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  1. To craft bracelet level10 need 4 bronze fiber, 3 silverite and 2 student's pin Dissemble should give materials like above that's what used to happens with other crafts I haven't tested other crafts after update, sorry but lazy
  2. Wolftsu

    Craft 2.0

    Att Craft 2.0 O Craft atual não é tão ruim, mas sinto como se me limitasse a algo, como se não deixasse craftar o que eu "quiser". E por isso sugiro uma att para deixar a criatividade dos jogadores livre (em partes). Sugestão Em vez de craftar algo já definido, que tal eu modificar ao máximo para deixar o item "único"? Pensando nisso, venho aqui para compartilhar minha ideia. Todos sabemos que existem 4 atributos em cada item/arma já definidos. E se a gente pudesse escolher esses 4 atributos? Em vez disso: Para isso: Deixa o ramo Craft bem mais interessante eu diria. Claro que para modificar você teria que ter a runa/cristal da sua escolha para colocar no espaço. Para não desvalorizar os itens já existentes no jogo e para dificultar mais ainda a ter a opção de modificar os itens a cada level ia acionamento um espaço de fabricação específica para cada tipo de item do craft. Armaduras pesadas,leves e tecido Acessórios Armas Para que não pareça uma crescente números do mesmo item(e que possivelmente apelão) o item assim que comprado ou trocado, ficaria automaticamente pessoal para o jogador que recebeu ou comprou o item. E assim chegamos ao fim da minha sugestão, agora vou só acrescentar outras ideias relacionadas ao tópico só que mais difícil de realmente entrar no jogo.
  3. Атт Крафт 2.0 Нынешний Крафт не так уж и плох, но я чувствую, что в чем-то ограничен, типа не даю крафтить то, что "хочу". И именно поэтому я предлагаю дать волю творчеству игроков (по частям). Предположение Вместо создания чего-то уже определенного, как насчет того, чтобы изменить его настолько, насколько это возможно, чтобы сделать предмет «уникальным»? Подумав об этом, я пришел сюда, чтобы поделиться своей идеей. Мы все знаем, что у каждого предмета/оружия уже определено 4 атрибута. Что, если бы мы могли выбрать эти 4 атрибута? Вместо: Для этого: Я бы сказал, делает ветку Крафта намного интереснее. Конечно, для модификации вам понадобится руна/кристалл по вашему выбору для размещения в пространстве. Чтобы не обесценивать существующие предметы в игре и еще больше затруднить возможность модификации предметов на каждом уровне, я бы активировал определенное производственное пространство для каждого типа предмета в крафте. Тяжелая, легкая и тканевая броня Аксессуары Оружие Чтобы это не выглядело как увеличение количества одного и того же предмета (и, возможно, привлекательность), предмет, однажды купленный или проданный, автоматически станет личным для игрока, который получил или купил предмет. Итак, мы подошли к концу моего предложения, теперь я просто собираюсь добавить другие идеи, связанные с темой, но более трудные для того, чтобы действительно войти в игру.
  4. Would it be possible to freeze the Crafting related achievements that are in the Hero category to lv24? To me it seems a bit unfair that people who maxed the crafts out at lv14 or whatever it was at the time were able to get the achievements done, but newer players and/or people who just wanted a new character now have to get more than 5 times the experience in each craft category to get the same achievements for no better benefit. Not even taking in consideration the absolutely unreasonable time you need to even get maximum level in one craft. Newer players cant compete in the achievement ratings at all or get the best rewards in general without completely unreasonable investment of either miracle coins or time. (Being a long time player i dont consider small amounts of mcoins being unreasonable. Here we are talking about 100k+ mcoins each craft, and mcoin prices just so happen to be different for everyone.) In terms of difficulty getting these achivements personally id prefer them to be set at lv20 since its a nice round number and its also quite hard to get and takes a long time to reach but at least freeze them at lv24 if nothing else.
  5. Good day to y'all, I like crafting but i hate it that it is so bad organized. Here are some tips to make crafter funner and user friendlier: - When crafting resources let people choose the item they want to craft and How many times they want to craft it. This way the player doesnt have to scroll everytime down to craft the same thing (for example) 5 times. So something like this: When you click on the item u want to craft a button appears that says: "How many times u want to craft this X" - And u choose how many u want to craft of X item. - Next, the whole menu is scrolling and scrolling, u really have to look very closely to find the level of what item u want to craft. Cant this be easily solve by making a list like for example: " ...... Level 11 Craft item 1 --- Craft item 2 --- Craft item 3 --- etc. ....... Level 12 Craft item 1 --- Craft item 2 etc. ...... " What do you guys think of this proposal? Let me know. And Gm please do something to make crafting more fun. Thanks.
