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Issues: I have been playing Warspear Online for 11 years; I reached the max level, got max bag slots, amplified my equipment to max stats. Since new events, features, costumes, and equipment keep on coming, I really want to try them out; especially new gears as experiment. As I started to collect more of max-amplified gears and new costumes, I find my 300-slot bag stuffed of things I do not want to let go (because who would want to let go of lv 30-32 max level gears and rare costumes that you took lots of effort to get?). For sure, the newly introduced personal storage is great, but I cannot store my personal items within it, making it useless to try and make space for my bag. Right now I have approximately 80 rare costumes and more than 90 pieces of max amplified and charmed gears. Since I have to stock potions, scrolls, foods, minions, quest loots, craft resources, and other things from missions and miracle shop, I find it difficult to reorganize my bag every time I have to get new items to amplify or chests to open. For example, I need to make at least 100 slots available when amplifying because I'm the type to click nonstop until the gears get max amplified or when the amplification resources run out. As I mentioned above, every single time I try to amplify or open chests, I need to move things to my other characters which is extremely inconvenient and time-consuming. Suggestions: I would like to recommend wardrobe* and armory** to be added to the miracle shop. For the wardrobe, when purchased, it will take up 1 bag space, but when u open it, it grants u 5 slots which u can move your used costumes from your bag into those slots. For additional slots, you have to purchase them with either miracle coins or with the use of additional wardrobe from miracle shop which grants 5 new slots. This way players can store their personal costumes in the wardrobe and put other necessary items in their bag. The same thing can be said to personal equipment, a new function is needed, and that is new armory which can also be added to the miracle shop. For this, it has the same function as the wardrobe, but instead of storing used costumes, this storage can be used to store used equipment and this function will surely help leave extra space in players' bag to put other necessary things as they see fit. For more convenience, I recommend that to access the wardrobe and equipment deck, players do not have to click on them, they can just go to switch their costumes or equipment the usual way. This provides more familiarity as well as less time consumption. Conclusion: Taking everything into account, I do not really think that all players are like me, but I strongly believe that these suggestions will bring more convenience and benefits to the overall players and the developers. The point is that players have the ability to choose to buy or not buy the wardrobe or armory storage if they don't really need them, but for players like me who do need them, it would certainly bring us more convenience to try out new gears and costumes without having to worry about our bag space being taken by personal items that cannot be exchanged or stored away. Developers can also profit from this as they can introduce new items to the miracle shop and have players buy them for additional space organization. *Wardrobe's features: - Is used to store costumes - Can be purchased from miracle shop - Has the appearance of a wardrobe - Has 'Equipping' status before usage and 'Personal' status when used - Has new 'Open' and 'Cancel' tabs when clicked on - When opened, appears in similar window as 'Personal Storage' and 'Guild Storage' - First wardrobe, when used, will take up 1 bag slot and grants 5 slots when opened - Each new wardrobe, when used, will merge with the old one and grant 5 additional slots **Armory's features: - Is used to store equipment (gears, accessories, and weapons) - Can be purchased from miracle shop - Has the appearance of a crate - Has 'Equipping' status before usage and 'Personal' status when used - Has new 'Open' and 'Cancel' tabs when clicked on - When opened, appears in similar window as 'Personal Storage' and 'Guild Storage' - First armory, when used, will take up 1 bag slot and grants 5 slots when opened - Each new armory, when used, will merge with the old one and grant 5 additional slots
Olá, meu personagem no jogo se chama Gloucester, um barbáro nível 32, jogo no BR-Turmaline. Venho aqui noticiar um acontecido: usei um livro do esquicimento da minha mochila pessoal, porém, eu não queria usar. Tudo aconteceu quando estava abrindo alguns baús, e, para minha sorte eu dropei algo, porém não me importei, queria terminar de abrir o restante dos baús. Eu só não sabia que a minha felicidade iria durar pouco, após dropar um item da loja milagrosa, o item que estava selecionado, no caso os baús, mudou para o livro do esquecimento, e sem nehuma confirmação previa os meus pontos de habilidade foram restaurados. Como sugestão de melhoria para o jogo, eu recomendo que após utilzar itens consumiveis, e, na ausência do item selecionado anteriormente, o jogo não selecione nenhum item da mochila, deixando a escolha para o jogador. Também seria interessante a inserção de um dialogo de confirmação (sim ou não) antes da restauração dos pontos de habilidade. De oportuno, também gostaria de relembrar sobre aquele pop-up oferecendo poções da união e elixir de conhecimento, acredito que o jogo poderia contar com uma forma de desabilita-lo. Obrigado pela atenção.
Tenho certeza que algo assim já ocorreu com alguns de vocês, estar tão apressado para usar um item na bag que ao abrir ela se erra o click e usa o primeiro item da mesma, muitas vezes sendo um item de uso rapido e importante como reparos ou livros de esquecimento, e isso sem duvida é bem frustrante. Então venho aqui compartilhar minhas sugestões para esse problema bem inconveniente. Bloquear o uso de itens especificos na bag A possibilidade de travar itens para que não possam ser usados sem desbloquea-los ou uma segunda confirmação. Outra opção seria destinar a primeira linha toda da bag a itens bloqueados, só podendo usa-los ao mover eles de linha. Essa seria uma solução bem mais trabalhosa mas traria uma mudança interesante, que seria o deslocamento de itens entre os slots na mochila.
Проходили 5 этаж данжа, зачистили все локации, активировали все механизмы, однако рб не появился, из-за чего заход завершить не удалось, на видео хорошо показаны все локации, на которых не осталось ни единого живого моба или неактивированного механизма. Хотелось бы узнать причину данного явления, и на сколько часто происходят такие ошибки. Ru-Topaz Примерная дата и время: 20.10.2020 23:00-23:21 Screen_Recording_20201020-232154_Warspear Online.mp4
Não sei se já aconteceu com vocês mas, aconteceu comigo tinha 3 pot de experiência na bag e um Arco nível 12 que estava guardando para o meu caçador, dia 15 as 5:00 da manhã parei de jogar o jogo voltei as 18:00 quando fui olhar a bag esses itens tinham sumido
Ссылка на видео где все подробно показывается что и как происходит )
We got to admit that the inventory by the way it is at the moment, is a bit messed up. You can't sort stuffs by type, you can't move or organize it in any way. And a big problem i've noticed about buying a few costumes is that they occupy precious slots of inventory. So, my suggestion is basically to introduce a new window clickable through the current "Character > Equipment > Costume Slot" window. A new window will open, and it should look like this: In there it should be a preview of all costumes you currently own and have dressed at least once, so it wouldn't interfere on the costumes you want to sell without using. Once the costumes no longer take place in the inventory, everyone will be willing to get countless costumes and even collect them all. Click "Like This" if you like the idea That's it. Leave comments with your thoughts. Best regards, Laur