot be resisted.. Alternatively, reduce the heal from 4/6/8/10 every 2s > 1/2/3/4 every 2s but increase duration of the skill to 2/ 3/ 4/ 5 MINUTES. This helps the player grab a glass of water or make a cup of coffee as we all know sometimes we need a break from the game and hey, why not right after stone body? Also suggest renaming this skill to "Coffee break". Warlock commentary: Another relatively easy and practical skill combination of locks. One of the most popular skills that's been rightfully buffed. There have been cases were a lock has applied hex and the enemy has waited patiently for 8s as a sign of respect so locks could apply this skill and achieve high damage reduction. Suggested changes: This skill shouldn't work at all if power of relaxation is not on. Enough said. Warlock commentary: This 1 and 2 unit reductions in mana regen cost might help locks to switch out all regen crystal on accessories with pene ones. Might want to reconsider the numbers. Suggested changes: Since warlock playstyle is too simple, I propose to mix things up a bit. If any of these skills are used consecutively, then the warlock instantly loses 50% of his mana. This will encourage the use of complex analytical and statistical models by lock players thereby contributing to the field of science and mathematics which is something no other class can boast about. VISUAL CHANGES: The :troll: emoji is sometimes not readily available for free to play players. So I have a suggestion that might make it more accessible to everyone. Every time an enemy resists a warlock skill, the :troll: emoji should pop up. With this we come to the end of your comments and suggestions. I'd like to thank everyone who patiently reached all the way here. This post would not have been possible without our developers so a big thank you to them. @Holmes I know you're flooded by tons of messages messages about the rebalance but if you could use google translate to include these suggestions too, the entire warlock community would be ever so greatful. @Nolan If this post doesn't reach the devs or other admins, please help us warlocks by making sure it reaches the concerned individuals. Last but not the least, I'd like to tag some people who I think would enjoy reading this. @Unkindled @Higgings @Jcbreff @Afatoldman @Lwn @Buuuu @LeeLoo @Revolt @Horimiya @Khrone P.S: I hope the russian members can understand through translator.
  18. Hello I just back after about 2m and now found out that my crit on my in both gears pve and pvp has been reduced, in pve i have 36%crit and 10% relax4/4 but its 40% and in pvp i have 19% on gears and 10% relax4/4 but its 21% so where is my crits is it becuz of rebalance or what?!
  19. Hi it's me Zora the mage from Us-saphire First time for me to type on forum. They says mage is so hard to kill but that's +10 mage greatness, I not their yet so I have no idea if it's true or not, I just see myself die in 3 secs for even weaker spell caster than me, so here are some recommendations for buffs. First ennoblement: on 4/4 it give 5sec immunity from controls and remove applied debuffs ....not 6 secs as skill description say because casting takes 1sec + this skill can't be used if you already under stun, fear or silence. I recommend for you allow mage to use it under controls to break them out, if we want to rate this skill I will say it's for GVG only, it's quite decent because it saves from probably +5 control effects in wars. In pve only takes 1 control because of long CD, in pvp no one will waste his skills on you if they notice your ennoblement. Second skill is aura of fire, this skill lack some damage, how about side effect from skill making the skill case (On fire!) Debuff or Burning with chace qual to critital hit chance of the character, 100% chance is much but will be cool. I know this skill have been nerfed long time ago. +another idea Adding effect for skill like charging or detecting for nearby enemies so it will make Explosion or deal damage on first touch not just randomly (3secs delay). Ok 3rd and last skill I will talk about is Ethereal Barrier: well it's a cool skill but can be better, it's anti-brust skill, but on 1/4 it never work I guess unless you fighting something that can kill you in 3 or 4 hits, in this case you will Lose the fight anyway with the barrier or without it, so this skill isn't valid 1/4 you most make it 4/4 to get benefit of it, I recommend 2 things to make it better , first lower the requirement for 1/4 to be activated so it will be useful, second lower the requirement for level 4/4, like making it if you receive damage in 3, 4 or 6 seconds so it will work more often, old Ethereal barrier was so good, this one is good too but if it's just work more often or maybe last long, mage is semi-melee class with a staff so have to be more solid don't you think so! I have notice that's fireball have description that's not applied, it have to deal extra damage for target that effected by blazing ground, I checked, it don't apply Thanks for your time😁
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