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  1. Hi, My suggestion is to add "BUY ORDER" instead of only sell order. Buy orders where people can put a listing of the items they want specifically (Just like in Albion online market system). It can help people sell things faster than waiting only in Sell order. Basically it's like bounty hunting but in Items only. It will be a very big help for people who don't have time to shout in trade chat even in world chat they will just place buy order and wait people to sell and even it can help seller to make a quick sell if someone desires an specific item.
  2. Class Description Faction: Forsaken Charmers are select fighters of the Forsakens. They combine the best features of fighting sorcerers and heavy infantry, and they are equally well skilled when using staves and heavy maces. The enemy never knows what to expect from Charmers: these warriors are able to get close to their opponent, hiding behind their shields and then bind the will of the enemy using spells. Charmers can reverse the outcome of a battle by asking a monster for help or healing wounds of their allies using spells. Features: Group support, range and melee attacks, mixed damage, control and weaken enemies. Attack: Defense: Support: Passive Skills Devotion. Increases the maximum health by 2%, and the physical and magical strength by 4% for the character. Staves. Grants use of magical staves. One-handed Mace. Grants use of one-handed maces. Shield. Grants use of shields. Physical and magic defence increased by 15% while you having a shield put on. Cloth Armor. Grants use of cloth armor. Heavy Armor. Grants use of heavy armor. Basic Skills Dark Prism Magical attack that causes increased damage to the enemy. Type: Active Usage range: 5 yards Energy expense: 12 units Cooldown: 9 seconds Damage deal (units and %): 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 points of character's magical strength and 110% / 115% / 120% / 125% / 130% of the character's magical strength Combat Healing Instantly restores a certain amount of health of character or an ally and deals them a positive “Healing” effect that periodically restores health for some time. Type: Active Usage range: 5 yards Energy expense: 12 units Cooldown: 12 seconds Instant healing (%): 30% / 40% / 50% / 65% / 75% of the character's magical strength Periodically healing (units and %): 8 / 14 / 20 / 26 / 32 points of the character's magical strength and 15% / 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% of the character's magical strength every 3 seconds Weakness Reduces physical and magical defense of the enemy for some time. Type: Active Usage range: 5 yards Energy expense: 14 units Cooldown: 20 seconds Time effect (seconds): 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 Effect (%): 15% / 25% / 35% / 45% / 55% Call Summons a monster to a specified region for some time. The monster deals physical damage to an opponent. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 18 units Cooldown: 22 seconds Maximum number of summons: 3 Time of summon (seconds): 12 / 15 / 18 / 22 / 26 Time per autoattacks of the summon (seconds): 2.5 Damage deal by the summon (%): 48% / 54% / 66% / 78% / 90% of the character's physical strength Oppression A magical attack that deals damage and negative effect “Stun” to an enemy for some time. The opponent cannot move or apply skills, damaging the target does not obviate the effect. Type: Active Usage range: 3 yards Energy expense: 20 units Cooldown: 18 seconds Time stun (seconds): 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 Damage deal (units and %): 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 points of the character's magical strength and 50% / 55% / 60% / 65% / 70% of the character's magical strength Expert Skills Stone Curse Magical attack that deals the negative effect “Petrification” to the enemy for some time. The opponent cannot move or apply skills, the target cannot be attacked. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 18 units Cooldown: 20 seconds Time stun (seconds): 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Otherworldly Blessing Increases the maximum health of the character or group member, maximum amount of energy, as well as the "Block" parameter if equipped with a shield, and the "Critical damage power" parameter and critical healing power if equipped with a staff for some time. When used on an ally, the character and the ally receive a portion of the effect. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 22 units Cooldown: 35 seconds HP increased (%): 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% MP increased (%): 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% If a shield is equipped Parameter block increased (%): 2% / 4% / 6% / 9% If a staff is equipped Buff critical healing power (%): 13% / 16% / 20% / 25% Buff "Critical hit power" (%): 13% / 16% / 20% / 25% Ally effect gived (%): 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% Time effect (seconds): 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Knowledge of the Dead Man Every time any skill is used, the character gets a buff, when five buffs are received, the positive effect “Dark aura” is applied to the character. Dark aura deals the "Stun" effect to the enemy for a while, as well as additional physical or magical damage during the next attack. The type of damage depends on the prevailing physical or magical power of the character. The "Stun" effect prevents you from moving, attacking, and using skills. Type: Passive Time of buff acumulative (seconds): 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Time of buff stun (seconds): 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Time stun (seconds): 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Physical damage deal (%): 50% / 65% / 85% / 110% Magical damage deal (%): 60% / 80% / 100% / 125% Otherworldly Fire A magical attack that deals damage in the specified area, as well as the "Stun" debuff with a specified chance, to all enemies for some time. The effect prevents from moving, attacking, and using skills. The attack is repeated several times. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 26 units Cooldown: 24 seconds Number of repetitions: 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 Time between repetitions (seconds): 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 Chance for stun (%): 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% Time of stun (seconds): 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 Number of maximum pve targets: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 Number of maximum pvp targets: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Magical damage deal (%): 50% / 55% / 65% / 80% Eye of the Darkness Applies the "Eye of darkness" buff to the character or and ally for some time. The effect increases physical and magical protection, the "Accuracy" parameter , and the chance of detecting masked enemies within a certain radius. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 22 units Cooldown: 25 seconds Increment of defense (%): 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% Time effect (seconds): 24 / 26 / 28 / 30 Help of Chaos Summons a monster to the character or an ally for a limited period of time. The monster restores the certain amount of character's or ally's health every 5 seconds. And deals magic damage to the enemy. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 22 units Cooldown: 20 seconds Time of summon (seconds): 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 Healing from summon (%): 55% / 65% / 75% / 90% Demonic Pact Increases the life time of monsters summoned by the Call and Help of Chaos skills, and reduces the damage they receive for the duration of the skill. The effect power increases as the skill develops. Permanent skill. Type: Active Energy expense: 20 units Energy regen reduction (units): 5 / 7 / 9 / 10 Cooldown: 8 seconds Increment lifetime of summons "Call" and "Help of Chaos" (%): 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% Reduction of damage received of summons "Call" and "Help of Chaos" (%): 12% / 16% / 22% / 28% Goading Deals the “Aggression” and "Deceleration" debuffs to all opponents within a certain radius around the character for some time. The aggresion effect causes monsters to attack the character, and only knocks down the target of the attack for players. The "Deceleration" effect reduces the speed of movement. Type: Active Energy expense: 14 units Cooldown: 14 seconds Aggression (units): 15000 / 35000 / 70000 / 150000. Aggression (yards): 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 Reduction in speed movement (%): 20% / 24% / 28% / 32% Time of debuff (seconds): 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 Maximum pvp targets: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Summoner Skill Forces all the monsters in the location summoned by the Call skill to attack the selected target, as well as increases the damage from their next auto attack and allows them to deal damage to all enemies within a certain radius. Type: Active Usage range: 4 yards Energy expense: 9 units Cooldown: 9 seconds Damage from auto attacks of "Call" increased (%): 25% / 35% / 45% / 55% Number of area damage given by auto attacks: 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 Yards of area damage given by auto attacks: 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 Maximum pve targets: 8 / 10 / 12 / 14
