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  1. Bom dia, boa tarde e boa noite. Venho aqui propor uma evolução do jogo Warspear Online, tendo como referência mudanças feitas em outros jogos, como por exemplo o Tibia. Uma das sugestões seria leilão de personagem, (não de contas). Através dos anos nós percebemos um crescente interesse em vender ou comprar personagens. Existem múltiplas razões, por exemplo: Alguns jogadores querem ter um retorno ao jogo mais tranquilo depois de um período de ausência e querem jogar com amigos antigos e novos que neste meio tempo subiram de nível, alguns jogadores querem trocar para uma vocação diferente ou experienciar conteúdo de nível mais alto sem ter o tempo necessário para criar um novo personagem, e alguns jogadores simplesmente não querem que os esforços investidos em seus personagens simplesmente desapareçam quando decidirem parar de jogar em um personagem. Além disso, o jogo fica mais vivo, e ativo, quando personagens são transferidos em vez de se tornarem permanentemente inativos. Assim deixo uma proposta: Personagens serão leiloados por uma comissão. Esta é uma nova, e segura, forma para se negociar. Ela é completamente controlada pela Aigrind por uma comissão, o que dispensa intermediários. Não há a necessidade de pagamentos adicionais ou custos escondidos. Tudo é o mais transparente possível, com muitas dicas, informações e descrições ao longo do processo. Uma vez que o pagamento é feito exclusivamente com Miracle coins transferíveis, não há risco de estorno para o vendedor. Miracle coins transferíveis: a moeda passaria a ser transferível para qualquer jogar dentro do jogo, assim aumentando o comércio interno. Deixo aqui uma imagem com o crescente faturamento da empresa de jogos Cipsoft (Tibia) depois que essas mudanças foram adicionadas a partir do ano de 2015.
  2. Issues: I've been playing Warspear since 2011, and although I recently moved from Legion to Sentinel Alliance, I reached the max level, got max bag slot, amplified my equipment to max stats. Since new events, features, costumes, and equipment keep on coming, I really want to try them out; especially gears as experiment. As I started to collecting max-amplified gears and new costumes, I find my 300-slot bag stuffed of things I don't want to let go (because who would want to let go of lv 30-32 max level gears and rare costumes that took lots of effort to get?). For sure, the newly introduced personal storage is great, but I cannot store my personal items within it, making it useless to try and make space for my bag. Right now I have approximately 80 rare costumes and 75 pieces of max amplified gears. Since I have to stock potions, scrolls, foods, minions, quest loots, craft resources, and other things from missions and miracle shop, I find it difficult to reorganize my bag every time I have to get new items to amplify or chests to open. For example, I need to make at least 100 slots available when amplifying because I'm the type to click nonstop until the gears get max amplified or when the amplification resources run out. As I mentioned above, every single time I try to amplify or open chests, I need to move things to my other characters which is extremely inconvenient and time-consuming. Suggestions: I would like to recommend a wardrobe and personal equipment kit/deck to be added to the miracle shop. For the wardrobe, when purchase, it will take up 1 bag space, but when u open it, it grants u 5 slots which u can move your costumes from your bag into those slots. For additional slots, you have to purchase them with either miracle coins or additional wardrobe section which grants 5 new slots. This way players can store their costumes in the wardrobe and put other necessary items in their bag. The same thing can be said to equipment, a new equipment deck can be added to the miracle shop. For this, it has the same function as the wardrobe, but instead of storing costumes, this can be used to store used equipment and it will leave extra space in players' bag to put other necessary things as they see fit. For more convenience, I recommend that to access the wardrobe and equipment deck, players do not have to click on them, they can just go to switch their costumes or equipment the usual way. This provides more familiarity as well as less time consumption. Conclusion: Taking everything into account, I do not really think that all players are like me, but I strongly believe that these suggestions will bring more convenience to the overall players and the developers. The point is that players have the ability to choose to buy or not buy the wardrobe or equipment deck if they don't really need them, but for players like me who do need them, it'd bring us more convenience to try out new gears and costumes without having to worry about our bag space being taken from personal items that can't be exchanged or stored away. Developers can also profit from this as they can introduce new items to the miracle shop and have players buy them for additional space organization.
  3. Olá, desde ontem, estou esperando receber as moedas milagrosas gratuitas, pois já fiz uma pesquisa, Alguém sabe qual é o tempo estimado para chegar à minha conta?
  4. Eu queria perguntar ao Suporte e respeito das opções de ganhos de moedas na loja, onde podemos ganhar gratuitamente como aplicativos baixados, criar contas em sites ou jogos, ou responder perguntas on-line que foi o meu caso, e respondo várias vezes algumas vezes, terminei o Questionário de forma correta, e mesmo assim não recebi nenhuma moeda, nem mesmo em Gold. Eu quero entender se isso é perda de tempo para jogadores ou realmente funciona, e se funciona, cadê as minhas moedas?