  6. Hi everyone. I have a few questions about crafting. The main mistery is which craft task gives the maximum experience per minute. So I did some math for MELEE WEAPON crafting, here is the results: Lvl 1 Craft Tasks -Chippings Extraction -10 min , 3xp -0.3 xp per minute -Chippings Handling -15 min , 4xp -0.26 xp per minute -Crafting Apperentice's Grindstone -20 min , 5xp -0.25 xp per minute Lvl 2 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -2 hour 30min , 30 xp -0.2 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -2 hour 30min , 30 xp -0.2 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 3 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -6 Hour , 70 xp -0.194 xp per minute - Need 4 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -6 Hour , 70 xp -0.194 xp per minute - Need 6 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 4 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -3 hour 36min , 60 xp -0.277 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -3 hour 36min , 60 xp -0.277 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 5 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -8 Hour 38min , 120 xp -0.232 xp per minute - Need 6 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -8 Hour 38 min , 120 xp -0.232 xp per minute - Need 10 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 6 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -5 hour 11min , 100 xp -0.321 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -5 hour 11min , 100 xp -0.321 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 7 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -12 Hour 26min , 190 xp -0.254 xp per minute - Need 8 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -12 Hour 26 min , 190 xp -0.254 xp per minute - Need 14 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 8 Craft Tasks -Preparing Quartzy Chips -4Hour 30 min , 130xp -0.481 xp per minute -Chopper Ore Handling -4Hour 30 min , 130xp -0.481 xp per minute -Crafting Rookie's Grindstone -4Hour 30 min , 130xp -0.481 xp per minute Lvl 9 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -7 hour 27min , 180 xp -0.402 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -7 hour 27min , 180 xp -0.402 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 10 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -17 Hour 54 min , 320 xp -0.306 xp per minute - Need 10 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -17 Hour 54 min , 320 xp -0.306 xp per minute - Need 18 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 11 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -10 hour 44min , 270 xp -0.419 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -10 hour 44min , 270 xp -0.419 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 12 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -1Day 1 Hour , 460 xp -0.306 xp per minute - Need 12 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -1Day 1 Hour , 460 xp -0.306 xp per minute - Need 22 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 13 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -15 hour 28min , 390 xp -0.420 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -15 hour 28min , 390 xp -0.420 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 14 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -1Day 13 Hour , 660 xp -0.297 xp per minute - Need 14 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -1Day 13 Hour , 660 xp -0.297 xp per minute - Need 26 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 15 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -22 hour 17min , 540 xp -0.403 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -22 hour 17min , 540 xp -0.403 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 16 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -2Day 5 Hour , 920 xp -0.289 xp per minute - Need 16 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -2Day 5 Hour , 920 xp -0.289 xp per minute - Need 30 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 17 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -1 Day 5 Hour , 700 xp -0.402 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -1 Day 5 Hour , 700 xp -0.402 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 18 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -2Day 21 Hour , 1200 xp -0.338 xp per minute - Need 18 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -2Day 21 Hour , 1200 xp -0.338 xp per minute - Need 34 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 19 Craft Tasks -1 Handed Weapons/Shields -1 Day 12 Hour , 870 xp -0.402 xp per minute -2 Handed Weapons -1 Day 12 Hour , 870 xp -0.402 xp per minute - (Same but requires more resources.) Lvl 20 Craft Tasks -(Requires energy catalysts) -1 Handed Weapon/Shield Uprage -3 Day 14 Hour , 1500 xp -0.290 xp per minute - Need 20 Energy Catalysts -2 Handed Weapon Uprage -3 Day 14 Hour , 1500 xp -0.290 xp per minute - Need 38 Energy Catalysts - (Same but requires more resources.) So the maximum exp per minute is given by level 8 craft tasks. This stats almost exactly same with the ranged weapon crafts but it may differ quite from the armour and accesories crafts.
  7. Hello everyone. The title is self explanatory i guess. A alchemy system, completely separated from the crafting one but yet similar, would be a extremely cool addition. But to not be so similar, it would be focused arround getting and refining resources. You would get resources arround the world and would craft and refine them. The resource getting is supposed to to easy, there's SO MUCH already existing items to be used. The great thing would be alchemy licenses, which you would use to refine those resources. Lets say you get some fury horns from those demons near nadir, you would use a license + 10 horns to make something like one "refined horn powder". Those refined ingredients you would use to make potions and elixirs, or even sell them. Yeah you would need 10 horns and 1 license to make one refined, this ratio should change from item to item. This "get and refine" system would allow players to trade rare craft itens like this breath of ravva without messing with the quest(refined ravva breath = you can sell and craft with it, but not complete the quest). Breath of ravva is supposed to be a powerfull ingredient in alchemy, aswell with many others norlant itens. We alse would have a similar leveling and unique random potions like the normal crafting. We would have rare essences and ingredients from bosses aswell. With this system, we could make lots of new potions with a wide of effects from health potions to improves arena and xp pots. Those unique rare potions NEED to be useful to attract players, like 180% or 200% arena points. Improved arena and guild pots would attract pro players and arena spammers from miles. And "not-so-good" pots, health, mana, buffs and others effects would serve to normal players aswell. So what do you guys think? There's some potion or elixir you think should come in with the system? I wish we had a Mida's Elixir that would give players extra gold from quest and monsters, like 50% more or something. Please comment you opnions and ideas for elixirs and potions.
  8. Merhabalar oyuna başlayalı fazla olmadı oyunda daha yeniyim EU Emerald serverına başladım bunun sebebi ise eu diğerlerine göre daha düşük pingli olması yeni başlayanlar druid ile başlarsa daha rahat eder yazmışlar yabancı forumlarda ama ben slot kesmekte zorlanıyorum neyse benim sorum şu 10 level olduğumda crafting açıldı bu craftingi geliştirmeli miyim ve hangilerini geliştirmeliyim
  9. Don't close the start-craft window (when we click Start, keep it open) So we can start the same job several times, without having to select it again E.g. to craft 5x Gems, select Gem then click Start 5 times
  10. I got craft license from mentor. Tried to use it. Said not enough slots. How many slots for first low level item. And what do I do to make enough slot room? Do I need to drop weapon?
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