  3. Данный гайд актуален на версию 5.3.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Разбойник - класс, наносящий прямой урон противнику. Носит кожаные доспехи. Имеет невидимость. Может носить: кинжалы, одноручные мечи, одноручные топоры. Прежде чем мы приступим, снова немного цифровой базы: Теперь о нашем оружии: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ну а теперь давайте традиционно про умения разбойника, с цифрами, разумеется. - Безжалостная атака. Дальность: Ближний бой Мана: 12-13-14-15-16 Время перезарядки: 6 секунд Базовый урон: 25 Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: 2 Прирост урона с уровнем умения: 15 Прирост урона от физической атаки: 105%-110%-115%-120%-125% Время действия: - Количество целей: 1 Комментарий автора: Сильное умение ближнего боя, наносит хороший урон, маленькая скорость перезарядки. Основная атакующая способность разбойника. Как посчитать урон который вы получите (для всех умений объясняю 1 раз на примере этого умения): - Толчок. Дальность: Ближний бой Мана: 13-14-15-16-17 Время перезарядки: 15 секунд Базовый урон: - Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: - Прирост урона с уровнем умения: - Прирост урона от физической атаки: - Время действия: 5-7-9-11-15 секунд ИЛИ 1-2-3-4-5 автоатаки Количество целей: 1 Спасибо игрокам за помощь в тесте: Hrizamer, Manhettan. Комментарий автора: Толчок снижает точность противника на 50% на следующие 1-2-3-4-5 автоатак, либо если автоатаки не были сделаны - кончится через 5-7-9-11-15 секунд. Важно то, что работает он на автоатаки, т.е. если у нас толчок прокачан на 3, мы используем его против противника, он делает по нам две автоатаки, потом использует 5 различных умений - все умения тоже будут иметь точность, сниженную на 50%, так как они не считаются за автоатаку. "Глаз дракона" мага даёт 50% точности, таким образом после использования толчка на маге - у него останется только шанс точности, который был до использования умения "Глаз дракона". - Невидимость. Дальность: - Мана: 15-16-17-18-19 Время перезарядки: 8 секунд Базовый урон: - Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: - Прирост урона с уровнем умения: - Прирост урона от физической атаки: 120%-130%-140%-150%-160% Время действия: 7-9-11-13-15 секунд Количество целей: 1 Комментарий автора: Умение начнет перезаряжаться только после того как вы покинете невидимость.Невидимость увеличивает только ваш физический урон в параметрах. Например, с использованием умения Безжалостная атака 5/5 из невидимости 1/5 - оно Не нанесёт на 20% больше урона, просто его значение в 125% от физической атаки будет считаться от вашего повышенного невидимостью физического урона. - Парализующий удар. Дальность: Ближний бой Мана: 13-15-17-19-21 Время перезарядки: 20 секунд Базовый урон: - Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: - Прирост урона с уровнем умения: - Прирост урона от физической атаки: - Время действия: 4,5-5-5,5-6-7 секунд Количество целей: 1 Комментарий автора: Не знаю, увеличивается ли шанс прохождения в зависимости от уровня умения. Постараюсь посчитать позже. - Уклонение. Дальность: - Мана: 15-16-17-18-19 Время перезарядки: 20 секунд Базовый урон: - Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: - Прирост урона с уровнем умения: - Прирост урона от физической атаки: - Время действия: 20-30-40-50-60 секунд Количество целей: - Действие: Даёт 5%-6%-7%-8%-9% уклонения. Комментарий автора: Уклон он и в Африке уклон. - Неуловимый прыжок. Дальность: 5 Мана: 14-16-18-20 Время перезарядки: 12 секунд Базовый урон: 20 Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: 2 Прирост урона с уровнем умения: 20 Прирост урона от физической атаки: 110%-115%-120%-125% Время действия: - Количество целей: 1 Комментарий автора: Прыжок за спину противника (о.О). Спасибо игрокам за помощь в тесте: Groundman. - Ядовитые клинки. Дальность: Ближний бой Мана: 14-16-18-20 Время перезарядки: 26 секунд Базовый урон: 60 Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: 2 Прирост урона с уровнем умения: 20 Прирост урона от физической атаки: 100% Время действия: 8-10-12-14 секунд Количество целей: - Действие: Накладывает яд на цель после автоатаки (Если вы попали), Яд наносит урон 3 раза с периодичностью в 2 секунды. Спасибо игрокам за помощь в тесте: Feme, Groundman, Derzskiiy, Schok, Mmushaa, Revn, Venturik. Комментарий автора (!): Урон указан для всех трёх срабатываний умения. Т.е. то, что вы посчитали - надо будет поделить на 3. Погрешность возможна в 1-2 единицы для каждого срабатывания из-за плохого округления игры. - Истребление. Дальность: - Мана: 14-16-18-20 Время перезарядки: 39-37,8-37-34,4 секунд (Пока умение действует - сокращает своё же время восстановления) Базовый урон: - Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: - Прирост урона с уровнем умения: - Прирост урона от физической атаки: - Время действия: 10-11-12-14 секунд Количество целей: - Увеличение скорости атаки: 5%-9%-13%-17% Увеличение перезарядки навыков: 10%-20%-25%-40% Комментарий автора: Прикона . - Стальной шквал. Дальность: 5 Мана: 7-8-9-10 Время перезарядки: 4 секунды Базовый урон: 0 Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: 3 Прирост урона с уровнем умения: 10/10/10/20 Прирост урона от физической атаки: 30%-45%-50%-60% Время действия: - Количество целей: 1 Комментарий автора: Непонятно зачем, но на 4/4 умение получает дополнительные +10 урона от прокачки. Спасибо игрокам за помощь в тесте: Tenb. - Рикошет. Дальность: 4 Мана: 14-16-18-20 Время перезарядки: 15 секунд Базовый урон: В процессе Прирост урона с уровнем персонажа: В процессе Прирост урона с уровнем умения: В процессе Прирост урона от физической атаки: В процессе Время действия: - Количество целей: 3-4-В процессе-В процессе Комментарий автора: Ещё занимаемся. Спасибо игрокам за помощь в тесте: Hypeology, Travel, Maqnat, Tenb.