  5. gostaria de saber se alguém já fez a promoção pra ganhar moedas milagrosas do JigsawPuzzle, aquele q vc tem q baixar o jogo, e fazer o cadastro mensal do jogo pra ganhar 3000 moedas milagrosas. se alguém já fez, queria saber se deu certo e chegou tudo direitinho... 🤔🤔
  6. I want to buy miracle coin with the money that is already in the wallet of the play store, but this option does not appear. When I hit '' Google Play '', it appears to use either credit card, Paid Marketplace or gift card. Can I use my own Play Store wallet to buy Miracle Coin? I already downloaded the official app for this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aigrind.warspear
  7. Сделал всё как написано в задании, скачал установил приложение, зашёл - создал аккаунт и сыграл партию затем вышел из приложения. После чего открыл варспир и зашёл на аккаунт с которого выполнял задание дабы посмотреть пришли ли мне заветные miracle coins. В итоге вот что я вижу 👇Я решил подождать ещё несколько минут в надежде на то что возможно просто возникли трудности при проверке и в скором времени мне придут мои честно заработанные чудо монеты. После примерно пяти минут ожидания я перезапустил варспир, зашёл на всё тот же акк и того же перса. ПРОВЕРЯЮ КОЛИЧЕСТВО ЧМ А ОНО КАК БЫЛО 0(ноль) ТАК И ОСТАЛОСЬ 0 ПРИ ТОМ ЧТО В ЗАДАНИИ НАПИСАНО ЧТО МОНЕТЫ ЗАЧИСЛЕНЫ!!!ВСЯ СУТЬ В ТОМ ЧТО ЭТО НЕ ЕДИНИЧНЫЙ СЛУЧАЙ! НА ЭТОМ ЖЕ АККАУНТЕ Я И РАНЕЕ ВЫПОЛНЯЛ ЗАДАНИЯ В НАГРАДУ ЗА ЧМ, НО ИГРОВАЯ ВАЛЮТА ПРИХОДИЛА ЛИШЬ В РЕДКИХ СЛУЧАЯХ! ТЕРПЕТЬ ЭТО ДАЛЬШЕ Я НЕ СОБИРАЮСЬ, МНЕ КАЖЕТСЯ МЕНЯ ПОПРОСТУ ОБМАНЫВАЮТ!
  8. Hi everyone I and some other "free" players, also have valuable items that are not useful to their lvls, but can not sell, because the unbind is really only done if you have Miracle coins in your account, that the Unbind scroll be like a parchment of life was made. Sorry for English Volldemort, TU
  9. Those Chinese who using very cheap coins and destroy items prices r just unfair make it fair for all let all use it or delete that stupid method that ruin the whole game here is ss from Chinese who using it 298 thier currency is like 40$ while other people paying 99$ and thats not fair will destroy the whole game and those Chinese doing that cheap method for thier non Chinese friends lot quit cuz of this so do something about it pls and save this game
  10. Olá, alguns dias atrás estava jogando normalmente, quando entreguei uma missão e exatamente na hora que eu ia apertar no botão de menu, uma promoção relâmpago apareceu e me fez comprar uma poção da união a 149 Mcoins!!!! Preço bem acima do de mercado, algumas guildas vendem a 4000 moedas de ouro para seus membros quando estão competindo por um rank. Gostaria de saber se existe alguma forma de reembolso, pois estava com as Mcoins contadas aguardando uma promoção de mochilas, e agora essa promoção chegou e faltam 100 Mcoins para eu conseguir comprá-las, é sábado então mesmo que eu compre Moedas milagrosas agora só chegarão na segunda feira, ou possivelmente na terça (só pago por meio de boleto). Agradeço pela atenção Standford.
  11. Hello Warspear community. Im creating this topic hoping someone can tell/announce when is the "100% more Miracle Coins via Google Play purchases" promo coming. I really need to buy some huge ammount of MC's and I don't want to miss this promo. Thanks and take care, Praytowin
  12. Hi.I'm playing to the emerald.and I want to learn the most advantageous products in mc shop..Ty in advance
  13. How about giving us the option to purchase an x amount of gold with miracle coins! Instead of forcing players to purchase items through miracle coins only to resell, they can just cut out the middle man and buy the gold directly. Sounds like an awesome idea right? In theory yes. A certain site decided to do the very same thing, but even though nothing good came from that, I can use their mistake to help another site avoid doing the same thing. Besides the obvious "but if cashers stop buying items and just start buying gold, non-cashers won't be able to buy the items they need" there is another side effect, hyperinflation. Gold is generated every single day from killing mobs yes, which means that every day the game is getting richer in gold. Even though the marketplace/dealer helps dump some of the gold through the tax, the purchasing of expert skills, and such other methods..the game is sort of in a balance. It generates gold and loses gold. But by having the option to purchase gold with miracle coins, you will be generating a massive amount of gold into the system. Prices will skyrocket, and since people might not buy items to resell, that will cause the price of said items to ride as well. Never give us the option to buy gold directly if it wasn't obvious before. If will lead chaos! Ty for your time. What? this doesn't belong in this sub-forum since I technically didn't suggest an idea to implement into the game? Well I "suggest" you shut up. I suggested an idea that they should NOT do, if it was not obvious to them already. Just wanted to make sure that at least something good came from that one site's stupid decision.
  14. I dont call myself a "Legend", was just wondering that some persons pmed me with: Welcome back Legend well yeah, im back and i do some videos again about EU_EMERALD Gameplay this time my videos will have MUSIC and english commentary! Whats the most exciting thing in EU-Emerald now a days? btw when i have 500 Subscriber im doin a GIVEAWAY were all player can win something! enjoy the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFu-TV5YqdU&list=UUFzh_rxLRIHkCZVdkMhrSJw
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