  4. This guide is actual up to ver. 5.3.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue - class, doing loads of damage to rivals. Using lightweight armor. As for weapons it's Daggers, Swords, Axes. First of all, some basic mechanics of Warspear Online: All the damage from skills consists of some parameters: Now let's talk about our weapons: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's traditionally see the skills. With numbers, of course. - Merciless Strike. Distance: Melee Mana: 12-13-14-15-16 Cooldown: 6 sec Base Damage: 25 Damage increase with every char level: 2 Damage increase with every skill level: 15 Damage increase with physical damage: 105%-110%-115%-120%-125% Time: - Number of targets: 1 Author commentary: Main damage skill. Good dmg, low cd. How to count those numbers (for all skills i will explain only once on this one): - Kick in the Back. Distance: Melee Mana: 13-14-15-16-17 Cooldown: 15 sec Base Damage: - Damage increase with every char level: - Damage increase with every skill level: - Damage increase with physical damage: - Time: 5-7-9-11-15 sec OR 1-2-3-4-5 auto-attacks Number of targets: 1 Thanks players for help in test: Hrizamer, Manhettan. Author commentary: Kick lowers rival's accuracy by 50% for next 1-2-3-4-5 auto-attacks, or if needed auto-attacks weren't hit - kick's debuff will OFF in 5-7-9-11-15 sec. The important fact is that Kick works only on auto-attacks. For example, we have Kick 3/5, that works for 3 aa. We use it, rival hits 2 aas and then uses 5 skills in a row. All skills will have a -50% acc debuff, because they doesn't count as auto-attack and won't drop Kick's debuff. - Stealth. Distance: - Mana: 15-16-17-18-19 Cooldown: 8 sec Base Damage: - Damage increase with every char level: - Damage increase with every skill level: - Damage increase with physical damage: 120%-130%-140%-150%-160% Time: 7-9-11-13-15 sec Number of targets: 1 Author commentary: Stealth will start to CD only after you leave invisibility. Stealth doesn't increase any of your damage, it just increases your physical damage in stats for 20% and etc. So for example, hitting with Merciless 5/5 from Stealth 1/5 won't increase total Mecriless's dmg by 20%. Just merciless's 125% phys.dmg bonus will increase from your base physical dmg boosted by stealth. - Gouge. Distance: Melee Mana: 13-15-17-19-21 Cooldown: 20 sec Base Damage: - Damage increase with every char level: - Damage increase with every skill level: - Damage increase with physical damage: - Time: 4,5-5-5,5-6-7 sec Number of targets: 1 Author commentary: I still don't know if chance of successful Gouging is increasing with skill lvl. Gotta test it. - Dodging. Distance: - Mana: 15-16-17-18-19 Cooldown: 20 sec Base Damage: - Damage increase with every char level: - Damage increase with every skill level: - Damage increase with physical damage: - Time: 20-30-40-50-60 sec Number of targets: - Mechanics: Gives 5%-6%-7%-8%-9% dodge. Author commentary: Dodge is... Dodge :C. - Elusive Jump. Distance: 5 Mana: 14-16-18-20 Cooldown: 12 sec Base Damage: 20 Damage increase with every char level: 2 Damage increase with every skill level: 20 Damage increase with physical damage: 110%-115%-120%-125% Time: - Number of targets: 1 Author commentary: Jump, Jump, Jump to the back. (о.О). Thanks players for help in test: Groundman. - Poisonous blades. Distance: Melee Mana: 14-16-18-20 Cooldown: 26 sec Base Damage: 60 Damage increase with every char level: 2 Damage increase with every skill level: 20 Damage increase with physical damage: 100% Time: 8-10-12-14 sec Number of targets: - Mechanics: Applies Poison to enemy with every sucessfull hit. Poison does damage 3 times with an interval of 2 secs Thanks players for help in test: Feme, Groundman, Derzskiiy, Schok, Mmushaa, Revn, Venturik. Author commentary (!): Damage is shown for all 3 ticks of poison. So when you've counted = divide the total number by 3 to get the tick damage. Errors could be in a rage of +/- 1-2 because of game's bad rounding. - Extermination. Distance: - Mana: 14-16-18-20 Cooldown: 39-37,8-37-34,4 sec (While it's active - decreases it's own cooldown ) Base Damage: - Damage increase with every char level: - Damage increase with every skill level: - Damage increase with physical damage: - Time: 10-11-12-14 sec Number of targets: - Attack speed boost: 5%-9%-13%-17% Cooldown reduction boost: 10%-20%-25%-40% Author commentary: Nice . - Flurry of steel. Distance: 5 Mana: 7-8-9-10 Cooldown: 4 secs Base Damage: 0 Damage increase with every char level: 3 Damage increase with every skill level: 10/10/10/20 Damage increase with physical damage: 30%-45%-50%-60% Time: - Number of targets: 1 Author commentary: -. Thanks players for help in test: Tenb. - Ricochet. Distance: 4 Mana: 14-16-18-20 Cooldown: 15 sec Base Damage: In progress Damage increase with every char level: In progress Damage increase with every skill level: In progress Damage increase with physical damage: In progress Time: - Number of targets: 3-4-In progress-In progress Author commentary: Still working on it. Thanks players for help in test: Hypeology, Travel, Maqnat, Tenb.
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